Sharingan Gene

After in-depth research, Satonosuke Yagawa discovered just how big the genetic gap is between Otsutsuki and non-Otsutsuki.

Not to mention they are two species, but the genetic gap between them is indeed very huge, the kind of difference that is visible to the naked eye.

Let’s put it this way, if Otsutsuki’s genes are compared to humans, then the genes of normal people in the ninja world may only be equivalent to those of monkeys, which are still very primitive.

Yes, compared with the genes of Otsutsuki’s descendants, the genes of normal people in the ninja world give Yagawa Satunosuke the feeling of being primitive.

Especially after he observed his own genes and compared the two, this conclusion became even more obvious.

“So that’s it, Otsutsuki has actually overcome reproductive isolation. What kind of ability is this? Have they perfected their own genes to this extent?” At

this moment, Yagawa Satoshinosuke felt the power of Otsutsuki, and he was worthy of it. It is a race that can span the starry sky. In its existence for an unknown period of time, it must have improved many technologies to an unimaginable level.

Thinking of this, Yagawa Satoshinosuke did not have any sense of urgency, but instead became very interested.

“It’s… so interesting.”

Genes represent the body, and the body is the external expression of life energy. In other words, any physical problem can be expressed using Yang escape.

Then, Yagawa Satonosuke easily came to the conclusion that as long as he mastered Yang Dun to a certain extent, he could understand the secrets of Otsutsuki’s body.

At this level, the boundaries of blood inheritance such as Sharingan and Byakugan will no longer be a problem.

With the idea in mind, all that is left for Satoshi Yagawa to do is to compare the differences between himself and Uchiha, mainly to distinguish the genetic similarities and differences between the two.

After analyzing these, Satonosuke Yagawa can find out the gene expression representing the Sharingan in the Uchiha clan’s bloodline.

Because the Sharingan requires the eyes to be opened, it is obvious that the Sharingan must be a recessive gene. Yagawa Satunosuke only needs to find this gene, and then the rest will be easy to handle.

Research is not difficult for Yagawa Satoshi, but don’t forget the scientific research expert entry on him. Although this thing will not directly improve his combat power, it can often bring him different kinds of inspiration.

For researchers, inspiration sometimes means success.

It just so happened that the last thing Satonosuke Yagawa worried about was time, so he had enough patience to search.

Of course, this does not mean that Yagawa Satunosuke will not do anything else. On the contrary, he has always maintained a schedule of two days of research and one day of rest, when there is no mission to go out.

As for missions, at this stage of the war, to be honest, there are not many missions that require Yagawa Satoshinosuke to go out in person.

As time went by, the war situation became more and more favorable to Konoha’s side. Iwagakure could no longer organize an effective attack in a short period of time. Konoha’s side even expanded its control area into the Kingdom of Rain.

Of course, Konoha was very restrained in this regard in order to prevent the rain-proof country from being deeply involved, even joining forces with Iwagakure.

By the way, Sansho Hanzo, known as the demigod of the ninja world, now no longer has the ambitions he had during the Second Ninja War, and is more just trying to maintain his rule.

Konoha understood this precisely and deliberately refrained from causing more damage to the Rain Country during the war with Iwagakure.

It was precisely because of this that Yugakure did not resist excessively.

As for Iwagakure, although he really wanted to get Amegakure, the latter was obviously unwilling to get deeply involved in this situation.

Because anyone can see the current decline of Iwagakure, Konoha’s side has a huge advantage, and it is really not a wise move to join the war at this time.

Because of this, Konoha was able to maintain its advantage and further compress Iwagakure’s control range.

On the other side, without the support and coordination of Iwagakure, the pressure on Sunagakure will naturally become greater. Now it has completely lost the momentum it had initially to compete with Konoha, and all it can do is defend.

Especially after Orochimaru once again led the team to conduct a surprise attack on Sunagakure, this trend became even more obvious.

At this point, the battle situation on Konoha’s western front has stabilized, the situation has become clear, and the defeat of Sunagakure and Iwagakure has become a reality visible to the naked eye.

Of course, it is definitely unrealistic to want the war to truly end to this extent, but now the advantage lies with Konoha. Even if Konoha did nothing and just defended, it would be enough to bring down Sunagakure.

In this way, Satoshi Yagawa has enough time, and he doesn’t have to worry about running out of time for research, so it is inevitable that the research will produce results.

On this day, in the tent that was used as a laboratory, Satosuke Yagawa looked at something in a transparent container in front of him with a smile on his face.

“Finally done!”

There is a transparent liquid in the container, and there is a small piece of meat floating in the liquid, with tentacle-like granulations on it. The granulations are slightly undulating, which means that the meat piece is alive.

This piece of meat was cultured by Yagawa Satoshinosuke from his own cells, which is equivalent to the prerequisite technology for cloning.

Now Satoshisuke Yagawa needs to use this piece of meat to realize his recent discoveries.

Without hesitation, Yagawa Satonosuke placed his hand on one end of the container and input chakra into it.

The light blue chakra glowed slightly, entered the container, and quickly penetrated into the meat. Then the tendrils on the meat trembled slightly, and then the amplitude of the swing increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Time passed by, and after about a while, there were new changes in the meat.

The originally normal-colored meat pieces had some inexplicable blood-like red color on them. This red color quickly spread on the meat pieces. The meat pieces, which were only the size of walnuts, soon became bright red.

Seeing this, Yagawa Satoshinosuke’s smile became even brighter.


Yagawa Satoshinosuke exhaled a long breath, with a look of joy.

Over the past few days, Yagawa Satoshinosuke has spent a lot of effort in this area, and finally successfully found the recessive gene that represents the Sharingan.

Even he had a headache thinking about the whole process, because it was a big project.

In order to find out the recessive gene that represents the Sharingan, Satosuke Yagawa had to keep ten shadow clones outside every day for a period of time to help with the experiment. You can imagine the burden.

Now, the meat block was created by cultivating his own cells, and then focused on cultivating the recessive gene representing the Sharingan. What he just did was to use a certain degree of chakra to stimulate the recessive gene representing the Sharingan. , and then the experimental results were obtained.

The conclusion is that he did successfully find the same gene between himself and Uchiha, and this gene represents the Sharingan. At the same time, he can also use chakra to stimulate it and activate it to a certain extent.

What does this mean?

This means that as long as Satoshi Yagawa studies the secret of opening the Sharingan, he can directly open the Sharingan.

The secret of eye-opening mentioned here is not simply to be emotionally stimulated, but to find out certain changes in the body when stimulated, and to master the rules of these changes, and then use special means to replace emotional stimulation, so as to achieve eye-opening. secret.

Thinking of this, Yagawa Satonosuke suppressed his smile and rubbed his eyebrows.

“It seems that we have to find a way to contact Uchiha. It is best to find an Uchiha who has not yet opened his eyes, and then observe the whole process of opening his eyes. In that case, I should be able to grasp the rules.” After thinking about it

, Yagawa Satoshisuke raised his eyebrows.

“It seems it’s time to go back.”

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