LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 271 Can the ban on demons be changed?

Why is Demacia banning demons?

This title is so poignant to Ms. Lux's heart.

Demacia's anti-demon policy brought her endless pain and turned her into a born sinner, as if her life was a mistake.

She also wanted to know why.

Mother said that's because magic is dangerous. Possessing magic is like carrying a time bomb that may explode at any time.

Lux was willing to believe this statement, but there was always a seed of doubt buried in her heart.

Especially after this trip to the sea, when she saw that humans can control magical energy so perfectly with wisdom, and make Hex flying doors that are essentially no different from carriages and ships, this kind of daily transportation After the tools... her suspicions deepened.

Is magic really that dangerous?

Is it true that it cannot be used by humans and must be eradicated?

"That's not the case." Levi asked and answered himself at the beginning of the article, partially denying Demacia's official reasons for banning magic.

"I knew it!" Lux clenched her fists in excitement.

She instinctively moved her head to read at a more frontal angle, almost squeezing Sona's head away.

"Abba..." Sona was surprisingly as involved as she was. She also seems to be very interested in this article, or cares about it very much.

So the two girls huddled in the small space in the corner of the room with concentration, their heads pressed together, their faces touching their faces, their ears rubbing their ears, and they read this article.


"Demacia has never hated mages, but uncontrolled folk mages. What they have banned has never been magic, but the unstable factors that threaten the rule of the old aristocracy..."

Halfway through reading, Miss Lux's face turned pale.

The essence of Demacia's anti-magic policy revealed by Levi in ​​her article was completely different from what she imagined.

And his writing was so sharp and unceremonious, vividly displaying the selfishness and hypocrisy of the Demacian nobles.

"No..." Lux instinctively didn't want to believe it.

Is the anti-magic policy just a tool of rule imposed by nobles on folk mages in order to maintain their status?

No, this is not possible.

I, Laxana Crownguard, am not a noble? The ban on demons policy didn’t work on her because she was from the Crown Guard family!

Lux was about to refute, but Levi seemed to predict her thoughts and wrote in the second half of the article:

"Demacia's cultural tradition of hating magic promoted the birth of the anti-magic policy. The stable policy environment that lasted for hundreds of years formed a huge interest group within the Kingdom of Demacia."

"The expansion of the power of interest groups has in turn reshaped Demacia's civilizational traditions, allowing the anti-demon thoughts to continue to expand and become more extreme, becoming Demacia's absolute political correctness..."


Levi's rigorous logical analysis left the immature Lux unable to refute.

After analyzing it, Levi commented in a very humorous way: "In the Kingdom of Demacia today, the Demon Seeker Corps has become a faction of its own, and it is too big to lose. I am afraid that the only one who can act as a check and balance on this behemoth is The military of the Kingdom of Demacia."

"And the surprising thing is..."

"As the representative of the military forces, the Crownguard family actually achieved a direct marriage with the faction leader of the Demon Seeker Corps."

"Tiana Crownguard, the sister of the current head of the Crownguard family, General Pitt, Captain of the Fearless Vanguard Sword, and most likely the next generation of Grand Marshal, and Eldred, commander of the Demon Seeker Corps, are said to The engagement has been made.”

"The military representatives and the police leaders have openly married and formed an alliance. This is probably intriguing news for any king in any country."

If in reality, the situation developed to this point, the king would have been completely ignored.

Next, the nicer ones will ask you to sign the Magna Carta, while the harsher ones will have you put on the Demacia guillotine...

It's just that Demacia's future direction doesn't seem so realistic.

After the prince came to the throne, his good brother Galen did not add nine tins to himself, make him a protector, or anything like that. The Crownguard family seems quite loyal.

Of course, even if this were not the case in the future, Levi would not write so straightforwardly in his article.

Everyone who knows about this kind of thing understands it, but it’s not convenient for him to say more about those who don’t understand...

"As an outsider, I won't make too many assumptions about this, but the marriage between the Demon Seeker Corps and the Crownguard family is obviously a signal - it reveals that the forbidden demon forces have taken a dominant position in the upper echelons of Demacia."

"It is foreseeable that the power of the Demon Searchers Corps will be further expanded in the future, and the policy of banning demons will go further to the extreme."

"And extreme oppression will inevitably inspire extreme resistance. Perhaps in the near future, we will see a mage riot within the Kingdom of Demacia."

Lux: "..."

"Abba..." Sona also had a subtle expression.

