The purpose of the village

Time soon came to nine days later, from Konoha’s western front across the entire Fire Country to the eastern front. The distance was not close. Although the two people’s foot strength could increase the speed by a lot, it was not It was an urgent mission, so on the premise of ensuring enough energy, it took Satonosuke Yagawa nine days to successfully reach the Eastern Front.

This place is better than Yagawa Satoshisuke imagined, not in terms of environment, but in terms of situation.

There has been no war on the eastern front, and the manpower arranged here is more of a preventive role, because Kirigakure has not actually sent manpower yet.

The arrival of Yagawa Satoshinosuke is naturally welcomed. Unlike the Western Front, the pressure here is not that great and there are naturally not that many manpower.

Taking a closer look, there are only sixty or seventy people stationed on the Eastern Front, and nearly half of them are genin, including Yagawa Satoshinosuke’s classmates.

“Kai, Kotobuki and Genma, I didn’t expect to see you here. What a surprise.”

Yagawa Satoshisuke smiled and saw three familiar people, namely Metkai, Ebisu and Shiranui Genma. They are all of the same year as him.

Among the three, Metkai had a toothy grin on his face, Ebisu pushed up the sunglasses on his face, and Shiranui Genma raised his head slightly as a greeting.

Then, Yagawa Satoshisuke saw a short man in the team, a boy who was at least a head shorter than him and looked to be about eight or nine years old.

He has short black hair, wears a forehead protector, wears very ordinary long-sleeved pants, and carries a short sword on his back.

“Well, is he from the Uchiha family? I didn’t expect to come to the battlefield at such a young age. It seems that Uchiha is about to produce an incredible genius.” Yagawa Satoshisuke said.

As he said this, he thought of many things in his mind, and figured out many things in an instant.


At this moment, Yagawa Satoshisuke knew why he appeared here. There was no doubt that it must be Orochimaru’s handiwork.

As for the reason, Yagawa Satoshisuke can also guess a thing or two.

Although his experiments at the Western Front station were never announced to the outside world, Orochimaru knew some details.

Among them, Yagawa Satonosuke concealed things about his own Otsutsuki bloodline, and also concealed the research on his own bloodline. What he showed to the outside world was the genetic research on other people, of which Uchiha’s genetic research was the most important.

Yes, he did not hide that he was studying the Uchiha blood successor. This was regarded as a test of Orochimaru.

I hadn’t figured it out before, but now I understand it after seeing Uchiha Shisui.

Yes, the boy in front of him who is younger than him is none other than Uchiha Shisui, but compared to the Shunshen Shisui in the original plot, the current Uchiha Shisui is still very immature, and even Yagawa Satoshisuke doubts it. , the other party may not have opened his eyes yet.

Does this make sense?

His own research happened to require the use of an unopened Uchiha, and now there happened to be such a person in front of him. Yagawa Satoshisuke could only say that Orochimaru’s mind was not as deep as usual.

The two sides obviously have a very close master-disciple relationship, but they test each other on this kind of thing, which is weird to say the least.

Yagawa Satoshisuke is accustomed to this. Orochimaru’s character is destined to be wary of everyone, at least at this stage.

He values Yagawa Satonosuke, but it does not prevent him from doing so. On the one hand, it is due to personality reasons, and on the other hand, there must be his own considerations in it.

Yagawa Satoshisuke has been able to confirm one thing, that is, Orochimaru has already begun human experiments at this stage!

Although there is no evidence to prove this, I think Orochimaru must have seen his own limitations. This test is more about Orochimaru wanting to see how far Yagawa Satonosuke can go on this road. , or to see what kind of breakthrough Yagawa Satunosuke can make in the research on Uchiha blood succession.

If it were Orochimaru who was Satoshi Yagawa, he would probably be the same.

It has to be said that the master and the apprentice are indeed on the same page to a certain extent.

It’s just that with Orochimaru’s ability, it seems that he is still a little unable to arrange for him to be sent to the Eastern Front. It’s not that Yagawa Satoshisuke underestimated Orochimaru, but that he performed well enough in the war on the Eastern Front.

Looking at the whole of Konoha, the importance of such a self is self-evident. With the caution of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, it is impossible to issue such an order, so someone must have exerted force and persuaded Sarutobi Hiruzen. .

Who is the one?

Satinosuke Yagawa already had the answer in his mind. Thinking of Orochimaru’s situation after the third battle in the original plot, the result was self-evident.

That’s too far.

Yagawa Satonosuke’s current reputation is not just talk. His arrival is very exciting for the Western Front.

Now there is basically no one in the village who doesn’t know the identity of Yagawa Satunosuke’s Phantom Shadow. It is precisely because of this that people on the Western Front were pleasantly surprised by Yagawa Satunosuke’s arrival.

After hearing his words, the eight or nine-year-old boy immediately bowed and said: “Yakawa-senpai, I am Uchiha Shisui, please give me your advice.”

“Uchiha Shisui, I know you.”

Yagawa Satoshisuke smiled and said : “The famous genius of the Uchiha clan graduated early from the Ninja School in only two years. It was shorter than the time I spent in the Ninja School. It’s very impressive.”

Uchiha Shisui was somewhat shy, and he even said hurriedly after hearing this. : “You are exaggerating, Yagawa-senpai.”

Yagawa Satoshisuke smiled and waved his hand: “You don’t have to be so formal. I will ask you for more advice in the future.” ”

Yes, Yagawa-senpai, thank you very much!” Uchiha Shisui said .

Looking at the others, most of the people present were familiar with Satoshi Yagawa. Before, there was no nominal person in charge here, that is, a front-line commander. It was more about several jounin working together to deal with the changes in the situation.

Now that Yagawa Satoshi has arrived, he has naturally assumed the role of commander here.

From this point of view, the village is still very courageous. It is not an ordinary decision to let a young man like him serve as a frontline commander.

Although I don’t know how much influence Orochimaru played in this, it can be seen that Orochimaru is indeed thinking about his disciple.

It can also be seen from this appointment that Sarutobi Hiruzen intends to train him. Depending on the situation, the next Hokage has already been decided, but when it comes to Yagawa Satoshi, this arrangement is very likely to be related to It’s time to choose the next Hokage.

It has to be said that Hiruzen Sarutobi is far-sighted enough in this matter.

It’s a pity…

Sonosuke Yagawa knows his choice, and Naruto is obviously not his pursuit.

“Seniors, please tell me about the recent developments here, especially regarding Kirigakure.” Yagawa Satoshisuke said.

Someone immediately said: “In recent times, Kirigakure has sent three teams to go ashore for testing, but they were all blocked by us. Without the village clearly going to war with Kirigakure, we can’t attack those people. Someone kills someone.”

“Well, in this way, Kirigakure can’t help it anymore?” ”

It seems so now. The calls for war in Kirigakure Village are getting louder and louder. Maybe the battle on the Eastern Front is going on. It will start soon.”

Satonosuke Yagawa nodded, his expression as usual: “In this case, then we have to do a good job in defense and reconnaissance tasks.”

As he said, he looked at Uchiha Shisui and said : “Well, the previous plan remains unchanged, let Shisui follow me first, I will teach him.”

Uchiha was not only Shisui present, but also two Uchiha jounin , I was overjoyed when I heard this.

Yagawa Satoshi’s power has been proven by his actual actions. Even a proud Uchiha would feel honored to be recognized by such a genius.

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