It will be on the shelves at 12 o'clock tonight. I will update it, but how many updates I can release depends on how long I can survive!

I will not force the first order or anything like that. I just hope that everyone can support me.

Although I don't ask for it, the higher the first order data, the greater the motivation for the author to write books.

But the current number of collections really makes me not very confident, but there is nothing I can do, because the theme of lol's alien world has always been a niche. After the Battle of the Twin Cities came out, many big guys came out to write about the Twin Cities, and now writing lol alien worlds is a bit rebellious.

When I wrote this type, the editor told me that I should wait a little longer and gave me a lot of advice, saying that it would be best to wait for the release of Twin Cities 2 and to take advantage of the traffic and popularity of Twin Cities.

But I just like this theme.

So the editor said that I was rebellious.

Oh, I was rebellious?

My Xiaomu's main feature is loyalty!

However, there is also something that makes me happy. Although the number of books collected is small, the monthly votes given by everyone are still considerable. It can be seen that everyone still likes the Alliance's alien world literature. Many book friends have voted for me.

Here, Xiaomu thanks everyone for their love.

Finally, the above statement that the first order is not mandatory is really bullshit.

I turned two big circles in the air, flew in the sky, rolled down, knelt on the ground, kowtowed and yelled to all the readers--"Please everyone, please order the first order!!!"

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