LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 122 Battle against Samsung! Kill Emperor Chi!

October 23rd.

In the evening in New York, Chris closed the door to the training room.

After the Snake players made their final preparations, the entire training room resounded with exciting cheers!

Through the player channels on both sides, Snake and his team stepped onto the stage.

The lights in the square garden are gorgeous, and the audience is densely packed. Along with the sound of the DJ, the cheers in the ears are deafening!

After the debut ceremony, Snake and SSG players took their seats respectively.

Sitting in the LPL commentary box today is Haier Brothers and Longhair.

At such moments, the commentators couldn’t help but raise their voices:

"Okay, the semifinals will start soon. I believe everyone has been waiting for it!"

After the baby finished speaking, Miller next to him smiled and said: "You are not here in New York. The audience here is so awesome. My ears are roaring now. I believe everyone can hear the sound here."

Changmao touched his mustache: "Snake and SSG have won 9 consecutive victories from the group stage until now, sweeping all the way. But in today's super battle, someone must break the unbeaten golden status. Do the two of them have any competition? What prediction?”

Wawa smiled and said: "I definitely support our LPL team, but since SSG beat KT in the bubble match, they seem to have absorbed KT's skills. I am ready to work overtime today and predict a three to two. "

"I also support Snake. They were once a dark horse from the secondary league in 2015, but they never got the opportunity to go to the World Championship. This time after The King joined, Snake also ushered in a transformation!"

Miller's words were full of emotion: "At the beginning of the summer split, they experienced three consecutive losses in the beginning, and then won 12 consecutive games! Then The King got injured, and Snake was in trouble again in the playoffs, and the bubble game was pushed to the cliff. Behind the scenes, The King came in injured, and I still have the image of The King taking off the bandages on the spot in my mind."

"Afterwards, under the leadership of The King, Snake defeated IM and WE and won the last ticket to the World Championship!"

"To this day, they have swept Group D and then defeated C9! Joining the former three-star giants at Madison Square Garden, this is already a season full of miracles."

"I believe Snake will go further. Although Samsung is very strong, today I still predict that Snake will win 3-1. The remaining confidence is given to me by The King. I sincerely hope to see a veteran stay in his later years. Create your own legend!”

Miller spoke a lot and took a long breath when he was done.

As a veteran commentator, watching the LPL fall again and again, and seeing such a team and such a player come out of the LPL, Miller desperately hopes that they can make it to the end.

As the background music sounded, both parties officially entered the BP session!

The side selection in the semi-finals was based on coin guessing, and SSG guessed correctly, so it got the priority to choose sides in the first, third and fifth games.

In the first game, SSG is on the blue side and Snake is on the red side.

"The board selection between Snake and SSG has officially begun!!"

"SSG defeated Syndra in the first move. The King killed Syndra five times in the World Championship, which must be respected. Snake defeated Leopard Girl. This hero with 100% BP obviously cannot be let go. In the last round, Leopard Girl was stupid. The battle to become a god is vivid in my mind."

SSG's second move was to take down top laner Rambo.

Snake knocked off Crown's Victor.

"Team Snake is very careful. Crown's Viktor often suffers explosive damage in team battles. He is very similar to Marquis. In the last round, Theking used Syndra to beat Jensen's Viktor. Syndra was defeated, and Snake also Don’t let the crown get to three hands.”

"SSG's last move was to take down Olaf. Leader An may be going to take the spider."

"There is something wrong with SSG! Jiezou here at Snake has taken several Zyra, and the results are very good. SSG has no intention of banning it at all."

"When you talk about Zyra, it reminds me of the game between ROX and SKT. Pray and Gorilla have ice and female guns. Do you think Ruler and CoreJJ also have one?"

"Don't tell me, it's really possible!"

"Snake must not attack the spider here. It will be useless if he does. Leader An still has the blind monk. If SSG grabs the ice, it will be a question of whether Snake can attack the opponent's lineup!"

"BP trap, be careful!"

The commentators were discussing, and everyone in Snake's box was also discussing.

Li Hao looked at the ban seat. If others had to guess, he didn't even have to guess.

This ice plus female gun system that shocked S6 was developed by SSG and ROX through mutual practice. Even when practicing this lineup, there was internal strife in the LCK, and they kept it secret from SKT.

However, you have a good plan, and I have a wall ladder.

Samsung has tactics, and so does the Snakes.

"Spider, will the ice be released to them?" Chris asked, of course he was asking Li Hao.

"Don't fight yet, this is the first round, let's save the drama for later."

"Let's take precautions first and take out the female gun."


"Snake knocked off the female gun with his third hand!"

