LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 108 Both pigs and dogs were beaten, but only the wolfberry was still showing off! (5K big ch

On the middle route, Li Hao's Snake Girl and Sencux's Clockwork were messing around as soon as the minion came online.

When he was in Soldier A, he always paid attention to the movement of the clockwork's hand, and the snake girl swam and swayed back and forth.

Seizing the opportunity when Sencux raised his hand to hit the A minion for the second time, the Snake Girl immediately retreated after being hit by her twin fangs.

Sencux's reaction was not slow. He put a shield on himself to offset the damage. On his backhand, he had to rely on his passive and Snake Girl's A.

However, the range of Snake Girl's E skill is 700 yards, which exceeds Clockwork's normal attack range of 525 yards. Although there was a stiff movement, when Li Hao decisively pulled back, Clockwork's initial movement speed without shoes was not as high as that of Snake Girl. At that moment, A does not come out.

Clockwork's E skill consumes more mana and has a CD of 9 seconds, while Snake Girl's E only has 0.75 seconds, which is a small profit.

After 2.5 seconds, the clockwork shield disappeared, and Li Hao immediately pressed forward.

Sencux, who had no skills, faced off against the Snake Girl, and after taking another hit of the Twin Fangs skill, he quickly retreated.

After moving around to draw away the aggro of the minions, Snake briefly took control of the line.

Seeing that Sencux wanted to come up for a last hit, Li Hao calculated that the jungler was not there and continued to press forward, causing Sencux to lose the last hit in the first wave of soldiers.

Zzr drank a layer of reusable potion and just reached the blue buff. The snake girl in the middle got to 2 first.

Snake controlled the lane in the bottom lane, and Jiezou inserted his trinket eye near the river to prevent the blind monk from ganking.

Li Hao saw Clockwork Level 2, glanced at the soldier line, and then quickly cut the screen to look at the top, bottom lane and jungle.

Sencux learned the Q skill and has been looking for opportunities to consume it.

If you want to kill this clockwork solo online, it is currently impossible.

However, this does not hinder Li Hao's design.

"Cuihua, swipe the three wolves and come here to catch him."

"Right away, Brother Hao."

Cuihua responded, and Jiezou immediately said: "Gangzi, stop pressing, let's be careful."

The artillery trooper came online. When Snake was finishing her last blow, she was hit by Clockwork's Q and backhanded to E. Sencux used the shield to offset it, and moved to avoid Snake's Q skill. This made Sencux's confidence soar, and on Snake's body A plays Thunder and takes advantage of the blood exchange.

Li Hao lost more than one-third of his health, but he was not taking drugs.

The health bar gave the European Dharma King an illusion. His positioning was obviously more radical than before, and he wanted to continue to consume blood with the Snake Girl.

Anyone who is familiar with Sencux knows that this is his usual style of play in Europe.

The European Dharma King, who had taken advantage of the situation, was so excited that he wanted more.

Li Hao sneered secretly, having already spotted the movement route of the men and horses.

At 3 minutes and 03 seconds, the level 3 men and horses were standing in the grass in the middle of the river.

Zzr was waiting for his own mana. At 3 minutes and 7 seconds, he had reached the outer edge of the blue square F4 wall.

Li Hao stared at Sencux, and he seemed to see a big word "death" on the head of the European Dharma King.

——Let the horse pass!

At 3 minutes and 10 seconds, both sides reached level 3 in the middle.

The cool rainbow horse starts sprinting and launches a devastating charge at the same time, killing Sencux directly from behind!

Hecarim kicked him and took the French King's dog's head with his sword.

When Sencux saw the men and horses approaching, he immediately started sprinting.

The snake girl sprayed out poisonous mist, which landed at Clockwork's feet.

The poisonous cloud that can last for 5 seconds, in addition to the damage of 20+15% of the magic power per second, also has a 40% attenuation slowdown. After the W skill was revised in May this year, the ground-binding effect will make the opponent's hero unable to use it, including flash. Any displacement skills included.

Therefore, Sencux was beaten up by the Snakes midfielder at the first opportunity!

Plague Explosion (Q) exploded at Oriana's feet, and the European King could no longer dodge the skill like before.

Li Hao didn't even start sprinting. After Q hit the clockwork, he immediately received a 30% movement speed bonus.

In conjunction with the continuous damage from the Touch of Hellfire, Snake stood in front of the clockwork, and her twin fangs that gained extra damage kept piercing Sencux's body.

At the contestants' table, Emperor Ou's expression changed.

He didn't even flash. The moment before the health bar was empty, the man and the horse closed their swords, and the snake girl got the first blood with an E!

