LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 115 The leader in Hilko’s eyes (please subscribe)

the other side.

Zaun, Black Alley, Fulgrim Tavern.

This was once the home of Vandel and his two daughters.

After Fandel's "death", Hilko inherited one of his daughters and also inherited the bar.

Just like in Fandral's time, this is still the center of Zaun and the home of Zaun's leader Silko.

Different from Fander's time, Fulgen's Tavern is now more noisy and noisy.

Most of the Zaun people gathered here were gangsters who were attached to Silko. They were bragging unscrupulously in the bar, drinking wine, cursing, and slapping bottle after bottle.

When you have fun, you have to sing loudly and noisily.

Over the past month, Mrs. Piltover's favorite song has been Symphony No. 5 in C minor.

After Levi released this song in the name of Seraphine, Seraphine's status in the music industry skyrocketed from "genius singer" to the level of "League Saint".

The people of Zaun also like this shocking melody that defies fate, but the symphony in the Golden Hall of Piltover is still a bit too elegant for these big bosses.

What they like more is a popular song released by the talented singer Serafani in her first solo album:

"Both are brave."

"The wound on your forehead, your differences, the mistakes you made..."

The people of Zaun really love this song "The Lonely Warrior".

The gangsters gathered in Forgan's bar would sing, and the Zaun workers passing by outside the bar would sing.

Even if you make a tune on the street, even those 5 or 6-year-old kids can immediately follow and "match the code".

So the singing in the bar got louder and louder...

The sound was so loud that it affected Hilko in the office upstairs from reading.

"It's this song again..."

Hilko put down the book in his hand and frowned slightly:

That song is good. But this is a Piltover tune after all.

Then when facing Piltover, these children and young people who grew up listening to Piltover songs, will they still have the determination to fight... "Fight, fight, with the most lofty dream..."

"To the whimpering and roaring in the dark night, who said that the hero is the one who stands in the light..."

Well, he couldn't help but sing along.

I can't help it, this song is too brainwashing. It seems that the author created it specifically for the Zaun people.

No... Hilko even felt inexplicably that this song was written for him, for him and Jinx.

This song "The Lonely Warrior" is really to his liking.

But the person who wrote this "Song of Zaun" happened to be from Pi City.

"Seraphine, the leader..."

Hilko's thoughts couldn't help but return to the booklet in his hand - "A Brief Summary of Janna's Thoughts"

Because any music tape purchase comes with a free set, this booklet became the best-selling book in the Twin Cities in just one month.

Hilko's gang of rough and tumble men disdained this booklet.

But Hilko likes to read.

He can also understand what this "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts" is talking about.

Many of the theories in it made him realize and agree with him, making him obsessed with them and unable to put them down.

So after the singing gradually died down, Hilko unknowingly began to read the booklet attentively.

Until someone knocked on the door looking for him.

"Hilko." The person who broke into the office was a strong woman with mechanical prosthetics.

She is Hilko's most trusted subordinate, Sevika.

As soon as Sevika opened the door and came in, she said loudly: "Hilko, you must take care of the 'little pet' you adopted. She is completely crazy now..."

Her voice was loud at first, then gradually became quieter.

Because Hilko was reading very seriously and didn't even pay attention to her.

It wasn't until Sevika suppressed her anger and sat down calmly at the desk that Hilko raised his head slightly and asked:

"Sevika, I asked you to send people to Piltover to investigate the situation of the Wind Leader. Are there any results?"

Hilko didn't answer her previous words at all, and just asked her own way.

"This... I just want to report to you." Sevika's expression gradually became serious: "In the past two weeks, we have sent three spies to sneak into Pi City to secretly investigate the situation of the Wind Leader."

"Two of the three people sent back messages claiming that they had successfully joined the Wind Leader's peripheral organization, the Wind Chaser Association..."

"Oh?" Hilko became interested: "Then what information did they send back?"

"They sent back a formal statement of withdrawal from the gang, stating that they would draw a clear line with all old gang organizations that exploited people. From now on, they will serve as the reserve army of leaders and fight for the great ideal of Jannaism."

Hilko: "..."

"What about the third spy?" he asked helplessly.

"The third person is already the official leader. The two traitors in front were allowed to develop past him."

