LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 428 The Last Princess Sivir (2-in-1)

In the stone house, the argument between the two girls was not over.

Taliyah told Sivir that in Datong society, everyone is equal, people are not objects, sex is not a resource, and forced distribution is impossible.

People who do not pay attention to personal hygiene are not loved by anyone in Datong society.

Sivir was silent for a while.

Taliyah's words were straightforward enough. She knew what it meant.


"Hiss..." Sivir picked up her sweaty feet and took a strong sniff.

Then she looked up: "Is this okay? It doesn't taste like anything."

Taliyah: "..."

"Haha." Sivir was not ashamed at all: "Taliyah, look at you, you are about to become a very elegant Piltover lady."

"We mercenaries live in the desert every day, so what does this taste mean!"

"...Okay." Taliyah sighed helplessly.

Rather than changing Sivir's hygiene habits, she is now more concerned about changing Sivir's thoughts and cognition.

So she asked: "You should be able to understand what I just said. Then Miss Sivier, do you still think that a harmonious society is an impossible fairy tale?"

"This..." Sivir fell into thought.

Her doubts seemed to have been answered.

Since the Great Harmony society is distributed according to the reasonable needs of human beings, and there is always an upper limit to the reasonable needs of people, then as long as the material is rich enough, it seems that the so-called Great Harmony society can really be realized.


"I always feel like something is wrong." Sivir thought carefully.

She still feels that this Datong society is a bit too idealistic.

Where is the idealization?

"Taliya." Sivir thought for a while and said, "I believe that distribution according to reasonable needs is achievable."

"But...human beings cannot be satisfied just by meeting their reasonable needs."

Human desires are endless.

Tam has eaten for ten thousand years, but he can't eat up all the greed of humans.

Many humans know that he is a demon, but still sell their lives and souls to the demon again and again in order to satisfy their desire to get more things.

"This is human nature." Sivir said: "Human beings can never be satisfied."

"It's the same in Datong society. Datong society assigned him a big house, but he also wants to live in a palace. You gave him a palace, and he also wants beautiful maids and princesses."

"The weak may still be able to reluctantly accept what you call distribution on demand. After all, relying on their own efforts, they may not even be able to meet their own reasonable needs."

"But what about the strong ones?" Sivir pointed at himself.

She is also considered the number one person in Shurima, so she is used to looking at problems from a strong perspective:

"Tali Ya, you also said that even in Datong society, people are not absolutely equal. Even two people who do the same job will be stronger and weaker due to personal abilities."

People in Datong society are also divided into strong and weak people.

In the extraordinary world of Runeterra, the gap in ability between people and the difference between the strong and the weak are even more extreme.

“In a private ownership society, the strong have the ability to acquire more wealth and occupy more resources than the weak.”

"If that's the case, then why do they support Datong society, and why do they have to suffer the same treatment as those who are weak? Why can they only meet their own reasonable needs instead of asking for more?"

As he spoke, Sivir seemed to notice the flaw in his words, and specifically added:

"Of course, you can use the force of Goddess Janna to force those strong people to accept it, so that they have to only meet their reasonable needs."

"But you also said that Datong society should be a society of free people, a society where everyone can realize themselves - if you just use force to force them to accept this rule, then this can be regarded as true Datong Society?"

Sivir asked another sharp question.

Taliyah said calmly: "Don't forget, Miss Sivir."

"In addition to the highly developed productivity and extremely abundant material resources, Datong society also has another characteristic - that is, people have a high degree of ideological consciousness."

"Huh?" Sivir was slightly startled.

Then the doubt in her eyes became even stronger: "In other words... you expect to rely on human consciousness to realize a harmonious society?"

"How can this be!"

"Humanity never changes, Taliyah!" Sivir said deeply.

As a female mercenary who is proficient in human nature, she understands human virtues very well.

She had been stabbed in the back by her most trusted friend, and had betrayed her employer herself.

You can do anything for profit, but your desires are never satisfied. This is human nature.

Expect humans to overcome human nature through self-awareness? How can this be?

