A moment later, standing in front of Rowan were several soldiers who were rubbing their faces and looking at him in astonishment, while Corey stood next to Rowan, with a beard and a wild appearance. With a sullen face, he looked majestic.

"Sir, you just told me -" Rowan got up from the soldier named Velen who first provoked him, looked up at Captain Jian, who was as tall as a bear, and said.

"Shut up!" Corey yelled angrily, and then said loudly: "Who allowed you to beat your compatriots? I'll punish you by running laps with a hundred kilograms of weight 300 times! You won't be allowed to eat until you finish!"

"伱——" Rowan looked at Corey, his eyes moved and his lips quivered.

After thinking again and again, Rowan clicked his tongue and shifted his gaze.

Although Mrs. Bouvier told him that if someone in the army oppressed him based on his status, he could go directly to her to solve the problem, and she would help Rowan.

But for someone like Curry, who is a superior in charge of subordinates, Mrs. Bouvier would not be able to help.

What's more, in the army, obeying orders is a must. If the officer was beaten for no reason on the first day of joining the army, then if the news reaches the marshal commander, Luo Wen should be able to pack up his bags and get out of the capital. Already?

Hmm. No matter how patient you are, even if you want to fight, you have to find a reason to fight.

Rowan thought secretly.

Just kidding, he was never a peaceful person. He used to stay in Qingfeng Town because he was weak. Now that he is strong enough, can he still be a doormat?

Other time-travelers have become immortals and gods in ten years. I traveled through the world for ten years and was a mountaineer for ten years. How can I finally come out of the mountain and become a coward?


And Corey suddenly felt a chill running down his spine for a moment, and a terrifying thought came to his mind - Damn, did this guy just want to hit me too?

It is said that Rowan has such fighting power with his bare hands, which is something that Curry did not expect. Although the ones he defeated were all new recruits, they were all recruits who had been in the army for one or two years. Even Curry himself was not sure. He defeated a group of people in a single fight with his bare hands, so it was really possible that he couldn't beat Rowan.

Of course, it's another thing if he is armed. He has been on the battlefield, so it's different when he actually takes action. But in a fight with his own people, is it possible that he will kill him?

"Ahem, Velen, Siya, you are even more so! A group of people can't even defeat a new soldier. Your training in the past two years has gone to the dog's belly, right? And so are you! All of them have , 500 laps with a weight of 100 pounds! If you don’t complete it, you won’t be allowed to eat!” Corey quickly tilted his head and said.

A man who knows the current affairs is a hero. Although he can't understand why Rowan's small body has such powerful combat power, Curly feels relieved when he thinks of the German general manager who can fight one thousand against a thousand on the battlefield.

Ionians are prone to giving birth to supernatural beings.

Perhaps Rowan is one of them.

It’s just that I don’t know where the Bouvier family found such talents.

"Run! It all depends on what I do! And you, if you don't go to training, why are you here watching the fun!" Corey shouted angrily and drove everyone away.

Corey reached out and handed the giant sword hanging on his waist to Rowan, and said coldly: "Just run with this sword and circle around three hundred times. After running, someone will take you to the dormitory."

"Yes, sir." Rowan took the sword and saluted.

This move relieved Corey.

To be honest, I really don’t know where Bouvier found such a little monster.

Curry didn't expect Rowan to have chivalry. After all, Rowan skipped the recruit assessment. You must know that in the first three months of the recruit assessment, he mainly studied Demacia's military regulations, and this guy skipped the assessment and directly Enter the army.

Could he still expect this kid to understand the rules? It’s difficult. What rules does this wild boy from the country know?

However, the combination of not knowing the rules but having outstanding combat prowess, and having the support of a powerful noble family behind him, really gave Corey a headache.

To be honest, if one thing is missing, Corey feels he can handle it, but now when the three things are added together, Corey thinks Rowan is a hot bomb.



"When he finishes running around, take him to your dormitory." Corey said after touching his chin and thinking for a while.

Since it's hard to control, let's get those hard-to-control guys together.

Doesn’t the young master of the Crown Guard family also happen to be training here? I heard that that kid will join the Fearless Pioneer next year. If you put him and this black-haired kid together, the two tigers will definitely compete. I only need to be responsible for managing the winning side.

Corey thought triumphantly.

And on the training ground——

Rowan was carrying Corey's giant sword and running in circles with an expressionless face. From time to time, several guys who had been beaten up by Rowan ran over.

