"Rowan, we have to get down here."

Victor said to Rowan in front of the huge iron cage.

"This is the elevator to Zaun."

Rowan looked up with interest. From here, he could see the wealthy area of ​​Pi City, which was high on the mountain. Then Rowan looked down again. Looking down, he saw Zaan, which was full of green and mist.

Zu An is really in the underground world!

Every place in Runecontinent has different scenery. If Piltover is elegant and retro, with medieval and modern styles, then Zaun is really like a ruin.

Sitting under the cliff, Zaun's entire city is formed in the shape of pillars. From high to bottom, there are the dance corridor where Rowan is now, then the middle square, and finally the trench area.

After entering the elevator, after starting up, with a clicking sound, the large rusty iron cage started to operate and slowly descended downwards. Rowan, who was in the elevator, could also see the surrounding environment. Zu An's The whole place was very humid, and each building was more or less close to the cliffs with ravines and crisscrosses, connected by various metal iron pipes. When Rowan was in the elevator, he could even hear the sound of water flowing in the pipes.

There was green mist full of pungent smell everywhere, and houses made of iron and glass were everywhere. Large earthen jars spewed pungent gas, making the entire Zaun look gray.

This will be like a city that only appears in stories, full of wonders everywhere.

"Can you really adapt to the air here?" Victor asked with concern from the side.

He has been breathing the air of Zaun for twenty years, but even he still feels uncomfortable with the air of Zaun.

Because many of those pungent gases spread upward from the highly toxic areas in the ditch area, those gases are toxic.

"Of course, Victor, you don't have to worry too much about me." Rowan said to Victor.

He was lying next to the elevator, surrounded by several Zaunians who had modified their bodies.

"People from Piltover?" Someone even asked aloud, with a hint of provocation.

Victor said quickly: "No, wait, we are Zaun people, I live in the ditch area, and this is my friend."

"Hey, who doesn't know your Victor's name?" The provocative man showed a cruel smile, he got close to Victor, and continued: "I said, you are a traitor of Zaun, how dare you say that you are still a Zaun Human?"

"That's right, haven't you already joined Piltover? Why are you coming back? Haha, is it because those Piltover guys don't want you?"

"Victor, everyone knows who you are. You don't need to introduce yourself at all, but he, he is obviously a Piltover person. How dare you bring a Piltover person down without permission?" A fat man with a black fish on his face Tattoo, he buried his head towards Victor, opened his mouth, there were metal teeth inside, and breathed out yellow, fishy gas.

"I, I'm from the dark alley, you can't." Victor put his hand in front of him and closed one eye to stop those people.

Rowan looked at this scene, a little speechless.

They are all from Zaun, is Victor so popular?

The people of Zaun didn't like him, and the people of Piltover didn't accept him.

This guy's situation is indeed very embarrassing.

Putting down the instrument in his hand, Rowan walked up to the fat man, reached out and patted his shoulder.

The fat man turned his head to the side, looked at Rowan with a sinister smile, and said, "Don't worry, Picheng guy, I'll be with you later."

Rowan lifted his leg.


With a strong kick, the fat guy in front of him flew out directly, hit the iron cage, and had close contact with the iron railings. Then, he fell heavily to the ground, rolled his eyes, and passed out. passed.

At the place where he hit, the half-meter-thick iron pole that was standing upright was completely destroyed, and one or two of them were broken.

The people traveling with him cursed, and one of them hurriedly pulled out a weapon.

But Rowan just dodged, and then he pinched one with one hand and lifted the two of them up with a smile. Rowan looked at them and said: "I am not from Piltover, I am from Demacia."

"You, you die——"

Rowan exerted a little force.


"You, you killed them?" Victor said in panic.

"No, I didn't use any force, they were just... just sleepy. Don't worry, Victor, I'm measured." Rowan said to Victor immediately.

"Huh, that's good, you can't kill people here. Although you are from Demacia, Zaun doesn't care about this. They don't dare to compete with the people of Piltover, but they dare to compete with others. "Victor said seriously.

"But Demacia is more powerful than Piltover."

"Yes, that's right, Demacia is more powerful than Piltover. However, if something goes wrong, Demacia will also go to Piltover to cause trouble, because Zaun is under the jurisdiction of Piltover. Could it be that Demacia will still Come to Zu'an to find these gangsters?"

"No, Victor, instead of this, shouldn't you tell me why they are causing trouble for you?" Rowan looked at Victor speechlessly and said.

"." But Victor just stopped talking.

He lowered his head helplessly, picked up the fallen books, and then went to help the lying guys up, but his strength was too weak and he couldn't help them up.

Seeing this, Rowan took the initiative to help lift these guys up.

"There are many reasons, I can't tell you in detail." Victor sighed and said to Rowan.

When the elevator arrived, Victor stepped out of the birdcage-shaped elevator, looked back at Rowan, and said, "Let's go, go to my house first."

Rowan lifted the instrument and followed Victor.

The situation in the ditch area was more serious than Luo Wen imagined. The haze obstructed people's vision and penetrated into people's lungs like particulate matter.

"Ahem, cough!"

Victor started coughing as soon as he entered the ditch area, while Rowan only felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?"

"My old problem is gone, nothing's wrong." Victor said weakly.

He took Rowan and walked towards a place.

Along the way, many Zaun people looked at him. They looked at Rowan and Victor with their eyes, especially Victor. When most Zaun people saw Victor, they would give Victor a roll of their eyes or spit on the ground. .

Victor ignored everything and walked forward silently.

Until he came to a place that looked like a scrap station, he opened the small door, looked back at Rowan and said with a smile: "Here we are, this is my home."

"Do you live in a place like this?" Rowan said in surprise.

After all, Victor is also studying at the University of Piltover. You must know that the University of Piltover is not accessible to ordinary people. For example, Jess only entered the school because he was sponsored by the Gila Mann family, that is, the Catherine family.

Victor was admitted to the academy with a special admission, but was his treatment so bad?

"It's good to have a place to live in Zaun. Although my environment is simple and my house is small, the security here is very good," Victor said.

He made way for Rowan to go in, and after Rowan went in, he found that the situation inside was different from what it looked like from the outside.

It's extremely tidy inside and looks good except for some dust and cobwebs.

"Ahem, just put the things wherever you want. I'll take them apart later." Victor said to Rowan.

Rowan nodded and put the things down.

Victor took out a pill bottle from his arms, opened it and swallowed two pills. Then, he looked at Rowan and said, "Have you eaten?"

"No, you want to treat me to dinner?"

"Yes, I shouldn't have invited you to dinner, but who asked you to help? I was referring to the elevator." Victor said with a smile, and he added: "Although you are very reckless in doing things."

"I might eat more." Rowan said seriously.

He was indeed hungry.

Rowan hasn't eaten a bite since morning!

He is so poor!

Victor immediately said: "I still have a lot of money, let's go, I will take you to dinner."

Rowan immediately followed Victor, thinking about what kind of food he would eat later.

I don’t know how the food in Zuan tastes?

It shouldn't be bad, right? Although Zaun is very poor, Zaun's technological level is not low, and alchemy technology has definitely produced a lot of concoctions, and the taste of the food will definitely not be bad.

Then, Rowan and Victor came to a place. Looking at the name of the tavern, Rowan narrowed his eyes.

Ford's Tavern.

He really couldn't be more familiar with this name.

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