Sivir thought this was ridiculous.

"Well..." Taliyah did not answer directly.

She just suddenly asked without thinking: "Sivir, you don't like taking a bath, is it because you don't like to be clean by nature?"

"Huh?" Sivir's face darkened.

She subconsciously retracted her feet into the smelly blanket, and then asked in annoyance: "Why do you keep bringing this up?"

"Answer my question." Taliyah's expression was serious.

"Well..." Sivir replied angrily: "Who doesn't like to be clean by nature! I don't like to take a bath, isn't there anything I can do about it?"

The mercenaries' daily physical activities are very intense, and they travel in the desert every day without any water resources to waste.

Even if she took a shower today, she would put on airtight boots and leather armor, carry heavy weapons and equipment the next day, and be exposed to the scorching sun and wind and sand in the desert. The sweat would mix with the sand and stick to her skin. It would have to turn into a dirty black charcoal ball.

It would be better not to wash it at all.

They're all used to it anyway. Not taking a shower will make your life rougher, and it will also allow that layer of "petrified skin" to help withstand Shurima's scorching sun and wild sand.

"Yes." Taliyah said following the situation: "Your habit of not taking a bath completely comes from the alienation of you by objective conditions."

"But if we treat the mercenary group as a closed human society and invite scientists to observe it - then he can also draw conclusions;"

"People don't like to take baths. This is human nature. It is simply impossible to build a society where everyone takes a bath."

"Even if productivity develops in the future and everyone has an independent bathroom, it will still be impossible."

"This..." Sivir was a little confused.

But she still instinctively questioned: "Can this, can this be the same?"

"Okay." Taliyah was prepared.

She continued calmly: "Let me give you another example."

"Miss Sivir, I have heard that you have betrayed your employer, right?"

"I..." Sivir glanced at his Chalikar.

This cross blade from ancient Shurima was snatched from her employer using very unethical means.

"Yes." She admitted with a nod.

"Why?" Taliyah asked.

"Because I want it, why else?"

"Why do you want it?" Taliyah asked again.

"Because this weapon is very handy to me, as if it was born tailor-made for me." Sivir replied patiently and truthfully: "With it, my strength will be able to reach a higher level!"

"Then why are you so eager to improve your strength that you even break your faith to do so?"

"There are so many reasons!" Sivir curled his lips: "Do you still need a reason to become stronger?"

"Without strength, how can I gain a foothold in the desert? How can I make the mercenary group stronger and bigger? How can I earn more gold coins and gain a higher status?"

"As long as you can get money and status, you can do anything - this is the law of survival in Shurima!"

Taliyah smiled.

She said: "So, you are still doing it for money and status."

"Otherwise?" Sivir snorted coldly.

"Then why do you pursue money and status?" Taliyah asked a key question: "Is it because you are born with it?"

"I..." Sivir was slightly startled.

of course not. She didn't understand anything when she was a child, not even what money was.

But after the tragic death of her parents, the cruel life soon taught her the importance of money and status.

"So, you don't make money because you like it; you don't become a mercenary because you love this profession;"

"You are not a born bad person. You betrayed your employer for the sake of perverted pleasure."

"Your greed, cruelty, and endless desire for money and status—what you call human nature—are largely shaped by this private ownership society."

With that said, Taliyah looked at Sivir who was deep in thought.

"Miss Sivir, I know you still have doubts. But I can give you a more direct example:"

"That's me." Taliyah pointed to herself: "Our weaver tribe."

She comes from a weaver tribe that has been nomadic in the barren semi-desert hilly areas of southern Shurima all year round.

Only sparse grass can grow on this dry land, which can only support a small flock of sheep grazing here.

These limited numbers of livestock, as well as the local scarce and unstable water sources, are just enough for a tribe of people to survive.

At the same time, as a wandering tribe living in the south of the desert and in the hilly areas close to the inaccessible Icathia, the Weaver Tribe rarely communicates with the outside world.

They live almost year-round in isolation and self-sufficiency.

"In our tribe, none of us own private property."

