LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 120 Can Zuan be independent? (Please subscribe

Zaun is the most suitable area in Runeterra for the development of Wind Leader, because it is a large industrial city with a population of 2 million:

There are a large number of concentrated and combative workers with low economic status here, providing fertile ground for class struggle;

It also has a mature light and heavy industrial system. After independence, it does not need to go through the painful process of primitive accumulation on the way from an agricultural country to an industrial country.

"But after a little investigation, you will find that these are Zaun's advantages, but they are also Zaun's biggest disadvantages."

Lina introduced their investigation findings to the male host, which is also the biggest dilemma that Zaun may face in the future:

"Rural areas do not exist in Zaun. The urbanization rate is 100%. The more than 2 million residents are industrial and commercial people without any agricultural skills."

Zu An was from the city, not a farmer. They didn't even know how to use a hoe.

Once faced with the enemy's blockade and embargo and food supply problems, they would not be able to organize decent agricultural production in a short period of time.

If it were in other places in Runeterra, the leader could also mobilize the urban population who had lost a lot of jobs due to blockades and embargoes and industrial shutdowns, and take them back to the countryside to farm and survive. The enemy's blockade gradually created an independent industrial and agricultural system.

But the problem is:

"This is Zaun. There is no agricultural land in Zaun that can be developed."

Open the map of Runeterra and you will know:

Zu'an has the sea to the east and the sea to the west;

To the north is Piltover, and further north to the Noxian-controlled northern mountains.

The south is also blocked by continuous mountains and the primitive jungle of Kumanggu.

Not only are the mountains high and densely forested, it is uninhabited and difficult to develop, but there are also leopards that can turn into women, hunting lion dog tribes, thorn forests that can eat people... and so on, all kinds of weird things.

In other words, there are natural barriers in the southeast, northwest and northwest of Zaun. The country is naturally small and narrow, making it unsuitable for the development of agriculture.

The few wilderness plains have long been polluted by the wanton discharge of alchemical toxins and have become unusable.

Even if the Zaun people are willing to go to the countryside to farm, there is no land for them to farm here.

"Zun is too dependent on the international economic system dominated by Noxus, and we don't even have the natural conditions to get rid of this dependence."

"Once Piltover and Noxus kick us out of their economic system and cut off our supply of raw materials and food, we will feel like someone has grabbed us by the throat, suffocating us in pain."

These issues that Lina mentioned are not difficult for knowledgeable people to see clearly.

But what Zu An lacked was this kind of insightful person.

Before this, the Zaun people only knew how to simply hate the Alchemy Baron and the Piltover Man, and hate these villains who exploited and oppressed them.

But no one has ever thought about how Zaun will develop and get out of trouble after overthrowing these big villains?

Everyone seems to just want to have a good time, but they have never thought about how to establish a pragmatic and reliable new order after overthrowing the old order.

Food supply issues, raw material import issues, commodity export issues, employment issues, pollution issues, industrial structure, industrial added value, industrial chain complexity...

These problems will not disappear out of thin air with the fall of Alchemy Baron.

But no one in Zuan has ever considered this, only the leader has considered it. They established an organization, designed a system, conducted social surveys, and began to find out and fill in the gaps for Zaun.

"This..." The male owner of the house had mixed feelings when he heard this.

He was both impressed and frightened: "Miss Lina, according to your investigation results, we don't seem to have the confidence to offend Piltover and Noxus at all."

" seems impossible to be independent at all."

"No, you can." Lina said, "But you have to kneel."

If after Zaun becomes independent, it still obediently sells cheap labor to Piltover, provides minerals and coal energy at low prices, and provides chemical raw materials and alchemy products at the cost of high pollution, then Piltover and Noxus may allow Zaun to of independence.

"But what's the difference between not being independent?"

Before independence, I mined coal and knitted socks. After independence, I mined coal and knitted socks. So wasn’t my independence in vain?

"Does the leader have a way to solve this problem?" the male host asked.

"Yes." Lina replied: "Zuan has no shortage of talented scientists, engineers, and experienced technical workers. It is actually not difficult to increase productivity and achieve industrial upgrading."

"But Piltover won't allow it." The male host asked keenly.

If the Zaunites refuse to obediently make parts and modify electric cars, they will take away Piltover's business.

