LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 424 Rock Bird? Wind bird√

"Social survey?" Sivir frowned: "What does that mean?"

"Uh..." The deputy also looked confused.

He thought for a while and said, "It is said that it means walking around, seeing and chatting with the locals in Shurima."

That's pretty much the content of the commission that Mr. Zu An conveyed through the intermediary.

"Isn't this just tourism?" Sivir pouted.

"It's different." The deputy felt that he understood clearly: "I paid for the travel and tourism myself. But this social survey seems to be paid for by the Leader Association of Zaun."

"Oh." Sivir also understood.

This is just like those Noxian military officers.

When they were eating, drinking, having fun, and having fun in Shurima, they mostly spent public funds from the imperial colonies.

"Exactly." She smiled disdainfully: "That's true."

Shurima, especially the coastal city-states on the north coast of Shurima, has close trade and cultural exchanges with the twin cities.

At least 70% of the goods shipped from the north shore of Shurima will converge on the Sun Gate Canal in the Twin Cities. There is no shortage of desert merchants from Shurima on the streets of Zaun and Piltover.

Therefore, Sivir has also heard various legends about the Wind Leader Association.

It's just that when these legends were spread from the Twin Cities to the north coast of Shurima, and then from the coastal city-states on the north coast of Shurima, through word of mouth by desert caravans, to the vast desert where Sivir has been active for a long time, they had changed a lot. appearance.

In the version Sivir heard:

Leaders are saints chosen by God and are the saviors of the suffering people all over the world.

It's as if the leaders are all angels descended to earth and reincarnations of saints. Their whole bodies are filled with the light of Buddha, and mortals can be saved by just one glance.


Many desert tribesmen believe this. Anyway, as long as it can give them a little more hope in their miserable life, they are willing to believe anything.

But Sivir scoffed at this.

Based on her experience gained from many years of hard work in the desert, most of those folk sects that claim to be "saviors" are not serious sects.

This Leader Association is probably similar. The goddess Jana they believe in is probably not a good god either.

Sivir thinks so.

And the commission she received this time made her even more convinced of this.

saint? Savior?

"Haha." Sivir couldn't help joking to his deputy: "Let's go meet these saviors."


Sivir led her mercenary group into Berghun and followed the meeting address given by the middleman along the way.

But when she found the hotel where she had agreed to meet, there were only a few hotel clerks who had been given instructions in advance.

They told Sivir that the leader's investigation team had left the city in the morning, and was said to have gone to the oasis riverside outside the city.

So Sivir searched all the way outside the city.

She originally thought she would see a group of rich men from the two cities dressed in suits and leather shoes, riding tall horses and accompanied by servants, freely riding and enjoying themselves by the oasis river.

As a result, she saw a group of "mud-legged people".

It's literally mud-legged. Those who claimed to be the leaders were busy at the riverside with all kinds of strange instruments.

Their clothes looked similar to the most ordinary Shurima desert tribesmen.

Their dark skin, glistening with sweat under the scorching sun, and the turbid yellow mud stained on their rolled-up trouser legs, made their image infinitely closer to that of a Shurima farmer working hard on the banks of the oasis river.

"You...are the leader?" Sivir confirmed with some disbelief.

"Yes." A girl who looked like a team leader gave her an affirmative answer.

This little girl has a simple appearance, clear eyes, and her skin has the roughness unique to desert tribesmen.

"You look like a Shuriman," Sivir couldn't help but say.

"You read that right, Miss Sivir." The girl told her: "I am a Shuriman. Most of the members of our social investigation team are also Shuriman living in the Twin Cities."

"Let's get to know each other," the girl said, extending her hand to her: "My name is Taliyah, from the weaver tribe in the south of Shurima."

"Weaver tribe?" Sivir frowned slightly.

She is well-informed and knows almost every desert tribe in this vast desert.

She knew that the weaver tribe from which Miss Taliyah was born was nomadic in the southernmost hilly area of ​​Shurima all year round - a little further south, there was Icathia, which was barren of any grass.

"That's really far away." Sivir couldn't help but sigh: "How did you go to Zaun? And what kind of leader did you become?"

"Well, it's a long story..." Taliyah was happy to tell her story.

She was born in the rocky Shurima Foothills, bordering the sinister shadows of Icathia. Her childhood was spent herding sheep among the tribe of wandering weavers.

Taliyah thought she would live such an ordinary life.

But at the age of 16, she suddenly awakened to the powerful earth element magic, and had the terrifying talent of controlling giant rocks and shaking the earth.

She was ignorant and unable to control such a powerful talent, and in this isolated wandering tribe, no one could teach her the mysterious and noble magical knowledge.

