LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 145 Chicken Walking Tactics Blooming Death Lotus! !

In the LPL commentary box, Su Xiaoyan, Duoduo and Colonel Guan were in charge of the commentary today.

Xiaoyan looked at the scene and said immediately: "Snake and VG players are debugging the equipment, and BP will start soon."

"The atmosphere today was very lively and the venue was full. It seems that we have been looking forward to this game for a long time."

Zeyuan said sincerely: "The King's recent form has exceeded many people's expectations. He plays a very high level in every game! It seems that the hard training in the offseason has not been in vain. I can't see him declining at all." sign."

As a wolfberry fan, Wang Duoduo smiled:

"This is The King's professionalism and his desire to win! Every time I see that face that is fully focused on the game, it's really amazing and exciting!"

"The King is still The King. He has not stopped because of an Fmvp. He is still fighting for more glory!!"

Su Xiaoyan expressed her highlights: "Benji joined the LPL division this season. Although VG's current record is not very good, I heard backstage before the game that Benji seemed to be very active today, and I'm afraid I can't wait to compete with Snake. "

Colonel Guan laughed: "Snake ended SKT's dynasty. This can be regarded as a cross-region revenge battle for stupid chickens!"

"The screen cuts to the coach, and the BP for both sides begins!"

In the first game, Snake is on the blue side and VG is on the red side.

In the VG player seat, Benji rubbed his palms and tightened his glasses on the bridge of his nose, eager to try.

In the Korean BBQ Stall training base, Li Guapi clicked on the match broadcast.

Last night, Guapi received another message from Benji, telling him to watch the broadcast on time.

The Great Demon King clearly remembered the content of the message:

[Xianghe, this hateful guy who destroyed our Triple Crown Dynasty is right across the street. ]

[Look at it]

[I want to brutally break his winning streak, sweep this guy off the limelight, and let him experience the frustration we felt at that time. ]

[The stupid chicken will use The King’s head to commemorate the tears we shed because of the collapse of the dynasty. ]

[Moreover, to punish him for ruining the dynastic bond between Benji and Xianghe! ]

I have to say that Benji’s words were sincere and affectionate, and his flag was set clearly and neatly.

The first three hands banned people, Snake blocked the policewoman, and VG blocked Qinggang Ying.

Snake grabbed the poodle with his second hand, and the stupid chicken secretly said it was a pity.

He has practiced the new version of the poodle many times. He originally planned to turn The King's head into a trophy on a bone and tooth necklace, but it seems that there is no chance now.

"VG accidentally pulled the trigger in the second move. This should be to relieve the pressure on the Marquis. If the Holy Spear brother keeps calling for support in the middle, the pressure on the Marquis will be very great. The Eye of Twilight has appeared many times recently. "

"Snake defeated Varus with his third hand. This is considered the first hero in the current version."

"VG continues to defeat the very OP Enchantress."

"As soon as Snake grabs the mantis, Kha'Zix's priority is very high now. Apart from Varus, Kha'Zix is ​​very rare. However, it is quite rare for him to appear on Snake's side. Generally, if Cuihua cooperates with The King, he will have a control hand. hero."

"VG has Maokai on the first floor and has a high winning rate recently. It has Grasshopper locked on the second floor and can swing mid-to-low."

"The Cuishen hasn't come out yet. I wonder if VG will let the stupid chicken choose. Although Mantis is a hero with relatively high damage, Mantis is not that strong in the early wild area. Cuishen can still use some roaming and the like. Moreover, in the mid-to-late team battles, Mantis cuts in, Cuishen has a lot of control, and Xiaoju has a completely restrictive effect."

As soon as Su Xiaoyan finished speaking, Snake identified Ice and Jira on the second and third floors.

This is a very strong overlord combination in the first three weeks. It has strong suppression power on the bottom lane and can make up for Mantis's shortcomings in the early stage.

VG selected the goddess of war on the third floor. Sivir has a magic shield that can block the ice ultimate move.

However, if you take it this way, the lane is a bit weak, and you will definitely not be able to beat it in the lane.

VG then banned everyone with both hands, giving Ryze and the plane.

Snake, on his side, took a look at the opponent's lineup and decisively pulled the clockwork.

Grasshopper basically stepped down, and the lineup of Clockwork and VG matched well.

Moreover, Master Hou has been playing well during this time.

The last ban position is reserved for the Cuishen mentioned by the commentators just now.

I don't see the use of stupid chicken in the Rank record, but it is normal to hide the move, so just remove it.

On the fourth floor of the red square, Syndra was selected, and the last Counter position was reserved for the stupid chicken.

On the fourth floor, Snake helped Holy Spear choose the top laner of Deep Sea Titan. It was a pleasure to see the three fantasy gods fighting each other in the top lane.

"And the last move, what mid laner will The King choose?"

