LOL: The days of cultivating immortality in Rune Continent

Chapter 169 Undercurrent, Two Coats, a Catfish, the Devil and the Principal.

"Then, respected principal, your partner in Bilgewater is quietly waiting for the good news you bring me."

Sarah's face showed a "simple" smile of a businessman, and her charming face became greedy, and even her eyes seemed to have turned into gold coins. She held the Hex Transmitter in both hands. This change made the two subordinates behind Sarah show emotion.

Well, Sarah is like this.

She has several faces. When she thinks she can't beat the other party, she will show weakness, act coquettishly, and pretend to be good. In short, this is Sarah's face of showing goodwill.

She knows how to use her advantages as a woman, especially she has a charming face and a beautiful and charming figure. No normal man would not want to get her.

But now, Sarah felt that it was a very distressing thing that she couldn't let the principal of the War College see her face in person, so she sharpened her voice to make her voice softer and thinner.


This shouldn't be the appearance of the Queen of the Sea?

Haha, it's really humorous.

In a place like Bilgewater, face, dignity and the like are nothing compared to the final victory!

You know, in order to make a name for herself in Bilgewater, Sarah asked her subordinates to put her in a large gift box and took the initiative to send her to the gang leader's house in a nightgown as a "gift".

As long as you can make a profit and win in the end, what does it matter if you fail temporarily or show weakness?

"Of course, we will bring the materials you need as quickly as possible and exchange them for ore with you."

"That's great~" Sarah said.

"Then please give the phone to my student now. I have something to say to him."

Sarah: "."

Tsk! Damn it!

Reluctantly giving the Hex Transmitter to Moss, Sarah pricked up her ears and listened.

But unexpectedly, Moss just glanced at her, then reached out and pressed a key, and as a result, in that palm-sized thing, Rowan's voice became much smaller again.

It returned to Sarah's previous state. Unless she put her ear close to the phone, she couldn't hear what was being said on the other end.

Sarah blinked.

Isn't this bullying her for not understanding this?

There was no way, Sarah could only stand there silently, watching Moss nod and say something respectfully behind her back.

Marla looked at Sarah, not giving her the opportunity to eavesdrop.

Sarah shrugged and didn't care.

After all, the deal had been reached. Even if it was just a verbal agreement, the ore was in her hands. If she wanted the ore, she would exchange it with items and money. Sarah didn't deliberately raise the price. The price of the ore was so high because the ore was produced from Nagakaboros. Sarah didn't know how the snake mother produced these stones.

But these stones were produced by the snake mother, which was proved by Ornn herself.

Therefore, containing the power of the snake mother might offend a god, and the price was naturally needless to say, there was nothing to say.

Then she would wait for the arrival of the Glowing Merchants Group.


Summer is coming, and the stench of Bilgewater has become stronger. But an interesting thing is that Sarah, the boss of the upper class, suddenly banned the sale of seafood on the dock during this period, and sent people to clean up the dock of Bi Port. A large amount of air fresheners and the stench of blood and internal organs mixed together, fermenting into an indescribable unpleasant smell.

During those days, no one went to the dock of Bi Port at all, because no one could stand the unpleasant and strange smell.

It was not fragrant, nor was it stinky. If you smelled it too much, you would want to vomit, and it would make people feel poisoned.

The reason why the Bi Island people could accept Sarah's "suggestion" was because Sarah also compensated them.

She was not a guy like Planck who only used violence. Sarah compensated the Bi Island people who made a living at the dock in an economic way. Therefore, they all agreed and were happy to rest at home for some time. After all, there was money to be made, right?

A few days later, on a day when the sun and wind were the strongest, Sarah from the upper level brought a group of men to the slaughter dock, and the same was true for the Blood Harbor. The greasy blood stains that were constantly washed by the sea water had disappeared.

Sarah looked at the scene in front of her with satisfaction. It was hard to imagine that one day the dock of Bilgewater would smell good.

At this moment, in addition to some salty and fishy sea flavors, there was more natural and fresh smells. This change made Sarah feel satisfied.

"Sure enough, as long as you want to do it, you can do it." Sarah said to herself.

Maybe she will make a lot of rules after she takes power in this sea city?

Anyway, the guys on this island are a group of guys who follow their hearts.

Sarah thought so.

Just thinking about it, a subordinate beside her shouted: "Here they come."

Sarah raised her head, squinted her green eyes and looked into the distance, and saw a black dot appear first, and then the black dot turned into a blurry black shadow. Not long after, the black shadow became larger and larger, gradually forming a huge warship.

Sarah stared at it, and her heart skipped a beat.

"A warship."

"What a huge warship! Even bigger than the Leviathan that Gangplank took from the Noxians!"

"Sarah, this is much more magnificent than our Siren."

Sarah's men exclaimed.

What kind of giant ship is that?

Riding the wind and waves, it is extremely fast. The length of the ship is nearly 100 meters, and the width of the ship is more than 30 meters. The whole ship is white with some blue embellishments. From the front, the warship looks like a terrifying white lion pouncing on the enemy, which also makes the warship attacking the island look like a huge sea beast.

