LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 116 Thunderous applause in the municipal auditorium, Windy City!

The Desert Butcher roared, followed by the Tyrant's attack and swept away!

On the big screen, Kennen's health bar appeared with the special effect of blood splashing. As the health bar became empty, Ziv suddenly died! !


"It fell in seconds! This Kenan was killed by a crocodile in seconds!"

"What the hell kind of harm is this? I can't understand it at all!"

"Crocodile E got on the face of the excavator and stood up against Mountain. His ultimate move is still recovering blood. Honey, you can't beat this excavator!"

"Full of war zeal, this crocodile will draw more and more blood!"


"Mountain wants to escape, take a breath of ruin, steal 25% of the movement speed, A after A! The big ax sweeps, Red Fury Q, the excavator is gone!"

"AHQ has shut down, TheKing's crocodiles are the ultimate butchers, they are suddenly yuppies~~~!"

"My crocodile is known as one of the three major crocodiles, but I think my crocodile may not be good enough in front of The King. It's too overwhelming! Just now, the ultimate damage was an ultimate squid!"


The three commentators were dancing excitedly on the commentary table, and the words in their mouths were a little unclear.

European commentary seats.

Coster was shouting:

"A cold killer, even the desert butcher who no one cares about is like an assassin in his hands!"

"Let's have a moment of silence for AHQ, this is a cruel massacre!"

The voice of Snake's team is full of "awesome" sounds.

Over at AHQ, there was dead silence.

Looking at the crocodile with its ultimate move surrounded by dead branches, leaves and sand, they really didn't know what to say.

A tower in the middle was destroyed directly.

After version 6.15, one person can earn 650 gold coins by dismantling a health tower.

The crocodile, which was already very fat, is now even more obscenely fat.

A small soldier, a wild monster, was eaten by a crocodile.

Now that the crocodile enters the AHQ wild area, it's like visiting your own back garden.

Snake successfully took down the little dragon, and Flando, who was on the road, did not give Ximen a chance to develop. After the electronic harpoon E reached the little murloc, he opened W and used the murloc's E skill. Then he threw out his big move, and Ximen was killed. Beaten to a pulp.

The little murloc was forced to go home, and AHQ lost another wave of lines on the road.

If the jungler fails to capture, he will be counter-killed, which will have a series of consequences.

At 11 minutes and 34 seconds, the big crocodile and the wine barrel were captured.

This time, not only Dashan's excavator came to support, but Ziv, the top orderer, also arrived in time. Xiao An is now AHQ's last hope and must be protected.

However, Snake did not give face. Flando was well prepared on the top lane. Ximen got a little bit of development on the top lane, but he did not teleport. Flando TPed to the bottom lane, and Snake jumped directly over the tower in a five-on-four way.

"Flandre made the first move, Rambo unleashed his ultimate move on Jhin, EZ hit him hard, Nami hit the wave with a backhand, Zyra used E to tie up Kenan, Jiezou was knocked away by the wave, Jhin Huacai immobilized him, and the wine barrel E flashed and rushed towards the fortune teller, and Xiao An was stunned!"

"Rambo rushed into the tower, Mountain pushed up the Holy Spear Brother, Xiao An healed and flashed all, the defense tower was beating wine barrels, and there was chaos under the tower!"

"Enter the crocodiles!"

The commentators spoke loudly and fast: "The big crocodile went through the excavator with the first E, beautiful! A detailed turn and move to avoid Nami's blisters! The crocodile opened up, and the second E came to the fortune teller, AWQ!"

"Xiao An is dead!!"

"Kenan's ultimate move stuns Zyra, AQW takes Jiezou's head, Zyra releases her ultimate move before she dies, AHQ collapses, and no one can control this crocodile!"

On the big screen, the crocodile's damage was off the charts, and he killed half-blood Nami with a few basic attacks. In conjunction with the damage from EZ, the transformed tyrant slashed to death Mountain!

Kenan wanted to run, but was sucked in by the big crocodile's broken body, and Ziv's face turned stiff.


The electric mouse screamed and died under the continuous sandstorm surrounding the crocodile!

The rather passionate system voice also echoed throughout Summoner's Rift:

"——Quadro kill!!!"

Four kills!

"————Everyone must die!"

The audience at the Municipal Auditorium roared with excitement, and a group of North American spectators became fans.

Koster's European commentator was laughing loudly, but on the LPL side, shouts of "Who else" kept coming! Sao Zhu's face turned red with excitement.

"It's crazy to kill, Brother Wolfberry is crazy to kill!"

"Come here, kill me and give me to Brother Wolfberry to cheer me up."

"It has to be my Brother Wolfberry who is so fierce!"

"I understand, I'll buy a crocodile now. I've found the answer. I'm going to kill the little girls in Black Rose. Hahaha, it's so cruel."