At this time, the blind monk also came to the bottom lane.

However, Trashy was caught by Hedao's vision in advance, and the already prepared Dramatist and Nami immediately retreated. Mikyx, a veteran FNC player, flashed the bull's head and hit Nami with a WQ double combo.

However, the blind monk was far away and could not keep up immediately.

When Trashy Tianyinbo kicked over, Jiezou dodged and dodged, but SPY had no follow-up.

This wave of capture was unsuccessful, and the middle was at a disadvantage again.

Clockwork's experience and economy have all dropped, and Trashy is ready to target the snake girl.

However, Snake sounded the attack horn early.

After Li Hao returned home, in addition to finding the Tears of the Goddess and the Killing Ring, he also bought a real eye.

After going online, this real eye was inserted into the grass behind SPY's red buff.

Next, place the jewelry eye in front of SPY's nest of birds.

Only about 6 seconds apart, all Snake's mini-map was filled with signals.


"On the way!"


That's right, the target is SPY's F4!

Trashy's blind monk is playing the newly refreshed F4.

Nami's troops all came from the river.

Nosuke cooperated, and before Trashy could react, a blister was thrown directly into F4. The men who had started the destructive charge kicked back, which caused the blind monk's position to be right next to F4 and facing the red square. The wall over there.

The snake girl cast W across the wall, and Trashy was immediately stunned. She couldn't touch it with her eyes, and couldn't flash it.

Li Hao fired two twin fangs across the wall and put Trashy's soul into the murder ring!


"Snake has already planned this wave of linkage. Nami is also stuck at home. Snake has the advantage. Trashy must help Zhong relieve the pressure. They are sure that Trashy will come to eat F4 to get the True Sight Buff."

"The King's two heads are starting again!"

PDD laughed loudly: "You should have had the money to find the Amplification Book just now, but The King directly killed the ring. I suspect that this person may have included all the profits."


Two kills, one level ahead in online level. After Sencux turned around and avoided a QW by the snake girl, Clockwork was directly pushed under the tower by the snake girl who was standing in front.

In this wave, he lost another three soldiers' experience.

In the SPY player booth, the young European Dharma King curled his lips.

Throughout the summer, he rarely felt so much pressure in the European LCS.

No wonder this guy can beat Bilson.

Sencux can be wretched, but when at 5 minutes and 45 seconds, Snake cooperated with Rambo's troops to kill Kennen under the top tower, Sencux was a little speechless.

He had just sent a signal, but Wunder, who was preparing to dispel people's doubts in S6, did not retreat immediately because of greed.

This caused Kennen to die too simply. When Snake returned to the line, she only missed two last hits, but gained experience.

Snake Girl 3-0, fourth level of murder ring.

At 6 minutes and 29 seconds, the audience at the Bill Graham Municipal Auditorium made another roar.

This middle lane is simply a two-man lane!

A level 6 trooper with the True Sight Buff is standing at the F4 position, and SPY has no vision at all.

The audience already understood Snake's positioning, as the opposite mid laner was pushing Sencux towards death.

Sadly, the European Emperor didn't notice it at all.


——Shadow Blast (R)!

The centaur roared, and the Ghost Rider charged forward. Hecarim sent a shock wave as he completed his charge, causing nearby enemies to flee from Hecarim in fear.

Clockwork, who was frightened, faced the snake girl directly.

Weird magic from Noxus!

There seemed to be a hint of seductive voice coming from my ears.

"Feel my hug~"

——Petrifying Gaze (R)!

With a 2-second dizziness effect, Ou Huang was so frustrated that he didn't even have a chance to flash.

The Q skill was given, and Snake Girl continued to deal damage with the E skill. The centaur kicked Sencux again and dealt all the damage.

When the petrification was about to end, the snake girl released W and killed Clockwork in the poisonous fog.

After killing Clockwork, the centaurs and horses helped push the line, and the two of them headed to the bottom lane together.

Trashy finally found a chance. Kennen flashed his ultimate move and cooperated with the blind monk to kill the yordle.

Before he died, Holy Spear Brother used his ultimate skill Constant Temperature Scorch on the blue soldiers. This wave of people did not lose the lifeline and walked away peacefully.

SPY sends signals wildly in the bottom lane, and Wheel Mom and Niu Tou have already been yo-yoing.

The line of troops was pushed into the tower, but Snake did not push the first-blood tower. It was still early and he could continue to put the SPY duo in jail.

After taking down the first dragon, he immediately went to the middle to gather troops. The Centaur and Nami came together to help Snake push the troops.

Li Hao went home and made the negative cape and the devil's code.

This one has AP on both sides, mid and top, Abyss is very cost-effective, and it also fits the Snake Girl’s attributes.