She secretly glanced at Lux beside her, and saw that the little girl had been so frightened by the article that her face turned pale, her eyes were blind, cold sweat could not stop oozing out, and even soaked her hanging golden hair. Let them stick to the sides of the cheeks wetly.

"How, how could this happen..." Lux muttered to herself.

Why was Li Wei written like this? It seemed that even their Crown Guard family, her father, mother, and aunt had become bad people secretly planning some shocking conspiracy.

This is slander!

Lux wanted to say this, but Levi didn't make any subjective assumptions at all, he just stated the facts.

The current political situation in Demacia is like this, no wonder others think too much about it.

Lux was a little absent-minded, and she continued to look down.

But Levi did not continue to comment on the political situation in Demacia, because this was not the subject of his article.

In other words, the theme he wants to express is far higher than those of palace politics and higher than those power struggles limited to the aristocratic class:

"Since we have predicted the possibility of a mage uprising, as leaders, we must think about another question - can the mage uprising change the unreasonable ban on magic policy and make Demacia a better place?"

Levi captured Lux's fearful and entangled mind in just one sentence.

Suffering from the ban on magic policy, she sympathized with mages, and at the same time deeply loved Demacia, she really wanted to know the answer to this question.

And Li Wei's answer was very direct:

"The Mage Uprising has hope of changing the unreasonable ban on magic policy——"

"But it will never make Demacia better. In fact, it will most likely make Demacia worse."

"Huh?" Lux was slightly startled.

She didn't expect that the leader who always spoke up for the weak would comment on the mage's resistance like this.

"Because mages have never been weak, they are born property owners, nobles who do not need a surname." Levi wrote.

"The mage's uprising is not a revolution, but a competition for interests between the new rich and the old rich -"

"If you only revolutionize the lives of others and don't revolutionize your own life, then it's not called a revolution, it can only be called a rebellion."

I can't help but wonder, if the mage is in charge, can these new nobles really do better than the old nobles?

The question isn't even worth answering. Just look through the history books and you will find out.

Of course, upstarts are not necessarily better, but they are not necessarily worse either. If they can replace the old nobles, it is always progressive.

Then... "Why should I say that after the mage takes over, Demacia will most likely become worse than before?"

"Because they didn't solve the main contradiction at all. Instead, they completely destroyed the method Demacia originally used to alleviate the main contradiction, which was the ban on magic policy."

Mages have the ability to overthrow this old order through riots, but they are completely unable to establish a more reasonable new order.

Think about what would happen to Demacia if there was no ban on magic policy?

Without the anti-magic policy, wouldn’t there be more grassroots extraordinary beings who crave power and status among the people?

Instead of expelling these mages under the anti-magic policy, how should Demacia resettle them?

Share the cake with them? Do you, Demacia, have such a big cake to share with others?

"There are only two endings:"

"First, Demacia was forced to follow the path of Noxus and began to expand crazily."

This possibility is actually unlikely. Because Demacia had to face the big boss Noxus as soon as it came out of the Forbidden Stone Forest, and it simply didn't have the ability to expand.

So the most likely one is the second one:

"Two, there are constant struggles between old and new nobles within Demacia, and it has fallen into an endless civil war."

No matter which one it is, the outcome is actually war, an endless war.

Because only war can consume so many "unstable factors."

It is better to be a peace dog than a liar. This statement is no joke.

Just like the serfs in Demacia, although they are in pain, if they see how the serfs in Noxus live, they will probably laugh out loud with happiness.

If they were allowed to see how desperate the Shuriman and Ionian people were in recent years, they would definitely stand up proudly for Demacia.

In today's Runeland, apart from Zaun and Piltover, Demacia is really the most livable country.

"Demacia's ban on magic policy actually sacrifices the interests of the mages and creates a relatively peaceful and stable environment for the vast majority of Demacians."

"It's a tool of oppression, but at the same time, it's the best Demacia can do right now."

Levi wrote this comment.

Lux looked stunned...

Why are you looking at it and coming back again? So it turns out that Demacia’s ban on demons is really good for Demacians?

Is there really no better way to change it?

"No, there are," Levi wrote.

Lux couldn't wait to scroll down, and Sona also held her breath and watched carefully.

Turning to the last page, I saw it said:

"Considering our friendly and cooperative relationship with the Kingdom of Demacia, I won't go into details here."

"Non-interference in other countries' internal affairs is a diplomatic principle of peaceful coexistence that we have always adhered to..."

Then there is a lot of empty talk.

Lux and Sona: "..."

"No more down there?"

"..." He rolled his eyes redly several times.


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