Bay AHQ commentary station.

"There is no hope. AHQ can only hope that SPY defeats TSM, so that there will be a chance to play in the playoffs."

"When TheKing brought out the crocodile, none of us thought that the situation would be like this. This player's understanding was really different."

The game lasted for more than 20 minutes. The Crocodile did not use something as outrageous as the endless electric knife as some commentators speculated, but instead used bloody hands, mercury shoes and black cuts.

At 21 minutes, Snake directly attacked Baron.

As soon as this wave of dragons was lost, the game ended immediately.

AHQ did not give up. They dreamed of a miraculous team fight and forced a team fight, but they were wiped out by Snake in the blue buff area.

When the ACE screen went black, everyone in AHQ still had the terrifying image of the crocodile rushing into the battle array.

Dust and storms swept across the place, and a crocodile with full power rushed into the back row like a god of war.

The fortune teller was cut to death on the spot after being knocked unconscious by a crocodile's ruthless hunt.

This crocodile's damage is explosive. Not to mention the crispy skin, the flesh can't even bear it. Coupled with the HP of the ultimate move and equipment, this high-level crocodile can't be dropped in seconds.

AHQ couldn't handle the crocodile, and the back row was cut to pieces.

At 23 minutes and 12 seconds, Snake broke the old crystal.

6-0, Snake swept the group and qualified with the strongest attitude!

When Li Hao shook hands with AHQ again, he could see that Ximen's eyes were a little dull.

In the last game of Group D, SPY played against TSM.

The European Snakes got an upset revenge, and suddenly Group D went into a crazy playoff.

SPY, TSM, and AHQ, all three teams have a record of 2-4.

In the extra round, TSM played against AHQ.

What surprised the North American audience was that TSM on the red side was doing live copying.

Their ban choices are exactly the same as Snake's, cards, ice girls, and grasshoppers.

Ximen regains his faith, and the little fishman appears again.

TSM fifth floor, Desert Butcher!

"Hahaha, brothers, it's okay to copy homework on the spot."

"Excellent points, not shabby!"

"Bilson: If I can't beat you, I'll join."


In this game, although Pilsen's crocodile was not as explosive as Li Hao, it still suppressed the little fishman.

Looking at Bilson's equipment list, it looks like it was copied and pasted from Li Hao.

The order and ideas of the outfits are completely the same.

When the game lasted for more than 30 minutes, TSM won the key victory.

Plzen had a great time, sweeping away the previous decline.

After this battle, Bilson felt as if he had opened the door to a new world.

Ximen, on the other hand, felt that the door to his world of faith had been closed.

In the final game of the extra round, TSM fought fiercely against SPY. The game lasted until the 56th minute. When the top laner Gnarr demolished the European Snakes' base, the magical sound of 'TSM' rang out again in the audience.

North American Cult, retaining the last spark of the North American division, brought the cry of ‘TSM’ to the Chicago Theater.

Backstage at Snake, after watching the extra match, Li Hao suddenly heard a system prompt in his mind.

LOL Old God System:

"Host, congratulations on leading the team to complete the group stage victory."

“You gain English language proficiency.”

Proficient in English?

Just as he was wondering, Zuo Wu hurried over.

"Everyone, come together, there is an interview event here at Riot."

Li Hao frowned, stretched out his hand and rubbed his head, and a lot of things suddenly appeared inside.

However, as expected of the Lao Shen system, this discomfort quickly disappeared.

"Brother Hao, are you feeling unwell?"

"It's okay, let's go."

There were two stages. Chris and others were taken to a separate interview room by Riot officials, and several TSM players were also there.

At the other end, Li Hao was led to the interview stage in front of the audience in the municipal auditorium.

Due to extra games, the interview was postponed.

Many league viewers around the world are very interested in The King who suddenly killed in S6.

At the interview table, the host was none other than Riot star Sjokz.

The blonde girl was smiling, "Hello, TheKing."


"First of all, congratulations on finishing first in your group, qualifying with an astonishing 6-0 score, and basically making no mistakes in these six games. Many people commented that you are a killing machine. What do you think of this evaluation? "

The translator on the side was still thinking and was picking up the microphone, but

TheKing next to him had already raised the microphone first.

"Being able to achieve this result is the result of the hard work of all members of Snake. Every one of our team members has made their best efforts. We have not relaxed this summer and have done a lot of training. The sweat has been dripping on the keyboard. The team The qualifying record is a satisfactory answer for us.”

"As for everyone's evaluation of me, I am honored."

"During the game, I didn't think too much. I focused, focused, and focused. I only thought about one thing, which was to kill my opponent and win the game."

"Professional players all have this desire to win, and I am no exception."

When he said the words 'kill my opponent', a smile appeared on Li Hao's lips.

