LOL: I am a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 485 Climbing the Titan Peak

At the foot of Mount Targon.

Targon is recognized as the top of the world in Runeterra.

The rolling mountains reflect the shining golden light under the setting sun, looking extremely magnificent, like a beautiful picture.

The main peak is even more majestic and shocking. From a distance, you can see it sinking into the clouds, reaching its peak.

The surrounding mountains are already high, but Mount Targon is even higher. It looks like a giant overlooking the mountains at its feet. It is majestic and unparalleled in the world.

Legend has it that this towering mountain is made entirely of hard rocks and is bathed in the scorching sun all year round. It is the residence of gods.

When a person stands in front of it, he can easily realize his own insignificance.

Surrounding the Mount Targon Mountains, there are more or less ethnic groups and tribes living there. Most of them come voluntarily to pursue the legendary mountain. As time goes by, more and more people come.

For example, at this moment, Lu Qi was at the foot of the mountain, listening to the guide-like person in front of him explaining the long history of Mount Targon and the legends about the stars on this mountain.

Few people have seen the powerful star spirits with their own eyes, but no matter who comes here, they firmly and devoutly believe in their existence.

Lu Qi had just met this tourist group-like team not long ago, so he simply joined in.

Just in time to hear if there's anything he doesn't know here.

As the tour guide led people into the camp, the sky gradually became dark, and the day's trip came to an end.

Lu Qi's residence was arranged in a simple tent.

At Mount Targon, the scenery is also famously spectacular.

The stars are shining in the night sky, and when people look up, they can see bright stars, as if they are very close.

Starlight falls on the giant peaks, and the refracted light makes the entire mountain range burst into colorful brilliance. Walking among them is like traveling in space, it is extremely beautiful.

This scenery is indeed extremely beautiful, and it is still on the periphery. If it is closer to Mount Targon, I don't know what it will look like.

After Lu Qi took a few glances, he returned to the tent, and his consciousness quickly sank into the spiritual space.

As he guided the rune energy, strands of silk thread seemed to become his meridians, existing in his body.

Now there was only one last step left. He controlled the energy very seriously and moved around in his body.

Time passed slowly, until the last energy was suddenly connected to one end.

These threads seemed to become complete, and as they were connected head to tail, the energy began to run on its own, and Lu Qi no longer needed to control it.

The energy stripped from the runes is being absorbed by his body and integrated into every drop of blood and every cell.

A numbing feeling came, like a small electric current flowing through his body. Lu Qi relaxed his body, but there was an extremely tight feeling.

It was as if every muscle was contracting hard, and huge power emerged from it.

Finally, when the contraction reached a certain limit, it was suddenly released.

Those powers surged out instantly like an erupting flood, rushing wildly through Lu Qi's body.

This feeling is like breaking through a certain bottleneck and shackles, and the body and mind are suddenly enlightened and renewed.

As Lu Qi fully adapted to this power, he moved his body, and suddenly there was a burst of dense bones, like thunder.

Everyone outside the tent looked at him in surprise.

However, the sound disappeared quickly, and Lu Qi slowly exhaled, his eyes like torches, and the divine light in his eyes was very shining.

"That's it."

He raised his hand and clenched his fist, feeling it carefully.

Now he separated the energy of the rune into an independent part and integrated it into his body, so that there would be no bad consequences and he could use part of the power of the rune at any time.

At the same time, these energies also refined his body, making his physical strength increase again, becoming more than a bit stronger.

Now his physical body may have exceeded the limit of human beings.

Lu Qi also constructed a complete cycle of these energies in his body, which can be said to be quite stable. At the same time, there is no need to worry about running out of energy after use. It can cooperate with the sun and moon meditation technique to automatically absorb the surrounding energy as a supplement. , greatly enhancing his battery life.

The next day.

The tour guide found that Lu Qi had left without saying goodbye, but he didn't pay much attention to his whereabouts. After all, there were people like this every year.

He probably would never see him again.

At this time, Lu Qi had already moved quickly towards the foot of Mount Targon, and his figure was like a gust of wind, passing by one place after another in the blink of an eye.

He was ready and decided to climb the mountain today.

The environment of Mount Targon is very unstable. It's like the four seasons coexist here. In the summer season, you can still see snow all over the mountain.

The temperature in the air is also much lower than other places.

The bright sunshine spread equally everywhere, but failed to melt the snow here.

At noon, Lu Qi arrived at the foot of the giant peak.

Here, he could clearly feel that the temperature had become lower, like walking on snow in winter.

This is the climbing spot chosen by most people because there is a normal climbing road here. Every year, countless people set foot on this road and never return.

Even so, after so long, this place is not deserted.

Instead, there is a small market here that sells the most reliable equipment suitable for mountain climbing as well as shortcuts and secrets.

Of course, few people buy the latter.

If you want to take shortcuts, wouldn't it prove that you are not sincere?

If it arouses the dissatisfaction of the gods, it will be too much.