Wang Duoduo smiled and answered Zeyuan's words: "It's hard to guess. The King played 6 different heroes in the first 6 games, showing his veteran heritage."

"Yes, I've seen The King's Rank record. He uses a variety of heroes. He can play many heroes in the upper, middle and jungle, and occasionally assists. The best thing is that his records are very good."

In the barrage:

"You guys understand, Brother Wolfberry is so strong, he doesn't even play AD."

Soon, an ancient emperor revealed the secret: "That's not the case. Brother Wolfberry also played AD in Rank before. I have found the records from a long time ago."

"However, later when he was playing a game of Lucian, he met the bull head support, and the Wolfberry brother was blown up, and he stopped playing AD later. The bull head's ID is called [Hide on bush], yes, it is LCK Brother Li’s bull head.”

"Holy shit, is this true?!"

"Hahaha, my pants got wet from laughing so hard. Where is the record? I want to see it!"

"The person who ganks Brother Li must be Brother Li."


The audience was having a lively discussion. As soon as Snake's avatar appeared on the fifth floor, the audience at the Super Brand Square suddenly let out an exclamation.

"——I have made my choice."


"Snake locked!"

Guan Zeyuan said excitedly: "After the revision of this hero, the difficulty of operation has been greatly improved. Currently, only Faker is using it in the LCK, and the effect in two consecutive games looks good. However, in the third game against Kuro At that time, Faker happily picked Carter, and then he was completely blown away. This is the first time this has happened in our LPL region!"

Wang Duoduo also looked surprised: "Besides, this is Carter from The King!"

"Assassin heroes have always been what The King is good at. His little fish man, male swordsman, robbery, and enchantress are all unique skills!"

"However, looking at The King's entire career, Carter is definitely the hero he used for the first time in the professional arena."

"Listening to what you said, I think many spectators will be happy. The tickets in their hands are already worth the price!"


In the VG player's seat, Benji's eyes narrowed.

On the fifth floor of VG, a violent avatar appeared.

"——Everywhere you go, not a blade of grass grows!"

"VG selected Olaf on the fifth floor. The appearance rate of the tough guy has dropped significantly recently. It is considered unique, but everyone should know this hero. This is a unique skill of stupid chickens."

The heroes switch positions and the lineup is locked.

Blue side Snake: Titan, Mantis, Carter, Ice, Zyra.

Red square VG: Big Tree, Berserker, Syndra, Wheel Mother, Grasshopper.

In the studio, the commentators kept emphasizing that the new version of Carter is a very, very difficult hero.

The coaches of both sides shook hands and the game entered the loading interface.

When the hero entered the Summoner's Rift, there was a very loud cheering sound.

Nothing happened at level 1. Both junglers started from the Buff in the upper half with the help of the top laner.

Li Hao went out with three biscuits with a long sword. Carter had poor ability to exchange blood in the early stage and was easily jailed in the middle. But if you catch the opponent making a mistake, you will have a chance to take him away. His ability to roam and support and small-scale team battles is very strong.

In the middle and late stages, as long as you enter the field reasonably and operate sharply, you can dominate the battlefield by yourself, but you may also be controlled and die suddenly in an instant.

However, this one is combined with Mantis, double assassins and double thunder, and the explosion is terrifying. Syndra has no displacement. As long as the military training is successful, the subsequent linkage between the middle and jungle is enough to activate the whole game.

After the stupid chicken wiped out the red buff and F6, he glanced towards the middle.

Carter's position was very far back and there was no need to go.

So, he controlled Olaf to brush the blue buff in the lower half.

In the bottom lane, Gangzi and Liu Qingsong took advantage of the early strength of Hanbing and Zyra to directly suppress Xuanxuanpi and Kappa.

Xuan Xuanpi, the ADC, debuted from VG in 2014, but made his debut in 2015.

It was the time when the ten Samsung players came to China, and VG also bought champion support mata. As a newly debuted xuanxuanpi, the speed of growth under mata's guidance was visible to the naked eye, but his unstable strength and frequent sudden deaths made him Criticized by fans.

This season, the unstable strength and habit of sudden death have not improved much from the previous rounds.

At 2 minutes and 24 seconds, the mantis jungler with blue buff and three wolves progressed faster than Olaf.

"Gangzi, give me a view."


In the bottom lane, the Ice E skill shot an arrow towards VG's blue zone.

It was 2 minutes and 36 seconds at this time, and the blue buff that Benji was brushing still had a quarter of its health left.

At 2 minutes and 37 seconds, Cuihua's Mantis upgraded to level 3 after defeating the red buff. He did not choose to squat in the bottom lane, but went to the middle lane without hesitation.

At this time, Marquis' Syndra had 10 last hits and Carter had 8 last hits.

At 2 minutes and 41 seconds, the third wave of troops was in front of Li Hao's tower, and the artillery soldiers were pressed inside the defense tower.