Snake is currently in the economic lead, but most of it is on Snake.

At 9 minutes and 05 seconds, the blind monk caught it.

Wheel Mom used her ultimate move, the Bull Head WQ hit Nami with two consecutive hits, and the blind monk Tian Yinbo followed up, severely crippling Nami.

Fan Mom flashed forward and was about to take away Jiezou's head. The Divination Master gave her a mouthful of healing to restore her life, and finally allowed Nami to use her ultimate move. Kobbe used the Goddess of War's E skill to block the incoming waves, and then used the Spin Wheel to connect with the basic attack. Take the head.

SPY did not give up and continued to pursue the fortune teller.

The blind monk touched his eyes and flashed R!

However, Gangzi is not a stick either.

The moment the blind monk got close, he pressed Flash without hesitation.

As a result, the position of the kick changed, and Trashy kicked Jhin back under the tower.

After Gangzi's position was safe, he launched a big move with his backhand.

Perfect ending!

The centaur and the snake girl arrived, and Li Hao started sprinting, cooperating with Zzr's centaur to kill the wheel mother first.

After the snake girl Q, she keeps moving E, moving very fast, like a magic machine gun!

The W skill slows down, and in conjunction with Jhin's ultimate move, the remaining blind monks and bullheads are also retained.

Gangzi's last bullet penetrated Trashy's head, and the blind monk fell.

Following that, W Huacai remotely fixed the big bull's head, and the clockwork that came over put a shield on Mikyx. However, the effect of the bull's head ultimate move ended, and he was still killed by the snake girl.


Serpent's Embrace has dominated the game!

Sencux's expression changed, the snake girl had 6 heads!

"This can't go on like this, guys!"

"Kill him once!"

"Shet, this snake girl is too fat, we must stop her rhythm."

Top laner Wunder said: "Wait for me to come here, I'm going to melt this damn snake into the thunder and lightning!"

"Just do it!"

The SPY team had a passionate voice interaction and prepared a plan to kill the snake.

During their discussion, a tower in the bottom lane was pushed.

Li Hao first took a step back to the middle lane, and after taking another wave of lanes, returned to the city to update his equipment.

In addition to synthesizing the Abyss Scepter, he also made a useless stick!

This season's ice staff is made of a useless stick + amplifying tome + a large belt, which is very powerful. Snake Girl will usually be released as the second piece, and through the deceleration effect, Snake Girl will stick to people and continue to output.

In the next few minutes, because of Li Hao's snake girl's influence, Snake easily accepted the second earth dragon.

At 12 minutes and 36 seconds, the SPY duo switched to the top lane.

However, Kenan came out of the spring and walked directly to the middle.

Before that, Bull Head and Blind Sin had already cleaned up the eye positions in the lower half to ensure that they would not be noticed by Snake.

The snake-killing operation has officially begun!

At 12 minutes and 49 seconds, Blind Sin, Clockwork, and Kenan are ready!

"Kenan's vision is blocked next to F4. He wants to capture The King by force."

The director showed Snake's side of the camera, and it was pitch black where Kenan was. This kind of basic card vision certainly wouldn't trouble Wunder.

"The Blind Monk is here too, SPY has all the skills in this wave."

"It should be very dangerous if The King steps forward to replenish his troops."

"Zzr's men are very close and they are using F4."

"However, this wave is still too late."

"Yeah, The King didn't notice and was still walking forward!"

There was a wave of screams in the commentary box, SPY took decisive action!

Kennen flashed across the wall, activated the secret weapon Raikai (E), and with a loud shout, he was about to launch the all-purpose combo ERWAQ.

However, Wunder had just launched Ten Thousand Thunder Heavenly Lao Yin, or in other words, the moment Kenan showed up!

Cassiopeia's movements are not unpleasant!

The sprint on my body started instantly, followed by

——Petrifying Gaze!

The 750-yard ultimate move directly turned Wunder into an immovable stone statue.

Wunder's expression on the SPY player bench changed drastically. This reaction was too quick!

He even doubted whether he was seen by the other party's field of vision!

Trashy's Blind Monk took advantage of Snake Girl's R action to freeze up, and hit Snake Girl with his eye-touching sound wave.

"E! E!"

Trashy shouted excitedly.

Of course, the European Dharma King understood that, and put the E shield on the blind monk when he was flying over.

The second stage of Q just hit Snake Girl.

Sencux's face was deep, and he pressed the R button to the end!

——Command·Shock Wave!



A flash of golden light!

The snake girl flashed her limit and opened the distance in an instant. The devil's shock wave with a radius of 325 yards did not even touch Cassiopeia's sexy tail!



