When fate begins

Yagawa Satonosuke withdrew his gaze, his expression was as usual, as if he had not discovered anything, and he quietly ate the dry food in his hand.

Uchiha Obito has a restless temper. He finished the food in his hands in a few mouthfuls, then jumped up on the boulder and came to Yagawa Satoshisuke.

“Captain, how long will it take to arrive?”

Yagawa Satoshisuke didn’t even raise his head.


“That’s what you said an hour ago.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Uchiha Obito scratched his head. What he was most afraid of was that other people’s gentle yet cold attitude would make him angry. There is nowhere to vent your enthusiasm.

“When we get there, can you let me take the lead?”

“Have you opened your eyes?”


“If you haven’t opened your eyes, your insight is the worst among the team, so give up this idea as soon as possible. You need to learn to calm down. .”

“Hey, I always feel that

there is something in your words.” “Well, if you can hear this, you can still be saved.”

Uchiha Obito was blocked by this sentence, and he wanted to shout something about his extraordinary status as an Uchiha. , but even if he is like him, he knows that the most important thing to do during the mission is to be quiet.

“Damn it!”

Uchiha Obito muttered and turned his head to the side.

Yagawa Satoshi was very indifferent to this, and did not move his body. The lenses reflected the sunlight, and the eyes under the lenses could not be seen clearly. His expression was very calm, and no one knew what he was thinking at this time.

After about ten minutes, he finally stood up.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Hatake Kakashi and Nohara Rin were already ready, and Uchiha Obito mumbled but didn’t say much.

Yagawa Satonosuke casually glanced in a certain direction, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then the four of them continued to move towards their destination.

After they left, about two minutes passed. In the shade between the boulder and the ground, a pale figure gradually emerged from the ground, revealing a head with short light green hair.

This head has pale skin, light brown eyes, and the outline of the facial features is the same as that of a normal person, but there is something weird about it everywhere.

“I rested here, and the smell left behind is so strong. Do you want to go back and report now? Oh, let’s wait a little longer. We agreed to follow you all the way, but we can’t give up halfway. But I really want to eat something, after all. I’m tired too. Strange, what does it feel like to be tired?”

The man muttered to himself, his whole body lifted from the ground, he wiped his hand on the big stone, then put it under his nose and smelled it.

“Oh, by the way, I seem to have no sense of taste.”

With that said, the man sank into the ground again and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But this person didn’t notice that in a corner of the boulder, a dark mass flickered, and then dimmed.

Satonosuke Yagawa, who was on his way, raised his eyebrows and paused slightly in his steps.

“What’s wrong?”

Uchiha Obito asked in surprise when he noticed his movement.

Yagawa Satoshisuke shook his head and smiled.

“It’s okay. I’m just thinking about what to do when I get to my destination.”

“Ha, are you sure I’ll take the lead?” Uchiha Obito asked impatiently.


Nohara Lin frowned and spoke.

“Okay, okay.”

Uchiha Obito could only choose to shut up.

Hatake Kakashi was silent all the way, even now, with a slight sense of alienation from everyone.

Yagawa Satoshisuke said: “Kakashi, front of the front formation, you go to the front, we will meet in ten minutes.” ”


Hatake Kakashi responded, then accelerated and rushed forward.

“Lin is second, I am third, Obito is last.”


Nohara Lin also responded, also accelerated, and rushed forward.

“Hey, is it so sudden?”

Uchiha Obito was a little uncomfortable.

Before leaving, Yagawa Satoshisuke said to him: “Don’t forget what you are doing, Obito, we are not far from our destination. We may encounter enemies here at any time. Please be alert to the rear. Remember to send a signal at any time if there is any problem.” .”

Pouting his lips, Uchiha Obito could only nod in agreement.

“I understand.”

Seeing Satonosuke Yagawa follow suit, Uchiha Obito scratched his head helplessly. He could only slow down according to the prior arrangement and be alert to his surroundings.

His personality is a little out of touch, but he will still do what he needs to do during the mission, especially in the current environment, even he is very vigilant.

It was quiet along the way, but for Uchiha Obito, there would be some accidents when there were no accidents.

For example, at this time, Uchiha Obito’s feet suddenly slipped, and then he fell two or three meters directly. After rolling twice, he quickly stood up and subconsciously took out his kunai and became vigilant.


Uchiha Obito made a gasping sound, obviously the fall just now was not light.

After not noticing any movement for a while, he put down his guard and went to the place where he had just fallen to check.

“What, it’s a mushroom.”

Uchiha Obito felt angry and stepped hard on the mushrooms on the ground. Then he rubbed his waist. As if he thought of something, his face suddenly changed.

“Oops, Oops.”

As he said that, Uchiha Obito rushed forward in a panic.

“Don’t stay too far away, or you will be told by Lin again. What a bad luck!”

After Uchiha Obito left, the wasteland returned to calm, but the mushroom that had been stepped on was trembling. It expanded tremblingly, and then more mushrooms burst out of the ground.

I saw these mushrooms split and expanded, and then quickly merged into a whole, and then a pale human form split from them.

After the human form split from it, the huge mushroom bush quickly withered until it finally turned into a black dry matter on the ground.

The pale white figure was the Bai Zetsu who had appeared on the other side of the stone before. At this time, Bai Zetsu looked at the place where Uchiha Obito left and grinned, scratching his head and making a sound.

“Now, the mission should be considered completed, right? The spores have been planted on that guy. If there is enough time, they can also split into that guy’s companions. Can I go back?” With that,

Bai Jue turned around and walked back , but stopped again before taking two steps.

“Oh, yes, it seems there is another mission.”

Bai Jue frowned, his facial features twisted, as if thinking.

“What’s the mission?”

Continue thinking.


With a clap of his hands, Bai Jue looked like he suddenly realized something.

“You have to be careful about that brat named Yagawa Satonosuke. That seems to be Madara-sama’s original words, right? Why should you be careful? Is Madara-sama also afraid? Hehehe, you must ask after you go back.”

Bai Zetsu said to himself The way he spoke made him look like he was mentally disturbed.

“No matter, the spores have been planted. If I don’t follow, don’t I have to be careful about that brat?” ”

Hey, hey, I’m such a genius, I’m definitely the genius in Bai Jue!”

Bai Jue shook his head, looking intoxicated. , and then the body gradually sank into the ground and disappeared.

On the other side, behind a barren hill, Yagawa Satoshi, Hatake Kakashi and Nohara Rin squatted together, looking around vigilantly, waiting for the arrival of Uchiha Obito.

“Is something going wrong?” Nohara Lin asked worriedly.

Hatake Kakashi glanced at the way he came and remained silent.

Yagawa Satoshisuke shook his head: “Wait another two minutes. If he hasn’t come yet, we will go back and have a look.”

Waiting is difficult, especially for Nohara Rin who is worried about Uchiha Obito’s safety.

Satinosuke Yagawa acted very calmly, while Kakashi Hatake always looked cold and didn’t seem to care, but it could be seen from the way he glanced at the way he came from from time to time that he still cared.

Fortunately, in less than two minutes, Uchiha Obito’s figure appeared from behind, with some dust on his body, which was left from the wrestling just now.

After seeing his figure, Satoshi Yagawa pushed up his glasses, and his eyes slightly narrowed behind the lenses.

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