LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 186 Fat Catfish and Jinx (Subscribe

"Lena! Lena?!" Jinx shook Lena's body vigorously, and finally woke up Lena from her confusion.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked worriedly.

"What's wrong..." Lena seemed to have no memory of what just happened: "Is there any problem with me?"

"Of course! Lena, you were just talking to the air!"

This worried Jinx badly.

She reached out to touch Lina's forehead, took the temperature and said, "I don't have a fever...too bad—"

"I'll call the ship's doctor!" Jinx said.

Lena was speechless.

Why don't you see a doctor if you don't have a fever?

"Forget it..." Lina hurriedly stopped her because she was afraid of trouble, "I feel pretty good now, I should be fine..."

But Jinx's expression was extremely serious: "Lena, did you hear someone talking to you? Or, the person talking to you was not a person at all, but a corpse or an animal?"

" seems to be." Lina nodded confusedly.

She vaguely remembered... the "person" who was talking to her seemed to be a fat catfish?

No... I can't remember at all. It's like dreaming.

"After speaking, did that guy disappear out of thin air?"

"Yeah." Lina nodded blankly.

"Hey!" It's over!

Jinx hugged her distressedly: "Sister Lena, why are you schizophrenic?"

Lena: "..."

"No, I'm not crazy..."

"A madman never says he's crazy, and I understand that."

She hurriedly wanted to find a doctor for Lina again, but Lina couldn't help but stop: "Don't... I'm fine. Maybe it was just a hallucination caused by my seasickness after being on the boat for too long..."

As she spoke, Lina rubbed her eyes vigorously, dispelling the memories that had quickly become dull: "Don't bother the ship doctor."

"Let's go ashore and find a hotel to take a good rest, take a hot bath, and we should feel better."

Lena feels fine now, so she doesn't care about her mental health at all.

Jinx was in a hurry: "When is this! Are you still staying in a hotel? Still taking a shower? I... er..."

"Shall we wash together?" The little girl suddenly blushed a little.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Lina looked at her younger sister suspiciously: "If we don't wash together, do we still have two rooms? What a waste of organization funds!"

"Yeah..." Jinx nodded vigorously: "Then let's go to the dock to stay at the hotel."

Lina didn't doubt him, so she and Jinx walked down the gangway and boarded the slaughtering pier in Bilgewater.

Anyway, Sarah gave them a short vacation, and they had nothing to do now. They went to the pier to have a meal, take a bath, and stroll around, all within the allowed range of action.

And this slaughter dock... Even for the people of Zaun, who are used to paying attention to slops and feeding animals, it is a bit disgusting and unbearable.

Sea beast carcasses piled up like mountains, sea beast viscera scattered all over the place, sea beast blood staining half of the harbor red, and those sea rats and carrion seagulls that are unique to Piraeus that are churning in rotting flesh and blood...

If the sewers in Zaun are simple chemical weapons, then the seawater here is a more powerful version of biological weapons.

This scene can make people spit out last night's dinner.

But Lena didn't throw up.

She just paused at the pier, watching the Bilgewater fishermen, or rather, fishers.

"The pillar industry that accommodates the largest number of employed people in Bilgewater is actually not the pirate industry, but the fishing industry."

Lina thought of what she had learned before coming here, based on the memories of Sarah and others, the social survey report on Bilgewater:

"Judging from the employment population alone, Bilgewater is actually a fishing port city mainly engaged in fishing."

"But unlike other cities with similar positioning, there are almost no small family-based producers here."

Because the fishery in Bilgewater catches not fish, but sea animals.

Hunting sea beasts requires large ships, at least dozens of boatmen and sailors, and powerful weapons——

If anyone is going to go fishing in a small boat, let alone fishing, he will be lucky not to be eaten by sea monsters near Piraeus port.

The high cost of personnel, weapons, and ships doomed those poor fishermen who had nothing to do independently to engage in fishery production as individuals or families.

Here, if the poor want to live, they must sell themselves to the big fishing boats and serve as bonded labor for the bow.

"As soon as the ship goes out to sea, the ship is isolated from the world and belongs to the captain's independent kingdom..."

"Even if you return to port, in the lawless place of Bilgewater, the captain still has the absolute power to kill the fishermen under his command..."

Lina recalled these, and then looked at the scene in front of her:

I saw that the fishermen of Bilgewater were working hard for thousands of years in the pile of carcasses of sea beasts that no one else could avoid.

They used knives to cut open the belly of the huge sea beast, and then they got in, cutting the internal organs of the sea beast bit by bit, and dissecting the sea beast's body.

Blood, rotten meat, cockroaches, rats, and even the excrement of sea animals...