"This is a good defense!"

"SSG didn't grab the ice, it locked the spider on the first floor."

"Snake, first and second floors, target Kenan and the fortune teller!"

“Blight has Jace in his hand, but I don’t know if he can take it or not. Now in this version, Kennen is playing on the top lane. He must either choose a hero with longer hands than Kennen, or he can use heroes with cutting abilities like Sword Girl and Ekko. Cooperate with the jungle. Now that these heroes are out there, SSG has many options."


"Ox Head and Dragon King!"

"Three stars have changed their formation! Brother Crown's Dragon King was rarely used before!"

"Samsung's idea has been very clear. They want to provide roaming support, Dragon King's T1 level pushing ability, and cooperate with the jungle spider to work. The bull head in the bottom lane can be forced to open. This is to avoid the confrontation between Crown and Theking, and use Snake to attack the dual lane. !”

"Ruler will probably use the wheel to activate the entire SSG lineup!"

At the Snake player's seat, everyone discussed it.

Finally, lock the excavator Gatam on the third and fourth floors.

"The Snake team is tit for tat, the Excavator can open up for support, Tam can protect Brother Crystal's Destiny Master, and the last counter position is left to The King."

"The King still has quite a lot of choices. You can choose Yanja and SSG to promote each other. It's worthwhile to play against the Rhythm Snakes. They have done it many times in the summer."

"I think there may also be an assassin. The King's solo killing ability is very powerful!"

"Come out, Samsung's last two hands, Wheel Mama plus Ike."

"Ruler is indeed a wheel mother!"

At this time, there was only one Snake left on the field to make his last move.

A dark blue avatar appeared with a starlight, and he had a voice from Runeterra:

"——Disaster is always one step behind me!"

"Wandering Mage!"

"It's locked. This is the first time The King has played Ryze in the World Championship. This move is very particular!"

"The support ability of Snake's lineup is also very strong. Kennen has teleportation, Tahm Kench can use the big move to lead people, the Excavator has the big move, and Ryze also has the big move. If Samsung wants to support roaming tactics, Snake will use fast to attack fast! "

As the order of heroes is changed, the lineups of both sides are locked.

Blue side SSG: Ekko, Spider, Dragon King, Wheel Mom, Bull Head.

Red side Snake: Kennen, Digger, Wanderer, Fortune Teller, Tahm Kench.

Samsung coaches Kim and Chris shook hands on the stage and bowed to each other. The two old silver coins looked at each other and gave each other a "sinister" smile.

After a short loading period, the game officially begins.

The first level on both sides is a defensive position, no invasion.

The three players in the upper, middle, and jungle positions stood in the upper half, and they all had a view of each other.

Next to the river in the bottom lane, Jiezou saw CoreJJ's bull's head. Tam learned Q at level 1 and licked the bull's head with Giant Tongue Whip.

Both sides retreated, thinking that this was the end of level one.

On the road, Brother Holy Spear saw that he had found Leader An. After knowing that Spider Blue was open, Snake immediately decided to harass the opposing duo to fight the two stone monsters.

Unexpectedly, SSG also changed its tactics!

Leader An showed his head deliberately to lure the snake out of the hole.

Niutou and Wheel Mom squatted on the triangle grass in the bottom lane. They set fire at the same time when Crystal Brother's fortune teller came over. After eating Niu Tou's Q, Wheel Mom drew A and connected with Q. The three-star duo attacked the fortune teller, and Gangzi was half in an instant. Blood!

After being weakened by CoreJJ, Gangzijiao speeded up the treatment and pulled away.

The SSG duo continued to pursue, hoping to lower the lifeline of the Destiny Master!

However, Snake has the capital to dare to invade.

Level 1 Tam is very powerful in combat. When Bullhead and Wheel Mama were chasing the fortune teller, Tahm, a five-star chef with the talent of Eternal Grasp, chased Wheel Mama all the way and licked her wildly.

When the fortune teller turned around and threw Q, Ruler, who was still in health, also hurriedly handed over the treatment.

However, due to the pursuit, he was positioned close to Snake. Even after receiving treatment, he could not immediately distance himself from Tam. Jiezou was very detail-oriented and held his Q to no avail.

The Goddess of War has been licked red by Tam, and the next Giant Tongue Whip can trigger the third layer of Passive Cultivating Taste, which will stun her for 1.5 seconds.

In the crucial Q shot, Emperor Chi was forced to flash!

Niutou, who was chasing the fortune teller, turned back, and Tam and Niutou fought again. Tam licked the second grip of immortality, and also licked the passive on CoreJJ.

