LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 394 Darius’ Lover

"Besilico... imminent rebellion?"

Noxus is still in the turbulent aftermath of the change of dynasties, so it is not surprising that there are local rebellions.

But this time, Darius's always firm and steady expression showed a rare expression of emotion.

This is not just because Besilico is his hometown.

This is especially because the current lord of Besilico, Queletta Wine, has a close relationship with him.

Queletta Wine, his childhood sweetheart.

His ex-girlfriend, his former lover, was also the only woman he had ever loved in his life.

Ten years ago, the two of them had already reached the bitter end of their relationship breaking up and parting ways due to different ideas.

At the same time, due to the military mobilization of the empire, Darius and Queletta were transferred to different battlefields located all over the world.

Later, Darius heard that Queletta had a child.

Although it is not known who the child's father is and who won Queletta's heart, it is obvious that there is no possibility between them.

Later, Darius was named the Hand of Noxus for his meritorious service in battle, and he has been active in the empire's frontline battlefields ever since.

Queletta, on the other hand, exchanged military honors for the title of Lord Belisico, and returned to their hometown with power and honor.

Still later, the Ionian War broke out.

Queletta was transferred to Ionia and participated in a series of Noxus' combat plans in Ionia.

Including the decisive battle that took place in the Baru'e Province a month ago, causing heavy casualties to the Noxus Empire.

"Wait, Commander Swain." Darius quickly asked: "You said there will be a rebellion in Besilico, then who is the initiator of this rebellion..."

"It's Queletta." Swain seemed to have guessed what he was going to ask: "She didn't die in Ionia. She came back alive."

"This..." Darius' first reaction was to breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that you have been paying attention to General Queletta's news." Swain said playfully.

"Yes." Draeus admitted frankly. He was very concerned about Queletta's movements. Although, they have been separated for ten years.

So he knew that Queletta had gone to Ionia, and he also guessed that she, with her outstanding abilities, was most likely on the frontline battlefield in Baru'e.

But he didn't know much about what happened next. He only knew that Queletta was not among the 50,000 people who followed Lester to launch a mutiny and were "sent back home" by the leader.

So, where is Queletta? Is she still alive? This question has always troubled Darius.

Fortunately, he could finally confirm that Queletta was still alive. She returned safe and sound.

But is this really good news?

"Commander Swain." Darius asked with a heavy heart: "Are you sure that Queletta has a premeditated plan to launch a rebellion?"

He didn't want to believe it. Because Queletta was never from the old aristocracy. She is also a member of the new upstart and a supporter of Swain.

Now that Swain is the commander-in-chief, why is she rebelling?

"My intelligence rarely makes mistakes." Swain replied calmly: "Of course, you have to confirm and investigate in person."

"If Queletta didn't rebel, then everyone would be happy; but if the intelligence is true, then... you know what to do."

"..." Darius looked at the red boy crow on Swain's shoulder, and when he thought of the name of the hidden devil, he became silent and speechless.

"I understand." He took a deep breath and said, "I'll leave now."

"Please rest assured, if Queletta is really planning a rebellion against the empire as you said..." Darius quietly clenched his fists: "Then I will definitely kill her with my own hands."

"Yes." Swain nodded meaningfully: "I believe you will make the right choice, Darius."


A few days later, Besiliko.

Besilico is a seaport city located on the southwest border of the Noxus Empire. It is also a prosperous commercial city-state with a long history.

When Darius led an army of extraordinary knights capable of turning this small border town into dust and returned to his hometown after a long journey, what he saw was a prosperous and peaceful daily scene.

The city gates here are open and unguarded, and the port is open to the public normally. There were constant traffic of ships on the sea, and an endless stream of pedestrians on the road. Everyone was living their lives peacefully, and there was no tense atmosphere about an imminent rebellion.

"Brother!" Delavin rode a war horse and pointed at the undefended city gate and said to Darius: "Is Commander Swain's intelligence wrong?"

"This..." Darius also felt strange.

There was not even a guard standing guard at the city gate. The imperial army marched to the city gate, and no one came out of the city to stop them.

When the civilians in the city saw the arrival of the counter-rebellion army, they not only did not panic, but also had puzzled and curious expressions on their faces, gathering around the city gate to watch their excitement...

What kind of rebellion is this?

There is no such thing as an empty city strategy in Runeterra. This kind of routine is completely useless in front of the Noxian army with aerial reconnaissance capabilities.

Therefore, facing such an undefended city, Darius was a little confused.

Could it be that Swain’s information was really wrong?

