LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 305 The difficulty of going down the mountain

Yi pointed out the problem in a serious tone.

But he seemed undeterred by the difficulty.

On the contrary, he was actually eager to try the option of "going out" and even looked forward to it.

Because he was born and raised in the mountains since he was a child, he has learned a skill that is unparalleled in the world but has nowhere to use it. He has long been unable to restrain himself and wants to go out to practice in the mountains.

Coupled with the national hatred and clan hatred against Noxus, the young Master Yi couldn't wait to go down the mountain and kill people.

"President Orianna, it's time for us to break out of the mountain." He turned into an active militant and suggested impatiently.

"This..." Riwen looked worried and showed no intention of fighting.

Because she also knew the problems Yi mentioned.

Wuji Village is just a self-sufficient mountain village, and the local residents cannot support so many refugees who have lost their homes.

After they finished eating the food they brought from the mountain, no, before they finished eating the food, they had to go down the mountain to find a way to survive.

But how can things be so simple?

Although Wuji Village is isolated from the world, this mountainous area is actually not as far away from the world as imagined.

Standing on the top of the Wuji Peak, on the top of the pagoda of the Wuji Sword Sect, one can actually see the coastal towns beyond the mountains with the sharp eagle eyes of an extraordinary person.

This place is away from the mountains, and it is only about ten kilometers away by visual inspection.

"Yi, it's not like you didn't see it a few days ago:"

"The Noxians are still in the province of Baru'e, and they have even reached the coastal town of Tivasir outside the Wuji Mountains."

"Right now, the empire's army is guarding outside the mountain. It would be great if they could break into the mountain without discovering us. How can we find the strength to fight them out?"

Riven frowned deeply. Over the past half month, she has been busy, tired and under great pressure. At such a young age, wrinkles on her forehead are about to appear.

Because she knew very well that her gang was far from being able to compete with the Noxian army.

Although the Ionian branch of the Leader has set up a structure and barely has a team of grassroots cadres who can do things, they can at most help with some daily administrative work, and they are far from being a team with combat capabilities. A capable army.

The one with real combat effectiveness was Riven, who urgently selected talented people from all walks of life and civilian masters from among the tens of thousands of refugees to form a team of hundreds of extraordinary beings.

Coupled with the dozens of Wuji swordsmen who volunteered to participate in the battle, it can be regarded as a combat team with combat effectiveness.

But these people combined are only the strength of a reinforced company, and there is an extreme lack of running-in training among the soldiers. Strictly speaking, it cannot be considered a professional army at all, it can only be called a private expert club.

This team, in front of thousands of Noxian troops at every turn, may not be enough to watch.

"I quietly flew out of the mountain yesterday and observed it secretly. Right now, in the small town of Tevasse just outside Wuji Mountain, there is an entire battle group from Noxus stationed."

"Maybe they haven't discovered us yet, but we are hiding in the nearby mountains."

"If they discover our existence, then..." Riven looked sad and remained silent.

"It doesn't matter, I will take action." Master Yi was quite confident.

Rui Wen:"......"

"That's an entire army." She couldn't help but remind him.

"With our Wuji Swordsman here, that's enough." Young Master Yi said.

Riven was speechless again.

She didn't think that with the help of the Infinite Swordsman, everything would be fine this time.

After all, it was not like she had never seen Yi's junior brothers and sisters practicing swordsmanship. Although it is powerful, it is only averagely powerful.

These Wuji Swordsmen are far from strong enough to change the situation of the battle on their own.

"That's because you haven't seen me take action yet." Master Yi said.

"But there is a battle group of tens of thousands of people stationed outside the mountain." Riwen raised her eyebrows: "No matter how powerful you are, can one person defeat an army?"

Yi didn't speak this time.

He thought about it seriously before saying, "It should be okay."

Rui Wen:"......."

"That's useless!" Riwen unknowingly adopted the tone of a veteran cadre she didn't know where she learned it from: "Comrade Yi, you may be good at fighting, but you may not be good at war."

"Yes, we may be able to defeat the Noxian war group stationed outside the mountain. But what about after defeating them?"

"Every independent war group in the Noxus Empire has an accompanying mage responsible for long-distance communication."

"From the moment we appear in front of this war group, messages reporting the battle situation and requesting support will be transmitted to the Noxian commander-in-chief in the Baru'e Province as soon as possible through the mage's communication spell. department."

"And as far as I know, Noxus has two other battle groups stationed at the Yipu River Port alone."