After Ruler pulled away to a safe distance, he turned around to deal damage to Tahm, and also disabled Jiezou.

After a wave of fighting, all four players in the bottom lane were taking drugs.

When he cut the screen and saw the bottom lane, Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at it this way, Snake actually earned a flash.

In the middle, Crown's Star-casting Dragon King had no solution in pushing the lane in the early stage. In less than ten seconds, he used Planet W to clear a wave of lanes. The revised Wanderer also has this powerful lane-clearing ability, but it is not level 1.

In front of Li Hao. The Dragon King walked up against the wall of F4 and disappeared from sight.

At this time, the excavator had just wiped out the stone monster.

"Zhanran, F4 has eyes."

Cuihua responded: "Okay, Brother Hao."

Li Hao looked at the situation of each lane on the field and reminded: "Now we control the line in the bottom lane. When Cuihua brushes to F4, SSG will definitely have a vision. Anbixin brushes from the blue zone to level up to 3 faster. , close to 3 minutes, the bottom lane must be the blue square push line, and there is a high probability that he will go to the bottom lane."

"The Dragon King can push away the third wave of minions, and the Crown can support me one step ahead. This is the rhythm point of Samsung."

"Gangzi, you have three minutes to retreat. You must not give Samsung a chance in this wave."

"Cuihua, you don't need to squat for me now, go directly to the blue zone. As long as An Bixin delays time, he will be slower than you by at least two sets of wild monster experience."

"Okay, Brother Hao!"


"Brother Hao, don't you care about me?" Flando felt a little aggrieved.

Li Hao took away a minion as he spoke, "What's the point of Kennen beating Ekko in the early stage? Wither can't touch you. If the spider doesn't come, he will go to jail. An Bixin and Lan Kai are here to catch him. Their The rhythm point is in the bottom lane."

Gangzi held the fourth bullet in his hand, and both Niu Tou and Wheel Mom were scared away.

"Gunzi, you can't even beat an Ike, can you?"

"Haha, the gun made me laugh."

Flandre: "Stop beeping and focus."

If it were normal, Holy Spear would definitely have to quarrel with him, but now this is the semi-finals!

From the audience's point of view, Snake loses in every way.

In the middle lane, due to the hero mechanism, TheKing was pushed out by the Dragon King, but so far, he has not missed a single sword, and his basic skills are extremely solid.

Backstage, Zuo Wu and Chris were shocked.

Not only did they hear Brother Hao commanding in the team voice, but they also saw that SSG's movements were basically the same as what Brother Hao said!

After An Bixin reached level 3 in the blue zone, he went down the river along the river!

However, Master An also has a very detailed point.

SSG accurately calculated the time for Tam Tam of the Snake team to insert the trinket eye in the river. The leader of An's spider was stuck near the dragon pit for a few seconds. About 1 second after the red square trinket eye disappeared, it headed directly towards the bottom lane. Walk.

This wave of estimation of eye stuck time is so accurate that people like it!

The director gave Snake's vision, and Master An was wandering in the fog of war.

At this moment, the time is exactly close to 3 minutes.

Chris was frightened for a while and felt excited all over his body.

If it hadn't been for Brother Hao's warning, this wave in the bottom lane would have been a complete disaster.

Where the audience cannot see, SSG and Snake have started a silent duel!

This is the experience of a veteran!

This is powerful game reading ability!

At 3 minutes and 7 seconds, when Leader An arrived at the bottom lane, Jhin and Tahm had already retreated.

Niu Tou and Wheel Mama chased forward, while Leader An made a cocoon to the limit in the direction of the fortune teller, and the ballistic trajectory was very accurate.

However, Tahm swallowed the Life Master in one gulp, gained a 30% movement speed bonus, and ran away in a swaying manner. Three Stars had nothing to do.

Backstage at Samsung, Coach Kim suddenly frowned.

Xiba, this consciousness is very strong~

In this wave, even the flash of the fortune teller was not played, and the excavator was seen clearing the wild, it was a big loss!

Next, a scene appeared that made Coach Kim even more frightened.

The Dragon King in the middle pushed the lane, and Li Hao seized the opportunity and used a wave of QWQE followed by basic attacks to actively consume, knocking down half of the health of the crown. (PS: In this version, Ryze’s W can be instantly imprisoned for 0.75 seconds without E first, so his ability to cooperate with the jungle is quite strong.)

The blue on the crown is gone, and there is still the last layer of the corruption potion left.

Li Hao's goal was achieved and he no longer had to fight the Dragon King. Even though he went out with blue crystals and reusable potions, he still didn't have enough blue.

