LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 336 Akali’s Confusion

In the south of Shangzan, outside Xuannayin Village, the Balance Sect is stationed.

Since the sect split two years ago, the remaining members of the Balance cult have retreated from Navoli to an abandoned temple here, hidden in the mountains where glacial meltwater flows.

Although they are very close to Xuannayin Village, this shelter is surrounded by mountains. The mountains are high and the roads are dangerous, and it is remote.

Living in these mountains is like being completely cut off from the outside world. Looking up is the boundless sky, looking down is the endless forest, and the whole world seems to belong only to you.

The invasion of the Noxus Empire, the bloody war of resistance, these grand narratives of the world seem to be unimportant, and they seem to have nothing to do with you...

That's weird.

"No, the Noxians are here again!" The mountain patrol guards of the Kinkou Sect sent back a very bad news.

A large group of Noxian soldiers were rushing towards Xuan Na Yin Village.

The news quickly spread throughout the sanctuary, causing the disciples to talk about it, and turning the peaceful Kinkou Sect into chaos.

Faced with the heat rising from the boiling water, the young people in the sect are the ones who can’t sit still the most.

For example, Miss Akali.

After hearing the senior brothers and sisters passing by discussing this matter in anxious tones, her heart became anxious.

When my heart is confused, my hands start to tremble.


The kunai avoided the target and nailed it to a nearby tree.

As a martial arts prodigy, Akali actually threw kunai out of the target during this ordinary daily training.

"Akali, calm down." At this time, a voice slowly sounded in her ears.

This man's tone had the vicissitudes and calmness of an elder, but his tone was surprisingly green, even...a little cute.

Because the person speaking was not a human, but a yordle——

This cute guy with short legs, big eyes, and plush hair looks like a big squirrel, but he actually has quite a lot of background.

He is still young after thousands of years, and is now one of the three leaders of the Kinkou Sect, Furious Heart Kennan.

At the same time, he is also Akali’s martial arts teacher.

"Calm down and remain peaceful, Akali." Kennan taught calmly.

"No, Kenan." Although this big squirrel is senior, he never has the airs of an elder. So Akali always called him by his first name and never hid anything on her mind.

At this moment, she said bluntly: "Peace? The Noxians are about to attack, how can you ask me to be peaceful?"

"This has nothing to do with you, kid." Kenan was still sitting cross-legged on the boulder next to him, with no wave in his eyes.

"Why is it irrelevant!" Akali: "I am also a warrior of the Kinkou Sect."

"No, you're not." Kennan said slowly: "You're only 10 years old."

Akali: "..."

The little girl was stunned for a moment, then tried to stand up on her tiptoes and corrected: "No, I am 11 years old!"

"It's weak, it's not even close." Kenan didn't even raise his eyes.

Yes. The current Akali is not at all the "outlier thorn" that Levi knew. She is still the daughter of one of the three leaders of the Balance Sect, Fist of Shadow.

That's right. Akali is not even a Shadow Fist now.

The current Shadow Fist is Akali's mother, a balanced martial arts master named Meimu Yeoman Texi.

Akali, on the other hand, is just a little girl who is not yet 11 years old. She is at most an outstanding student of the youth group of the Kinkou Sect.

"But I'm taller than you!" Akali said angrily.

Kanan ignored her. Since she was 8 years old, this little girl likes to use her height to show her maturity.

This in itself is a sign that she is immature.

Also, comparing heights with yordles... this should be considered racial discrimination.

"Akali, calm down." Seeing the little girl jumping up with excitement, Kenan had no choice but to start thinking.

And the reason why he can be so calm in the face of the enemy's invasion, and even let Akali be calm together, is precisely:

"This is not the first time Noxians have come."

"Shen will take care of this."

This is indeed not the first time the Noxians have come.

Because they are not coming for the Kinkou sect hiding in the mountain shelter at all.

Even the people of Noxus may not know that there is a group of "reclusive brothers" of the Kinkou Sect in these mountains.

The Noxians came here just to get close to the villagers of Xuannain Village outside the mountain and "no-ai", and by the way, they could get some "pocket money" from these fellow villagers on a regular basis.

In the past two years, Noxus was not the only one who came here to ask for pocket money from the villagers.

There were the Navoli brothers who came to collect pledges and rape young men;

There are also thieves and horse bandits from all walks of life who have taken advantage of the situation to rise in troubled times;

There are even villagers from the next village who have become robbers when they can no longer survive;


In short, this newborn land has become more and more lively since the invasion of Noxus.

Ionia seems to have entered a unified society, and everyone has learned to practice "distribution according to need" by purchasing for zero dollars.

Faced with these zero-dollar purchasers who came one after another, the Balance Sect was still on guard at first, as if facing a formidable enemy, thinking about how to help the villagers of Xuannayin Village down the mountain.

But later, as more and more people came to rob, the composition of the robbers became more and more complex...

In the end, even the villagers of Xuannayin Village, protected by the Balance Sect, began to form villages to protect themselves, organized team training, and even acted as robbers whenever they had the opportunity, forming a group to go out to rob other people's...

The Kinkou sect found that they could not stop the intensifying chaos, so they simply did not stop it.

"Our mission is to maintain balance." Kennan said: "If we rashly intervene in mortal wars and killings, whether we kill them or they kill us, it will destroy the balance."

"This is not what the disciples of Balance should do, so..."

So just pretend you didn’t see it.

He said before that "Shen will solve this matter", but what he actually meant is that Shen will organize people to guard the mountain gate and take precautions to prevent those Noxians from attacking the Kinkou.

As for what the Noxians were doing down there, they had no control over it.

"Nonsense!" Akali objected.