"Hey, man, you are so cruel."

"Why are you so good at fighting?"

"It was wrong of us to say bad things about you, and we apologize to you."

What surprised Rowan was that these guys didn't come to provoke and save face, but instead surrounded Rowan and asked excitedly.

"Aren't you going to cause trouble for me?" Rowan looked at these guys funny.

"No more, no more." Wei Lun, the guy who said behind his back that Rowan was a noble bastard who came to gild, was looking at Rowan with a sneer on his face and said, "You can fight better than us. , and I can feel that you are not serious yet, right?"

"Do you still need to be serious about beating you? Can you beat a bear with bare hands? Are you as powerful as a bear?" Rowan slowed down his running speed and started chatting with them.

After hearing what Rowan said, several people showed shocked faces.

"Can you defeat a mountain bear with your bare hands?"

"Really? Then you have reached the level of Fearless Vanguard? How can you be a new recruit if you are so strong?"

"I can't defeat a mountain bear, but I can try to subdue a wild boar with my bare hands, but it's too dangerous and I haven't tried it yet."

"Then you are not the same as that person from the Crownguard family?"

Rowan looked at the last speaker and asked curiously: "I heard Captain Jian say it before in the tent. I said, how come the people from the Crownguard family are in this army? The Crownguard family is not from Demacia. The backbone of the force? Tiana Crownguard has become a marshal, and her nephew is actually in this military camp? "

"You, a member of the Bouvier family, are in this army. Is it strange that people from the Crown Guard family are in this military camp?" Someone familiar with the matter asked curiously.

Rowan looked at him and narrowed his eyes: "Can you talk well?"


He is also the son of a noble family, but his family is not big and he does not live in Xiongdu, but he still knows some news.

For example, his sister told him that when she was attending a gathering of noble ladies, Miss Kashina of the Bouvier family said that the Bouvier family had supported another villager, and the previous villager supported by their family had become a tourist. cavalry.

The Bouvier family is a famous family in Demacia. Of course, this matter spread all over Demacia.

The circle of nobles is only that big. If something happens to any family, the news will be spread throughout the capital the next day.

"His situation is quite special. I heard that he plans to squeeze into the Fearless Vanguard by his own strength instead of relying on the strength of his family." Velen said.

Velen and the others do not reject nobles. On the contrary, they are very protective of nobles with promising virtues, but of course they will not be convinced by nobles who come to gild their lives.

It was obvious that they were very convinced of the young master of the Crown Guard family.

"Okay, let's not get acquainted without fighting. Let's go have a drink together after running around?" Rowan said to Wei Lun and others.

Wei Lun and others were stunned for a moment, and then said bitterly: "What? The Seventh Army does not have a tavern."

"What? There's no tavern? But the person who brought me here said that the military camp is well-equipped."

"Several other military regions are indeed well-equipped, but our Seventh Army is different. The previous tavern was demolished because the soldiers caused trouble after drinking too much, and it was never built again." Siya said, and he Then he said: "The king personally gave the order. Unless we can win the honor in the military competition, otherwise we should not think about the tavern."

Rowan: "."

"Is it too late for me to apply for a military zone change?"

"It's too late. Captain Jian has already approved your enlistment document. You are already a member of the Seventh Army. However, you can try the competition in a year's time. If you become a Pioneer Attendant, you will hopefully be able to join the Fearless Pioneer. "Weilun said next to him, with a look of yearning on his face when he mentioned the words "Fearless Pioneer".

A fearless pioneer.

That is Demacia's most elite force, Demacia's ace army.

The entire regiment consists of 2048 people, divided into sixteen companies, each with eight shield formations. The first shield formation is the elite of the elite. Of course, Velen never thought that he could join the first shield formation. He even I don’t dare to think that I can enter the Fearless Vanguard.

Now, he just wants to graduate successfully and then become a knight to protect Demacia.

After hearing what Velen said, Rowan was speechless.

Well, although I am speechless without drinking, there is Galen in this army, so it would be pretty good to get to know Galen?

Rowan has fully understood how to use the system. Although Rowan also yearns for those heroes, in fact, the heroes in those games are not necessarily better than some characters in the big world.

Take Quinn, for example. Apart from the special skill of Eagle Eye, Quinn is actually one of the better rangers in Demacia.

What about Galen?

Because of this, Rowan no longer intends to deliberately make friends with the heroes in the game, and everything will just take its course.

