LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 24 Music Can’t Save the Zaans

Sympathy for the masses, but never deep into them. He has never penetrated deeply into the masses, but he loves to regard himself as the enlightenment and savior of the masses. But when it comes to specific questions, they often can only give naive answers full of unrealistic romantic fantasies.

Levi himself is such a person.

Before he got the painful memory of the original owner, he could only talk clearly on the cloud.

But what he didn't expect was that Seraphine's "disease" was actually more serious than that of a modern urban youth like him, and it was so much more serious.

"Mr. Erwin must love you very much..."


"It's nothing, I just envy you for having a good father."

At this moment, the tribesmen of Freljord are still struggling to survive in the ice and snow, and the old farmers of Demacia are still working hard for the knight. The pirates of Bilgewater are fighting endlessly, and the natives of Shurima are struggling to survive in the warlords' melee and colonial rule. The people of Ionia are struggling to resist the invasion and encroachment of Noxus, while the slaves of Noxus are squeezing them dry in weapon workshops, military farms, noble manors, the Colosseum, etc. The last place where life lingers.

As for Zaun across the river, the situation needs no introduction.

I really envy Seraphine... for being able to grow up to be so pure and innocent in such a terrifying and cruel world.

Her parents really took good care of her.

He didn't let her see any of the original appearance of the world.

"Sing." Levi said suddenly.

"Huh?" Seraphine tilted her head.

"Don't you think that music can influence the world and solve problems?"

"Then let's sing now——"

Levi believes that this is a rare opportunity. An opportunity to completely shatter this young lady’s innocent illusions. It’s time for her to face the real world:

"Those beggars are still fighting desperately, just for the few coins you threw out."

"If you think singing can solve the problem, then test your idea with practice now - give it a try, can singing save them?"

Levi did not directly take action to stop this chaos, but left the opportunity to Seraphine.

"Let me come?" Seraphine was at a loss.

"Yes, hurry up. We don't have time, and they don't have time."

The fighting there was starting to bleed, and if the beggars continue to fight for it like this, there might even be deaths.

And all of this was caused by her.

"I, I understand..."

"But which song should I sing?"

"Isn't this something you should have thought about before you gave this solution?" Levi criticized lukewarmly.

"I, I..." Sweat dripped from Seraphine's forehead. She finally seemed to understand why both Levi and her father called her naive.

"Then I sing... I sing that unnamed nursery rhyme... That's the nursery rhyme my dad brought from Zaun... When I was tortured by 'noise' when I was a child, he would always use this song Put me to sleep..."

"Stop talking nonsense and sing!"

"Yes..." Seraphine nodded pitifully, as weakly as a cat with floppy ears.

However, after she cleared her throat, closed her eyes, felt it, and became emotionally involved, her temperament gradually changed.

She started singing. And when she sings, she is always confident.

Because she is a star singer and a born soul musician.

"La~" the first note sounded.

The sound was not loud, and was even completely covered up by the sound of fighting over there.

Levi also looked on nonchalantly.

But gradually, the music got better.

Seraphine sang with her full voice, with her sympathy and compassion, with her sentimental heart.

"that song..."

"I seem to have heard of it somewhere?"

The beggars who were originally furious actually stopped.

It seems that the gold coins are no longer important and the troubles have disappeared. They just want to listen to the song, this familiar song.

This is a nursery rhyme from Zaun. Of course everyone in Zaun has heard it.

But Seraphine took this ordinary nursery rhyme to a new level. Her singing voice is so soft, comfortable, warm and full of hope.

Everyone was fascinated.

Including Levi, who was originally dismissive.

After singing the song, the noisy battlefield suddenly became quiet and harmonious.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, but you all forgot to fight again.

"Everyone..." As the lingering voice lingered, Seraphine asked in her warm voice: "Please stop hurting each other, okay? If there is any trouble, we can solve it together!"

"Okay, okay..." the beggars murmured in reply.

