LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 126 Jinx’s new home (please subscribe)

A moment later, Levi's "private plane" slowly arrived at the scene.

Levi, the president of the Wind Leader Association, stepped onto the landing. The Wind Leader dispatched Lina, the captain of Zaun's second investigation team, and Zaun citizens Zach, Jinx and others stepped forward to greet them.

At the meeting ceremony, the people of Zaun cordially shook hands with Levi on behalf of the Zach family, expressed their sincere gratitude to the leader for their selfless assistance, and expressed a warm welcome to President Levi who came to support.

Levi had a detailed understanding of the family situation of Zach's family, listened to the specific difficulties faced by Zach's family, and actively responded based on the actual situation to ensure that every issue raised by the masses was addressed and everything was answered.

Levi pointed out that I have always been paying attention to Zaun and thinking about Zaun. My heart and the heart of the Wind Leader Association are always with the compatriots of Zaun. In the future, the Wind Leader Association will definitely work hand in hand with the Zaun compatriots to destroy the comprador ruling group represented by Takeda Saito and other alchemy barons that has oppressed the people of Zaun for two hundred years.

At the same time, Li Wei emphasized that everything can be done if it is not done in advance.

It is easy to overthrow Takeda Saito, but it is difficult to change the soil in which Takeda Saito emerged.

Our current guns are not strong enough, our money bags are not heavy enough, and we still have not enough grassroots cadres who are capable of taking on the task of social transformation.

We must adhere to the short-term strategy of "non-violence and non-cooperation" based on the principle of seeking truth from facts, giving priority to development and supplementing struggle, focusing on accumulating strength for struggle in development and cultivating a team of cadres in struggle.

Finally, on behalf of all colleagues of the Wind Leader Association, Levi expressed his sincere gratitude and warm welcome to "Gutter Orphan Jessica", "Biomaniac Zach" and their families who volunteered to join the Wind Leader.

Li Wei pointed out that victory in struggle depends on talents, and Zaun's development depends on talents. Currently, Zaun is closer than any time in history to achieving the grand goal of national independence and people being the masters of the country. It is also more hungry for talents than at any time in history.

The addition of combat/technology talents such as Jessica, Zach and their parents is in line with the basic development strategy of Leader and Zaun to strengthen talents and strengthen the market...


In short, Levi packed up Lina, Zach and others and took them back to Piltover.

Including Jinx.

Yes, he didn't recognize this "Gutter Orphan Jessica" at all. In fact, he was the "Rogue Loli Jinx" that he had played many times before.

Because the image and temperament of the two are so different.

In Levi's impression, Jinx has blue hair and twin tails, and wears a small vest and big pants all day long.

But this "Jessica" wears quiet thick braids and wraps herself up tightly in a set of dusty old work clothes.

Jinx's signature weapons are the machine gun and rocket launcher.

But what Jessica was holding in her arms was a double-barreled shotgun. At first glance, she thought it was the outlaw Zu Anfen.

Jinx has a flamboyant and wild personality, like a firework that can explode brilliantly at any time.

Jessica was like a little girl who lacked love. From the moment Levi saw her, she was like a follower, clinging to her "Sister Lena".

Therefore, Levi did not recognize her as Jinx.

He also did not conduct too many background checks on the little girl who claimed to be a ditch orphan, and did not suspect that she was an undercover agent.

Because leaders are never afraid of undercovers.

Undercover agents generally have no faith, or only have shallow faith. The most superficial believers can only join the Wind Chaser Association as a peripheral organization, and have no access to the core information of the Wind Leader.

When they are qualified to join the Wind Leader and have access to core information - these people have already become devout believers and can no longer work as undercover agents for the enemy.

Therefore, compared to this "ordinary" little girl from Zu'an, Levi was more concerned about the [Bio-Demon Zac] family that he was familiar with.

As for Jinx, he didn't take it too seriously, so he just left it to Lina to help take care of him.

"Jessica, come with me—"

Lina took Jinx to simply register her identity, and then, like a tour guide, she took the little girl around the Zaun community where she lived.

"Not far ahead is the dormitory building of our Leader Association. Your identity registration has been passed, and you are theoretically qualified to be assigned to your own temporary dormitory."

"However, our housing resources are still relatively tight at present..."

After taking over the territory of the Iron Fist Gang, the Leader discovered that the territory of the Zaan community belonged to the Iron Fist Gang, but the land did not belong to these little bastards.

The land and buildings in the Zaun community are basically the assets of Piltover locals.

Almost every inch of land and every brick here is controlled by local landlords in Piltover, large and small, like Mr. Bill, Levi's former landlord.