He controlled Carter to move left and right around the artillery soldiers, but Marquis's dark ball missed.

At this time, it was Syndra who was embarrassed.

Although the Marquis controlled the line in the early stage, this wave of troops entered the tower, and combined with the damage of the defensive tower, Li Hao's Katarina was able to grab level 3.

The Marquis was afraid of being caught, so he didn't dare to move forward at the first time.

The mantis was squatting in the grass in the middle, motionless.

2 minutes and 47 seconds.

The third wave of minions on the red side had the last two melee minions with residual health. Li Hao looked at the minions' health and threw the ricochet blade (Q) towards one of the minions. In conjunction with a basic attack, he directly killed the minions. Kill.

The mechanism of the Q skill is that the dagger will always land 350 yards to the far side of the first target, and will land in the same amount of time no matter how many times it bounces.

The position where Li Hao threw out the dagger fell to the ground, right in front of Syndra, who was standing against the river in the upper half of the area.

With a Q, the Marquis collected the remaining blue minion. Suddenly he saw Carter's dagger and Carter stepped forward. He immediately controlled Syndra to retreat.

——Shunpo (E)!

On the big screen, Katarina flashed to her dagger.

When Carter uses the E dagger, it does not have to be at the center of the circle of the E dagger. Any position within the circle of the dagger can be displaced and deal damage, because the damage of the dagger is dealt with Carter as the center of the circle and is triggered by the edge of the E dagger. , which can make the maximum distance of dagger damage become very large.

Li Hao aimed at the target, and Carter leaped 725 yards and came directly to the side close to Sindra.

The red figure picked up a dagger while flashing, and used the dagger's passive slash to inflict magic damage on Syndra's body.

According to the passive of the E skill, if a dagger is picked up, the skill CD is immediately reduced by 78%.

After this wave of instant steps closes the distance, the CD of the E skill on the panel directly changes to 3 seconds, and then quickly jumps to 2 seconds.

At this time, it was exactly 2 minutes and 49 seconds.

The soldier died, Carter upgraded to 3, and the mantis appeared in the grass in the river.

"Zhanran, as long as Syndra flashes, follow her and deal damage immediately!"

"No problem, Brother Hao!"

In Snake's team voice, the two communicated quickly.

At the commentary table, Colonel Guan said: "Mantis is here, but Syndra has two moves this time, so the Marquis should be able to escape."


"Carter strikes first!"

Carter took a step ahead of the mantis, turned around with his second teleportation, and directly E to Syndra, flat A to hit Thunder, and threw out his own waiting time (W).

The dagger flew into the air directly above Carter, and she gained a 50% decay acceleration effect that lasted for 1.25 seconds.

The Void Predator leaps and flutters its wings!


You can also hear the roaring sound effect of the mantis before it preys.

Marquis didn't dare to neglect, he flashed and sprinted to avoid Mantis' E skill.

Cuihua followed up with a flash, and QAW hit Thunder.

Syndra received passive damage from Mantis, her health bar dropped, and she was put under a slowing effect.

The Marquis's position has already entered the tower, but Mantis resisted the damage of the defensive tower and launched another basic attack.

Li Hao used W to accelerate, turned around and picked up the dagger.

Passively triggered, the instantaneous step will change for the better again every 1 second!

At this time, the Grand Fuhrer was nearly 1,000 yards away from Carter.

However, it is still impossible to escape the assassination!

On the big screen, Katarina flashed and shuttled, and then used the instantaneous leap to come directly to Syndra, igniting basic attacks one after another. The dagger slashed across the body of the Marquis, and blood spattered!

The health bar was emptied, and Syndra sent out a blood!

Whenever an enemy hero damaged by Katarina in the past 3 seconds dies, the cooldown of Katarina's abilities is reduced by 15 seconds.

The CDs of all skills were all improved, and Carter instantly arrived at the mantis outside the tower. The dagger produced by the W skill was still dangling in the air.

When Katarina stepped out of the tower, the unused dagger was inserted next to Syndra's body.

"——Mom always said: Don't carry a dagger when you are shunpo."

Shunpo, Shunpo, flash, space jump combined with the sharp bloody dagger, the continuous visual effects are like showing a superb killing art!

A burst of cheers suddenly erupted in the Main Square!

"In the mortal world of murder, I hold my body in the white blade!"

E-sports poet Wang Duoduo shouted: "This is The King! This is The King!"

Of course the wolfberry powder was excited, and the audience was also excited and laughing.

"This wave of Snake in the middle and jungle is so decisive. Two flashes killed Syndra forcefully."

"Master Hou has done all the tricks in this wave, and it will be a little uncomfortable after that."


"Zhixun, this."

The stupid chicken who was getting the blue buff had a dull expression.

"Flash to kill, I have no choice."