In the barrage:

"Brothers, can't you tell? Brother Wolfberry is hiding something again. He showed me off through the screen in San Francisco!"

"Brother Wolfberry can actually understand!"

"Brother Wolfberry, can we not be so stuck on gender?"

"Translation: I feel stupid when you act like this."

The commentators in the game commentary also laughed, and the translator also conveyed the meaning to the scene.

Although Sjokz was a little surprised, she covered it up with a tactical smile.

She continued to ask: "The next stop is Chicago. What do you think of your next opponent?"

Li Hao's expression became serious and he responded:

"When we came to S6, my teammates and I were mentally prepared. The opponents were all very strong, but we were also very strong."

"However, no matter who the next opponent is, Snake will try to go further."

Sjokz asked a few more questions, such as 'Why did you use the crocodile to beat Ximen's little murloc?', 'Why did you think of using the crocodile in the middle in the World Championship?' and other questions, and Li Hao answered them one by one.

Finally, Sjokz asked a more personal question:

"TheKing, we know that you started playing in the league in S2 and experienced a series of challenges including personal status, transfers, injuries, etc. Did you ever think about giving up, and did you expect that you would be at this moment? What’s the goal?”

Li Hao calmed down his expression and became serious again:

"When you are in darkness and long for light, stagnation and complaining will not help. What you need to do is to use all your strength to break away from the dark prison. The more you take a step forward, the more opportunities you will have to see bright."

"Time is passing by, and even some of my old friends and former teammates have said goodbye to the game. However, when I have a choice, I still stick to my own path. Countless efforts have brought me to where I am today."

"As for my goals."

"For me, when I'm on the stage and my eyes can touch that trophy, I have to think about whether this is the only opportunity I have in my life."

San Francisco, Bill Graham Civic Auditorium.

When the first person applauds, there is thunderous applause.

Dyrus moved many summoners in the S5 farewell arena, and it is a pity that he is such a late veteran.

Although The King is killing people on the court, he is also a veteran chasing his dreams.

This 'cold killing machine' has a fiery temperature inside.

Originally, TSM fans thought it was a bit cruel that TheKing killed Bjergsen, but now they are relieved.

A veteran, the only chance in his career.

Gee, how touching!

After all the post-match interviews were completed, the draw ceremony for the quarter-finals began.

"Let us once again welcome the eight teams of S6. The first teams in the group are RoxTiger, SKT, SSG, and Snake!"

"And the second place in the group: ANX, C9, H2K, TSM."

As the draw ceremony began, the top two teams in the top half were SKT and ROX, while the top two teams in the bottom half were SSG and Snake.

Then, according to the principle of no contact before the finals of the same group, the two second-place teams in Group A and Group B were drawn into the lower half, and the second-place teams in Group CD were drawn into the upper half.

The first thing to draw is, ROX vs TSM.

Next, the fateful showdown, SKT vs H2K.

Two calamities in one game, Yue Lun is ready to make a move.

The matchups in the second half are: SSG vs ANX, Snake vs C9.

October 14th, venue of the quarter-finals.

Chicago Theater.

After the draw for the quarter-finals, except for fans in the LMS division, fans in other divisions were more worried.

Each of the LCK troika is very strong, and LPL's Snake is also very scary.

In several other divisions, it is very difficult to break through Chicago.

LPL viewers are quite confident in Snake playing C9, but this also means that Snake is likely to be surrounded by three LCK teams in the semi-finals!

Although Snake is in good shape now, he has never really played against an LCK team, and Group D has been criticized as a comfort zone.

It is still difficult to break through the LCK blockade this year.

Everyone is also looking forward to something unexpected happening in the quarter-finals, such as a wild card defeating the LCK or something that will leave a mark in e-sports history.

In the past few days of the break, LCK has an advantage. They stick together to keep warm and accumulate experience with each other while retaining their ultimate moves.

Although Snake also played training matches with them, he could feel that everyone was hiding something.

The day before the game, Snake also left for Chicago.

San Francisco is a city on the west coast of the United States, while Chicago is in the middle.

The flight from Chicago to San Francisco takes nearly 4 hours.

Riot's arrangements during the World Championship were in place. Snake and his team got off the plane and were immediately taken to the hotel by the Chicago staff.

"The wind is really strong," Flandre said.

Gangzi smiled and said: "With your small body, don't be blown away."

Li Hao smiled and said briefly: "This is normal. Chicago is located in the south of Lake Michigan. The locals often laugh at themselves. Chicago has one wind every year, blowing from spring to winter."

It is windy all year round and is known as ‘The Windy City’.

Li Hao thought silently in his heart, that is, "Wind City".

('-'*ゞTwo updates today, but still 10,000 words. Thank you everyone for your votes, subscriptions and tips! Thank you for the single chapter in the tip list in the month!

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