In the entire municipal auditorium, the audience screamed!


"The King has so many quick reactions!!"

The naughty pig even forgot that he was standing in the commentary box, and the words in his mouth were unmodified due to excitement.

However, the operation in the middle continues.

A cold machine is running crazily!

Trashy did not give up and controlled the blind monk to continue the pursuit.

The Snake Girl's Q skill is given to the blind monk, and the acceleration effect makes the Snake Girl, who is already sprinting, move at a crazy speed.

The snake girl turned her head back and forth, her snake body kept twisting and walking like crazy!

Trashy took two steps after him and realized something was wrong.

He simply couldn't bear the damage caused by this snake girl!

The blind monk retreated, and the snake girl used the W skill with her backhand. The blind monk was slowed down, and because of the ground-binding effect, he couldn't even flash!

The five European snake contestants all looked stiff.

Trashy's disabled body has just stepped out of Snake Girl's W range.

Snake gallops wildly, let the horse come over!

The Dread Lee Sin of Shadow Strike flew over Trashy's head in his sprinting and destructive charge, heading straight towards Kennen.

Snake Girl took the head of the frightened blind monk, and the big man kicked Kenan back. Snake Girl's QE skill CD is very short.

Li Hao chased after him, and on the way to Kenan, he used his high movement speed to turn around and twist the winding QW, which made the European French King's scalp explode.

It is not difficult for Li Hao, whose reaction ability is now fully developed, and the movement of raising his hand is quite obvious.

When Kenan fell to the ground with a wailing cry, SPY's snake-killing plan was declared bankrupt!

Trashy and Wunder became the devil's snake's food, and Cassiopeia officially became a god!

"People are dumbfounded, Brother Wolfberry is so handsome!"

"The King's two consecutive extreme reactions turned the European emperors into Muggles!"

"Is this what you said, a veteran that no one wants? The LPL is too complicated. No one wants a veteran of this level. It's scary."

"I am an RNG fan and I really want to write a letter to RNG in the spring of S6. I want to ask them why they put nuclear weapons on the bench to collect dust."

"Brother, write another letter to WE and EDG, they also need it very much."

"Both pigs and dogs were beaten, only the wolfberry was still showing off!"

At this point in the game, even if the European emperors are optimistic and have a good attitude, they are a little bit overwhelmed at this time.

Snake switched to the top duo and came in, and SPY's middle tower was directly pushed.

Then, the fortune teller activated his ultimate move and combined with Nami's waves, SPY lost the qualification to defend the second tower.

After the snake-killing plan failed, the European snake door was opened.

Only a minute and a half passed before the subsequent impact appeared.

In the middle, the clearing soldier's clockwork was stuck by Snake Girl's ice staff, killing him directly.

The blind monk came to support him. Not to mention avenging Sencux, he didn't even dare to look at the snake girl.

A tower was pushed on the top lane, and at the 18th minute of the game, SPY's economy fell behind by more than 8,500, almost collapsing.

In 20 minutes, Snake Girl already had Archangel, Abyss Scepter, Ice Staff, and a full layer of murder rings.

Snake Girl has a blue buff at her feet, and with this equipment, she can defeat the dragon very quickly.

Snake has good vision and directly opens the baron.

SPY made a desperate attempt to use the terrain of Dalongkeng to take advantage of Kennen.

However, the bush where Wunder teleported happened to be within Snake's field of vision.

After he teleported down, Snake was already prepared. He punished the baron with Centaur Punishment, Wunder flashed and used his ultimate move to enter the field, and the others from SPY were already here.

However, Nami's ultimate move blocked Kennen's impact. After Wunder stunned the troops, he was killed by Jhin's passive whisper critical hit!

The snake girl in Dalong Pit had a vision blocked, and her R flash hit the SPY three!

Accompanied by the exclamations of the audience, the men and horses rushed into the crowd with great moves, swords flashing wildly!

Jiezou flashed and was blistered, and Holy Gun Brother's Rambo unleashed his ultimate move. In an instant, everyone in SPY was melted!

This wave of team battles took less than 5 seconds from start to finish!

The blind monk kicked the snake girl away, listened to the gunfire of the fortune teller in his ears, and finally escaped in a thrilling way by flashing.

The escape route drew a '7' shape. Trashy didn't want to protect KDA, he just wanted to leave a little hope for his hometown e-sports.

But in less than 3 minutes, Snake ended the game through a wave of two-for-five team battles on the high ground.

"Snake is 2-0 in the group stage, he is simply unstoppable!"

"Congratulations Snake, another great victory!"

"The King won 12 more kills, and KDA won the World Championship!"

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