Five days later, Demacia——

The residents of Xiongdu who went to the duel field early in the morning to grab good seats all had excited expressions on their faces.

"How many games do you think the Black Lion can win today?"

"Yesterday he won twenty-six games, breaking the record for the highest winning streak in the duel arena. Today I feel that he may even break the record. He is so strong. The rumors are all true!"

"It's indeed amazing. Although Miss Sword Princess can win a duel easily, it doesn't seem as easy as him. All the opponents he faced were defeated by one move, right?"

"Then are you looking at Miss Sword Girl or him?"

"Then Miss Sword Girl is better looking."

"The Black Lion has not killed any challengers so far. Although he looks different from us, I also agree that he is a Demacian. This is what we Demacians should be, just, strong, and kind. !”

People had smiles on their faces and they chatted together about the interesting things that happened in the past few days.

First of all, the biggest interesting thing is naturally that starting from the afternoon five days ago, the duel field temporarily changed the candidates for the duel after the heresy appeared. The black-haired boy who created the legendary incident in Knockmooch became the new challenger of the duel field. , to start from scratch and climb up.

Originally, many people's interest in watching the duel that day was ruined by the heresy, but when the staff of the dueling venue promoted the new duel candidates in the streets, people still couldn't help but join in the fun.

If not for anything else, they just wanted to see if Black Lion Rowan was as powerful as the rumors said.

However, the reality is just like the rumors said. He is so powerful that it is shocking. In the duel field, he would punch or kick any challenger without even wearing a weapon or even armor. Without wearing anything, he easily won the challenge.

Sometimes people didn't even see what happened on the field, and they saw Black Lion's opponent fall, and Black Lion stood there with his hands raised, and the referee quickly decided the winner.

Do you want to say that this kind of duel is good-looking?

To be honest, there is no blood and no real swords and guns clashing. Logically speaking, it is not good-looking. But when the Black Lion keeps winning in this way, people slowly change from watching duels to watching Black Lions. Can the Lions continue to win like this?

Fortunately, Demacians do not allow gambling, and the duel arena is not allowed to open the market. Therefore, for the people of Xiongdu, this is their daily entertainment.

Today, early in the morning, the duel arena opened.

But what makes people interesting is that today not only can we see Black Lion Rowan's duel, but we can also see Miss Sword Princess' duel.

The person in charge of the duel field laughed. In the past, Fiona was the only person from a prominent family in the duel field and a golden sign to attract people to come to the duel field to watch, but what about now? They have another golden sign!

And the reputation of this golden brand is no less than that of Fiona!

Duel Arena——

Fiona was sitting in the corner of the room where the players rested. Standing next to her was her eldest brother, who had dull yellow hair and a gorgeous sword hanging on his waist.

With a bright smile, he looked at Fiona and said: "It seems that you will meet him soon. He is advancing very quickly. I calculated that I should be able to challenge you in a few days."

"I will accept his challenge." Fiona wiped the rapier with a white cloth, raised her eyes and said.

"Are you stimulated by him?" Feng Tren asked again with a smile.

The style of the Laurent family is different from that of the Demacian nobles. It is bold, cheerful, and spiritual. This is the style of the Laurent family. Fiona is an exception. She has been a dull gourd since she was a child, although she occasionally jumps. She made a few sultry remarks, but in general, she was an anomaly when she stood with the Laurent family.

Guys like Feng Tren, who always have a smile on his face and fight like dancing, are the legitimate descendants of the Laurent family!

"." Fiona glanced at Feng Terun and sighed.

Miss Jian Ji is not a cold and emotionless person, on the contrary, under Miss Jian Ji's cold appearance, there is a fiery heart. Moreover, in the eyes of her brothers and sisters in the family, she is a somewhat boring person.

Coquettish, this word is not very good. In the eyes of fair and upright Demacians, it is more like a derogatory word. But for the Laurent family, this word is a compliment, because the Laurent family People, from generation to generation, have been performative personalities, eager to be recognized by others, and as each generation progresses to Fiona's generation, they have begun to use exaggerated clothing and appearance to win attention.

Fiona is sarcastic on the surface, but privately, she also puts in a lot of effort for styling.