Lu Qi didn't care about this. At this time, he was holding a book "Things You Must Know About Mount Targon" in his hand and reading it with gusto.

I have to say that the author who wrote this book is a senior Targon fan at first glance, and many of the explanations in it are very novel.

From this book, Lu Qi learned a little more about Mount Targon.

First of all, the higher you get to the top of the mountain at high latitudes, the harsher the environment and the more extreme the climate conditions become. This is why only a very small number of people can climb the mountain.

Even some strong people will fall here accidentally. The author warns all climbers to be cautious.

Generally speaking, Mount Targon is divided into five areas.

Mountain foot area, snow area, blizzard area, gem area and finally the top of Mount Targon

At the same time, there is no map of Targon, because it is impossible for anyone to draw a complete map of Targon.

The reason is that the mountains here undergo strange changes every once in a while, so everyone's climbing experience is different.

Some people need several months, and some people only need one day.

As for shortcuts, there are indeed them, because there are people living on this mountain peak.

Lu Qi roughly read through the information he needed, and when he looked up again, he saw a person appearing in front of him.

He has a handsome face, long flowing hair, extremely peaceful eyes, and is much taller than ordinary people.

It was Tariq.

He was dressed like an ordinary person, as if he didn't want to reveal his identity here.

So Lu Qi went outside the market.

Tariq followed and said, "You are indeed here."

Lu Qi looked at him: "Is it possible that you have some other purpose in calling me here?"

"Not really." Tariq shook his head calmly, "I just thought you might need this information."

Lu Qi asked with interest: "So why are you helping me?"

"I just want to repay a debt of gratitude that I have owed for many years."

Tarik recalled with his eyes open. He is now separated from Demacia, but he always remembers that place. "Because of my negligence back then, the entire regiment lost their lives, but I was supposed to be hanged." It’s just that I was exiled to Mount Targon and got the opportunity I have now. I can no longer fight for the country and myself, but the karma I owed back then must always be repaid.”

After being exiled to Mount Targon, he resolutely chose to climb the mountain to atone for his sins.

However, he was chosen by the protector star spirit and given divine power.

His mission is to protect everything in Runeterra. If something is temporarily destroyed, his appearance is needed.

For example, if a flower is picked too much, it may eventually die. He must prevent this from happening in advance.

And over the years, he has always remembered the crime he committed.

He was sworn to be a heroic knight, but neglected his duty when he was needed most.

"Really? Then you can send me directly to the top of the mountain."

Lu Qi was not polite at all, he opened his mouth and said.

Tarik was silent for a moment and said: "The road to mountain climbing is controlled by the governing star spirit. He watches everything from the stars. Even I have no right to lead people to the top of the mountain at will. If you want to climb to the top of the mountain, you can only rely on yourself." .The process of climbing the peak is very dangerous, I’m here.”

"Okay." Lu Qi waved his hand to interrupt him, and walked towards the climbing road, saying at the same time: "I'll see you at the top of the mountain later."

Tarik became quiet and looked at his back, unable to say the rest of his words.

He originally wanted to remind Lu Qi to think carefully, but now it seems that there is no need to say more.

He seemed to have a premonition that he would be able to see him at the top of the mountain.

Lu Qi walked towards the hiking trail and soon attracted the attention of many people. They came to watch and started discussing in low voices.

"Here comes another climber."

"Do you think he can reach the top? I think he seems quite confident."

"I see Xuan, he's not too strong. He probably won't be able to climb halfway up the mountain."

"Indeed, I think there's no chance."

"No matter what, let's pray for him. Every climber is worthy of admiration."

"Yes, I wish him a safe journey."

At the end, people collectively fell silent and offered prayers and respect to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi held a playing card in his hand and activated his destiny. However, as his consciousness spread upward, he was soon blocked by some kind of barrier.

"Isn't it allowed?"

Lu Qi took back the poker, not wanting to take advantage of it.

Even if he could forcefully break through the blockage, it would obviously lead to serious consequences and it would not make much sense.

He walked along the mountain road step by step, and his back quickly disappeared from people's eyes.

Lu Qi stepped on the road that had been trampled by countless people, extending all the way up. Not long after, he came to the snowy area.

The temperature here is cold, and the snow is already tens of centimeters high, which can swallow the entire foot.

But there was no challenge for Lu Qi, and he sped up as if there was wind at his feet. As the heavy snow began to fall, the wind and snow blew towards Lu Qi's face, and the road became rugged and difficult to walk.

He came to the blizzard area.

At the same time, it is also the most difficult road to walk as mentioned in the book.

But no matter how heavy the wind and snow were, it could not stop Lu Qi's pace. He accelerated even faster, like a brave man, breaking into the snow and wind that covered the sky and the earth.

The snow suddenly fell heavier and heavier, indicating that he had reached the halfway point of the mountain. The road was steep and difficult to walk, and the air became extremely thin. When a normal person reaches this place, every breath he takes may be exhausted with all his strength.

