LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 144 Hilko’s Song (please subscribe)

Not only does Hilko have "lines", but it's also very bright.

As one of the few people in the Twin Cities who is aware of the sufferings of the people and sympathizes with the people at the bottom, who has firm political ideals and practice in armed struggle, Quan Zuan is the only alchemist baron who can be called a politician rather than a simple gang leader.

His study, thinking and understanding of "The Thoughts of Janna" are extremely profound.

So Hilko has faith.

He never doubted the validity of Jannaism.

He just doubted whether the Leader Association, which was funded by the Picheng Ziben family, was a true Jannatist organization.

But now, the leader used this thread of faith to tell him:

"It's true... all of this is true!" Hilko couldn't help but feel a little lost.

If these "threads" are all magic tricks, then how does the leader know that he is a believer in Janna and draw the "threads" for him?

"Silko!" Sevika was still looking at him worriedly: "Don't forget - the mage of the Wind Leader can read minds and brainwash!"

These are unverifiable rumors.

But at this moment, seeing that her boss had become the "Leader" inexplicably, Sevika had to believe that the Leader really had some evil magic to control people's minds.

Her words made Hilko calm down a little.

He was also thinking whether the thread drawn from his body could really prove the existence of the goddess Janna and prove that the leader was an undisputed Jannaist.

At this time, the passionate singing was still at the ceremony, still echoing among the cadres, staff, and the masses.

"Don't say we have nothing..."

At first it was the cadres who were being measured who sang, but later the staff and the masses couldn't help but sing along.

This song is like a prairie fire, gradually burning throughout the sky.

Hilko was among them, and was immersed in this surging melody unconsciously.

He is not much of a music person.

The Zaunites would not have such elegant hobbies.

So far, there are only two songs that have touched Hilko:

One song is "The Lonely Warrior" which seems to be tailor-made for him.

The other song is the song that everyone is humming now, this song that he doesn't know the name of.

"The Lonely Warrior" writes about his loneliness, his bravery and rebellion against the whole world.

This song has power, but only the power of one person.

How can a person really fight against the world?

But now this song:

"This is the final struggle—"

"Unite until tomorrow!"

Hilko instinctively hummed in his mind.

In this song, he is not alone!

He is not walking alone in a dark alley, but walking on a bright and smooth road, among the working people!

A lone brave man cannot change Zaun, but if tens of thousands of Zaun people unite, they can break through all prisons!

I am not alone!

The song rang in his heart, and also in the hearts of everyone.

Then, Hilko "saw" the goddess.

This is a very mysterious feeling - he can inexplicably feel that in this passionate singing, his will and the will of the goddess Janna have passed through many space barriers and are closely connected.

And then, whether it was Hilko or those leaders and cadres who sang loudly, they all "led" the wind in the astonished eyes of others.

This is not a metaphor, the wind is really blowing.

Hilko could feel a warm and mysterious power descending from the distant sky through the invisible thread of faith and injecting it into his body.

Then, he subconsciously opened his palms, and a weak air flow visible to the naked eye appeared on his palms.

"This, this is... a spell?!"

Sevika's eyes widened in disbelief.

The spell is not unusual, but Hilko...he is obviously a mortal!

Not only is he a mortal, but the cadres and masses who sang the songs are also mortals.

But they can all ride the winds of change because:

"This is not a spell." Hilko sighed with emotion: "This is the power of the goddess Janna."

He finally understood that this song was not only the song of the leader, but also the "prayer" for these devout believers to communicate with the goddess.

This ceremony is not just a measurement ceremony for the cadres' faith, but a divine trance ceremony that allows the leader to feel the power of the goddess and prove to the world the true existence of the goddess Janna!

"Let's go, Sevika." Hilko said without hesitation, "I will agree to the leader's request and cooperate with them unconditionally."

"What?!" Sevika hadn't reacted yet.

Unconditional cooperation...isn't this surrender?