The fishermen are soaked in the thick soup made of these disgusting things, and they can't stop for a moment.

As long as they pause for a while, the overseer with the ferocious sea beast tattoo next to him, showing his identity as a pirate and a gangster, will slash his whip at them mercilessly.

"Oh..." Lina sighed deeply.

This is simply another Zaun.

There are almost no self-employed fishermen as small private owners, only penniless fishermen enslaved by gangs and boat gangs.

It is also a city of workers, a city of the destitute.

"It's no wonder that the theory of our leader has become popular here so quickly."

"It's no wonder Planck reacted so violently before we sent anyone over, and started banning the leader's propaganda..."

With that said, Lena also lamented to Jinx:

"Jinx, what do you think?"

"I think that hotel is good, it's close to the pier. We can take a shower earlier." Jinx replied subconsciously.

Lena: "???"

She was a little dissatisfied: "Jinx, you are also the leader after all."

"Seeing this scene, why do you only think about taking a bath by yourself?"

"Well..." Jinx was a little embarrassed at first, but quickly replied confidently: "Leaders are also human!"

"Lena, we haven't showered in over a week."

As she said that, she put her nose close to the back of Lina's neck and took a sniff involuntarily.

Although Jinx didn't comment on the taste, it still made Lena flush with embarrassment: "I, I know..."

"Come on, let's take a shower first..."

"Okay!" Jinx was excited... and nodded as restrained as possible.

She didn't care about the enslaved fishermen on the pier at all, but just ran to the hotel holding Lena's hand.

It's like traveling on a date.

"Jie Jie." In the dark, there was a strange laugh like the elders of the Soul Palace.

"Tsk tsk, another pure soul who has been tempted~"

"Two top-quality delicacies, unexpectedly put together~呵熘~"

The big tongue rolled the strong smell left by Lina and Jinx, and greedily sent it into the open bloody mouth.

The fat catfish appeared again.

It "swimmed" in the soil with an extremely strange posture, and soon quietly caught up with the two who left hand in hand.

But this time, it wasn't Lena it found, but Jinx.

Jinx was holding Lena's hand excitedly just a second ago.

In the next second, I felt like I had come to an empty and foggy world. There was only her in the whole world, and there was a...

"Toad? Or catfish?"

Jinx froze for a moment, then asked again immediately.

"Hey! Are you a toad or a catfish?!"

Fat Catfish: "???"

It was the first time it saw someone being pulled into the illusion, reacting so quickly, looking so natural, and speaking so... arrogantly.

"Aren't you scared, aren't you confused?"

"What are you afraid of?" Jinx wondered, "Isn't this just an illusion~ I've been used to it for a long time."

"I know, you want Barbara talking nonsense to me again, saying I'm a nuisance, a scourge, killed Milo, killed Craig, killed Vi and Vander... Hey, I know it all. "

"In the past, I could still listen to your nagging, but can I hurry up this time?"

"I'm still rushing to take a shower with Sister Lina!"

Fat Catfish: "..."

"No, sister, I'm not something you imagined."

Jinx: "Ah yes yes yes..."

Fat Catfish: "..."

Immediately afterwards, Jinx even stepped forward and pinched its chubby face severely: "Say what you have to say, and let go of your fart! Otherwise, let me go back and take a bath with Sister Lena!"

"Bastard, don't pull my beard!" Fat Catfish was angry.

"Then hurry up and say it!" Jinx was not afraid at all, and even opened its mouth with his hands, poked his head in curiously, and looked inside vigorously:

"Hey, old friend, you really acted like that this time~"

"..." The fat catfish was so angry that it almost swallowed her in one gulp.

But it is not in line with the principle of gourmets to swallow delicious food indiscriminately without cultivation.

It is necessary to draw out the girl's desire, lure her to enlarge her own desire step by step, fall into endless desires, and finally ferment and bake this little dough into a delicious big cake, so as to satisfy its picky taste.

So, Fat Catfish tried to calm his tone, and said persuasively:

"Sister, do you have a wish?"

"Yes." Jinx replied, "I want to take a shower with Sister Lena."

Fat Catfish: "...."

Unlike the previous one, this one has personal desires. Not only is there, but it is also quite strong.


"Don't you have a bigger wish?"

"I mean, what you want most in life. Your ultimate goal in life. Ask yourself, what are you living for?"

"To bathe with Sister Lena," Jinx said.

There was a silence.

"Hello?" Jinx patted its big face hard.

"Toad, are you finished? Can you let me go back and take a bath with Sister Lina?"

Fat Catfish: "..."

"Get out! Get out of here!"

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