"The Tiwase Port outside Wuji Mountain is also a coastal town. The enemy can use ships to maneuver quickly along the coast. It doesn't even take a day to sail from Yipu River Port to here."

"What will we do then?"

We can only ride on the wind and run away.

But the reason they wanted to fight out was to have a base outside the mountains and find a stable and reliable source of food. As soon as they came out of the mountain, they were driven away by the enemy again. Then wouldn't they have fought in vain?

"Not to mention, Noxians are not fools."

"Last time they saw us fleeing in the wind, don't they know to bring the Battle Mage Legion or the Flying Magic Bird Knight to stop us from mid-air this time?"

"Even if we can successfully escape, what about Wuji Village? Should we let everyone leave their homes and flee with us, or should we let the villagers stay here and wait for the Noxian army to take revenge?"

Riwen's series of calm analyzes and questions left Master Yi speechless.

The enemy's communication means, reserve force, support speed, battlefield topography, post-war impact and aftermath methods...

These questions were something he had never thought about before.

Riven was right, he was just a skilled swordsman, but not a qualified soldier.

"I...I understand." Master Yi promptly corrected the mistake of the radical adventurous subject and broke through the shackles of the personal heroic subject.

He humbly asked Riven for advice: "President Orianna, what should we do next?"

"This..." Riwen's face became more solemn.

She just understood the problem, but she couldn't think of a way to fundamentally solve it.

There are only three responses she can think of now:

"First, keep a low profile and wait for Noxus to withdraw."

This is actually a matter of resignation.

Moreover, God’s will seems not to be on the leader’s side yet.

The province of Barua has no strategic value to begin with. It stands to reason that if the Noxus Empire kills enough people here and establishes enough prestige, it should leave.

But Riven was shocked to discover that the battle group stationed at Tiwase Port outside Wuji Mountain was actually a third independent battle group besides the two battle groups that had appeared at Yipu River Port.

On the small Balua Island, why is it that two battle groups are not enough and a third battle group needs to be sent over?

Haven't Noxus killed enough people here?

Or...are they just aiming for other goals, the leader?

Riven was worried, but she tried to look optimistic and said:

"Second, wait for the news from Feiya."

Riven had long seen that being trapped in the mountain would be a dead end, so he sent Feiya down the mountain in advance to find a way to go to sea to contact the leader of Zaun.

Feiya and her servants were both merchants and sailors, and had rich sailing experience. As long as they can find a suitable ship to go to sea, they will definitely be able to reach Zaun.

As for Zu An...

Although she is a fake president, so many of her subordinates are true leaders certified by Janna.

Considering that everyone is a leader, Zu An should help, right?

Riven thought so and said:

"Third..." Her tone suddenly became hesitant.

"Third, pray to the goddess Janna."


"Is this useful?" Master Yi questioned.

"Maybe it will work..." Riven wasn't sure either.

She has been praying to the goddess Janna in her heart these days, but Janna only responds when she borrows her divine power.

Just like a customer service machine that automatically delivers goods...

Other than that, prayers are basically unanswered.

Could it be...that she only shouted "goddess bless" when she prayed, but did not report her identity or clarify her specific needs? Doesn't the goddess know what she wants?

Um, that shouldn't be the case, right?

Riven dismissed the ridiculous thoughts in her mind and said: "In short, now we can only take one step at a time."

"Our next work is to build the base area in the mountains and strengthen the training of combat troops. At the same time, we must not relax the propaganda of Janna ideology to those refugees, especially the untouchables."

"Yes." Master Yi nodded.

Then, he was stunned for a moment...

He asked: "What is an untouchable...?"

"Uh?" Riwen was also stunned for a moment.

She looked at Master Yi: "Are there no untouchables in your Wuji Village?"

"No..." Master Yi replied.

"They are the kind of people who have no land to inherit and will be driven out of the village at birth." Riwen thought that untouchables had different names in Wuji Village, so she emphasized this to Yi.

"Drive out of the village? How is this possible?" Master Yi showed an incredulous expression: "How can we drive our own people out of the village?"

"This..." Riwen was stunned for a moment before reacting suddenly.

In the half month since she came to Wuji Village, she seemed to have never seen anyone being bullied here.

It's like an isolated paradise here. Everyone seems to have food to eat and farmland, and no one will suffer from hunger or poverty.

And they have been living such a beautiful and utopian life in these mountains for thousands of years.

"You really don't have untouchables here?" Riven thought about it, but still couldn't believe it:

"Yi, tell me, how did you do it!"

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