LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 488 Sorry, teacher

A few hours later, the Immortal Fortress.

It was still morning in Noxus time. The blazing sun was hanging high in the sky, emitting endless heat.

But Lester sat in the spacious back seat of the Hex car and looked up at the sky through the window. What appeared in front of his eyes was a cold scene of the sun setting in the west and a hundred ghosts walking at night.

"Night is coming soon..." Lester was lost in thought and did not move for a long time.

"Teacher Lester." Until the car slowly stopped, Kayn, who was accompanying him, reminded: "General Tomili's residence has arrived."

"Yeah." Lester came back to his senses, there was no confusion in his eyes.

He got out of the car and led Kayn across the wide lawn of the manor and walked quickly forward.

Lately, Leste has been coming to the Tomili family's mansion every day, feasting and socializing with the nobles.

Today's itinerary has been planned a long time ago. It seems to be just a routine, no different from the past. but:

"Aren't we going to the living room to see General Tomili?" Kayn quickly noticed something strange.

"No. They are not in the main house now." Lester replied calmly.


"..." Lester remained silent and did not speak again.

Kayn carefully observed the manor servants he saw along the way, and said tentatively: "Teacher Leicester, do you feel..."

"There are many more servants in General Tomili's house today than usual?"

Lester turned his head and glanced at Kayn, but his pace did not slow down at all.

"It seems so." He answered perfunctorily.

During this conversation, Lester had already brought Kayn to the warehouse of the manor.

He walked quickly towards the open door. Kayn tried to follow him to see what was behind the door...

But Leicester stopped cautiously, turned around and stopped him outside the warehouse: "Kayn, you should still wait outside for me to come out as before."

"Yes." Kayn nodded obediently, then faithfully followed the order and stood outside the warehouse like a stone statue.

Leicester smiled happily when he saw this, then turned and walked behind the door.

But at the last moment after his body disappeared, he still said something verbose: "Kayn, you are a good student."

"Huh? Teacher Lester..." Kayn looked over with confusion.

It seemed that he couldn't figure out why Lester suddenly praised him emotionally.

But Lester just said: "I will help you realize your noble dream."

"No one can let our efforts go in vain. I will not let you regret your decision to follow me."

With that said, Lester left the confused Kayn outside the warehouse and entered the warehouse door alone.

As soon as he entered the manor warehouse, which looked ordinary from the outside, what he saw was a warehouse full of... alchemical gas bombs.

The Immortal Fortress is the most populous city in the world. If these gas bombs exploded in the city, the consequences would be disastrous.

Swain also ordered the ban on alchemical weapons long ago. Transporting poison gas bombs within the confines of the capital is a capital crime punishable by guillotine.

But Lester showed no reaction to the banned weapons in the warehouse in front of him, as if he had known this for a long time.

He walked through the corridor between the shelves and continued walking deeper into the warehouse. Finally, he saw his friends at the end of the corridor.

That was General Tomili, Amystan, and several imperial nobles who were among the core decision-makers of this rebellion.

"Commander Lester, you're here!" General Tomili and others rushed to meet him nervously.

Someone asked him impatiently: "Where is the Imperial Guard..."

"No problem." Leicester said: "After all, I am still the nominal commander of the Guards, and I can still command some people."

"I have also forged the commander's order. There are also some generals in the Imperial Guard who are my disciples. When night falls, naturally some of the Imperial Guard will join us."

"Can this trick really deceive the Imperial Guards?" Someone else asked with concern.

"Don't worry." Lester said calmly, "Our Noxian army is the most obedient army in the world."

"As long as we tell them that 'the enemy is in the Immortal Fortress' and that we are going to the Immortal Fortress to protect King Qin, they will naturally open the checkpoint for us and open the road to the Immortal Fortress and to the center of the most densely populated city."

"And by the time they react, it will be too late."

"After all... our goal has never been a beautiful victory, but a defeat as disastrous as possible, right?"

"Haha." Everyone laughed.

Indeed, they do not need to fear death. Although living with one more life is definitely better than being a dead ghost directly.

But Mordekaiser has already described Mitnarachen through the mouths of the divine messengers as a beautiful afterlife paradise like Bandle City.

As long as you die for Mordekaiser's great cause, you will be able to enjoy all the happiness imaginable by humans in this paradise after death.

