LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 174 Riwen returns home (please subscribe)

"Zun-Nuo Non-Aggression Pact"

The title doesn't even have Piltover's name on it, just Zaun and Noxus.

You two have stopped invading each other, so where is Piltover?

"You?!" Camille couldn't help but feel angry.

"Don't be excited, my old friend." Amystan didn't care about her emotions at all, she just explained unhurriedly: "I am the future Governor of Piltover, and of course I will not destroy my territory. Sold."

She certainly wasn't sold on Piltover.

However, she still made an appropriate concession and sold out Piltover's interests in Zaun.

"I have already made an agreement with Levi. From now on, Zaun will belong to him and Piltover will belong to us."

"And the canal is an insurmountable dividing line of power."

"He can do whatever he wants in Zaun, but the Windleader's armed forces cannot cross the canal under any circumstances - otherwise it will be a declaration of war on the Noxian Empire."

Amystan sounded proud, as if this was her special concern for Piltover.

Camille was furious: "What about Pi City's assets in Zaun?"

"You are acknowledging Zaun's independence in disguise and allowing these lunatics to grow and develop!"

"Ha." Amystan didn't care: "If you want peace, of course you have to make some sacrifices."

"The rise of the leader is unstoppable. Your investment assets in Zaun are almost unsustainable. If I can help you preserve your principal in Piltover, it is already considered very good."

"As for allowing them to grow and develop..."

Amystan's and Camille's thinking and perspectives are completely different.

In Camille's view, the Wind Leader Association has only occupied a district of Zaun, and the combined strength can already maintain a balance of power with Piltover.

If the Wind Leader Association is allowed to develop in Zaun and they are allowed to slowly occupy the entire Zaun, the delicate balance between the two cities will be completely broken, and the strength of the Zaun people will completely crush Pi City!

Her worries were justified.

But in Amystan's opinion, it is too small and the pattern is too small.

"In the future, Pi City will no longer be a weak Pi City, but a part of the great Noxus Empire! In this case..."

What if the Wind Leader Association takes over the entire Zaun?

Even if their base area develops from a district to a city, it is nothing more than growing from an embryo to a baby.

In front of Noxus, a huge grown man, little Zaun was not enough to look at.

But the leader is still a bit sharp, and it is easy to cut yourself with violent contact.

So Amystan chose to coexist with the Wind Leader.

It's like facing a hornet's nest.

If wasps don't cross the line and sting people, why do people have to risk being stung by destroying them?

Even if you leave it alone and the wasp nest gets bigger and bigger, and the wasps multiply more and more, they are still just a group of wasps after all, and they can't win against people.

"You are deceiving yourself!" Camille objected fiercely: "At first, everyone thought that the Wind Leader would be satisfied if they ate the Zaun community. But they just sharpened their minions a little, and then swallowed Zaun again. A city district!”

"And now you allow them to continue to develop and promise them the entire Zaun!"

"Who knows if they will ever cross the canal again after they get Zaun intact?"

"Do they dare?" Amystan snorted coldly: "I said that by crossing the canal, they are declaring war on the empire."

"I'm not condoning the development of the leader, I'm sealing their development limit and trapping them in Zaun - you should thank me for this, Camille!"

What else did Camille want to say.

But she eventually gave up.

This is the price of being a vassal, and she needs to get used to it.

"Okay." Camille suppressed her anger and hid all kinds of dangerous thoughts.

She seemed to give in, and then emphasized: "I need the Noxus Empire's garrison now——"

"The ones coming can't just be the third-line troops from the colony, they must be the elite of the battle group that can truly intimidate the Wind Leader Association!"

"This..." Amystan thought for a moment and satisfied her request.

"My war group has just withdrawn from the Demacia battlefield on the Western Front and is still undergoing repairs in Trevel."

"Since you are so afraid of those Wind Leaders, that's no problem - I will send a message now for them to gather on board the ship and rush to Pi City."


Sail thousands of kilometers west from Piltover, almost to the westernmost edge of the Noxus Empire. There is a small city named Trevel, surrounded by mountains to the north and the sea to the south.

This place is very close to the pass called the Gate of Sorrow, at the junction of the Noxus Empire and the Demacia Alliance.

Around this pass and border, the two countries have fought countless wars over the centuries.

As a Noxian city close to the border, Trivel naturally became the logistics center and repair base for the imperial army.

Amystan's battle group just experienced a big battle not long ago, and is currently undergoing repairs in this small town.

And among this large-scale battle group, there is another famous legion of rune swordsmen.

The leader of this legion of rune swordsmen is none other than the legendary Noxian female general, Riven, who was personally commended by His Majesty Darkwill for her outstanding performance and was awarded the black stone rune sword by the emperor.

At this moment, Riven was not enjoying herself in various labor places in the city like her colleagues.

She went to the countryside of Trewell, to a farm.

