LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 312 True filial piety, disaster

"" Kayn had heard of this sect.

As a rising star in the anti-Noxian invasion war, the Shadow Stream Sect has made quite a name for itself in Ionia in recent years.

And unlike the generally peaceful Ionians, and the traditional resistance forces who still pay attention to balance, the Shadow Stream sect's behavior is obviously more radical and extreme.

They do not take it as their duty to maintain balance, so they do not care about killing.

All Shadowstream Assassins will use their efficient and brutal killing skills to harvest the life of any Noxian they see without mercy - just like Noxus did to the Ionians. .

However, at this moment...

"You can leave, kid." The young Master Jie was not as cruel and murderous as the rumors said.

After he told Kayn what he wanted to convey, he graciously let him go.

"Okay, okay." Kai responded quietly.

He glanced at the disciples and disciples around Master Jie who were staring at him eagerly with murderous intent, and then at the corpses of the Noxian soldiers on the ground whose blood had not yet dried up.

In the end, he hurriedly picked up the sickle, turned around and fled the village in embarrassment.

Zed watched Kaiyin go away, and also noticed the expressions of hatred and unwillingness on the faces of the disciples beside him: "Do you think I shouldn't let him live?"

"Yes." The disciples nodded respectfully, but did not hide their feelings.

Noxians deserve to die, this is the belief of almost every disciple of Shadow Stream.

The Shadow Stream Sect was born out of the Kinkou Sect, and Master Jie, now known as the Lord of the Shadow Stream, was once the head of the Kinkou Sect and a close disciple of Master Kushuo.

The reason why Zed betrayed the Kinkou in the first place and established his own sect was because the Kinkou sect insisted on maintaining the balance between the two worlds, and refused to get involved in any mundane things that would "affect the balance."

Therefore, even if Noxus is at home, the Masters of Balance still adhere to their doctrine and refuse to come out.

As a result, a split occurred within the Kinkou Sect. Zed took the lead in betraying the sect, established the Shadow Stream Sect, which was proactive and radical in style, and participated in the war against the invasion of Noxus.

Most of the disciples of the Shadow Stream Sect are war radicals who follow Zed and betray the Balance.

The other half were war victims who had a blood feud with Noxus that Zed had gradually recruited over the past few years.

Such a group of radicals and Avengers would certainly have no mercy for the Noxians.

"It only takes more than 100 corpses and a letter to let the Noxians receive our warning."

"There's no need for us to ask that Noxian brat to carry the message."

Everyone knew that Zed was just looking for a reason to let that brat go.

"Master Jie." The disciples said after careful consideration, "You seem to have..."

Becoming weak?

The disciples all looked at Jie carefully.

In their eyes, Master Zed should be the most cold-blooded and cruel ninja master in Ionia.

In order to gain the power to fight against Noxus, he would even betray his own disciples and kill his own master.

Such cold-blooded behavior may make the defenders feel shameless.

But in the eyes of Zed's followers, a ruthless blade like Zed is needed to deal with the bastards of the Noxus Empire.

But now, this sharp blade seems to be a bit "blunt".

Jie actually survived.

"..." Feeling the respectful, fearful and questioning gazes of everyone, Jie felt a little complicated.

Actually, this is because...

He is not cold-blooded or cruel at all.

Even though Master Zed usually wears scary dark ninja armor and wields evil-looking shadow magic, he is even called "Zed" and titled "Lord of Shadow Stream", which makes people sound murderous. Soaring, sinister...

But in reality, Zed has always been a good guy.

Yes, he is a good man, a good man who respects his teachers and loves his country and his people.

Everyone will have the wrong impression of Zed being cold-blooded and cruel. Firstly, he is indeed merciless when attacking his enemies. Secondly, it is also the most important reason:

That is, everyone knows that it was Zed who personally killed his master, the Master of Kushuo of the Kinkou Sect.

Killing the master and betraying the master are absolutely unforgivable sins in Ionia's traditional moral values.

However, in order to seek strength and have a conflict of ideas, Jie did not hesitate to do such a treasonous thing.

So everyone thinks that Jie is a ruthless person, a master of the evil sect who kills without blinking an eye.

But in fact——

Master Ku said he was not dead at all.

In fact, the plan to "eliminate" Master Kushuo was formulated by Master Kushuo himself from the beginning.

The reason is also very strange:

First of all, in the face of the massive invasion of Noxus, Master Kushuo actually had the same idea as Zed. They all believe that it is necessary for the Kinkou Sect to do something when the mountains and rivers are broken.

However, the Kinkou Sect has a doctrine that cannot interfere in the material realm indiscriminately, and Master Kusuo is the leader of the Kinkou Sect.

As the leader, he certainly cannot take the lead in violating the principle of balance. Otherwise, the Taoist inheritance of the Kinkou Sect that has remained unchanged for thousands of years will be destroyed.

So Master Kushuo came up with a brilliant idea:

He took the initiative to find Jie, who was also the main war sect, and asked this good apprentice to cooperate with him to stage a drama of "killing the master and fleeing, splitting the balance" in front of everyone.

In this way, Zed can lead the main war faction in the Kinkou to split off and stand on his own to fight against Noxus.