All the anger in their eyes disappeared. Even if the music has stopped, they all have inexplicably lost their killing intent and cannot fight even if they want to.

It was as if they suddenly realized: "Yes, there is nothing to fight for... We are all fellow villagers and friends... Why are we killing each other like this instead of uniting and helping each other?"

"It's useful, it's really useful..." Seraphine clenched her pink fists with excitement. She immediately turned to look at Levi: "Mr. Levi, you singing is really effective!"

"Yes..." Levi also sighed from the bottom of his heart: "Seraphine, I wrongly blamed you! Your singing is simply the sound of nature, a hand that soothes the soul, a medicine that heals pain, and... ..”

"It's...Nimal Gobi!"

Levi reacted with some relief.


Is this horse riding singing?

This is SP Qin Nu’s big move!

"Mr. Levi, why are you cursing suddenly?" Seraphine felt aggrieved. After one-on-one instruction from Master Zuan, she already knew that it was not a good word.

"I scold you lightly!"

"Seraphine, is this what you mean by using singing to make people understand each other?"

"Yeah..." The girl didn't even realize that she had unknowingly used that ability that she couldn't control at all.

"But your horse-riding is not singing - in scientific terms, this should be called brainwashing; in magical terms, this should be called charm!"

"Seraphine, do you know what you are doing?" For some reason, Levi was very angry.

Seraphine looked at him with some fear: "I, I don't know..."

"You are stuffing pleasure into those people's mouths! You are killing their fighting spirit, corroding their spirit, and destroying their ability to think deeply! No, the problem is more serious than that..."

If you just sing well, it can only be considered music. When you are tired, it doesn't matter if you listen to entertainment or relaxation.

But Seraphine is a mage.

Although she can't control it freely, her singing voice can be magical after all - this magical singing voice can directly affect the emotions of the audience.

And for those suffering Zaans, this is simply like...

"It's just like the Glimmer Potion, there's no difference!"

The shimmering potion can temporarily enhance a person's physique and bring a powerful pleasure to the weak, which makes people deeply immersed in it and unforgettable.

Seraphine's magical music can immerse people in false dreams and produce distorted spiritual pleasure. It makes people forget reality, stop thinking, and paralyze themselves.

It seems that as long as you are immersed in this music, all the pain in life will disappear out of thin air.

If she debuts as an idol with this kind of singing voice, then she will be the biggest narcotic dealer in the Twin Cities in the future, bar none!

"Seraphine, what do you think of these people who listened to your song..." Levi pointed to the group of beggars in front of him who had become inexplicably more honest: "Look at them, they are like the previous group of glimmer addicts, What’s the difference?”

"Think about it carefully, when your magic effect dissipates, will they still be as 'happy' as they are now?"

"I..." Seraphine was speechless.

She thought of those shimmer addicts, and how terrifying they looked like zombies.

She thought that she could help others and help everyone live a good life without falling into such a miserable and desperate situation.

But now...Li Wei told her that the so-called good things she did were actually turning people into that.

"Am I wrong?"

Tears welled up like a bursting dam.

The teardrops streaked across Seraphine's spotless cheeks, across her smooth and delicate chin, and finally fell into the dust, landing on this land that she had never set foot on before.


She was crying hard and her body was shaking like a pink rabbit.

"Hey." Levi sighed: "Stop crying, what can you do wrong?"

Of course she's right.

She's just too naive.

"Mr. Levi, then I... what should we do?"

"We have to explore this together, but before that..." Levi suggested sincerely: "I think you should first understand the suffering of the Zuan people, and then talk about how to save them."

"This..." Seraphine listened carefully: "How should we understand this?"

"It's simple-"

"Can't you read minds just by touching them with your hands?"

"Perhaps, this time you can step off the high stage, return to the ground, and shake hands with the people you want to help."

Levi boldly stretched out his hand this time:

"Would you do so, Seraphine?"

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