Make friends if you like them, and fuck them if you don't like them!

Rowan shouldn’t be a dog licker!

Two hours later, Luo Wen took the lead in completing the lap and gave his sword to the soldiers who had circled several times. The first thing Luo Wen said when he opened his mouth was: "When can we eat?"

"It's not dinner time yet. When it's dinner time, the horn will be blown. Just go to that house when you hear the sound." the soldier replied.

Rowan nodded and touched his stomach, feeling increasingly hungry.

If he hadn't had snacks at Madame Bouvier's beforehand, he would probably be cooing now.

"Let's go, I'll take you to your dormitory."

The soldier picked up his sword and spoke.

Rowan followed him and went to the gray and black building.

After entering, Rowan's first feeling was one of depression.

It's like entering a concentration camp, or a large prison. There are stone gates on the left and right of the entrance, and then you go down in order. There are several rows of stone gates, and there are stairs at the end.

Following the soldiers up to the second floor, it was the same structure again.

"There are two bathrooms on each floor for convenient washing." The soldier said, "This is your room."

The soldier took Rowan to the middle of the second floor, pointed to a door and said.

Rowan looked at it and saw that there was a number on the door, which was easy to identify.

"Okay, I'll take you here and you can go in by yourself." The soldier said and left.

Rowan pushed open the stone door and his tentacles touched the dust.

What a damn ruin!

After entering the door, several pairs of eyes looked at Rowan.

"Hey, did you go to the wrong door?"

"No, he has black hair and eyes. He's right. This is our Shinjuku friend."

The two people came up to greet Rowan with smiles on their faces.

They are all taller than Luo Wen, and both are over 1.8 meters tall.

"My name is Rowan, and I just joined the army today." Rowan said proactively.

"Lantes Mao, an affiliated family of the Crown Guard. I joined the army for three years and participated in the Freljord's Far North Guardian Campaign."

"Zey Mao, and members of his family, participated in the battle to clean up the cultists in the Forest of Silence."

Rowan raised his eyebrows.

Then, Rowan looked at the man sitting on the bed in the corner.

There were a total of four beds in the room, each spread on the ground. At this moment, the man also stood up and walked towards Rowan, with a solemn look on his face.

"Galen, welcome to join the army."

Looking at him, Rowan's first feeling was weird.

He has the facial features of a young man, his features are immature but resolute, his eyes are pure but tough, he has a crew cut, an extremely square face, and his skin is weather-beaten and very rough.

His young facial features and face made him look like a sixteen-year-old boy with facial features on a fifty-year-old face.

"Rowan." Rowan said to him.

By the way, Rowan used Tantian.

【Galen Crownguard】

[Friendliness: one star]

【Age: 17】

[Race: human]

[Strength: Moderately dangerous]

[Skills: Sword Skill (5) Shield Skill (5) Physique (5) Bravery (5) Steel Body (3). 】

[Luck: Innate Leader (S) Fearless Soldier (A)]

"I know everything that just happened. You hit your compatriots on the first day?" Galen stepped forward. He was nearly 1.9 meters tall and broad. He stood in front of Rowan like a wall.

He was different from the Velencia that Rowan had met before.

Galen had the aura of a superior person. At this moment, he frowned and looked at Rowan, his body moved forward, full of oppression.

Different. Really different.

Galen has really been on the battlefield. Although he is only seventeen years old now, he joined the army when he was twelve years old. Now he has participated in large and small battles. He has killed people on the battlefield, and his aura is naturally not just Soldiers trained in the camp can compare.

As mentioned before, the nobles of Demacia will lead by example, such as the children of a big family like Galen. Naturally, they will be the first to fight when there is a battle. Therefore, although they are all members of the Seventh Army Soldiers, but experienced completely different things.

Rowan looked at Galen and smiled, "You want to help them?"

"What, you want to fight?"

The atmosphere solidified instantly.

The two brothers of the Mao family both coldly looked at Galen silently.

Galen also looked at Rowan, and after a while, he walked back silently.

Rowan glanced at Galen before finding his bed.

The brothers of the Mao family did not come up to talk to him anymore, but each picked up heavy objects and started training.

So did Galen.

But to Rowan's surprise, Galen didn't have any negative feelings toward him because of his rudeness.

exactly the opposite…

[Galen Crownguard’s favorability towards you increases. 】

Can this also increase my favorability?

Can you only say that I made the right bet?

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