The Master of Kusuo can also fake his death and escape from the shackles of being the head of the Kinkou Sect, secretly join as an individual, and wait for the opportunity to control the Navoli Brotherhood, which is also a radical resistance organization, and participate in the war against Noxus.

Therefore, Master Jie was actually very unjust.

Everyone said that he killed Master Kushuo in pursuit of the forbidden technique of shadow magic.

But in fact, not only did Master Kusuo fake his death, but even the so-called "Forbidden Shadow Technique" was given to him by his good master Kusuo Master.

Even Master Kushuo himself is secretly practicing this forbidden technique. It’s just that outsiders don’t know.

In short, although Master Jie's resume may seem dark, his character and morals have always been clean and flawless.

Now the disciples feel that he has changed and that he is no longer cold-blooded.

"..." It's not easy for Jie to reveal the truth.

I can only silently take the blame for my master.

But having said that, he did have some attitude changes recently due to some things.

"I think we should at least be different from the Navoli Brotherhood."

Jie first took the opportunity to remind his disciples not to do things too extreme.

Don't be fooled by the Navoli Brotherhood.

Yes, even though the Shadow Stream Sect is already one of the most extreme resistance organizations in Ionia in the eyes of others, compared with the Navoli Brotherhood, they are still considered mild-mannered.

Zed knew that the current leader of the Navoli Brotherhood was his good master Kushuo who had never killed anyone at will.

But after the war in the past few years, I don’t know whether the times have changed people, or whether Master Kusuo has been contaminated by shadow magic...

In short, Master Kushuo became more and more cruel and murderous.

The Navoli Brotherhood has also transformed from a radical resistance organization into an outright extreme nationalist group.

How extreme? They are so extreme that in order to strengthen their own power and dominate the direction of the war, they can use the threat of violence or even physical destruction to kill friendly forces.

Their ultimate ideal is to achieve absolute rule over Ionia and build Ionia into an empire more powerful than Noxus.

This made Zed increasingly worried about his master's mental state.

He also unconsciously began to be wary of this extreme trend of thought that was becoming more and more prevalent in Ionia.

At this time, he happened to come into contact with another trend of thought:

"I've also been reading Wind Leader's books recently," Zed said.

Since the goddess Janna came to the world in the Twin Cities, the name of the Wind Leader has spread throughout Runeterra.

The leader's shocking act of rescuing ten thousand people at Yipu River Port half a month ago shocked all the resistance forces in Ionia.

This time Zed led the Shadow Stream sect to come to Balua Province in order to try his best to stop the wanton slaughter of the Noxians, and at the same time try to find the Wind Leader, a potentially powerful ally.

And since they want to seek cooperation with the leader, they will naturally take the initiative to understand the leader's ideas.

"Master Jie..." When Jie mentioned the leader's thoughts, the disciples couldn't help but open their mouths in surprise: "Do you believe their naive statement?"

They also read the book "A Brief Account of Janna's Thoughts".

Although there were a lot of theories in the book about analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the Ziben Dominator, they couldn't understand it - after all, Ionia was still far away from the Ziben Dominator society.

But they can still understand the essence of Janna's thoughts - class.

Leaders always look at problems from the perspective of class, not status.

So they thought the oppressed of the world could unite, and they thought the poor of Noxus and the poor of Ionia should be friends, not enemies.

This class theory that transcends countries and nations is very counter-intuitive, especially for today's Ionia, and for those Ionians who have suffered from foreign invasions and national oppression.

"Their theory is simply nonsense." The disciples said excitedly: "The Noxians are just a group of evil spirits reincarnated as evil spirits, beasts that eat flesh and drink blood. How can they be friends?"

"Even if they are willing, why should we be friends with them?"

"..." Jie remained silent and did not refute.

He thought of the young Noxian soldier holding the scythe.

The boy looked like he was forced to go to the battlefield. He hasn't killed anyone yet, and he doesn't want to. But he came to Ionia anyway and became the executioner in the eyes of the Ionians.

So, are all Noxians really born beasts?

On this issue, Zed actually has a lot to say.

But he still didn't say anything.

Because Zed knew that many of his disciples had a blood feud with Noxus.

He is not qualified to use reason to make others generous.

"Maybe." Jie murmured.

"Maybe you are right, maybe..."

Suddenly, his voice stopped.

The disciples followed him and turned their heads to look at the entrance of the village warily.

Because they could all hear the sound of rapid footsteps and panting breathing in the distance.

Someone is coming.

"That, that's..." After seeing who was coming, the disciples all looked shocked: "That Noxian brat?"

Kayn, who had narrowly escaped death and saved his life, actually ran back on his own?

Doesn't he want to live?

"Stop!" If something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

The disciples were instinctively alert and shouted: "Little brat, what are you doing here?!"

I saw Kaiyin running back in a hurry, pausing with a tangled look on his face. He was silent for a few seconds before saying:

"I, I want to come back to remind you."

"Oh?" Jie also cast a puzzled look.

"General Lester of our chapter is a crazy and cruel guy, and your warnings cannot scare him."

"And..." Kayn looked at the corpses of the Noxians here and the village that was lucky enough to escape.

He gritted his teeth and said, "You have killed so many people here. General Lester will definitely order the massacre of the village in revenge immediately."

"So I hope that you can take these villagers and evacuate from the vicinity as soon as possible."

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