As long as Piltover seals the port and canal, it can choke Zaun's neck with raw materials and food.

When the time comes, the Zaun people won't even be able to eat, so why don't they have to go back and work hard?

Therefore, the people of Pi City are not afraid of Zaun's independence at all.

Without economic sovereignty, even if Zaun becomes independent, it will be a false independence with incomplete sovereignty.

So in the final analysis, to solve this problem, we still have to rely on...

"This?" the male host tried, putting his shotgun on the table.

"Ahem..." Lina immediately smiled and emphasized: "Sir, our leader's philosophy is 'non-violence and non-cooperation'."

The male host is also a smart man: "I understand, I understand... Piltover's combat power is limited... Well, I mean, they may agree to 'cooperate'."

"What about Noxus behind Piltover?"

"The goddess Janna is on our side." Lena said: "Noxus will agree to 'cooperate' sooner or later."

"Is the goddess real?" the male host asked in surprise and surprise.

"It's true." Lina didn't explain much: "The goddess Jana will come to the mortal world soon. You can wait and see."

"This..." The male host hesitated for a while.

It seems that he is not only a Janna believer who has taught himself the theory, but also has the enthusiasm to devote himself to this great cause.

So, the male host turned his back and whispered to his wife: "Wife, do you think we should take the 'child' and go to Pi City to join these leaders?"

"Takeda has been sending people around to look for us. Zaun has become increasingly unsafe... but these people may be able to protect us."

"No!" the hostess objected fiercely.

Seeing that Lina and others were following the sound curiously, she lowered her voice and said:

"How long have you known these leaders? What if they are not as good as what was said in that pamphlet?"

"Who knows if they will be like Takeda Saito...using that 'child' as a tool and weapon?"

The male host also hesitated when he heard this.

But he still said: "No, I think these leaders are different from all the gangs and organizations we have seen."

Before today, he had doubts about the leader.

But after reading Lina's "Zaun Investigation Manual", the male protagonist realized how extraordinary the leader was.

“If they weren’t true idealists and didn’t really want to change the world, they wouldn’t have been able to put so much effort into making such a detailed social survey report.”

The leaders are by no means those sanctimonious "philanthropists" from the Twin Cities of the past who liked to use public welfare undertakings to decorate their appearance.

Otherwise, they only need to do some good things for show, and there is no need to spend so much manpower and material resources on a Zaun social investigation.

"They are different." The male host thought so.

"..." The hostess was gradually moved by the words.

Their life in Zaun was actually not easy. Of course she also longs for a safe and secure place to go.

"But we still have to observe more..." The hostess was still hesitating.

Outside the small building where the two of them lived, there was a sudden roar of a motorcycle engine approaching like a tsunami.

"Oops!" Upon hearing this voice, the male host stood up reflexively.

He hurried to the window with the modified shotgun, opened the curtains and looked outside:

"It's Takeda Saito——"

"Takeda Saito's prosthetic transformation unit!"

The faces of the host and hostess suddenly turned pale.

"What?" Lina and others reacted vigilantly in a daze: "Baron Takeda's prosthetic transformation unit?"

After these few weeks of investigation and practice, they have a complete and complete understanding of the situation of the major forces in Zaun.

Takeda Saito is the most powerful gang leader in Zaun, second only to Silko and Lenata.

The prosthetic transformation troops under him are also one of the most powerful elite armed forces in Zaun.

Lena and her teammates know this.

But the enemy is so powerful. How could they find two little alchemy technicians who lived in low-key seclusion in the Diggou area?

"Because we are not living in seclusion here, we are hiding and taking refuge here." The male host sighed helplessly.

Who would have thought that one second he would be debating whether to go to Piltover to join the Wind Leader, and the next second he would be in trouble and couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

At this point, there is no point in hiding it anymore:

"Actually, my wife and I were both alchemy researchers working for Takeda Saito."

"In order to save the 'child' from the laboratory, we betrayed Takeda Saito and took him to hide in the ditch area."

"And these lackeys of Takeda Saito are probably here for our 'children'."

"Your child?" Lina was puzzled.

"Well, his name is ZAC."

"Our son, Zach."


The second one will be later..._(:з ∠)_

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