LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 180 You can fight a war, but you still have to do business (please subscribe)

After Amystan finished handling the reception work for the troops and sent away the flattering congressman, she called Camille to her side again.

Camille had just delivered an impassioned speech in front of media reporters, announcing to all of Piltover her firm determination to fight against the evil infiltration of the Leader.

This marked the formal break and open confrontation between Piltover and the Windrunners, moving from peaceful coexistence to the Cold War.

Camille advocates countermeasures against leaders including, but not limited to, banning propaganda, confiscating assets, deporting personnel, destroying existing organizations, etc.

"You seem to have also mentioned trade sanctions and additional tariffs?" Amy asked calmly and pointedly.

"Yes." Camille said: "The leader has only inherited Takeda Saito's territory now. The industrial structure of their base is very simple, including military industry, shipbuilding, mining, textiles, parts processing, and alchemy potions."

The arms were sold to Noxus, which she couldn't sanction even if she wanted to.

But the ships built by the Wind Leader, the mines dug, and the ready-made clothes, mechanical parts, and alchemy potions produced basically all had to be sold to Pi City.

Among these products, except for the alchemy potion, which is the unique core technology of the original Takeda Group, the other products are not of high technical content and can be easily replaced by "friendly products".

"Zu'an is not yet completely under the control of the leader."

Since the liberation of the Takeda Saito territory, the leader has been limited by the insufficient number of grassroots cadres and has slowed down its expansion.

And because the Wind Leader Association does such a good job of keeping secrets that a single move of faith testing can make the organization impenetrable and impenetrable, so Camille still doesn’t know about Hilko, Lenata, and Levi's true relationship.

So in Camille’s view:

"The Wind Leader only occupies a district in Zaun. There are other alchemy barons in Zaun who are afraid of and hostile to the Wind Leader Association - they will all be our friends."

"We don't buy Windleader's products, and naturally there are other Alchemy Barons who will provide Piltover with what we need."

Camille was confident.

She believed that Piltover could easily crush the economy of the Leader's base and cause a large number of people to lose their jobs simply by imposing additional tariffs on goods from the Leader's base, or even directly refusing to buy the goods from the Leader's base.

This calculation is very good.


"No." Amystan said.

"Wars can be fought, but business must be carried out as usual." The Supreme Emperor of Pi City issued the highest instruction.

"What?!" Camille frowned.

"I talked with the Wind Leader Association." Amystan said: "The Wind Leader Association agreed to export the 'Disaster-class rocket launcher' to the Noxus Empire as a condition for the empire to ensure smooth trade between the two cities. "

Jinx means bad luck, disaster.

Although Levi's original intention was to commemorate Jinx's contribution to this weapon, when the name "Jinx Rocket Launcher" spread, the world naturally understood it as a "disaster-level rocket launcher."

The name also fits the taste of Noxians.

Amystan likes it very much, whether it's its name or the powerful rocket launcher itself.

"They agreed to sell this decisive weapon to the empire?" Camille was shocked at first.

"Why not?" Amystan smiled.

Anyway, with Janna here, the Wind Leader can be immune to almost any flying items.

Wind can turn rockets into missiles, and naturally it can also turn rockets into Brownian motion bombs.

Therefore, even if the Jinx rocket launcher is sold to Noxus, Noxus will not be able to use it to pose any threat to the leader.

"General Amystan." After Camille was shocked, she became angry: "You are the governor of Piltover. How can you reach a compromise with the enemy for a small arms purchase business?"

"No, no, no." Amy Stan said, "What we have negotiated is of course more than just an arms purchase contract."

"Camille, do you know anything about cars?"

Of course Camille knew that there had been cars in the Twin Cities for a long time.

But they are all coal-fired, gas-fired, or electric. A little more advanced is the one that holds Hex gems.

Coal, gas, and electric vehicles either have low power or poor range.

The performance of the Hex car is almost perfect, but its price is also very expensive.

"The Wind Leader recently invented a new alchemical fuel."

Zaun actually had alchemical fuel.

Ike's alchemy skateboard and Takeda Saito's alchemy motorcycle burn different types of alchemy fuel developed by each company.

However, this old alchemical fuel is either expensive, highly toxic and polluting, or the process is too complex to be mass-produced;

In addition, the twin cities' steam power and electric power technologies were mature enough, and later the revolutionary Hex power technology was introduced.

Therefore, not only are few people investing in research on alchemical fuel technology, but it has also been unable to be improved or promoted.

But later, after Levi recruited Vi, Jinx, and Fandel's family to join the Wind Leader, he asked them to go to the Wildfire Gang to find Ike, and persuaded Ike to join the Wind Leader.

Ike shared with the leader the high-energy alchemical fuel technology used in his self-developed "Green Goblin Skateboard", plus Singed's research on alchemical fuels.

