LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 229 Li Wei's Leather City Strategy (Subscribe

After the meeting, Amistan was in a bad mood.

On the other side, Levi, Mel, Victor and others who ended the meeting were also not satisfied with the status quo.

"Li Wei, have we made too many concessions to Noxus?" Although the Supreme Council meeting before the meeting had passed relevant resolutions with a majority of votes, some radicals represented by Victor still have opinions on this.

In Victor's view, it is not enough to just remove factories, enterprises, universities, scientists, engineers and students.

He believes that the leader can use the power of the goddess to drive Noxus out of the twin cities in one fell swoop; instead of carve up Picheng as it is now, and then continue to confront Noxus across the river.

"Victor, we talked about this before." Levi explained his opinion to Victor: "We are taking too big a step and developing too fast."

How long has it been since the leader was established? That's half a year.

And just two months ago, the Guild of Leaders had just occupied a small piece of territory in Zaun.

However, the leader now controls more than 2 million people in the whole of Zaun, and the hundreds of thousands of people newly brought under control in Bilgewater have to be counted.

And among the total population of nearly 3 million, there is still a huge part of them who used to be attached to the old social reactionary forces such as gangsters, pirates, and alchemy barons, and needed a lot of manpower and material resources to accept and reform crimes. molecular.

"There are tens of thousands of full-time professional pirates in Bilgewater alone. And Zaun..."

Not to mention Zaun.

Even if they are not thugs working for the gang, there are not many people here who are not criminals.

Who in Zaun hasn't fought, stolen money, robbed, or even killed someone in order to survive this hell on earth?

Even Li Wei's "person" was carrying his life on his back, and his hands were all stained with blood.

"To absorb so many people in one go, let them have jobs, housing, and income, correct their mistakes, change their minds, and stop going back to the path of crime, the amount of work required can be said to be unimaginable."

"Now our grassroots cadres are severely understaffed, and the administrative system has swelled to the limit due to overexpansion."

"At this time, if we eat Picheng again and take in Picheng's population of more than 2 million, we don't need the enemy to destroy it. We will have a lack of manpower and chaotic management, leading to administrative collapse and chaos in the world."

Li Wei said with a serious expression. This point has actually been discussed before.

But Victor has a different opinion: "Levi, the situation in Piltover is different from that in Zaun and Bilgewater."

Both Zaun and Bilgewater are extrajudicial places. If the old order is not rebuilt quickly after the old order is broken, then the people of Zaun and Piraeus will let you know what "3 million extrajudicial lunatics are" in minutes Gunfight dream".

But security in Piltover has always been impeccable.

"We can take Picheng first, but we are not in a hurry to renovate Picheng. At the same time, we will retain a large number of old staff from the Picheng Administration Department, including the original Picheng law enforcement officers, and use Picheng's existing administrative system to manage the city and maintain law and order. "

"After a long time, the cadres on our side have been trained, and the manpower is sufficient, and there is still time to slowly transform Picheng."

Victor's suggestion sounds very feasible.

"But..." Li Wei had a delicate expression.

There are some things he didn't say in the previous internal meeting. Some words are too plain to listen to. actually...

"Leaving aside important reasons on the Noxus side—"

"It is precisely because the situation in Piltover is much better than Zaun and Piraeus that we cannot rush to take Piltover."

Picheng is more than just law and order better than Zaan? That is better than Zaun in every aspect.

The more than 2 million people in Piltover are extremely rich, their families are well-to-do, and everyone is a bourgeois.

There are more than 2 million people in Zaan who are so poor that they have cattle and horses, and every family... Few of them can have a family.

"If we take the entire Twin Cities right now, with the Zaunites living alongside the Piltovers, there's a problem—"

"Should we treat Zaunites and Piltovers the same, and let Zaunites live like Piltovers?"

"This..." Victor was slightly taken aback: "Of course."

The leader's ideal is to liberate all mankind and make everyone equal. Of course the people of Zaun and the people of Piltover had to be treated equally.