Hilko: "......"

"Silko." Sevika said with a solemn expression, "I think there is something evil about that Wind Leader Association."

"Perhaps the rumors in Piltover are correct. They must have some evil brainwashing skills. If people stay with them for a long time, they will become crazy like them."

"Brainwashing..." Hilko's eyes quietly fell back to the book he had spread out in his hand, the "Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts".

"Maybe this is not brainwashing. Their thoughts and theories are indeed very contagious -"

"Especially to the Zaunites."

Hilko said this, and Servica finally noticed what her boss was looking at before.

"Are you reading their books too?"

Seeing that the boss was not only reading the leader's book, but also showing a hint of approval, Sevika couldn't help but look worried:

"Xilko, those leaders are definitely not good people. You..."

"I know." Hilko slowly closed the book and put it aside.

Then he said leisurely: "I agree with their theory, but I don't agree with their approach."

"Of course, I will not be so stupid as to regard these leaders as friends."

Hilko has carefully studied this book "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts".

He deeply agreed with the content explaining what and why.

But when it came to the "how to do" part, Hilko couldn't agree to it anyway.

Talk about "moderate struggle" and "non-violence and non-cooperation" with the Picheng guys?

What a joke!

Isn't this the spineless compromise policy that Fandel had before?

Kneeling on the ground to show his loyalty, he endured the bullying from Pi Chengguo while trying his best to earn the few scraps left by Pi Chengdu.

The people of Zaun have already had enough of this kind of day!

Hilko is a staunch armed struggler. In order to realize his ideal of leading Zaun to independence through armed struggle, he even did not hesitate to break with Fander and kill his best friend with his own hands.

It is impossible for him to endorse the moderate reform line promoted by the leader.

And more importantly...

It would be fine if the leader only preached non-violence and non-cooperation.

"When they talked about Piltover, they called on everyone to be honest, to be patient, and to engage in 'non-violent non-cooperation'."

"When it comes time to talk about Zu'an, they clearly tell everyone in the book that they must use force to resist oppression and defeat the Alchemist Baron——"

"What's the purpose of this?"

Anti-capitalism, Hilko also somewhat recognized it after reading the booklet.

Even if he himself is the Alchemist Baron and the Ziben family.

But you, the leader, are only against "ancestral capital" and not "leather capital". You are only against Baron Zaun, not Piltover merchants...

What the hell does this mean?

Could it be that the Pi City chaebol is no longer the Ziben family and needs to be properly provided for? These sanctimonious hypocrites, smiling tigers who eat people without spitting out their bones, are obviously no cleaner than their Alchemist Barons!

In Li Wei's view, this is a leader who is keeping a low profile, developing in a low-key manner, and eating one bite at a time.

And given Zu An’s social environment of “full of martial virtues”, if he writes about “non-violence and non-cooperation”, it will not be a cover-up, but a blatant insult to the readers’ intelligence.

So he could only write like this.

But from Hilko’s perspective:

The leader is clearly cheering for Piltover in disguise, inciting the Zaun people to fight among themselves, using the Zaun people's own blood to kill them, the only gang leaders capable of organizing the Zaun people to fight for independence. Todoroki gets off the stage.

"Don't forget... behind the leader, there are still Milda and Gila Mann." Servica added this silently beside her.

An organization founded in Piltover and funded by Piltover Councilmen...

Isn't this a proper extraterritorial force?

By supporting such an organization, does the Piltover Council want to use them to divide Zaun, so that Zaun, which has finally reunited and is preparing to fight for independence, will fall back into endless internal strife?

Hilko couldn't help but think of this.


"Are you the second Fander, or the Hounds of Piltover?"

"Or..." He still thought of the third possibility: "Is it a more extreme 'I'?"


Recommend a friend's book "The Legend of the Heroes of the Three Kingdoms"

In the late Three Kingdoms period, the heroes of the late Han Dynasty fell one after another, and the world of disputes between dragons and snakes tended to be unified. The strong men drew their swords and looked around, the generals who wanted to win over the world, the proud son in the name of his father, the powerful officials at home and abroad, survival and destruction, the country and the country. Common people, everyone has to make a choice in the face of the times.

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