Helplessly, for the safety of her fellow tribesmen and to prevent her magic from getting out of control, Taliyah could only leave her hometown alone and embark on the long road of searching for magical knowledge.

"I wandered all the way from the south to the northern shore of Shurima, and met Noxian colonial officers on the northern shore of Shurima."

"Those Noxians thought my magic could be used by the Empire, so they lured me onto a ship to the Immortal Fortress."

If nothing else goes wrong, Taliyah will then be taken to the Immortal Citadel to be inspected and trained by the Noxian magical community.

After that, she might be used as a humanoid weapon and thrown into the battlefield of Ionia to shine.

There, Taliyah will also meet a man who controls the wind, and learn from him the true method of controlling the power of the elements.

But that didn't happen.

Because one has to pass through Zaun from Shurima to the Immortal Fortress, and when Taliyah passed through Zaun, she happened to encounter the shocking scene of the goddess Janna descending into the mortal world.

"I knew then that those leaders would be able to teach me the secrets of controlling the elements and help me harness my talents."

"So I easily got rid of the Noxian officers who were frightened by the goddess Janna, and went to Zaun to join the Windleader."

"Later..." Taliyah's clear eyes seemed to burst out with light: "Not only did I learn the method of controlling the elements from the Wind Leader as I wished, but I also learned some more precious knowledge from here."

She also became a leader.

Over the past six months, she has worked as a grassroots cadre in Zaun, supported Ionia's anti-Nord war, and worked with her comrades on the grassroots level in Ionia to gain some practical experience in social transformation.

after that...

"I took the initiative to apply to the organization to return to Shurima to do social investigation work." Taliyah said seriously.

Although the Wind Leader has no plans to fully intervene in Shurima for the time being, Levi also plans to let Azir clean up the mess first.

But the connection between Shurima and the Twin Cities is so close that within Zaun's Windleader Association, there are many Shurima expats who are in a similar situation to Taliyah.

After successive successes in the Twin Cities, Bilgewater, and Ionia, they couldn't wait to bring the Wind Leader's successful experience back home so that Shurima could be liberated as soon as possible.

Of course, Levi couldn't stop this.

It would be hard for him to say to his Shurima comrades like a big brother that you Shurima are not yet in a position to engage in a struggle for the leadership of Janna. You should wait a little longer and let those warlords and desert bandits continue to dominate. blessing...

So Li Wei agreed to this plan to conduct a social survey of Shurima.

And this does not conflict with his strategic plan.

Anyway, even if the leader does not intervene in Shurima's situation now, he will definitely intervene fully when his strength grows in the future.

At that time, whether it is liberation or subsequent social transformation and industrial construction, a series of complete social surveys will be needed to lay the foundation.

Starting a social survey now is also a way to prepare for a rainy day. This is necessary.

"So, here we are."

"We plan to conduct a comprehensive social survey of the entire Shurima region, and to realize this plan we must travel through the vast desert where warlords are tyrannical and bandits are rampant."

"So we need guides who are more familiar with the road than we laymen, and we also need a group of experienced bodyguards."

Taliyah made it clear why she came and why they hired Sivir and his party.

Next, Taliyah was going to tell Sivir about the general route of this journey, as well as some specific requirements for cooperation.

But compared to talking about the boring work, Sivir was more interested in the "social investigation" mentioned by Taliyah.

Anyway, the commission package was decided in advance, and she didn't care that much about the rest.

"It seems that you are not here for a trip." Sivir looked at her thoughtfully.

Taliyah's rough skin like gravel and her eyes as firm as a rock have already shown that she is a pure Shurima girl.

The Shurima people had already had enough sand. They won't come all the way back to travel.

"Then what exactly is this 'social survey' you're talking about?" Sivir was a little confused.

She looked at the endless oasis river in front of her and asked curiously: "What are you doing now?

"We're measuring the flow of the river," Taliyah said.

"River flow?" Sivir's brain was a little down.

Her family died tragically at the hands of desert bandits when she was a child, and she became an orphan at a very young age.

Therefore, her educational level is just that of prenatal education, and she does not understand many professional terms at all.

What's more, there aren't many rivers in Shurima, and no one has the heart to measure the flow of the rivers. This word is even more unfamiliar to Shuriman people.

"To put it simply..." Taliyah also knew that Sivir couldn't understand very well, so she explained in a more understandable way: "We want to find out how much the river can go downstream to Bergun every day during this season. How many cubic meters of water were brought?”

"If we continue to observe, we can also roughly calculate the annual runoff of this river in a year...that is, how many cubic meters of water it can transport to Bergün in a year."

"Why is this considered?" Sivir looked confused: "Is this also a social survey?"

Although she doesn’t quite understand what social investigation is, she understands investigation and “society”.