Although the shrewd imperial nobles may not fully believe this statement, they believe that as Mordekaiser's servants, they can become nobles in the underworld empire after their death.

"What about Swain?" General Tomili said with a hint of fear, "Did he find anything?"

"Of course he found some clues." Leicester said calmly: "Counting us, a total of 34 noble families, big and small, are conspiring under his nose, and they have recently gathered in their respective manors. Many private soldiers..."

"Old Swain...Swain was a wise general of the empire in the past. Our actions are getting bigger and bigger, how could he not be aware of it until now?"

"So, as planned, I just went to the Immortal Fortress and reported you to Swain——"

"I said you were desperate and desperate, trying to collude with me as an insider to launch a rebellion next week."

"It's just that I haven't gotten the list of all the nobles involved in the conspiracy, and I haven't found out the possible mastermind behind this matter, so I have to wait patiently."

"Next week..." The nobles couldn't help but smile: "Haha."

"Did Swain believe it?"

"He believed it." Lester nodded solemnly: "Because, what I said is the truth."

Lies cannot deceive people, only lies that are true and false can deceive people.

Lester knew that the nobles' little moves would not be hidden from Swain, who had many eyes and ears.

So he simply leaked all the information that could be leaked, but withheld some key information.

Swain checked it with the information he collected from elsewhere, which further proved the accuracy and authenticity of Lester's information.

At this time, Let's talk again, there may be another mastermind behind this to support the nobles, and there are still big fish that have not surfaced...

"Based on what I know about Swain, he will definitely choose to continue to wait and see." Lester said confidently: "And his reaction in the end was not what I expected."

"Hahaha, you are indeed the proud disciple of Commander Swain. To deal with this old fox, you have to be Commander Lester!" The nobles were delighted.

Everyone knew that if Swain really believed this "rebellion next week" nonsense and prepared to take a long-term approach to fishing for big fish, then he would pay a heavy price for his mistake today.

"The sacrifice ceremony of the Immortal Fortress will definitely be completed smoothly." Lester said with confidence.

"It's just that I don't know what the situation is like in other areas?" He looked at Amystan, who was always silent.

He, Tomili and others only participated in the attack plan against Noxus. Only Amystan knows about the situation outside Noxus.

"Don't worry, Lester." Amystan's voice sounded quietly.

She was exuding an uncomfortable undead gray light, which was very conspicuous in the depths of the dimly lit warehouse.

As the most noble chief envoy in the leading party, she knew the entire plan of this operation.

"Twin Cities, Shurima, Noxus, Demacia, Ionia, Bilgewater, the organizational branches we have established around the world are now in place near the preset targets. "

"At this point, no one can stop the opening of the plane passage."

In addition to Freljord, Ixtal, Targon and other places on the edge of civilization that are difficult to penetrate for a while, there are also Jedi such as Shadow Island and Icathia that ghosts don't want to go to. Most of them in Runeterra Organizations have been established in various regions.

Wherever the leader mainly moves, they will follow.

As soon as the plane passage is opened, the undead army will flood into the mortal world and quickly destroy the foundation of the power of the goddess Janna - those living people who believe in the Lord Janna.

"The Wind Leader can no longer stop us. There is only one ending waiting for Janna's followers, and that is death!"

"The line of faith between them and the goddess will be completely severed by the barrier between the planes. Janna's power will weaken accordingly. She cannot save her followers, nor can she save herself."

In the past, the only person who could break the dimensional barriers with great power was Mordekaiser, who had mastered the magic of Ochen language.

So he is not afraid of the leader going to the underworld. In his opinion, after these weak souls come to the underworld, they will only quickly dissipate in the cold wind of the underworld.

And even if there are a few of these ants with strong wills, they can temporarily resist dissipation...

It is impossible for them to penetrate the barrier between the planes of life and death with their own weak faith.

Mordekaiser himself is the only "wall breaker", and he knows how much great power this requires. It is absolutely impossible for a weak soul to do this.

Therefore, the invasion plan designed by Mordekaiser also has another purpose:

That is to deliver the undead army to the Twin Cities, Piraeus, Immortal Fortress, etc., the areas where the leader mainly operates, and then...

Kill people, kill as many people as possible.

