Logging 10,000 Years into the Future Novel

096. There Are Only Some Ordinary People Around, And They Can Be Killed Easily (4)

Lu Sheng went into the bathroom to take a shower, and after coming out, he wiped his body with a bath towel, and picked up his mobile phone to check.

His parting messages to his family were answered.

Dad Lu Dahai and mother Zheng Yufen told him to be careful when going out alone, pay attention to changing clothes, and be careful not to eat badly.

In their eyes, he, a third-level martial artist, seemed to be just a child.

The younger sister Lu Qinghe replied: "Run out to play again, hum!"

Lu Sheng showed a smile on his face, and jumped a "satisfied" expression to reply to the pressure.

Lu Qinghe replied in seconds.

"Sister Yang Yuan is back at school today, and I want to ask you to have dinner together. To be honest, are you in a relationship? (curious)"

Lu Sheng thought for a while, and replied: "Concentrate on your own martial arts, and take care of other people's affairs.

Remember to take the tonics I left for you every day, if your qi and blood value has not broken through 1.3 by the time I come back, then you can kill yourself to thank the world.

(dog head warning)"

After waiting for a while, Lu Qinghe replied with one word: "Cut."

Lu Sheng shook his head and did not reply.

Before he left, he left twenty bottles of Ling Mu Zhuang Xue Tang for Lu Qinghe, plus the exotic animal meat in the refrigerator at home. As far as the cultivation conditions are concerned, Lu Qinghe who is now on "February 27" is no better than many Rich second-generation families are poor.

As long as she works a little harder, the blood value will break through 1.3.

not difficult.

Then Zheng Dandan who just added during the day sent him a bunch of messages.

"Little big brother, little big brother, are you in your room yet? (cute)"

"Little big brother, are you packing up? (cute)"

"Lu Sheng little big brother, can we travel together tomorrow? I am a formal warrior, I can protect you. (Proud)"

"Little big brother, it's time for dinner, do you want to have dinner together?"

"Little big brother, little big brother, why don't you reply to me? Did you not look at your phone all the time (crying)"

Lu Sheng stared at the phone in silence for a few seconds, and suddenly regretted adding him as a friend.

Turn off the phone casually, no reply.

Lu Sheng found clean and fresh clothes to change into, and walked out of the room.

The tour group that Lu Sheng reported included board and lodging, but it was already past the meal time, and if Lu Sheng wanted to eat, he had to pay for it himself.

When Lu Sheng went downstairs, he saw that some grandparents in the tour group were also going downstairs.

Unlike him, they had already eaten and returned to their room to pack up and go out to visit the Shanzhai Night Market.

Lu Sheng walked to the dining hall on the first floor of the B&B. He thought he was the only one so late, but unexpectedly saw the little girl's family, Zheng Dandan and Yang Zishan sitting in the dining hall.

As soon as Lu Sheng appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of the two of them.

"Lu Sheng! This way!"

Zheng Dandan stood up and waved to him loudly, regardless of other people's eyes.

Lu Sheng silently found a seat nearby and sat down.

This location is not far from the little girl's family. The little girl's father smiled at Lu Sheng and nodded slightly.

Lu Sheng nodded in response, then picked up the menu on the table and began to order.

"Why don't you sit on our side, it's lively when there are more people eating!"

Zheng Dandan pulled Lin Zishan who was full of helplessness over, and sat down beside Lu Sheng familiarly.

Lu Sheng asked suspiciously, "Have you guys not eaten yet?"

"not yet!"

"have eaten.

The two voices spoke at the same time, Zheng Dandan gave Lin Zishan a hard look, and said with a smile on his face: "Just now I didn't have an appetite, I couldn't eat after ordering, but now I feel hungry, I just want to eat with you."

"I think it's beautiful and delicious, but the drunkard's intention is not to drink."

Lin Zishan spoke leisurely.

Zheng Dandan pretended that she didn't exist, and talked to Lu Sheng on his own: "I just... oh no, I heard that these dishes are pretty good, do you want to try them?"

Beside, the little girl looked at Lu Sheng's table eagerly, raised her head and said to the middle-aged couple: "Dad, can I go and have dinner with the big brother?"

"Isn't it the same for Nannie to eat here?"

The beautiful woman patted the little girl's head and said softly.

The little girl plausibly said: "My daughter thinks the meal will be more delicious sitting next to the big brother."

The beautiful woman looked at her husband beside her.

The elegant man smiled and said: "Let her go, she won't leave our sight, there is nothing to worry about.

Seeing that her husband agreed, the beautiful woman couldn't say anything, so she could only tell her: "Then niece, be good after she passes by, and don't disturb the big brothers and big sisters for dinner."

"My daughter knows."

The little girl picked up the plate and ran quickly towards Lu Sheng's table.

