LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 388 Rescue them all ashore! (2-in-1)

It's not that Vladimir didn't expect his failure.

In his expectation, he would lose to Janna, lose to Nagakapoulos, and lose to the god behind the leader who might come at any time.

But what he didn't expect was that the trump card used by the leader to turn the tide of the battle would turn out to be...a group of mortals? !

"Damn it!" Vladimir looked at the sea unwillingly.

With the help of the extraordinary's sharp eyes, he could even clearly see the panic and fear written on the faces of the sailors on the ships.

These leading sailors were all ordinary sailors, fishermen, and fishermen not long ago.

They have never seen this purgatory scene with zombies everywhere and a sea of ​​blood in the sky. Now that they come to this horrific war scene, they will naturally be panicked and even fearful.

But fear does not mean retreat.

On the contrary, in order to prevent this horrific scene from appearing in Zaun, Bilgewater, and their finally liberated hometown in the future, the sailors of the Wind Leader are fighting desperately.

As a result, countless cannons roared simultaneously, sending a storm of fire and steel to the undead army on the coast.

Countless Bluebird drones were moved out of the warehouse, assembled on the deck, and flew vertically into the sky in the strong wind. Finally, like a dense swarm of bees gathering to attack, they flew towards the monstrous sea of ​​blood.

For a moment, the sky seemed to be divided into two halves.

Half of it is an endless scarlet purgatory, a sea of ​​blood that seems to swallow up everything.

The other half is an endless swarm of artillery shells and aircraft, a steel sky that seems to be able to destroy everything.

Soon, the sea of ​​blood and the iron dome collided fiercely in the air.

A storm of light and heat suddenly set off in the sky, and countless brilliant blood-colored fireworks bloomed. The blazing fire, the steaming blood mist, the broken steel, and the bloody wind set off by the explosion...

One after another, planes fell in the rain of blood, and one shell after another exploded into fireworks in the sea of ​​blood.

But the leader's firepower seems to never be exhausted. Their planes were as numerous as swarms of bees, and their artillery shells were as numerous as raindrops, endless and continuous.

Finally, under this unreserved mutual consumption...

The terrifying sea of ​​​​blood that originally covered the sky and the sun actually became fragmented in the bursts of explosions, even shrunk and deformed, and could not even be repaired.

Soon, the sun fell from between the torn bloody sky, illuminating the land shrouded in blood mist again.

These mortal mechanical creations actually suppressed Vladimir's almost divine magical power head-on.

"This...impossible!" Vladimir couldn't accept it.

But the fact is that he lost to the mortals who he regarded as food.

The monstrous sea of ​​blood he summoned after absorbing the flesh and blood of countless people was gradually collapsing in the continuous explosions.

And the undead legion he transformed with the Blood Plague became helpless in the face of the devastating firepower of the Wind Leader Fleet.

After all, no matter how powerful Sion's "dump truck" is, it can't hit the leader fleet at sea. It could only stand blankly on the land, like a dummy on a training ground, being bombed in vain.

"Oops." Vladimir sensed the danger.

That blood-red pool containing the blood of tens of thousands of people was, in a sense, his blood bar.

In other words... every time the leader shoots a cannonball that is so cheap that it is almost free, every explosion caused by it is his precious "health"!

Using your own health points to "exchange blood" with the leader's ammunition depot, won't you lose blood in this fight?

Therefore, Vladimir instinctively turned into a blood mist, trying to blend into the bloody clouds that filled the sky, and quietly escape from the battlefield where the situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable to him.


"Humph, want to escape?!" Levi has been waiting for a long time.

The intensive artillery fire of the Wind Leader fleet has greatly consumed Vladimir's strength and the nutrients he absorbed from those Noxian soldiers.

Now Vladimir's vitality is seriously injured, but he is no longer able to compete with the goddess Janna head-on.

Therefore, Levi saw the right opportunity, controlled the storm, and flew into the sky to face the monstrous sea of ​​blood.