"Everyone's status is equal. Everyone's labor income will be turned over, and then the clan leader will uniformly and equally distribute it."

"This..." Sivir was thoughtful.

indeed. She had also heard about some small tribes in the desert in the past. They would advance and retreat together in the form of collective public property, while individuals would hardly retain any private property.

"You said it's human nature to eat more and take more. But why doesn't human nature work well in our tribe?"

"This is also due to objective conditions."

"Because the productivity development level of our tribe is extremely low, we can only obtain very limited food and water."

"This meager amount of food is distributed uniformly, and no other method is possible. Because the product of labor can barely meet the most urgent needs. If one member of the tribe gets more than everyone is entitled to, another member of the tribe will get more. People can starve to death.”

"Therefore, we can only choose to join a group to stay warm and treat the tribal collective as our common home."

"Here, the poor productivity can hardly produce product surplus. Without product surplus, there would be no commodity exchange. Without commodity exchange, there would be no general equivalents, and there would be no such thing as 'money'."

Taliyah paused slightly and then said:

"I grew up in this environment, Sivir."

"It can be said that since I was a child, I have never seen what money looks like, and I have no interest in money."

"Because there is no money in our tribe, money means nothing to us."

"My dream at that time was not to earn more money and become a great man, but to be a good shepherdess for the tribe and raise the sheep for the tribe, and gain everyone's respect and recognition in this way."

Hearing this, Sivir fell silent.

She understood what Taliyah meant:

“Whether human nature has shaped the current society, or whether society has shaped the ‘human nature’ of modern people, this is a question.”

Sivir feels that human nature is greedy, and everyone has an endless desire for money and status.

But the situation she was talking about was a phenomenon she observed in a private ownership society.

If we were in a primitive public ownership society with poor productivity, would people still pursue money and status endlessly?

of course not.

Because in this social background, money does not exist at all, and everyone's status is equal.

Therefore, everyone will not think about pursuing their own personal interests, but will work hard to contribute to the tribe and join the group to keep warm.

This is the case for primitive tribes with poor productivity, but what if we reach a Datong society where productivity is highly developed and materials are abundant enough to be distributed according to needs?

"Will people at that time still pursue money and status endlessly, and pursue more material resources? Nor will they!"

"Because the people in Datong society are already a completely new generation of human beings compared to us."

"New humanity will have new morality and new outlook on life."

“Just like it’s hard for people living today to understand why primitive tribesmen don’t accumulate wealth for themselves——”

"People in Datong society in the future may find it difficult to understand why people of our generation have to work so hard to save that 'useless' money, even risking their lives for it."

With that said, Taliyah concluded: "Sivir, you don't have to worry about human nature."

"There is an old saying in Ionia: A person with solid warehouses will know etiquette; a person with enough food and clothing will know honor and disgrace."

"When the times develop to the advanced stage of Datong society, people will naturally become highly ideologically aware."


"Exquisite!" A strange and vicissitudes of voice suddenly sounded from outside the house without warning.

The sound actually penetrated the roaring sandstorm, ignored the thick stone wall, and reached the ears of the two girls clearly.

"Who?!" Taliyah looked up in shock.

Sivir, who was deep in thought, suddenly woke up. She rolled over and picked up Chalikar beside the bed, and then jumped off the ground with bare feet, assuming a fierce fighting posture.

"Do not be afraid, children of Shurima." The voice sounded again, and it was very close, as close as outside the window.

But they couldn't see anyone at all.

"W-who are you?!" Nervous sweat dripped from Sivir's forehead.

She had obviously asked the old brothers in the mercenary group to set up sentries around the camp.

But the other party was able to approach here without any sound, and even standing outside the house, they couldn't see clearly.

How can this not scare people?

"I'm just a person hungry for knowledge."

With that said, the stone door was slowly pushed open from the outside.

A tall and burly giant in robes, nearly three meters tall, quietly emerged from the sandstorm in the sky.

He is Nasus, the dog...the god of desert death, the Ascended One, and the former grand maester of the Shurima Empire.