"Is this Demacia?"

After a while, the warship came to the front, and a group of soldiers wearing exquisite armor, equipped with swords and guns, with ruddy faces and tall stature got off the ship.

Sarah stared blankly at the monster that was tens of meters tall and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

If you encounter such a monster at sea, how can you fight it?

The largest warship in Bilgewater is the one of Gangplank, but it has been destroyed by Sarah. That warship is only tens of meters long, more than ten meters wide, and more than ten meters high. Just like that, it is already the largest warship in Sarah's cognition. No ship in the entire island can compare with that warship.

After all, that was Swain's warship.

The gap between ships and warships is too big!

And Leviathan is no match for the terrifying monster in front of him!

If they collided, it would be like an adult hitting a child!

And Sarah just saw with her own eyes that this huge monster was incredibly fast, but what was going on!

Is it the technology of the Piltover people again?

Otherwise, Sarah couldn't understand it!

Then, a young knight walked up to Sarah.

Wearing silver-white armor and a helmet, he looked solemn and majestic, but his face under the helmet was looking at Sarah with a smile.

"Demacia, Xino of the Glowing Merchants, nice to meet you, Ms. Sarah."

Sarah reached out her hand and shook hands with the other party. After taking a deep breath, she adjusted her mentality.

Yes, Demacia is indeed powerful, otherwise it would not have fought so hard with the Noxians.

Therefore, Demacia, like Noxus, is not an object that Bilgewater can provoke.

You know, if it weren't for the Baru people and the sea beasts, then Gangplank, who stole the Leviathan, would have been killed by the furious Noxians.

Therefore, Bi Island is really weak.

But. It's just now. When she completely controls Bi Island and starts to make her rules for this island, then everything will change.

Sarah thought so.

She smiled and said in a deep voice: "Welcome to Bilgewater, Mr. Xino, so now, let's start the transaction."

"Of course, this is also the reason why Lord Rowan assigned me here." Xino said.

Hearing the word Rowan again, Sarah couldn't help asking: "Isn't Rowan just a principal? Can he also send people from your military?"

"Just a principal?" Xino was stunned, then he laughed, shook his head and said: "Ms. Sarah, you haven't been to Demacia, you don't understand, and you don't know what Lord Rowan means to Demacia."

"But these are not what I should say. Now, let's talk about the transaction."

Sarah nodded.


The huge warships traveled back and forth between the two city-states, sailing on the Conqueror's Sea and the Watcher's Sea.

The transaction was very successful. Sarah received what she wanted, and the War College also obtained the special ore of the Blue Flame Islands. The smile on Moss's face became much more vigorous.

Although the credits for exchanging ore are not low, at least he has a steady supply of ore, right?

As long as the exoskeleton device is really successful, then Moss will become the patent holder of this technology, and then he will get countless money because of this patent.

Of course, he is not as good as Mr. Jace Tallis. After all, he is the father of Hextech, the man who made Piltover and Zaun rise and accelerated hundreds of years of technology.

But, Moss's technology is also very strong. Think about it, when an ordinary person is equipped with an exoskeleton device, he instantly becomes a superman.

Invulnerable to swords and guns, even with the addition of Hextech gems and the setting of defensive magic circles, there is still hope that it can be invulnerable to water and fire.

Isn't this strong?

This is also an epoch-making work!

Therefore, Moss has a somewhat arrogant smile on his face recently, which makes Zeli want to complain.

Moss is indeed a genuine Piltover guy!

In the evening tavern, Zeli and a group of students sat together, listening to the bartender's story with relish.

"The day before yesterday, I told you about the second of the four legends of Bilgewater, the eccentric fish monster, and yesterday I told you about the Blood Harbor Ghost in Bilgewater. So today, I will tell you the most mysterious legend, a true legend without a background and extremely mysterious."

"Great, great!" Zeli said excitedly.

She really brings positive emotions to people.

This is also the reason why the bartender is willing to tell this group of students about the legend of Bilgewater these days.

He smiled and said, "Today, we are telling the story of Tam Kench. Tam is a humanoid monster. Some people say he is a large frog, while others say he is a giant catfish. But no matter which one, he is completely different from humans. He has many names, such as the King of the River, the Big Swing, the Big Yawn, and the Two Coats. But no matter which one, as long as you meet Tam, you will be deceived by his sweet words. In his mouth, you will lose yourself."

Zeli blinked.

She has heard this story before. There is also a legend of two coats in Zaun.

But Zeli did not interrupt. She is a qualified listener. She knows that she cannot interrupt the storyteller at will, otherwise it will ruin the rhythm of the story.

After all, aren't the students born in Demacia listening with relish now?

So, Zeli also listened honestly.

The bartender spent more than 40 minutes telling a story, and then Zeli and others returned to the house prepared by Sarah for them.

After going upstairs, Zeli planned to wash up. She was also very satisfied with today's story.