Seeing the little girl successfully join the table, the beautiful woman's eyes relaxed a little, she turned her head and complained to the elegant man, "Why do you let her go to the stranger's table?"

The elegant man smiled and said: "You also said that I was too cautious, I think you are too cautious.

Nannan likes to eat with that young man, so it's up to her.

That young man has a good personality and pure eyes, so he won't be a bad person.

And just a high school student, even if he has practiced martial arts for several years, his strength will not be that strong.

As long as it is within my line of sight, and I have a thought, he will die..."

The elegant man's expression was flat, and his words revealed a strong confidence.

The beautiful woman really believed in this.

She knew that her husband was a powerful second-level psychiatrist. Although they were fleeing now, they were not something ordinary warriors could provoke.

"Instead, the other two..."

The elegant man's eyes lightly fell on Lin Zishan, and he said with great interest: "That long-haired one seems to have noticed that my body is abnormal, but she is very smart, so she doesn't know it.

The other one is the big and brainless type, with average strength, only a first-level warrior.

Anyway, they are ordinary people who can settle easily, and you don't have to worry too much when I'm watching your daughter.

The beautiful woman nodded, completely relieved.


The elegant man patted the beautiful woman's hand, and said softly: "Now think about seeing your father tomorrow, what gift should I buy him?"

The beautiful woman glared at him angrily, "I just remembered to buy a gift for my dad now? It's all in the mountains, what should I buy for him? Mountain products? The stockade is in the mountains..."

The elegant man was taken aback for a moment, and then an embarrassed smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah, look at my brain... Forgot! Forgot! Hehe..."

"Little big brother, you eat so much?"

Zheng Dandan stared at the table full of food that Lu had ordered, with a surprised expression on his face.

Lu Sheng responded casually, and then gently said to the daughter sitting next to him: "Who will finish eating first, okay?"


Nannan responded with a milky voice, and began to work hard to pick rice into her mouth..

Lu Sheng also quickly ate.

Lin Zishan glanced at the table full of food, and looked at Lu Sheng with a slightly lighter look.

Only people with average family conditions and who have not yet become a formal warrior would eat so much for a meal.

After ordinary fighters have entered the level, those who have the conditions basically rely on tonics to supplement the energy needed for daily practice.

Those who have no conditions will choose some higher quality ingredients instead.

For example, she and Zheng Dandan carry synthetic compressed jerky with them.

A first-level martial artist would be full after eating a few pieces every meal.

Otherwise, eating so much food at once would take a long time to poop.

However, Lin Zishan was relieved when she thought that the little boy named Lu Sheng was still very young.

Zheng Dandan didn't dislike Lu Sheng eating too much, he did what he said, and Lu Sheng ate it.

Seeing the three gobble up food in front of her made Lin Zishan a little hungry.

If you want to eat more, and consider your own image as a lady, just think about it.

After staring at the three people eating for a while, Lin Zishan couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

There is one thing to say, this boy named Lu Sheng, his appearance is really impeccable, he can be called one in a million.

Appearance, figure, temperament are all very good.

Even eating, eating so much and eating so fast, it still feels pleasing to the eye.

"It's a pity that the only thing left is the good appearance..."

Lin Zishan was muttering in her heart, and couldn't help but think of her scumbag ex-boyfriend again.

Although he is not good-looking and his character is scumbag, but in other aspects, such as martial arts, he is truly brilliant...


Lu Sheng put down the tableware, picked up the tissue at hand, wiped his mouth, and said calmly.

"My daughter is full too."

Nannan put down the plastic spoon in her hand, patted her round belly, and imitated Lu Sheng's way of speaking.

"Hi~~~" 3.5 Zheng Dandan also wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he was full of big hiccups.

Pretty face suddenly flushed.

In order to hide his embarrassment, Zheng Dandan quickly brought up the topic and said to Lu Sheng: "Little big brother, why are you going after dinner?"

"Go back to the room."

Lu Sheng said calmly: "Watch TV, then sleep."

"Why don't we go to the cottage, it's very lively and fun, I heard that there will be a performance by the villager Wang Tu."

Zheng Dandan looked at Lu Sheng expectantly.

Lin Zishan interjected, "Before I called you to go, didn't you say that you must be bored to death, those villagers are all pretending to be outsiders, Barabara."

Zheng Dandan continued to pretend that Lin Zishan did not exist, and continued to stare at Lu Sheng helplessly.

Lu Sheng is thinking about it.

The girl next to her raised her hand.

"My daughter wants to see a performance."

Lu Sheng looked at Nannan, then at Lin Zishan, and finally nodded: "Okay, let's go out for a stroll."


Zheng Dandan jumped up excitedly.

Lin Zishan was speechless.

Her best friend is really hopeless.

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, thank you~~ bow.

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