Darius hoped so.

But he still maintained the caution and seriousness of an imperial general: "Perhaps this is because the news leaked out prematurely before Queletta had time to launch a rebellion."

"Anyway, everyone has to be careful."

Darius told everyone so, and then sent out the flying magic bird knights with great caution to conduct a complete aerial reconnaissance of the entire city. After confirming that there was indeed no ambush set by Queletta in the city, he finally led the army into the Bay. Silico.

Speaking of which, he has not returned to his hometown for many years.

So as soon as the army entered the city, memories emerged uncontrollably from the depths of Darius' mind along with the familiar scenes.

"That's...where we first met Queletta." Darius noticed an inconspicuous alley on the side of the street.

Many, many years ago, he and Delavin were wandering orphans struggling to survive on the streets of Besilico.

As an ancient commercial city-state, Besilico has been a prosperous place since ancient times.

But just as the prosperity of Piltover will not benefit the ditch orphans of Zaun, the prosperity of Besilico has almost nothing to do with street orphans like Darius.

In order to survive, Darius could only take his young brother to beg, scavenge, and fight with other children for a piece of moldy bread dug out of the garbage.

But Darius was just a malnourished child at that time. When faced with other homeless orphans who were outnumbered and forming cliques, he was not always able to win in the fight.

And for a precarious orphan like him, losing once might mean death.

"At that time, we were all injured and couldn't move." Darius still remembered the despair at that time: "Those gangsters left us in this alley and left us here to die."

"I struggled to climb out of the alley and asked for help from the people passing by. I begged them to give us a mouthful of water and food, but..."

No one paid any attention to him. The residents of Besilico have long been used to this kind of thing.

Everyone knew that there was no way that two street orphans who were so injured that they could not move would survive.

Not only will people not help them, they will even expect them to die early - after all, street orphans are synonymous with thieves and robbers most of the time.

No decent person would like these little bastards who make zero-dollar purchases every chance they get. Everyone wants them to disappear as soon as possible, so how can they lend a helping hand to them?

"Fortunately, Queletta showed up." Delavin continued.

He also remembered the kindness of this old friend: "She was obviously a homeless orphan, but she was willing to give us the bread she had stolen with great difficulty. Because of her care, we survived. That was the most difficult time.”

"At that time, we..."

They were almost adopted by Queletta.

If Queletta hadn't squeezed out a share of them from his meager rations, they might have been unable to move due to injuries and died of starvation in despair in the alley.

"Hey, brother..." Drain asked Darius: "I still can't figure it out clearly, why does Queletta want to help us?"

"We don't know her. Why did she go to such trouble to save us?"

"..." Darius was somewhat silent.

Then, he said to his brother in a complicated tone: "You don't understand. Neither do I."

Queletta and the two brothers are completely different people.

Delavin and Darius are now standard Noxians.

Even though they themselves were once weak, they still firmly believe in the law of the jungle and the strong, believing that the strong should eat meat and the weak deserve to suffer.

Compared with Delaiwen, who has grown into a "perverted pleasure criminal" and enjoys gladiatorial fights and beheadings all day long, Darius is slightly better.

He would at least feel the pain of those who are weak. But at the same time, he will never show unnecessary sympathy to those who are weak.

But Queletta is different.

"Quiletta." Darius said delicately: "Compared to a Noxian, she has always been more like a..."

"Leader of the Wind." He hesitated for a moment before giving such a dangerous evaluation.

Yes, Darius felt that Queletta's character was very similar to those of those who led the way.

She is naturally kind and sympathetic to the weak. Even in this dark and cruel world, he still maintains his foolish, innocent and precious compassion.

So even if she saw two strangers fall in front of her, she would help them as much as possible because of her compassion.

Even though Queletta later joined the Imperial Army with them and became a general of Noxus after going through hardships, she still did not change her "weakness".

She would sympathize with the low-level soldiers who died on the battlefield, and pity the innocent civilians who were involved in the war, even civilians from the enemy country.

Although this does not affect Queletta's past loyalty to the Empire, she, like other Imperial generals, believes that the rise of Noxus requires blood and believes in the necessity of war and sacrifice.

But it is true that she has never been a "qualified" Noxian.

"Wait." Darius' heart sank.

He finally realized that the information provided by Swain was not necessarily wrong.

Queletta may have no reason to oppose the new Swain, but she does have an incentive to betray Noxus.

"Let's go." Thinking of this, Darius no longer wanted to look back on the past: "Let's go to the City Lord's Mansion!"

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