Immediately afterwards, the blizzard roared continuously, like a fierce ghost, and its power was astonishing. The cold wind in the cold storage seemed to be blowing people off.

Lu Qi's feet stumbled, and sometimes he stepped on some bones, which were obviously left by his predecessors. He was used to it, having seen countless things along the way.

The snow was extremely heavy, fast and fierce, making it almost impossible to see the road ahead, as if we were walking in a sand and snow storm.

The temperature also became extremely low, and a drop of water could instantly freeze. Frozen ice cubes continued to appear on Lu Qi's body, and scattered with his movements, and so on.

Once here, even he must activate the energy in his body to increase the temperature.

But this level is not much of a test for him now.

However, the blizzard area is not over yet, and he will face even more exaggerated blizzards on the next road.

The road is so small that a person can barely stand with his feet side by side. He can only walk along the path protruding from the mountain. Countless climbers may have been blown off the cliff here.

Lu Qi continued to move forward, and then he saw a glacier flowing upstream.

On the mountain, it seemed to be flowing backwards. The blue and clear river was frozen there forever, and at the same time, countless bones were frozen.


The mountain began to tremble, and countless gravel fell from the top of the head, hidden in the blizzard, unexpectedly.

So he raised his sword and slashed the incoming boulders into pieces.

Suddenly, there was a strange roar mixed with the blizzard, and a monster as big as a tiger and leopard clung to the wall and attacked Lu Qi, moving very fast.

But they couldn't delay even for a second. As the sword light flashed in the heavy snow, the corpses of several monsters fell into the cliff and were sealed here forever.

Further forward, the mountain road disappears, and you can only use your hands to climb the slightly sloping peak.

At this point, we really start heading towards the top of the mountain.

For Lu Qi, it was still like walking on flat ground. He just jumped up to a height of more than ten meters, and then just threw out the sword blade to fix it on the wall.

Repeatedly, Lu Qi kept climbing up. His figure was almost invisible in the heavy snow, but he climbed up quickly.

Not long after, Lu Qi came to the fourth area, the Gem Area.

A new road appeared here, and you could even see some strange creatures with the characteristics of stars, like elves, shining brightly, and their eyes looked at him curiously.

And the most abundant ones are crystal stones that exist everywhere.

The colorful crystals are scattered randomly, reflecting beautiful light. Every gem is so beautiful that people can't take their eyes away.

The graceful radiance enveloped me, as if the chill in my body was dispelled, a comforting warmth arose, and my body and mind relaxed.

Seems like a good place to rest.

However, Lu Qi turned a blind eye to all this and continued to climb up. The moment he stretched out his hand, the biting cold wind returned again.

He had already seen clearly that those so-called gems and elves were all illusions.

If you are really confused by this illusion and want to rest here for a while, you may be frozen and stiff without even realizing it.

Just like that, continuing upward, when the surrounding blizzard finally dissipated, Lucci came to the real gem area.

An upward staircase appeared in front. There were crystal stones of various colors on both sides of the staircase, some of which were just floating in the air.

It turned out that the sky had turned dark before I knew it, and the starlight shrouded the place, giving off strange colors.

The stars in the sky are densely connected to form one constellation after another. They are clearly visible here. They are all different constellations from Lu Qi's impression.

In the distance, huge birds with white fur flew by and screamed.

A unicorn with a silvery body was drinking water by a lake covered with crystal stones. A small unicorn was playing next to it.

Butterflies with crystal-clear colors were flying randomly, and there was also a huge creature with a starry sky-like flame burning on its back. It was crawling on another protruding cliff and cast a deep gaze.

There was also an even larger two-headed starry sky beast, covered in the colors of the starry sky. It stood powerful and mysterious on a raised hill, with one eye on its two heads looking at him.

Perhaps this is the true face of Mount Lu of Mount Targon. All kinds of strange creatures that have never been seen in Rune Land actually live in harmony here.

And on this mountain peak, there are still human groups living together with these creatures.

Just as Lu Qi was about to step towards the stairs, a voice sounded from behind him.

"When you go up the stairs, you will face the last test. If you fail, all your efforts will be in vain. Even if you pass the test, you may not be favored by the Star God.

Or you can consider joining us, becoming a worshiper of gods, and living together with the gods on the top of the mountain. "

Turning around, a short old man holding a cane stepped forward. His eyes were calm, he was wearing a cloak with a constellation printed on it, and he had a mysterious aura.

Lu Qi glanced at him, turned around, and climbed up the stairs.

"I will not fail, and I will not seek the Star God's favor. This does not matter to me."

His words made the old man freeze on the spot, watching his back walking away step by step, he opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

This was the first time he had seen a climber who had come here actually say these words.

Is it because you want to show off your personality?

Want to attract the Star God's attention?

However, the old man did not expect that before long, he would witness a moment that was destined to be unforgettable.

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