Some book friends think that the combat power has been slightly reduced, thinking that the Freljord and Winter's Claw are not that strong, and Sejuani cannot defeat Xin Zhao.

In fact, everyone who knows the story of the alliance has their own opinions and opinions, because as I said before in the article, there are a group of designers in the alliance, and they themselves have not integrated the stories and characters of each region. Customs and communication are good, not to mention the people who read the story?

Therefore, I will explain here why I think the Freljord and Winter's Claw are powerful. I hope all readers can accept it.

This is my explanation to the reader’s grandpa.


I won't talk about demigod-level combat power, because doing so would be a complete hooliganism. There are at least seven known demigods in Freljord. If you want to talk about god-level combat power, you can't talk about it elsewhere. played.

Let’s talk about Sejuani and Winter’s Claw.

The first point is that Silas invaded Demacia. Although the invasion was not the capital city, it can be seen from the fact that Garen, who had become a fearless vanguard at that time, led his troops and was defeated and the city gates were broken. The Marcians just can't defeat the Freljords. Don't worry about whether it was a war of national subjugation or not. The Sword Captain of the first shield formation of the Dauntless Vanguard and the leading figure of the Crown Guard family were all repulsed. This is not proof. The combat power of Winter's Claw?

What's more, Sejuani didn't even show up. She just gave an army to cooperate with Silas. Is she a loser to Demacia? Demacia's military prowess is well-known in Valoran, but when they broke into the city, all the Demacia soldiers were in panic.

Everyone, Demacia takes the elite route. Those who can become soldiers and go to the battlefield are all elites. They are different from Noxus, so those soldiers cannot be rookies.

So, this is the first thing I think makes Winter's Claw powerful.

Second point, Darius was caught invading.

The Trifari Legion is the elite legion of Noxus. Noxus has had many wars with the Freljord. Darius led the Trifari Legion into a war with the Winter's Claw. What was the result? As a result, the legion was completely destroyed and Darius was captured. However, Darius was not able to see Sejuani or the elite troops of Winter's Claw.

At this time, Noxian was already a general in Noxus, and the legion he led was also one of the most powerful legions in Noxus. This was also stated in the official website. He had gained numerous achievements, and the enemy saw his Flag would even surrender, only for him to be captured by Winter's Claws.

Regardless of various factors, Darius was defeated and captured alive.

So everyone, this is really not me bragging about the Freljord, this is the point in the official story I read.

The third point is the bear tribe.

In the background story, Sejuani led an army against the Ursines, which were a race transformed by Volibear. They possessed the power of lightning and storms. Sejuani led an army against them. Although they did not win, She was beaten so badly that Udyr finally came to help her.

But in CG, Sejuani also killed several bears. The subsequent development can be regarded as Udyr, Sejuani, and Olaf took the Winter's Claw to fight the bears.

What did Udyr do at that time? He used the power of the sheep spirit to declare war, and Volibear appeared and responded: "The bears are fearless." The meaning of war is obvious.

Fourth, Sejuani.

Sejuani is the "reincarnation" of Serelda. Before Lissandra obtained the power of the void, she was an enemy of the bear, and then she was blinded by the bear. The eldest sister Avarosa was the enemy of "Heaven" and was captured. After losing her hearing, the second sister Serelda discovered that the "darkness" had lost its voice. What was written in the background was - they were enemies of the gods and paid the price.

Therefore, there is no doubt about the power of the three sisters. I don’t know if Sejuani has the upper limit of Serelda, but if she does, then I personally think that Sejuani’s future status will be the worst as a demigod.

Western fantasy always likes to use the glass cannon formula. No matter how powerful the mage is, he can easily be killed by a knife. I don’t borrow that formula. I use my own ideas to write, so I think, I also hope Can make Sejuani powerful.

This is the reason why I wrote the Freljord and the Winter's Claw tribe as powerful above.

Next, let’s discuss who is stronger, Xin Zhao or Sejuani.

Is Xin Zhao better than Sejuani?

Wait, why do you have such an illusion?

I have written in the previous chapters, don’t think that Freljord is weak just because the place is backward and the living environment is difficult. On the contrary, Freljord is the entire Runeterra, except for Icathia. It is the most difficult place to survive outside. Can those who can survive in such a place be a weak person?

When Sejuani led troops to fight against the Ursines, the Winter's Claws were already among the most powerful tribes. However, due to the bad weather, children froze to death and supplies were scarce, so they entered the territory of the Ursines to steal. It was Ornn's fault. As for why she didn't attack foreign cities, it was because Sejuani believed that was not the way to survive in Winter's Claw. Sejuani's thoughts at that time were written in her personal story.

She believed that going to the south meant being imprisoned on farmland, in stone houses, and among livestock herds forever. That was not the way for Winter Claws to survive.

Therefore, it is not that Sejuani does not dare to go to the south and cannot defeat Noxus and Demacia, but that she is unwilling to go to the south.

She didn't want to live that life.

Or maybe Riot doesn’t want Sejuani to leave the Freljord, because if these people in the north leave, it will be a deus ex machina for other places.

True Ice is a weapon given by the Ice Bird, and Ice Bloodline is the power given by the Watcher. Sejuani can control them all.

How could she be weak?

If she was weak, how could she control the Winter Claw tribe? Sejuani seized power by force, and the Winter Claw she got by defeating her mother was not inherited. The War Mother is the leader of a tribe and the most powerful existence (fog).

What about Xin Zhao? Xin Zhao was released to Ionia, so his first half of his life was an ordinary fisherman. I have described Xin Zhao as very powerful in my book, but Xin Zhao's upper limit is extraordinary. He has not reached the level of being able to destroy a country by himself, and he has no strange abilities. He is just one of the peak representatives of mortal force.

What about Sejuani? Sejuani can freeze an entire river with a weapon. Can Xin Zhao do this?

Of course, in the end, it is still the same sentence. Riot has been eating books at an outrageous speed in recent years. There is even a saying that the universe will be completely redone. To put it bluntly, many things cannot be said.

Everyone has their own Runeland in their hearts, and I certainly have one too. It is reasonable that some people think that something is wrong or abnormal, but when I was writing the book, I tried my best to write it from an objective perspective, but even so, it is inevitable that personal preferences will be mixed in.

So there will definitely be some places that are not right for everyone.

Well, I just made a few random comments late at night, and you can just take a look.

Finally, if everyone still thinks that Freljord is weak, you can give examples to prove it, and I will read it. After reading it, if I think it is the case, then I will make changes.

After all, I haven't read much of the League of Legends story in the past one or two years.

And some things have been modified by Riot, and I may not know it. Some stories I read will also be wrong, so it is helpful for everyone to point out the places that they think are wrong, and I will learn from them.

Well, that's it!

Oh, right!

Regarding updates, my wisdom teeth hurt a lot recently, so the update speed has slowed down. Although the front-end time has also slowed down, it can still maintain more than 6,000 per day, but now it is 4,000 per day.

I apologize to everyone. I said I would start updating again after adjusting my work and rest schedule.

But my wisdom teeth really hurt so much. I didn't sleep because it hurt so much. Then I saw everyone's messages, so I sat in front of the computer to write these words. I will take ibuprofen to relieve the pain and then go to sleep.

I will try my best to update 10,000 times a day later!

I just happened to write the climax recently, and it is a continuous climax. I will write it out quickly so that everyone can enjoy it!

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