LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 399 Irelia = safety margin?

"It seems that they succeeded." Levi couldn't help but sigh after hearing Janna tell the story of Sean and Montero.

Janna had heard their prayers coming from the underworld. Clearly, their efforts were successful.

The Underworld Chapter of the Wind Leader has developed enough believers in Mitna Rachen. The power of faith of these wind leaders gathered together, finally penetrated the barriers between different realms, and successfully reestablished contact with the goddess Janna.

"But..." Levi asked with some concern: "How many people are there in the underworld branch of the Wind Leader Association now?"

He did not forget that Sean died just over a month ago. In other words, just over a month ago, this so-called underworld branch only had a few dozen people.

"More than 500 people." Janna replied: "After Sean joined the branch, Montero separated three propaganda work teams from the Underworld branch, led by the two of them and another leader, and responsible for each."

"Then, each of the three of them led a team and separated in the wasteland of the underworld to search for the souls enslaved by Mordekaiser, and promoted the thoughts and theories of the Wind Leader to these undead souls."

"On the other hand, the undead welcome their arrival..."

These souls have wandered in the empty wasteland of the underworld for too long. They have no means of killing time, and their only pleasure is to inquire about all kinds of fresh news and stories about the human world from the newly arrived souls in the underworld.

So they are willing to listen to the leader. No matter what the leader says.

And these souls have been tortured in this eternal hell. They need hope so much.

Therefore, even if much of the theoretical knowledge summarized by the leaders in industrial society is not applicable to the situation in the underworld, these souls will eagerly listen, learn, explore and think - just for the verbal promise of "Believe in Janna and be saved." , for that extremely slim hope.

"So in just one month, the leader's underworld branch has grown to more than 500 people."

This is already a very good result.

However, what Li Wei was curious about was: "Is the power of faith of more than 500 people enough to penetrate the barrier between the underworld and the human world?"

At the beginning, Mordekaiser was a genius who understood Ouchen, the language of the dead, in the underworld, and used it to deduce and study undead magic. Only then did he finally master the ability to transfer magic power and consciousness across realms and return to the human world from the underworld.

Now the leader only needs the power of faith of more than 500 people, is it enough to penetrate the boundaries between domains?

"There are two reasons for this." Janna explained: "On the one hand, among the souls wandering in the wasteland of the underworld, there are many who were extraordinary in life and whose souls are still powerful after death."

"The credibility they provide is far stronger than that of ordinary people, so it cannot be simply summarized by the number of people."

"On the other hand." Janna paused.

This is the most important reason.

"In fact, there is far more than one branch of the Underworld branch of the Wind Leaders. There are far more Wind Leaders than Sean and Montero who went to the underworld and survived."

"You, you mean?" Levi was moved.

"Yes, the wasteland of the underworld is huge, so big that even if you wander for hundreds of years, you may not be able to meet your friends." Janna replied in a complicated tone.

"In the past year, many of our leaders went to the underworld for various reasons, and only a handful of them survived. But even this 'very few' totaled 37 people."

"These 37 people have established a total of 32 leader associations in the underworld."

"They have been fighting hard in the boundless wasteland of the underworld without knowing each other's existence."

"Each of them is a seed of hope, a carrier of faith, a fire that ignites the decaying wasteland, and a beam of light that pierces the dark night."

"Like..." Janna paused.

She raised her wings slightly and put the feathers gently on Levi's hand: "I am alone, just like you when you appear in this world."

Levi: "..."

He was silent for a long time and finally sighed: "No, they are better than me."

He had Janna helping him from start to finish. As for those leaders fighting in the underworld, not only did they not have Janna by their side, they did not even have a comrade who could encourage and help them.

But they happened to be in a world without the blessing of the goddess Janna, and relied on their own strength to establish the organization.

These people are true warriors.

"The leader is already immortal." Levi felt unprecedented peace of mind.

He was originally worried that the emergence of the Underworld branch of the Wind Leader would attract the attention and vigilance of Mordekaiser, causing the underworld emperor to counterattack the world more than ten years in advance.

But now it seems that the person who really needs to worry is Mordekaiser.

He enslaved countless souls, but could not restrain the free will of so many people. The hundreds of millions of enslaved undead will eventually unite under the banner of the goddess Janna and become the last gravediggers of the emperor of the underworld.

"Janna, can you project your power to the underworld now?" Levi asked.

"It's still barely enough." Janna shook her furry head: "The barrier of the plane blocks too much faith. The only thing I can do now is to listen to their prayers. At the same time, give them the weakest ray of hope. Divine power, just to help them show the thread of faith."

This is enough.

The thread of faith can appear in the underworld, which means that the goddess Janna can project power to the underworld.

The hope that the leader promised to the undead also had tangible proof at this moment.

"And that will soon change."

The leader's faith has set off a prairie fire in the vast wasteland of the underworld.

Every day, more undead choose to embrace the hope given to them by the Wind Leader, and more Wind Leaders are born underground.

The power of faith gathered in the underworld will become stronger and stronger, and the influence Janna can exert on the underworld will also become stronger and stronger.

If this continues...

If Mordekaiser doesn't counterattack the human world, Janna will be the first to attack the underworld under the call of countless leaders in the underworld.

"Okay!" Levi felt more confident.

The storm of change is already brewing in the underworld. All they have to do now is trust their comrades in the underworld and wait patiently.


"The comrades in the underworld are fighting hard, and we must try our best to complete our mission in the human world." Levi quickly put aside the matters of the underworld branch and returned his attention to the work at hand.

And he did have an important task to deal with.

That's the land issue in Ionia.