"Howling hurricane!" Janna stood on Levi's shoulders and flapped her wings gently.

Immediately afterwards, the air pressure on the entire battlefield changed.

Everyone present could feel a storm slowly brewing in all directions.

At first, it was just wisps of gentle breeze, and then the breeze gathered from all directions. It didn't take long before a tornado storm was condensed over the battlefield, which was at least several thousand meters wide and thousands of meters high.

The sea of ​​​​blood that Vladimir mixed into was completely restrained in the center of the eye by this high-speed spinning and roaring tornado.

The storm seems to have become a prison in the sea of ​​blood.

Subsequently, the wind speed became faster and faster, and the high-speed cyclone of the tornado began to slowly shrink toward the center of the eye.

The sea of ​​blood gradually followed the wind and was compressed into a huge "blood ball". The space left for Vladimir to hide in became smaller and smaller.

"Steel Storm!" Janna used another killing move.

And this move, to put it bluntly...

Just use the strong wind to control the drones and artillery shells, let them rush into the center of the storm, and bombard the pool of blood that has been firmly trapped by the hurricane.

"Ah——" Vladimir finally hurt his body.

He was forced to reappear from the sea of ​​blood, and then tried his best to stir up waves of blood, trying to knock away the tornado that restrained him.

But it was all in vain.

From the moment the Wind Leader fleet appeared on the sea, his failure was doomed.

Janna used the strong wind to firmly suppress Vladimir, making it impossible for him to escape no matter how hard he struggled. No matter how the surging blood waves hit the wind wall, they would eventually be pushed back by a stronger air flow, trapping it firmly in the center of the storm.

The cannonballs and drones launched by the Wind Leader fleet were still under the control of Janna, and they continued to rush into the storm.

"No! No!" Vladimir's shrill and desperate scream came from the sea of ​​blood.

The explosion of an artillery shell may have been like a mosquito bite to him.

But what if there are hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of "mosquitoes"? If there are too many mosquitoes, they will bite people to death.

With each explosion, the light and heat generated will evaporate, sputter, and disperse part of the blood in the blood pool, which will weaken part of Vladimir's power.

Finally, between the continuous explosions and flames...

The sea of ​​blood collapsed.

Vladimir, whose strength was exhausted to the extreme, could no longer resist Janna's deadly storm.

All the blood dispersed into blood mist in an instant, floating in the endless storm.

And as Vladimir's mangled body fell helplessly, the bloody sky that shrouded everyone's heads finally collapsed completely.

The sky lit up again.

The roaring and struggling undead zombies on the ground also lost their strong vitality maintained by blood magic at this moment with Vladimir's defeat.

They were like fallen wheat after a strong wind, falling piece by piece on the battlefield.

"This..." Seeing this scene, Yin Lisi's face turned green.

She was originally here to assist Vladimir. Now that Vladimir was defeated and the scarlet monsters fell, she and her spider army were the only ones left on the battlefield.

Irelia, Riven, Yi, Zed, Shen, Kennen, Akali, Jarvan, Garen, Lux, Sylas, Sona, Zelie, Seraphine, Katarina, Xayah and Luo... The soldiers of the Wind Leader have all set their sights on her.

The glances of sympathizers glanced at her, frightening Yin Lisi's "Spider Sense" to death.

"Run!" This was Yin Lisi's first reaction.

However, she only felt that the sky was getting dark——

When she looked up, the swarm of drones that covered the sky and the sun were already flying towards her.



With Yin Lisi's fall, the battlefield quickly returned to calm.

The surviving Noxian soldiers had long been frightened to death by the hellish scene of rampant zombies and spiders, and ran out for several kilometers in one breath.

Lester and his fighting group turned like the wind, running so fast that they couldn't even see their shadows.

So on this huge battlefield, out of the hundreds of thousands of Noxian troops, there was only one living person left.

And he still had to be rescued by the leader, so that he could save his life from the crazy zombie army earlier and the overwhelming bombardment later.