She said that she doesn't like floral skirts, which is true, but it doesn't mean that Fiona doesn't pay attention to appearance.

It was precisely because of his understanding of Fiona that von Teren dared to joke on his sister. Outsiders thought that his sister was a ruthless challenger, but that was not the case.

"Why do you want to be like Adam?" Fiona said looking at Fontlen.

"What is the same as him? Am I as handsome as him?"

"I mean, why do you, like Adam, always learn to restrain yourself after being beaten?" Fiona stood up and slowly pointed the sword at Feng Teren.

"Hey, my dear sister, please calm down, I am no match for you." Feng Terun smiled and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. This move made Fiona want to cover her face.

The glory of the Laurent family will one day be ruined in the hands of these guys!

"Anyway, I want to say that I believe you will win." Feng Terun put down his hand and said seriously.

"Don't be nervous, Fiona, just do it as usual. As usual, you are the best genius in our family. You are born to be the master of the sword. No one can compare with you."

Looking at Feng Teren, Fiona sat back again, and then she wiped her sword again.

As her brother said, she was indeed nervous.

Because she finally met an opponent worth challenging in the duel field.

A worthy opponent.

At the same time, in another room in the challenger's room, Rowan was reading a book.

This book was given to him by Sona, which recorded the story of the founding emperor of Demacia. During these days, Rowan not only spent time in the duel field, but he also made up for the history of Demacia. Gain a new understanding of Demacia's culture.

After understanding the history, Luo Wende said that he had indeed thought of things too simply before.

Demacia's ban on magic is not a unilateral oppression of mages, but a country-building policy created by the people from top to bottom since the founding of the country.

Banning demons was not an order given by the founding emperor Oren, but what every Demacian longed for. It was a common idea among the original Demacians.

Thousands of years ago, Demacia and Noxus were one. They were both peoples of the country in the east of Valoran. Due to the Rune War, a group of people without magic and rune power fled to the west and were blackmailed. The magician was chasing them and they encountered the Forbidden Demon Forest here. The Forbidden Demon Forest could block the magic of the mage. The refugees saw hope. Under the leadership of Oren, they repelled the mage and built a new country here. ——Demacia.

The original reason for banning demons was not for profit, but for hatred and self-preservation.

However, with the development of Demacia, the policy of banning demons has gradually changed.

Rowan finally understood why Jarvan III was inclined to change Demacia but did not take action. Not only was it because of the great resistance, but Jarvan III was also worried about whether he wanted to change the cornerstone of Demacia's founding. Yes, and because of this, even if he knows that there are undercurrents and conflicts, Jarvan III can only act as a mediator and try his best to maintain the conflicts between mages and ordinary people.

But mages have been oppressed for hundreds of years, and this conflict will break out sooner or later, and large-scale resistance will become inevitable.

Rowan looked at Oren's life carefully, and then the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up.

Because he saw a passage.

——[The great His Majesty Oren, there will always be a short guy behind him. We don’t know who she is, where she comes from, and where she is going, but Oren treats her as he treats himself. Like his biological sister, she also obtained His Majesty Oren's weapons and became His Majesty Oren's inheritor. Hundreds of years have passed, and none of us know whether she is still alive, but I think she should still be alive. , because some people always say that they have seen a short warrior with a tall hammer weapon in Demacia. She is still alive. Who does she seem to be looking for? 】

This is Bobby.

In other rooms of the duel arena, the challengers' teeth became sour at the same time when they saw the two names that appeared today.

"This is nothing! Stop fighting and go home to sleep!"

"Let's go, we can't beat them anyway, let's watch them play by themselves!"

"Actually, it's okay to challenge the Black Lion. The Black Lion has never killed his opponent, but how about challenging Miss Sword Princess?"

"Are these two just trying to get better results?"

Thanks to my book friends, I guess I went to Smart Recommendation today, my collection has increased a bit, and I have also received a lot of recommendation votes and rewards.

Thank you book friend: Fengling Fifteen for the 100 starting coins rewarded by Lux. Thank you book friend Lilia for the 100 starting coins reward. Thank you.

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