Because of the insufficient number of leading cadres, the area where the land system reform was implemented was limited to Balu'e Province from the beginning.

It wasn't like there were no troubles during this period. However, under the full supervision and command of the leader cadre team, the situation is generally controllable.

However, outside the Baru'e Province, the situation is completely different.

Li Wei originally planned to let the Leader Association try it in Balu'e Province first. The work in Balu'e was completed, the cadre team was strengthened, and the work was gradually promoted throughout Ionia.

But Irelia had a different opinion.

This heroic girl who emerged from the flames of war has always had great enthusiasm for fighting.

After secretly joining the Windleader Association and finding a new goal in life, Irelia couldn't wait to use the methods she learned from the Windleader to transform all of Ionia.

After all, completing the work as soon as possible will enable the vast number of poor farmers in Ionia to turn over as soon as possible. This will allow the people of Navoli to catch up with next year’s spring plowing and have a good life a year earlier.

According to Levi's step-by-step approach, it is optimistically estimated that it will take at least five years to complete the land system reform in the entire Ionia.

Irelia hopes that this process can go as quickly as possible.

But Li Wei thinks that she has taken too big a step, and it is easy for her good intentions to lead to bad things.

But Irelia also proposed a seemingly feasible plan:

That was to conduct a pilot project in the newly recovered western part of the Navoli province, where she would personally lead the capable men in the Presidio resistance army, and then invite a few leaders as regional supervisors to cooperate in trying to complete the reform of the land system.

Levi finally agreed to the plan.

Because if this pilot can be successful in Navoli, it means that the model of "leader cadres are responsible for supervision + Presidian resistance officers are responsible for execution" is completely feasible.

And if this model is feasible, then the leader can only send a few cadres to supervise the work, and then recruit a large number of non-leader officials to be responsible for the specific implementation.

In the past, several leaders had to be stationed in a village, but now one leader can oversee a township.

If this plan proves to be feasible, the problem of the shortage of Wind Leader cadres can be greatly alleviated, and the Wind Leader's land work in Ionia can be implemented as quickly as possible throughout Ionia. Go down.

"But..." Janna saw Levi's doubts: "Are you worried that Irelia's attempt will fail?"

"Yes." Levi nodded. Irelia's pilot project of "Wind-Public Cooperation" in western Navoli was carried out simultaneously with the work of Wind Leader in the province of Baru'e.

She has been doing it for more than a month now. If there is a problem, it is almost time to show it now.

"It's time for us to go take a look."

"But Irelia is a good child." Janna said with some concern: "Besides, she is only conducting a pilot project within a city. Maybe the situation is not as bad as you worry."

"It's better not to be too optimistic," Levi said.

"Building a 'pilot city' is both the most reliable and the least reliable method."

"Because the radicals who agree with this policy will do everything they can to make everything in the pilot city look good so that the policy can proceed smoothly."

"And the conservatives who oppose this policy will try every means to make everything in the pilot cities very bad, thus delaying the implementation of the policy."

This is like changing water transportation to sea transportation.

Those who support water transportation will definitely try their best to secretly sabotage sea shipping vessels on trial voyages, making sea shipping look risky and expensive, and deterring those in power.

And those who support maritime transportation will definitely do everything possible to ensure the safety of maritime transportation. Even if sea transportation really doesn’t save money, they may still fiddle with the accounts to make the sea transportation plan appear to save money, thereby ensuring that the policy is implemented as they wish.

"Building a pilot city is equivalent to a limited-scale social experiment."

"If the cadres responsible for implementation cannot do things realistically, it will be equivalent to the experimental results being tampered with by everyone. The so-called successful pilots and work models are out of touch with the general situation under objective conditions."

"Faced with such unscientific experimental results, how can we draw correct conclusions?"

This situation generally does not happen to leaders.

Because leaders pay attention to seeking truth from facts. Acting in accordance with the actual situation of things is also a code of conduct that every leader cadre must abide by.

With the blessing of faith, they will not be unable to treat the experimental results fairly and justly because of their personal selfishness for political achievements and interests, nor because of their distorted public conscience due to excessive enthusiasm and extreme lines.

Therefore, leaders generally do not make this mistake.

But the problem is...

"Irelia leads a group of old resistance officers." Levi said: "They may be heroes who resisted the Noxian invaders, but they are also the representatives of the interests of the old Ionian landowners."

"Let a group of officials with powerful backgrounds lead the people to fight against the rich... Is this really possible?"

Irelia said that the subordinates she picked should all be trustworthy. But Levi remained skeptical.

Those masters are still there now.

Are they really willing to watch the leader successfully implement land reform in Ionia and do nothing?

"But we also sent cadres to support." Janna still had illusions: "With leaders in charge of supervising the work at key positions, Irelia's attempt will not be too failed, right?"

But Li Wei said: "What can we do with that few people?"

There is no shortage of upright officials in any dynasty or generation, and there is no shortage of "leaders".

But with these few upright officials, plus Irelia, a "half-wise king" who has no enthusiasm for reform but has very limited ability to govern... can it really happen?

In this regard, Levi commented rudely: "This girl has been stabbed in the back by one of her own people once, but she still believes that there is someone useful among them. To put it bluntly..."

"If she can eat an egg worth 30 silver wheels without being fooled by her subordinates, she is considered very capable."

"This..." Janna was a little dissatisfied with Levi's meanness: "You don't trust her so much, why do you still let her do the pilot?"

"In order to leave a sufficient safety margin for the experiment." Levi said.

Janna: "?"

Levi explained: "If the pilot can be successful at Irelia's level, it means that this plan is really feasible."

Janna: "..."

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