"General Du Cacault." As soon as the battle was over, Galen was the first to find the surviving general.

"Father." Catalina always followed Galen.

"..." Du Kecao looked at them with a complicated expression and remained silent.

"Uncle." Galen changed his title unknowingly: "Surrender to our leader."

"Okay." Du Kecao nodded.

"You have disclosed important information to us before, which can be considered as a timely surrender. Now as long as you are willing to surrender...well, wait..." After saying this, Galen was slightly startled.

"Uncle, what did you say?" He didn't believe his ears.

"I say that I am willing to surrender to the leader." Du Kecao confirmed.

Galen: "This..."

Is it that easy? He thought that a famous imperial general like Du Couture would be more stubborn.

"Now that things have happened, what do I have to hold on to?" Du Kecao just sighed.

He looked at the messy battlefield:

The troops he brought out with his own hands, the soldiers who once trusted him, had now turned into irrational monsters, and finally died without dignity in this twisted and ugly posture.

Even he himself almost died under the blood rain and the spider swarm.

If Galen hadn't remembered his father-in-law... ahem, old uncle, and specifically rescued him, he might have turned into a fragmented corpse by now.

"The Empire... no, the Black Rose has abandoned us. I have no reason to fight for it anymore." Du Cacao sighed.

Finally, he offered his general's sword: "I - willing to surrender."


"We win! We win!"

The young fisherman excitedly put his arm around Pike's shoulders and pulled him with him to look at the still-smoky battlefield from the side of the ship.

The surrounding sailors were cheering, and the shouts of joy almost echoed throughout the entire ocean.

"..." Pike was not very used to this kind of enthusiasm.

Although, as temporary sailors recruited into the army, they have been comrades-in-arms for more than a month.

"Pike." At this time, the young fisherman could only be heard sighing to him: "We won, and the war is about to end."

The war may not end. However, it is probably difficult to have a second such large-scale maritime support operation.

The fishery production of Bilgewater and the shipping operations of Zaun and Piltover are also indispensable for the power of these fishermen and sailors.

Therefore, they will have to go home sooner or later.

"Pike." The young fisherman turned back and asked him curiously: "Where are you going next?"

"Should you come back to Bilgewater with us, find a job and settle down. Or apply for a full-time job and stay in the Navy of the Leader?"

"I..." Pike fell into confusion again.

Neither path seemed right for him.

His reason was already distorted in the abyss. Ever since his resurrection from the dead many years ago, the only meaning of his existence seems to be to kill sinners one after another with his endless revenge list.

His mission is to kill and take revenge.

The stable life in Bilgewater is definitely not suitable for him.

Although the leader's navy sounds like a professional counterpart, based on Pike's actual experience these days, this kind of life is still too comfortable for him.

He always instinctively desires killing, thirsts for the blood of sinners, and hopes to kill those "enemies" on the list with his own hands.

But for the leader's naval fleet, there is no blood involved in punishing criminals.

The sailors only need to be responsible for moving boxes, assembling the drone on the deck, and then waiting for the wind leader to summon the divine wind of the goddess Janna to send the aircraft into the sky...

Finally, wait patiently for a moment, waiting for the drone to fly dozens of kilometers away and destroy the target in the air.

The Imperial Navy fleet of Noxus had been destroyed in this way before.

Pike didn't even see the faces of these criminals, and they were killed inexplicably.

And the only thing he did was help carry the boxes onto the deck like other human sailors.

Why would a Blood Harbor Ghost be needed to do this kind of work?

And the most important thing is:

Leaders always like to tell people the truth. If you want to officially join the leader, you must understand those major principles.

This is really difficult for Parker. His mind cannot stay awake most of the time, and it is difficult for him to communicate with others normally, let alone understand those ridiculous theories.

Therefore, even if Pike is willing to become the leader, the leader may not want him.

"I...what should I do?" Pike covered his head and sighed in confusion.

"You can be a lifeguard." The young fisherman said, "You are the best water person I have ever seen, Pike."