After clicking off the remaining minions on the line, Li Hao did not wait for the next wave of minions to come online, but stepped back and moved closer to the bottom path along the right wall of his defense tower.

At 3 minutes and 32 seconds, Cuihua followed Li Hao's instructions and after eating the three wolves, the magic swamp frog and the river crab, she stepped on the acceleration circle and headed to the bottom lane with Ryze who came around from the middle.

This wave of excavators and Ryze are both level 4. Leader An’s previous wave of gank failed. The spider cannot delay its development and must go to the red zone to eat the double stone and red buff.

Snake's ganking time in this wave was completely earned.

"Snake is here!"

"In this wave of four people, the holy spear brother on the road will follow the link and exchange blood with Ike. The withered state is not good, even if it is teleported, it will be useless!"

"The Snake Team has a premeditated plan. This wave of troops is operating very well!"

"The opportunity has come!"

The LPL commentators were excited and shouted excitedly.

The Korean commentator on the other side said with a mouthful of kimchi: "Snake is here! Ruler, hurry up and notice!"

"Oops, Smecta!"

"This Ryze started sprinting directly!"

At 3 minutes and 40 seconds, Snake formed a four-pack and two!

Cuihua takes the lead, and the excavator digs the tunnel. This wave of wheel mother is only level 2. Ruler didn't even learn E in order to clear the line.

After coming in from the wall, Cuihua left no room and hit the wheel mother with a top attack! AQE prints the output.

When the defense tower attacked the excavator, CoreJJ's bull head was at close range, and WQ hit the excavator with two consecutive hits.

Wheel Mom backhanded a Q skill and lowered the excavator's HP!

Ryze sprinted and appeared from the grass behind the tower. In conjunction with Jhin's basic attack, QEQA received Ruler's first blood.

The backhand WQ outputs and controls the bull's head. The magician's Huacai shot once again immobilizes CoreJJ. After Tahm's giant tongue whip, a W swallows the excavator, which has residual health due to carrying the tower, and sends Cuihua safely to Outside the tower.

Ryze's top tower continued to output the bull's head, and Gangzi fired a fatal whisper, emptying the bull's head's health bar!

SSG duo, collective black screen!

LPL fans are excited and see another crisis.

At this time, Leader An's spider came very quickly. He appeared from the second tower in the bottom lane. Li Hao turned around and opened the aggro of the defense tower. Leader An saw through Ryze's intention and the position of the cocoon was very tricky.

Li Hao, who was still alive, could not avoid it. The moment he was freed from hatred, he flashed back to the first tower of SSG bottom lane. Brother Crystal was on the other side of the defense tower and entered the tower first to attract hatred!

After Destiny Master carried the tower to his limit twice, Ryze carried it again and narrowly walked out of the defense tower range!

Crown Brother's Dragon King arrived a step too late, and could only follow Snake's remaining four people to eat ashes.

Looking at those badly damaged heads, Crown was so angry!

"Run away! No one died!"

"It's so beautiful. Snake's wave is so beautiful. The timing is just right to seize it, and the allocation of towers is extremely extreme! This wave is so tacit!"

"One head for Ryze, one head for Jhin, perfect!"

"SSG's bot lane is a bit blown up. Ruler only has 10 last hits, and he only made a long sword when he returned home. Jhin made 18 last hits and one head. He returned home with two long swords and an extra pair of straw sandals. AD's The online combat effectiveness is no longer at the same level."


The top laners who fought to the end of the battle each returned to the city, and then teleported online.

At 4 minutes and 34 seconds, the auxiliary choices on both sides are similar.

CoreJJ's Niutou went home and made a red crystal and a real eye. He walked all the way to the river in the upper half of the area and inserted the real eye.

At the same time, he wanted to make a surprise attack and catch Kenan, the Holy Spear brother.

However, Kenan made a real eye when he got home. After discovering the location of the bull's head, Kenan drove E back to the tower.

Niutou removed his true eye and returned to the city, while Jiezou's Tahm Kench entered SSG's red zone and inserted his true eye and accessories in the opponent's jungle area to capture the movements of leader An.

When Tamu arrived, the bullhead was not online yet, and Ruler did not dare to move forward after eating a few soldiers.

Because he got the first blood and went out with the blue crystal, Li Hao went home this time and made Ryze's early core Tears of the Goddess plus lunch box, and his combat effectiveness completely entered another level.

However, because there was a little money difference, Li Hao directly sold all the reusable potions priced at 60 yuan.

If the Dragon King dares to push the line in front of him as arrogantly as before, Ryze with this kind of equipment can smash Crown's head!

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