Shouldn't society be a people's business? What does Survey River do?

"Water is the source of life." Taliyah sighed: "Miss Sivir, we are all Shuriman. Is there anything more important to Shuriman than water?"

"Where there is no water, there is no life, let alone development."

"This is a natural law that even us leaders cannot change."

As she spoke, Taliyah looked at the river in front of her.

She talked about her investigation experience in Bergun these days: "Compared to the central area covered by the vast desert, the north coast of Shurima is undoubtedly lucky."

"The coastal geographical conditions bring relatively humid climate conditions here, allowing it to have constant rivers with stable runoff."

"Accordingly, developed agriculture and animal husbandry developed here that is completely different from the central desert area."

"Among the export commodities of Bergün, crops such as barley, wheat, potatoes, olives, citrus, apples, watermelons, dates, cotton, and vegetables account for a full 70% share..."

"Because it is only 200 nautical miles away from Zaun and Piltover, Bergün has also become an important fruit and vegetable supply base for the twin cities. The bilateral trade volume between the two parties last year reached..."

"This..." Sivir frowned more and more.

She felt as if she was taking a cultural class. Although I understand everything, I don’t know what the use of learning this thing is.

So she asked directly: "What is the use of your investigation?"

"What benefit will it bring to you leaders to know how much water there is in the river of Bergun and what kind of food and fruits are grown?"

"Of course there are benefits!" Taliyah introduced to Sivir enthusiastically: "Berguen's agriculture is based on the utilization of limited water resources."

"Knowing how much water there is in the river in a year, we can more scientifically plan water conservancy construction, planting area, and crop types for Bergün in the future..."

"Ultimately, this limited water resource will be utilized to the extreme, allowing Bergune to scientifically and rationally cultivate more fields, grow more grains and vegetables, and earn more export foreign exchange."

“And it’s not just agriculture that uses water, but industry as well.”

"Industry needs to consume cooling water, process water, boiler water, raw material water in the food industry and a few chemical industries, flushing water, air-conditioning water, hydraulic water, fire-fighting water..."

"Steel, electricity, coal mining, papermaking, printing and dyeing, leather, sugar, metallurgy, and alchemical industries...these industries are all large water consumers."

“Only by knowing how much water resources are available here can we better plan industrial development for Bergün in the future, instead of blindly launching projects, causing ecological collapse, environmental degradation, and affecting everyone’s production and life. Influence."

Taliyah talked animatedly.

Sivir was confused. But she still vaguely understood the core meaning of these words: "In other words, Taliyah..."

"You leaders are conducting social surveys to help Bergün develop better."

"Yes." Taliyah nodded: "We will definitely liberate Bergune from the hands of imperial colonists and comprador manor owners, and then build it into a better place."

"And not just in Belgun, but all over the northern shores of Shurima, and even all of Shurima."

"In short..." The leader's purpose is: "We want everyone in Shurima to live a better life!"

Taliyah's words spoke loud and clear.

Sivir looked at the light in her eyes, but felt uncomfortable with it.

She was used to the life of a life-and-death, intrigue and deceitful mercenary. She dealt with Shurima's most vicious warlord tribes and desert bandits every day.

She had never seen a "living saint" like Taliyah, or the Windleader, and she couldn't accept it.

These leaders... do they really regard themselves as saviors?

Are they really saints? Is it an angel?

"Huh." Sivir felt that this group of people must have another purpose: "When it comes to liberation and construction, I think you just want to come over and occupy Shurima's land like those Noxians."

She was forthright in her bad reviews.

Then look forward to Taliyah's reaction.

And Taliyah...

"Sivir." This girl actually looked at her with her big watery eyes and said, "Your suspicion is right!"

"Huh?" Sivir was slightly startled.

"The colonists have been wreaking havoc on the north shore of Shurima for hundreds of years. Today, everyone seems to have been accustomed to their existence." Taliyah clenched her fists and said: "People have become numb. But you are different. , Sivir——"

"You still have a spirit of resistance and a heart to question injustice."

"This is exactly what we leaders want to see!"

Sivir: "..."

She felt like this girl was crazy.

Although Taliyah's eyes were clear and she was conscious, the innocent words she spoke would have sounded like a madman in Shurima.

"I know you don't believe me, Sivir." Taliyah seemed to understand her mind: "But I believe you will understand us in the future journey."

As she spoke, Taliyah held out her hand.

Sivir thought for a moment...

"You said so many beautiful words, are you trying to trick me into working for you for free?" She looked over suspiciously.

"Of course not." Taliyah said sincerely: "We will not lose a penny of the commission. I just hope that more people can understand the beliefs of our leader."

"..." Sivir was silent for a while.

Then, she solemnly held this hand: "Okay. I will accept your commission."

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