"On our Bilgewater beach, many unlucky people drown every year. If there were an excellent lifeguard like you, we should be able to save many lives, right?"

"This..." Pike felt that his suggestion was outrageous.

He was born to drag sinners into the water. How could he change his career to become a lifeguard at the dock?

"I know you want revenge and want to kill those sinners."

After more than a month of getting along with each other, the young fisherman has roughly figured out Pike's temper.

Although he didn't know exactly what Pike had experienced in the past, he could vaguely guess that Pike must have experienced a lot of darkness and pain in the old society.

This experience shaped Parker's twisted and extreme character, making him an avenger and punisher who constantly pursues killing.

This is the understanding of this young fisherman.

Although the story was not consistent, he did understand Pike's obsession.

"But." The young fisherman advised: "As long as our struggle continues smoothly, the sinners will be completely eliminated sooner or later. At that time, what should you do?"

Will sinners one day be completely eliminated? Will the whole world become a new place, free from oppression and slavery?

This sounds like a joke. But thinking back to the greatly changed Bilgewater, Pike couldn't help but believe it.

yes. If the whole world can become like Bilgewater in the future, without pirates, robbers, gangsters, profiteers... without these vampires, what should he do?

Do you want him to change his career to become a policeman, lower the threshold of "revenge" and catch some inconspicuous petty thieves?

Unknowingly, the unemployment crisis once again troubled this bloody ghost.

"Pike." At this time, his fisherman friend asked him again: "Do you know why you have never been able to become the leader?"

"Because I can't read those books," Pike said.

"No, it's not just for this reason." The fisherman said: "You regard the leader as a fellow traveler, but in fact, you are different."

"You only think about punishing the evildoers. It seems that as long as you kill all the sinners, everything will be fine. But the leader knows that things are not that simple."

"Winning the war is just the beginning of the struggle. What we have to do is not just killing and punishing, but also developing and building."

"So we not only have to punish criminals, but also help good people and try to make everyone live a better life - and this is exactly what you will never do."

Pike was silent for a while.

Of course he wouldn't do these things to help people.

Because what maintains his existence is obsession, resentment, and the pure desire for revenge.

As the Blood Harbor Ghost, the embodiment of the resentment of countless victims, all he needs to do is kill.

But who would have thought that one day, the world would gradually become as peaceful as a dream, and his killing would no longer be needed?

This makes Pike's existence almost unsustainable.

"The new era needs leaders, not just vengeful evil spirits." His fisherman friend added: "Pike, I don't know what you have experienced in the past."

"But now, maybe you can try to move on from the past."

Parker: "..."

He looked up at the sky in silence.

The blood mist has dissipated, and the smoke has gradually subsided.

The bright sunshine shines freely, illuminating the sea into a blue.

"I..." Pike was relieved.

His chaotic mind gradually became clearer, and his twisted and painful heart finally regained its calm.

The sea swelled slowly, as if calling him silently.

He seems...

Finally, I can rest in peace.

Finally, there was no more pain.

Pike closed his eyes, enjoying the long-lost peace.

And just then:

"Boom!" A raging fire suddenly broke out on a friendly ship not far away.

This is an old wooden sailing ship. Once the fire started, it couldn't stop burning more and more fiercely.

Although the leaders of several nearby ships flew over urgently, and immediately controlled the airflow and pumped out seawater to suppress the fire...

But many sailors still jumped out of the burning wooden ship in panic and fell into the sea in embarrassment.

"What's wrong?" Pike and others asked.

"Those idiots!" Someone learned about the situation through the Bluebird radio: "Assembling several drones can leak oil, and they burned their own deck."

"Now that's good - I'm afraid they will become our only surface ship damaged in this battle."

"Haha." Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Pike looked at the sailors struggling in the water with deep and complicated eyes.

At this moment, he found another meaning of his existence besides revenge and killing.

"I want..." Pike jumped into the sea and swam to those who fell into the water: "Rescue them all ashore!"

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