Walking out of Forgan's Tavern with Victor, Rowan still looked at Bao Bao who waved to him with a strange expression.

"What's wrong? Did you have a conflict with Fandel's daughter? Zaun's children can sometimes be compared." Victor noticed Rowan's eyes and asked in a low voice, as if he was afraid that Rowan and Fandel would have a dispute. .

But Rowan immediately interrupted him: "It's nothing, she and I have quite a chat."

"So Victor, what's my next job?"

"What's next?" Victor was stunned for a moment, then he said with a smile: "There's nothing else you need to do. It would take me and Jace an afternoon to separate the pile of stones, but you only spent a few minutes. That’s it. By the way, how much is Jess’s salary?”

"Two gold coins." Rowan said.

Victor lowered his head, reached into his pocket, and then took out two golden hexes and handed them to Rowan: "Here, your salary for today."

"Then I'm done with all my work for today?" Rowan took the two gold coins, put them in his pocket, and looked at Victor.

"Well, there's nothing to do anymore, but if you're okay, you can go back to the academy with me." Victor thought for a while and said.

Inexplicably, he had a good sense for Rowan. Maybe it was because of Rowan's quick work, or maybe it was because of his previous move in the elevator?

In short, Victor didn't hate getting along with Rowan.

But Rowan refused, "Forget it, I'm a little out of place in that place. Is there any work for me to do tomorrow?"

"Of course, you can come to the academy at ten o'clock tomorrow morning." Victor said.

"But now, let's go back to the city first."

After getting out of the elevator, Rowan and Victor parted ways.

Rowan gained something from this trip. In just one afternoon, he met several heroes from the alliance. Unfortunately, Rowan was not able to meet Ekko in Zaun. The son of Zu An, Luo Wen is still quite curious.

Will the current Ike be like the timid child in the Battle of Two Cities, or will he be like the main universe, with a unique mind and heart since his birth?

Rowan walked all the way to the central area of ​​Piltover. When he returned to the hotel, Kasha and Lux ​​were not in the room. Seeing this, Rowan did not go to Lux. Instead, he returned to the room and collected the recent gains. Of the skills, the useless ones are broken down into experience points, and the useful ones are kept for later fusion.

Unfortunately, he failed to receive Kaisha's gift.

Although Kai'Sa's favorability level has reached three stars, Rowan currently has too many friends with three-star favorability levels, and is still close to being upgraded to the friend stage, so it seems not surprising that he failed to receive Kai'Sa's friend gift.

After a while, Rowan finished tidying up, stretched his body, stood up, and when he went out, Lux and Kaisha just came back.

Seeing Rowan, Lux came up to him with excitement.

"Why are you so excited?"

"I found a way to make money!" Lux said to Rowan.

"What can I do?" Rowan put his hand in his pocket, playing with the two gold coins in his pocket, humming. While you and Kai'Sa were walking around Piltover, I had already made money, Lux!

Although there are only two gold coins!

But it's not a lot, it's enough for three people to stay for a day, although the food money hasn't been earned yet.

"Here, look." Lux pulled Rowan into the room, then clapped her hands. Behind Lux, Kaisha came up and handed Rowan a bag.

It was rare that Kasha, who had always had a calm expression, had a look of happiness and joy on her face. She handed the bag to Rowan, and then stood next to Lux.

Hehe, if you hang out with Rowan, you will starve twice in three days, but if you hang out with Lux, you can eat and drink every day!

Kasha thought.

Rowan touched the bag, his expression changed, and then he looked at Lux.

"Don't tell me it's all gold coins."

"Otherwise?" Lux tilted her head and looked at Rowan.


Rowan opened the bag and looked down. It was filled with gold hex. After weighing it, he estimated that there were at least several hundred gold coins.

"how did you do that?"

"I saw the captain of the law enforcement officer yesterday when I was on the street today. What kind of horse is that?"

"Marcos." Kasha said for Lux.

Lux nodded and said loudly: "Yes, that's him. He took Kasha and me to see the MPs in Piltover. After they heard that I came from the Crownguard family, they all rushed to give me money!"

"Then you accepted it?"

"Of course not. What they gave me was a few boxes of gold coins, but I knew that what was given for free was the most valuable. After receiving their money, I had to do things for them. I don't do that kind of thing, so I refused. , but then a councilman came to me and said he needed help, so Kasha and I went to his manor with him, and ended up helping him deal with a small matter. "

"What's up?"

"Magic." Lux said.

Rowan slapped his head.

Did the news spread so fast? ?

Piltover is far, far away from Demacia!

"Hey, Rowan, I know my true identity has been exposed, but what does it matter? They won't reveal it anyway, and what they know is just trivial things. Demacia will not publicize this Yes."

As if she knew what Rowan was worried about, Lux said immediately.

"Anyway, we have money now."

"Okay, Lux, you're awesome, we do have money now." Rowan took a deep breath, forget it, think about it, he can't hide it, a dazzling blonde girl from the Crown Guard family of Demacia, The commoners of Piltover would not recognize it, but the upper echelons could not.

As for why Lux has been expelled by Demacia, but these nobles are still looking for Lux, the main reason is probably because Lux is a mage?

You must know that the two cities do not reject mages. On the contrary, the two cities welcome mages, especially powerful mages.

"Rowan, I think this alone is not enough. The money will always run out one day, so we can open a firm here." Lux said again.


"Yes, a firm that helps people solve difficult problems and charges commissions. I have already asked the MP, and he said that they would welcome us to open a firm in Piltover, and he is willing to rent his shop cheaply. us."


Rowan's mouth twitched when he heard it.

Silently, he put his hand in his pocket to feel for the gold coins and held the money bag with both hands.

Lux was still saying excitedly: "You can use magic here, and the locals have many places where magic needs to be used, such as water. I asked the councilor and he said that clean water resources are not precious in Pi City because Pi City There are filters in the city. Although filtering sea water will consume a lot of filter elements, Pi City has nothing. It is rich, but it takes a lot of time to experiment. So if I go and use magic to create water, they will Collect in cubes!”


"They also need Kai'Sa's strength. For example, Kai'Sa can fly. Some experiments require Kai'Sa's help. They need Kai'Sa to work for them. But after all, we are not stationed in Piltover, so I thought, open a In the office, we will work when we want to work, and we will enjoy life when we don’t want to work. Kasha has agreed.”


"Hey, Rowan, why don't you speak?" Lux suddenly asked in confusion.

Rowan: "."



I suddenly felt that I was so useless!

Looking at the confused Lux ​​in front of him, Rowan shouted in his heart!

When parting with Victor, Rowan was still thinking proudly about going back and showing off to Lux that he had earned two gold coins and that the day's accommodation was settled, but what about changing hands?

Lux brought back hundreds of gold coins!

And it also solves the future living conditions in Piltover!

Comparing me with Lux, what kind of waste am I? !

Rowan covered his face and whispered: "Well done, Lux, beautifully done."

"Really? I think I'm pretty awesome too, hehe." Hearing Rowan's compliment, Lux smiled happily, clinging to Rowan like a kitten, leaning against Rowan and saying, "So, let's Let's go shopping later. You bought everything you wanted. Don't you want a game console and a record player? I'll buy them for you, and then we'll rent the room for you in Piltover. Home."

"Okay" Rowan nodded.

Kasha stood aside and looked at Rowan's appearance, feeling amused.


This is really Lux and her useless man!

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