The dignified godfather Zu'an came over to chat for a while and listen to a song, and he was about to give away his ten-year inheritance.

Leader, you still say you don’t know how to brainwash people? !

"Xilko, calm down!" Seweka reminded excitedly: "We haven't figured out yet what the relationship between the Wind Leader Association and the Piltover Conglomerate is!"

"No, this has been figured out." Hilko said firmly.

He originally suspected that the leader might be an eagle dog raised by Pilgrim, a member of the Iron Fist gang covered in Janna skin.

But now, he has witnessed the existence of the goddess Janna with his own eyes.

Levi is the true choice of the goddess. What qualifications does a mere Pi City chaebol have to treat him like a dog?

"I'm certain that the leaders' purpose is the same as ours. Even their ultimate ideal is even more ambitious!" As he spoke, Hilko thought of the cadre's words:

"Yes, we are gay."


Soon, Hilko met Levi as he wished.

He promised to cooperate with the Leader Association in all aspects without any conditions.

If it must be said that there is, then Silko's request is just that Levi promises to realize his ideals on his behalf and lead Zaun towards a new era of independence.

Apart from that, the only person Hilko cares about is Jinx.

"Where is Jinx? She's on the Windleader's side. How is she doing?"

After briefly discussing cooperation matters, Hilko quickly became concerned about Jinx's whereabouts.

"Don't worry." Levi told him with a smile: "Jinx is doing well."

"As long as you want, I can take you to see her now."

Hilko naturally wanted to see Jinx. Only when Jinx is sure to have a good life here can he truly trust the Wind Leader Association with peace of mind.

So Levi immediately took Hilko to Jinx's current residence, a two-story building next to the factory.

The two of them haven't come forward to knock on the door yet.

Standing in the yard, Hilko saw the daughter he longed for through the window:


Jinx was sitting upright in front of the study window, holding a book and reading quietly.

Although she still has her flamboyant double ponytails, her clothes have changed from a cool and exposed midriff-baring tank top to a clean T-shirt for home and leisure.

Coupled with the book she is holding in her hand, people who don't know Jinx might think that she is some quiet Piltover student at first glance.

"This..." Hilko couldn't help but sigh.

He had imagined this scene before.

When he was young, he had imagined that if he had a daughter in the future, he would let her study and read in peace in a bright study like the children in Piltover.

But then he had a "daughter", and he raised his "daughter" to become Jinx.

Because at this time, he already knew that Zu An could not accommodate a quiet desk.

Jinx was born in Zaun and was destined to become Jinx.

"Perhaps, this is where she really should stay." Hilko thought.

Suddenly, Jinx put down the book, raised his head, and shouted: "Dad!"

Did she see me?

Hilko was slightly startled.

No, that's not the problem...

Jinx, she actually called me "Dad"!

Hilko felt excited for no reason.

Although he has always regarded Jinx as his daughter, and Jinx may have always regarded him as his father, there has always been a gap between them.

This barrier is Fandel.

Silko forced Jinx's adoptive father to death, and he was still Jinx's father-killing enemy in theory.

So even if he loved Jinx, he didn't dare to call her daughter.

Jinx also never called him father, only Silko. Maybe it's also because of Fandel.

But now, Jinx called him...Dad!

"Jinx!" Hilko's mood was very complicated.

He was about to knock on the door and go in to meet his daughter, but at this moment.

I saw the study door being pushed open from the outside:

Immediately afterwards, a... wolf head poked out from behind the door?

"What is that!" Hilko's expression suddenly changed.

The evil wolf had a burly body, tangled muscles, sharp teeth and claws, and there were obvious traces of alchemy pump implantation and modification on its body.

This is clearly a dangerous and deadly beast!

"Jinx!" Hilko was so nervous that he almost didn't rush forward.

Fortunately, Levi stopped him: "Don't be excited, Hilko, actually..."

"That wolf is her father."


The second one will be later_(:з ∠)_

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