Because this is her hometown - she came out of this rural farm in this barren town.

"Hey, Riven."

On the way back home, the female knight traveling with Riven couldn't help but ask her: "Aren't all your family members dead... I'm sorry... I'm just curious, why do you suddenly want to go home?"

The person who spoke was Riven's best friend, the female knight Marit, who had beautiful blond hair.

Riven planned to return home quietly this time.

But after Marit found out, she rode her ostrich-like magical bird and chased after him relentlessly.

She said she was curious about what the land that gave birth to Riven would be like.

Riven agreed to take her with him.

"Why should I go back?"

"Well...because of her."

Riven was carrying her rune greatsword and riding a large adult dragon lizard.

She pointed to a small package hanging on the back of the dragon lizard and said, "This is Ona. She comes from the same place as me."

Of course, this small package cannot contain a large living person named "Oona"——

This contains Ona's urn.

She is dead.

"Are you familiar with this Ona?"

Marit was not at all saddened by the strange soldier's death.

She had seen her fair share of dead men during her years in the Noxian military.

Marit was just curious: "Riven, is this your friend? Why have I never seen her before?"

"Not really a friend." Riven said, "I just found out that she was a compatriot of mine when I was checking the dead list."

"Remember that we are in Trewell, not far away, so we can send her back to the country."

"after all..."

Riven lowered her head, her short white hair hanging messily, covering her slightly complicated eyes, and her wheat-colored face, which was slightly rough due to years of wind and sun:

"If I die, I also hope someone can take me back to my hometown."

Noxus used to send the remains of fallen soldiers back home.

But that won’t happen in a few years.

Too many people have died and we can no longer send them here.

This Ona was originally buried in a mass grave. Riven accidentally discovered her and took it upon herself to bring her back.

"If I am like her, I still have relatives in my hometown." Riwen thought for a while and added.

"Hahaha." Marit smiled: "Look at you, you look like a new recruit."

"Don't think about it, you are now the famous Riven, the leader of our Rune Swordsman Legion!"

"If you die heroically, you will wear the holy legionary battle flag, sleep in the most expensive nanmu coffin, and be invited into the Hall of Valor in the Immortal Fortress with high courtesy by the imperial soldiers."

"Hmm... maybe." Riven said noncommittally.

Maybe she can enjoy this kind of treatment. But everyone is dead... No matter how beautiful it is, it's useless.

She doesn't really care.

Compared with the highest honor of entering the Hall of Valor after death, Riven envied this Ona even more - at least, there was someone in her family waiting for her.

"Hey." Marit seemed to see something.

She drove the magic bird to catch up with Riven's dragon lizard, patted her thigh very intimately, and joked:

"If you don't want to live in the Hall of Valor, you can come to my house."

"My family cemetery is quite big, so having one more like you is nothing."

Marit was born into a noble family in Noxus, and her family's cemetery was quite large. Probably bigger than the entire farm in Riven's hometown.

"You will have to take my last name after you die, Commander of the Riven Legion." She said with a smile.

"Fuck you!" Riven kicked her friend angrily, but didn't kick him.

Malit rode the magic bird and ran away, then said seriously:

"Don't be sad for spring and autumn, our great hero."

"Is this your first time returning to your hometown since you joined the army?"

"It's better to be prepared for everyone's enthusiastic cheers for you!"

"Yeah." Riven also cheered up again.

It's true that she hasn't been back for many years.

Although she lost her relatives very early, she still had a few friends in her hometown.

When the folks in her hometown saw that this great hero was back, they would surely gather around to welcome her and ask for her autograph, right?

Just thinking about this scene makes me...well, quite exciting.

Returning home rich and wealthy is always the highest spiritual enjoyment.

This is also inevitable for Su Ruiwen.

"How about we find a pit, trap your dragon lizard in it, give out some imported Piltover cigarettes, and ask the nearby folks to come over and help?"

Marit was still there with good ideas.

Riven joked with her all the way, and soon they were approaching the village she left many years ago.

But her dragon lizard hadn't even gotten close to the village. It just walked to the nearby farmland and already attracted the attention of the farmers working in the farmland.

"Look, they're coming to welcome us."

Marit said proudly.

Both she and Riven were wearing the red and black armor of high-ranking Imperial officers, and should be welcomed wherever they went.

However, the next second...

"They're here again - run!!!" The farmers seemed to have seen ghosts and ran away when they saw them.

"Huh?" Riwen was slightly startled.

Marit couldn't help but chase after her with her magic bird, and picked up a fleeing farmer with one hand:

"Are you blind? You can't see that I'm wearing Noxian armor!"

"I..." The farmer turned pale with fright and did not dare to speak.

Marit scolded again: "The Germans have been beaten away by us a long time ago, why are you running away?"

Only then did the farmer react:

"Yes, yes, sir..."

"I just thought of you as Germans."


The second one will be later_(:з ∠)_

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