And the opinion is very strong: "We can obviously control it, and we have the ability to control it!"

"The source of Ionia's chaos is the Noxians. As long as we drive away those bad guys, won't we be able to put an end to war and killing in the newly born land?"

"But what about us? What did we do?"

The biggest problem with the Kinkou Sect is that they are unwilling to intervene in worldly battles and are unwilling to kill.

So even if they would help each other before, when faced with the robbers who invaded this place——

What they did was only help the villagers of Xuannayin Village to relocate, instead of using their own force to expel the enemy from the front.

"How can the insect die if we don't kill it?" Young Akali couldn't understand: "We don't appear in front of those bad guys every time. How can they know how to be afraid and how can they stop?"

"Now that the situation is becoming increasingly chaotic, even the villagers of Xuannayin Village have to take up arms. Isn't it because we did nothing from the beginning?"

"What to do?" Kennan looked over meaningfully: "Akali, what do you want to do? Like Zed?"

"I..." Akali was speechless when she heard her enemy's name.

Kannan told her: "Zed took half of the Disciples from KIBS, and they have been resisting Noxus."

"But has Ionia really restored its past balance because of their efforts? No..."

"With the rise of the Shadow Stream, the Resistance Army, and the Brotherhood, Ionia has become more chaotic and uneven—"

"And this chaos will never stop even after the Noxians leave."

Akali said that the Kinkou Sect has the ability to take care of things at the foot of the mountain.

But Kennan knew very well that the Kinkou Sect was simply unable to quell this chaos.

The huge reputation of the Kinkou Sect in Ionia will naturally make it a force in the secular world.

Therefore, their intervention in the secular world is not only unfavorable to the balance, but will also make Ionia, with its diverse forces, more chaotic and cause more wars and killings.

for example...

Will adding one more country to the Three Kingdoms make the situation more peaceful?

No, the princes will only fight more fiercely and make the world more chaotic.

"Not to mention, the battlefield of the Kinkou Sect has always been the spiritual realm. Interfering in wars in the material realm is against our sect rules."

Zed rebelled because of this.

Akali's father died in that civil strife, so of course she can't learn from the villain Zed.

As a result, she gradually became speechless.

Kennen continued to teach earnestly: "Shen is the eye of twilight. He is always observing the balance of all things in Ionia - we must trust his judgment, Akali."

"This..." Akali is just a child after all.

She couldn't wrap her head around the few words spoken by this giant squirrel that was thousands of years old.

But she still instinctively felt that this feeling of watching the flames of war burning in front of her and being unable to do anything... was very unpleasant.

But what Kennan said seemed to make sense.

The Balanced Sect has limited capabilities. If they go out, they won't be able to redress the balance. Instead, they will expand the chaos. So why bother?

For example, this time the Noxians invaded.

Even if the Kinkou sect really went down the mountain and pushed back the Noxians as Akali said, would the war stop because of this?

Won't. The Noxians would simply send more troops to Xuannain Village to exact revenge on the villagers and the Kinkou.

If the Balance Sect runs away, Xuannayin Village will still not be saved, and nearby villages will suffer along with it;

And if the Kinkou didn't run away, they would stay here to protect the masses and withstand Noxus' frontal attacks time and time again...

At this point, the Kinkou Sect is actually no longer a hidden sect, but a local warlord with people, guns, a base, and an organized structure.

Ionia is equivalent to adding another "prince" called the Balance Sect, adding another capable player to the future "All-Ai Chicken Contest".

The more you help, the harder it will be, so it’s better not to help.

Not to mention, their sect rules do not allow help.

"Do you understand this?" Kennan asked confirmingly.

"I..." Akali frowned and thought for a long time.

She finally figured it out: "Kenan, I understand——"

"What do you understand?" Kennan asked happily.

"The power of a sect has its limits. The more it wants to end the war, the more chaos it will bring." Akali said seriously: "Unless..."

“We don’t just have one sect!”

"So we must not only come out, but also unite more forces, integrate the power of all Ionia, and completely end this chaos!"

Kennan: "..."

Akali, a young man, silenced this thousands-year-old veteran with only a few words.

"How is it?" Akali asked excitedly: "What do I think?"

"Not very good." Kenan curled his lips.

Yes, as long as the Balance Sect can integrate the power of all Ionia, it will have the ability to completely end the chaos.

But Akali’s suggestion is the same as putting an elephant in a refrigerator—the principle is correct and it’s simple to say, but it’s simply impossible to do it.

Also unite more forces? How to unite?

Even a small balanced sect can be divided into two factions: radical and conservative. They killed each other until their heads were bloody, and the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

The Shadow Stream Sect, the Navori Brotherhood, the Presidenian Resistance Army, the Vastaya Free Army... How can these forces with different interests and different demands truly unite?

It would be nice if they didn't fight each other once the Noxians left.

"Based on my thousands of years of observation of human beings -" Kennan complained: "I would rather believe that the ancient emperors of Shurima would steal corpses from their graves than believe that all humans in Ionia can unite. "

"Well..." Akali was silent again.

Her mind at this age is not yet capable of solving such a profound problem.

But she still thought unwillingly: "Everyone is obviously an Ionian... Is there really no one who can unite everyone to truly end this chaos?"

"If the Kinkou sect can't do it, is there no one else who can do it?"

Akali was thinking so.

Suddenly, there was a roar of wind in the sky.

"Who?!" Kenan looked up at the sky warily, and Akali also raised her head blankly.

They saw the wind and the man who rode it.

"Don't be nervous." Master Yi stepped on the sword and came to ride on the wind: "I come from the Wuji Sword Sect, and I also come from the leader of the wind."

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