Send all those who may be followers of Janna to the underworld, so that they can no longer provide faith in Janna, and let them disappear completely in the wind of the underworld.

"The goddess Janna who only controls the mortal world cannot defeat my Lord who controls both the world of life and death."

"This war will only end with the victory of His Majesty Mordekaiser!"

Amystan's inspiring words made the several nobles present feel more confident.

Lester also nodded secretly, and instinctively looked through the high window of the warehouse in the direction of the Immortal Fortress.

"Haha." Amystan noticed this: "Lester, are you still thinking about your teacher?"

"Yeah." Lester didn't hide this.

Swain was his mentor and the noble person in his life.

Although Noxus always boasts that ability is the most important, it prides itself on being independent of family background and only those with power and position occupy it.

But since this is still an empire and there is still a class of nobles, how can family background be useless?

In addition to talented and lucky people like Darius, who are amazingly talented and powerful, and also have a lot of luck and military exploits along the way...

The vast majority of so-called geniuses who come from poor backgrounds can only reach Riven's level in their lifetime - show up once at an honors ceremony hosted by the emperor, and then become a middle-level military officer for the rest of their lives.

An individual's destiny depends not only on his own efforts, but also on the appreciation of noble people.

For Lester, Swain was the noble man who changed his life.

Without Swain, he was just cannon fodder being bossed around by others. It was Swain who promoted him so that he could command others as cannon fodder.

He would never be able to repay the kindness of the commander-in-chief in his lifetime.

But now...

"But I betrayed him." Lester couldn't help but sigh.

"Why, you still want to go back on your word?" Amistan laughed.

"Ha." Lester chuckled to himself. He knew she was joking.

Because Amystan knew better than him that the power of Mordekaiser she gave him as a gift was actually a shackle she put on him because she was worried about his background.

After accepting this power integrated into his soul, he would never be able to betray Mordekaiser again.

And even without this power limit...

"It's impossible for me to go back." Lester secretly clenched his fists.

He was still looking in the direction of the Immortal Fortress, but there was already resentment in his eyes: "I regard Swain as my mentor, and I vow to follow him for the rest of my life. But what about him?"

"The first people he betrayed were us, his most loyal followers!"

After saying that, Lester commented bitterly: "Swain is simply a cold-blooded machine."

"In addition to ideals, there is nothing human in his eyes."

Swain is indeed very pure. In other words, extreme.

In his youth, he was able to guillotine his biological parents who conspired to subvert the emperor for the sake of his ideal of assisting the left emperor.

Later, Darkwill became increasingly comatose under LeBlanc's control, and he was able to point his gun at his past master without hesitation.

Later, when Swain found the real way to save Noxus from the Wind Leader...

He ruthlessly abandoned the old disciples who had sworn to live and die with him, advance and retreat together, and embarked on a new path that went against the grain of all of them.

For the sake of his ideals, Swain betrayed his origins. This sentence does not just refer to his privileges and interests as a noble.

The friends and students he had as Imperial General Swain, those who once admired him, followed him, and even loved him, were all decisively abandoned by him.

Between faith and human relationships, Swain chose the former without hesitation.

"We raised our heads and paved a smooth road to the immortal fortress for him. But what did he give us?"

"Everything he promised us in the past has not been fulfilled now!"

"We even became sinners in his eyes, a group of villains who only deserve to spend their lives redeeming themselves and spend their lives shrinking their heads and being human!"

Leicester gritted his teeth with hatred.

No need for Mordekaiser's power control. The moment he chose to walk towards this manor, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Swain may be my teacher. But now, he can only be my enemy." Looking at the immortal fortress in the distance, Lester's eyes became firmer: "I can only say one thing to him -"

"I'm sorry, teacher."

As soon as I finished speaking...

“Boom——” The ground shook and the mountains shook.

As the hurricane roared, the roof of the warehouse was completely lifted off in an instant.

The sun shines down unbridled, illuminating the darkness.

"What?!" Everyone instinctively stretched out their hands to cover the scorching light, and then looked up at the sky in horror.

Lester looked over in disbelief.

He met an unexpected person: "Kay, Kayn?!"

Kayn was seen standing in the sky, flying next to Swain and Levi.

He sighed deeply: "I'm sorry, teacher."

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