The leader still needs to develop in a low-key manner, and of course it is not possible to use any violent means against these rich people in Pi City.

They can only send out a three-person negotiation team of Wei, Caitlin, and Seraphine to use "non-violent non-cooperation" to try to lower the rent demanded by the landlords from the leader.

But even so, it is necessary to arrange dormitories for thousands of beggars, bonded workers, and homeless people who originally had no room to live in. They sleep on the streets, under bridges, in shops, and in "Hoover cabins"...

For today's leaders, it is still an unbearable huge expense.

"So at present, in our staff dormitories, shared and mixed living are still relatively common. Everyone lives in two-, four-, or even six-person rooms."

This is actually much better than the 30-person Datong bunkhouse where Zaun workers used to sleep.

Compared with the rubbish heap where the orphans in the ditch sleep, it can be regarded as a luxury villa or a private garden.

When ordinary Zaun orphans come here and hear that there are free dormitories to live in, they will only widen their eyes with joy.

But Lina still asked politely: "Jessica, should you be able to accept having a roommate?"

"Huh?" Jinx really couldn't accept it.

She has never lived with anyone else. Except Wei.

As for roommates and's annoying just thinking about it.

Jinx is not used to living in a group.

"If you can accept it, then live with me." Lina said, "I happen to be short of a roommate."

Jinx immediately replied: "Okay."

After she answered, she realized something was wrong: "Sister Lina... do you also live in the dormitory?"

"Yes." Lina nodded: "What's wrong?"

"Aren't you President Levi's sister?" When she just met Levi, Jinx already knew that Lina was actually the president's biological sister.

"The president's sister also lives in the dormitory?" This is something that breaks human common sense and is unacceptable in Pi City, Zaun, and anywhere in Runeterra.

"Haha, this is normal here." Lina smiled: "Don't talk about me, my brother still lives in the dormitory."

Now among the leaders, the only ones living in the villa are Mel, Caitlin, and Seraphine's family.

As the patriarch of the organization, Mr. Erwin also dedicated most of his family property to the leader's cause. Of course, the leader was embarrassed to have his house confiscated as well.

And Seraphine herself is not only an extraordinary mage with outstanding effects, but also a star idol who has created countless profits for the leader——

Based on her huge contribution to the Wind Leader Association, she can afford to live in a villa in Piltover and drive a luxury car with just the subsidies and rewards.

"My brother said that leading cadres can live better than the masses, but they can never be much better."

"We must live in the place closest to the public and understand the daily life of the grassroots people. Only in this way will our brains not be disconnected from reality and gradually become the kind of idiots who 'why not eat the cake'."

"This..." This sounded like a fairy tale to Jinx.

"Then who wants to be the leader?"

I lived in a dormitory before I became an official, and I still live in a dormitory after I became an official. Didn’t I become an official in vain?

"You will understand when you become the official leader in the future." Lina said: "We are all people of faith, and we have a more ambitious pursuit."

"Furthermore, our treatment is not high enough to separate us from the masses. It is not low, poor, or poor."

"Just like me - with the double allowance of Hex mechanical engineer and investigation team leader, compared with most people in Piltover, I can be considered a wealthy person."

As she spoke, Lina proudly shook her bulging money bag.

This is indeed a lot of money.

You can be considered middle class in Piltover.

But from Jinx's point of view, this amount of money is still pitiful for Lina, the sister of the president and the "eldest princess" of the leader.

Hilko usually gave her more than this amount of pocket money.

"Your brother is so bad." Jinx was a little angry: "He doesn't care about his sister at all."

"No." Lina said, "My brother loves me very much."

"I love you, why don't I let you live in a better place?" Jinx said, "He is the president! If he just slips some money from his fingers, it is enough for his family to live in a villa!"

He endures hardships for his career, and his family also endures hardships... In Jinx's view, Levi is a hypocritical and heartless guy.

But Lina said: "My brother is not heartless, he is a person with great love. He loves his family and everyone."

"And I, our leader, am also such a person."

"Jessica, do you understand?"

Of course Jinx couldn't understand.

This realm was still too far away for her, too unreal.

Lina had to use another way of saying it that was easier to understand:

"Love does not have to be expressed in material terms. What I want is a home, not a villa called home."

"Like now, Jessica—"

"Do you hate me because I can't give you a villa and can only let you live in a dormitory with me?"

"Of course not," Jinx said.

"Okay." Lina smiled warmly at her: "Let's go, it's time for us to go home."

"Go...home?" This word seemed strange to Jinx.

"Yes." Lina replied solemnly: "Go home."

Jinx was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."


I have something else to do today, so I have to type a bit late... The second update will be in place before 12 o'clock_(:з」∠)_

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