The two genius scientists worked together, coupled with Zaun's original alchemical fuel technology foundation, and soon successfully developed and improved a new, perfect alchemical fuel.

“The leader named this new alchemical fuel ‘gasoline’. It has low toxicity, high yield, low cost and high calorific value, making it very suitable as a power fuel for automobiles.”

"This kind of oil-burning vehicle has strong power and long range, and is very suitable for long-distance land transportation tasks."

"Although it is not as good as the Empire's dragon lizard in terms of carrying capacity, it is cheaper, faster, and can be mass-produced."

Who needs mass-produced long-range transport vehicles most now? Of course it's the Noxus Empire, which is killing everyone.

With the fuel trucks provided by Leader, the logistics efficiency of the imperial army can be greatly improved.

Putting aside the small twin cities, except for the Noxus Empire, which has a basic road network all over the country, it can be called "all roads lead to the Immortal Fortress"...

Other countries in Runeterra don't even have the most basic industrialization. They don't even have a road network, so cars can't run at all.

Therefore, the fuel truck invented by the Leader can only be sold to Noxus.

One wants to buy and the other wants to sell.

The seller has a monopoly product and the buyer has the only market.

Of course the two sides hit it off immediately.

"So..." Amystan shrugged: "I agreed to establish a joint venture with the Wind Leader Association to produce and provide fuel vehicles for the Noxus Empire for a long time."

Camille: "..."

Joint venture? Joint venture? !

"Please explain, what is a joint venture, a company, a company?!" Camille was angry.

She hired Amystan to be her bodyguard.

As a result, this bastard actually took advantage of both sides and reaped the dividends? !

"A joint venture is a joint venture, literally." Amy Stan smiled.

And she then added: "Leader is very smart. Not only did they join a joint venture with me, but through Miss Mel, they also allowed the Myrdalda family and even many big shots in Noxus to participate in it. "

"Camille, the water is very deep here, you can't control it."

"So I kindly advise you not to meddle in other people's business."

Camille was speechless.

She finally realized something——

Although she has never seen a fuel vehicle, she only needs to think about it with a businessperson's mind, and she will know...

If fuel vehicles are as easy to use as Amystan says, the changes they will bring to the transportation industry may be revolutionary.

How many cars will the Noxian Empire need in the future?

What amazing profits will such huge demand for cars bring?

No wonder Noxian warlords like Amystan and Myrdalda couldn't help but take a bite of the meat.

And if the fuel vehicle business succeeds and becomes bigger, the leader will be able to easily support the more than 2 million people in Zaun just by selling oil and cars in the future.

By then, Pi City will probably lose even its economic and industrial advantages in front of Zaun.

"Okay, I can temporarily lift the trade sanctions on the leader..." Camille still gave in.

"But General Amystan, I still hope you can wake up."

The pioneer was originally engaged in the land, Walkman and music publishing business, and bought a large number of Picheng families.

These entrepreneurs have made a lot of money through joint ventures with the leaders, so they cheer for the leaders every day and publicize that the leaders are gentle and harmless.

But what's the result?

The leader of the wind only grew slightly stronger and bit off a piece of their flesh in Zaun.

Now they are doing the same thing again, using the car business to bribe Amystan and the high-ranking nobles of the Noxus Empire.

"You are feeding a tiger into trouble!" Camille said.

"Raising tigers?" Amystan smiled: "Noxus is the tiger, they are just foxes."

"In that case." Camille sneered: "Why don't you kill Zaun now, destroy the Wind Leader's base, and steal their fuel vehicle technology?"

"Isn't this more profitable than a joint venture?"

"You?!" Amystan frowned, looking unhappy.

So she simply stopped talking to Camille and just turned her head to look at the sea in the distance.

Her expression quickly became comfortable, as if she was looking at the scenery.

Well, the sea does have nice scenery——

For example, there are dozens of huge Noxian Empire warships, and Noxian soldiers are constantly disembarking from the warships and landing like lions coming out of their cages.

In front of this red and black wave, Piltover is like an isolated reef on the sea that can be submerged by a tsunami at any time.

"..." Sure enough, Camille's mood became "peaceful" as soon as she saw this "beautiful scenery".

Why didn't Amystan kill the Wind Leader?

It's almost the same reason why she doesn't dare to speak now.

"Leader will not cross the canal, this is my guarantee." Amystan suddenly emphasized.

Camille knew what she meant.

Apart from ensuring that the leader does not cross the canal, she does not care about the rest.

"Do you understand?" Amystan asked confirmingly.

"I understand." Camille's eyes turned cold.

She quietly looked at the endless Noxian army with a deep and distant gaze.


At least the Noxian army has arrived.

And now that they have arrived in Pi City, then...

"I will naturally let you play your due role."

Camille thought to herself.

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