After the demise of the Shurima Empire, out of guilt for sealing his younger brother with his own hands and self-blame for failing to save the empire, Nasus has been living in isolation and self-exile.

He didn't want to interact with anyone, and he didn't want people to see him, the Grand Maester who had lost his empire and failed to protect the Ascended Ones of Shurima.

But this time, Nasus took the initiative to show up in front of others.

Because he found the novel knowledge that fascinated him: "Datong Society... This is indeed an exquisite theory."

"I have heard countless scholars explain their thoughts and expectations for the future, but no one has ever been able to describe your assumptions about the future society as accurately and as rigorously as you."

"My child, please forgive me for being rude."

"I still have a few questions that I hope I can discuss with you..."

As he spoke, Nasus hunched over and squeezed in through the opened stone door.

"Stop!" Taliyah instinctively summoned a stone pillar, trying to keep the uninvited guest out.

But what no one expected was that as soon as the hard rock rose from the ground, it quickly withered in front of the giant's footsteps.

Yes, wither. The stone was obviously lifeless, but it was still like a withered flower. It lost its color and withered in front of Nasus, and finally quickly collapsed into a pile of powdery rock.

"Hiss—" Taliyah and Sivir gasped.

No need to fight anymore.

The other party only showed a little bit of power, and they felt the terrifying gap like a chasm.

What kind of monster is this?

What kind of evil did they encounter in the desert?

The two girls were worried, but Nasus had already squeezed into the room uninvited.

With his huge figure of three meters tall, it was difficult to even straighten his waist in this stone house.

But he still sat on the ground without caring about the image, then raised his head and looked at Taliyah and Sivir carefully:

"Don't be nervous, kid. I told you, I'm just here to gain knowledge."

"You..." Nasus' voice suddenly got stuck in his throat.

Because he had just been immersed in the joy of exploring knowledge, he didn't notice until he squeezed into the house:

That little girl named Sivir, the cross blade in her hand seems to be...

"Charikal?" Nasus' vicissitudes of voice wavered.

"Yes." Sivir swallowed nervously: "You, are you here for it?"

Nasus did not answer, but asked with great concern: "Why is this weapon in your hand?"

"It was dug out of an ancient tomb." Sivir answered truthfully. She didn't dare to lie in front of such an absolute strong man.

"This..." Nasus fell into thought.

Charikal, its former owner was known as Setaka, the original war queen of the Ascended Lord.

Nasus had gloriously accompanied Setaka in his conquests for three centuries, until she was killed in the Void Catastrophe of Icathia.

After Setaka's death, he personally buried this legendary weapon of the Ascended One with her body.

Later, in order to end the never-ending Darkin War, Nasus briefly lent Chalikhar out.

But in the end, the weapon returned to him in a roundabout way, and he placed it again in Setaka's tomb.

"You..." Nasus was not angry when he learned that his old boss's grave had been dug.

He was more concerned about one thing: "Can you use this weapon?"

"Yes..." Sivir didn't know why.

"This..." Nasus really didn't expect that in the conversation he heard earlier, the cross blade that Sivir mentioned when she betrayed her employer was the Chalikar inherited from Setaka, the ascended warrior queen. .

Sivir also said at that time that this weapon seemed to be tailor-made for her.

She could actually feel this way.

Could it be that...

"Hey -" Nasus secretly released his magic power and gently sniffed the air in the room with the tip of his protruding nose.

Then...he fell silent, his nose quivering slightly.

"You..." Although he couldn't see clearly the other person's face hidden by the scarf, Sivir could still instinctively sense that the giant in front of him seemed a little uncomfortable.

So she asked nervously: "What, what's wrong?"

"You really should take a bath." Nasus stroked the sensitive jackal's nose and replied in a displeased voice.

Sivir: "..."

"And..." Immediately afterwards, Nasus' voice was a little more rippled: "You have the aura of ascended blood. And it's very pure."

"It can't be wrong, Sivir——"

"You are the pure descendant of Eagle King Azir and the successor of the Shurima Empire!"

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