Because although there is a legend about a guy named Tam in Zaun, it is not as specific as in Bilgewater, as if they have all seen Tam.

"Could it be that the big catfish lives in Bilgewater?"

Zeli wondered curiously.

While thinking, she walked towards the bathroom.

Just at this moment, Zeli suddenly heard a tiny sound.

The voice was low, mellow, and a little magnetic.

The voice was calling Zeli.

"Hey kid, I'm here, come here kid."

Zeli narrowed her eyes, looked at the bathroom vigilantly, took a step back, and prepared to run away.

But at this step, the voice sounded again.

"Don't you want to see me? Kid. I am your lucky star, I am your"

Zeli was stunned, a little dazed for a while, and then she walked towards that position in a daze.

When Zeli woke up, she was not in the dormitory that Sarah had prepared for her, but in a small closed room.

The light in the room was dim and yellow. There was a small table in the middle, and a fat guy was sitting on a stool. At first glance, he looked like he was squatting on the ground.

He looked at Zeli with a simple and honest smile on his face: "You are finally here, kid."

"Who are you?" Zeli asked.

"Where is this place?"

"I am your lucky star." He opened his mouth wide, and his huge mouth was wider than the table when he smiled. He wore a small hat on his head and a huge coat, but a closer look showed that the coat was made of two coats cut together.

Zeli recognized him at once: "Are you Tam Kench?"

The fat-headed fish laughed foolishly and said "sincerely": "Yes, I am Tam Kench, a god who fulfills the wishes of lucky people."

"Are you happy that I chose you? Are you honored? But don't think so, because you deserve it." Tam winked at Zeli.

In return, Zeli directly discharged electricity.

"Fuck you! Do you fucking think I'm an idiot?!"

Zeli released magic power crazily and cursed at the same time.

She usually doesn't curse people. She is different from most Zaun people. Her aunt often controls her, but now, Zeli still cursed.

Because this fat-headed fish has no good intentions!

"Ho ho ho, why are you so angry?"

Tamm opened his huge mouth and swallowed all the lightning. The green electric light rang in his big mouth. This lightning was enough to kill an adult man directly, but it had no effect on Tam.

Extending his huge hand, Tam stood up, bowed slightly to Zeli, and said politely: "You must have heard something, but I never force people to make choices, I just give you better choices."

"Zeli, don't you want your aunt to live a better life? Don't you want to be better and make everyone in your community proud of you? You are very good, but there are more people who are better than you, right?"

"As far as I know, a Zaun kid named Boom and an Ekko have been identified as the next successor to the Zaun leader, but what about you? You have been protecting Zaun, and you love this city more than anyone else, but no one agrees with you. You smile every day, Give others positive emotions and energy every day. "

"But what about you? Who gives you positive energy? Who really loves you except your aunt? You love that city, but that city doesn't..."

"Stop it!"

Zeli yelled, her eyes turned yellow, and she yelled madly: "I told you to stop talking!"

"I'm not what you think, who do you think you are? Why do you think I think that way?"

"I don't need your help, I will work hard on my own, every Zaun will work hard to survive on their own, I don't need you, I don't need your help, you damn fathead fish! Go back to your sewer, Tam Kench!"

"That won't work." Tam laughed.

He lifted his huge claws lightly, and water gushed out of the room.

The water slowly and continuously increased, and the water level in the closed room rose, and Zeli became nervous.

But Tam Kench smiled.

He watched this scene with relish, looking at Zeli, hoping to see a look of despair on her face.

He, likes human despair, greed, and grief.

Although the most delicious food is the despair after greed, it is not impossible to taste despair alone.

The magician's despair, Tam likes this delicious little dessert.


How could he let Zeli run away?

Let Zeli make her own choice?


The devil is not such a friendly existence!

Seduction, coercion, tearing the face, this is the devil!

Anyway, he hasn't made an agreement with Zeli yet, so he doesn't need to abide by the agreement, right?

So. Eat, eat, eat!

Turn all despair into delicious food and swallow it into your mouth.

Tam held his big belly and laughed.

But while laughing, he suddenly turned his head.

"Let my student go, devil!"

Under the golden light, Tam first saw a huge hammer, the hammer head was as big as half of his face, smashing straight at him.

What's going on?

Tam was stunned.

Zeli also heard the voice, and then she was instantly surprised.

It was Principal Bobby!

With the cry of the Yodel people, the enclosed space was smashed, and a short figure appeared and rushed in, rushing straight towards Tam. The light poured into the room from behind her, allowing Zeli to see her face clearly.

Bobby's face was full of anger.

"Get out!"

Poppy raised a hammer and smashed the huge fathead fish, saying loudly.

As Tam was smashed out, the whole building trembled. His fat body penetrated the wall, flew out more than ten meters, and smashed several walls.

And this small and enclosed room changed its appearance.

Zeli came back to her senses and saw. It was the bathroom.

She. Has always been in the bathroom? !

"Who are you?" Tam slowly got up, swept away the dust on his body, and asked curiously.

Poppy replied: "Her principal, the devil."

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