"But the total amount of cakes in the Twin Cities is just that big. Before that, the rulers of Piltover exploited Zaun, an economic colony, and gained excess profits from the whole world through financial and technological hegemony, and distributed benefits to the people of Piltover It's good enough."

"Zu'an is now in a mess, with all kinds of waste. It costs money to build cities, develop industries, and clean up the environment. There are many places that need money, and the amount of money that needs to be invested is simply astronomical."

In the past, the Alchemy Baron only focused on squeezing and not building, and almost turned Zaun into a chemical wasteland and a purgatory on earth. Now that the leaders are here, of course we can no longer do this.

Leaders need to build Zaun, and building, especially infrastructure, is expensive.

Therefore, the Association of Leaders must have money in their hands, and they must keep a large piece of this cake. However, it will take many years for the money to be invested to generate benefits and recover costs.

"So no matter how well we do the distribution, it's impossible to give them better benefits."

People in Piltover have meat to eat every day, every family has a car, an apartment and a house, and life is very uncomfortable.

This is the level of Datong society that many Zaunites imagine.

For a long period of time in the foreseeable future, the leaders may not be able to allow the combined population of Zaun and Piltover to live such a high-quality life at the same time.

"what does that mean?"

This means that once the leaders occupy the Twin Cities and treat the Zaunites and Piltovers equally—

Life will be better for the people of Zaun;

And the people of Piltover have more than 2 million poor relatives in one breath, and their lives will inevitably become worse than in the past.

"Not all ordinary people care so much about theory, doctrine and ideology."

"For most ordinary people, a theory that makes their lives better is a good theory, and a theory that makes everyone's life worse is a bad theory."

"And if we take Piltover, the life of Piltover people will be worse than before - what will they think? Will they still support us?"

"This..." Victor was speechless.

Indeed, if you think about it a little bit:

Seeing Zaun's poor relatives become rich, but I slowly fall to the same living standard as the people of Zaun... the people of Piltover must hate the leader very much.

The people of Piltover won't understand that their good old days were built on the suffering of the Zaunites.

They won't admit it either, it's just that the Zaun people got back the reward they deserved out of equal status.

The people of Piltover would only think that it was the leaders who led the bandits of Zaun to deprive them of their good life.

"The petty citizens of Piltover will only miss Camille and the Piltover Council. Maybe in the story in the near future, we will become bad people, and Camille will become a good person."

Li Wei said quietly.

"This..." Victor looked stunned.

But he finally figured it out: "Li Wei, that's why you're not in a hurry to take down Piltover and move all the high-tech enterprises and universities in Piltover back to Zaun?"

If you don't take down Piltover, you're throwing the responsibility of governing Piltover to Amistan.

Moving away the enterprises and universities is actually taking away the technological hegemony of Piltover and the excess profits that Piltover used to monopolize.


"It won't be long before the people of Piltover find themselves getting worse."

"They will start to face salary cuts, unemployment, introversion, and gradually can't afford big steaks, can't afford big houses, and even line up like Zaun people to enter the factory to screw screws—"

"That is to say, from a 'high-level worker' who was bought by the excess profits of the developed ideology to a humble student who received the 'direct education of ideology'."

If it was in the past, Piltover could still divert the conflict by hating the Zaun people.

But now... having seen the supreme power of the goddess Janna, how dare the Piltover newspapers say that about Zaun?

Life is getting worse, but I can't scold Zaun. Who should I blame?

"Of course I can only scold Amistan and Noxus."

On the other hand, because of the technological advantages obtained through military advantages, as long as they survive the hard days of investment and construction in the early stage, the living standards of Zaan people will definitely increase rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then the people of Piltover will find that their life under the rule of Noxus has become worse;

However, under the leadership of the leader, the people of Zu'an turned around, and their families went to a well-off life.

What will they think?

"At that time, if we call again, we will see the people of Picheng eating pots of pulp to welcome the king."

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