"If you squatted backwards, I probably wouldn't have died."

Hearing this, Olaf threw his ax and hit the Demon Marsh Frog. Then he swung recklessly, and a purple lightning came down and killed the Demon Marsh Frog.

At 3 minutes and 23 seconds, Li Hao pushed his troops into the tower, and Olaf, who was taking away the wild monsters, happened to go to the middle to grab the line.

Mantis went to his own double stone, because the stupid chicken showed up on the line, and Xuanxuanpi and Kappa in the bottom lane couldn't mix. Liu Qingsong took the initiative to attack, Zyra's E tied to the grasshopper, WQ hit thunder, and thorns sprayed The attacker directly maimed the kappa.

Gangzi fired thousands of arrows, and the deceleration effect was also given to Grasshopper, forcing Xuanxuanpi to heal him.

Although Zyra also suffered damage from Grasshopper's Q and bugs, it was VG who lost this wave.

The director's camera flashed by on the top lane, and the battle between Titan and Big Tree was really nothing to watch.

At 4 minutes and 21 seconds, because the long sword came out, when this wave returned to the line, it was directly a Bilgewater Scimitar.

Carter's E and R both have good AD bonuses. The first core equipment in the current version is the vampire gun.

There is a wave of artillery soldiers in the middle. Now the troop line is reset. In the middle of the middle line, Li Hao controls Carter to stand in the middle of the troop line and only replenish the tail knife.

Sindra just bought an extra pair of shoes when she went home. Her level was not as high as Carter's, and the Marquis' position was already relatively obscene.

At 4 minutes and 24 seconds, seeing the remaining health of the cannon truck, the Marquis controlled Syndra to move forward, and the dark ball took the cannon truck.

Li Hao had already predicted this and threw his Q towards the minion in the direction of Syndra. He followed the shunbu to Syndra and threw out the W dagger at the same time. He chased it out with a basic attack. He stepped on the edge of the dropped dagger from W and picked it up. Pick up the dagger, spin within the limit range of 350 yards, and hit Syndra with thunder!

Li Hao turned around and pulled, Syndra's Q skill improved, and Marquis QE continued for the second time!

On the big screen, the picture is fast.

Katarina flashed twice to the dagger originally released by Q, not only dodging Syndra's QE, but also inflicting passive magic damage on the Grand Head.

This time, Syndra came directly below half health!

In the VG player seat, Mr. Hou’s expression suddenly changed.

Take a breath of Bilgewater Scimitar, causing 100 points of magic damage and slowing down by 25%.

Draw A, draw A again.

Because of the small scimitar, the basic attack damage is not bad.


"Master Hou is going to die again!"

"Carter's Shunpo has improved. The King is waiting for the next Q skill. He only has 2 seconds!"

Guan Zeyuan shouted: "Shunbu!"

On the big screen, Katarina came behind Syndra in a flash and used her basic attack to catch the ejection blade!

"——Sacrifice my great Noxus with the blood of my enemies!"

The dagger pierced the throat of the Great Head of State, and the Marquis died suddenly on the spot!

The skill CD was refreshed, and Li Hao once again teleported E to the position of the dagger that Q just released. The stupid chicken sprinted and angrily came from the upper half of the area. However, after picking up the dagger, Carter returned 78% of the E skill CD.

Li Hao threw the Q skill that was refreshed due to killing on Olaf's head, then W threw the flying knife in place and pulled it back.

The moment the stupid chicken threw the ax, Li Hao instantly stepped to the dagger behind Olaf.

The stupid chicken picked up the ax and turned around to chase after him.

Li Hao's E skill improved again after 2 seconds. He turned around and launched a basic attack. When Olaf was about to throw Q, he teleported to the dagger thrown by W just now.

The stupid chicken's scalp was numb from the show, so he picked up the ax and wanted to fight again.

His sprint time was worn away without even realizing it.

When Li Hao's body was close to the river in the lower half, Olaf threw his axe. This time, Carter teleported directly to the stupid chicken and faced A, and a mantis also rushed out of the river.

The stupid chicken was focused by the two, and was slowed down by the mantis.

In the end, Brother Tie died under Li Hao's ejection dagger!

"Hahaha, it's a chicken-walking tactic, right?"

"Stupid chicken: Stop and fuck me if you dare (snarling incompetently)!"

"Stupid chicken: go to hell with revenge, I want to leave the LPL and bring my talent back to my hometown barbecue stall."

"The Black Rose will be unknown again. That's right, the new hero is Trickster Carter!"

"Brother Wolfberry did it on purpose, and the stupid chicken was fooled around by him."

"Brother Wolfberry: As an old man, I can only play with heroes like Carter (dog head)."

VG player seats.

The stupid chicken stared at the black and white screen, his brain was shut down, he just got a little drunk.

This hateful guy!

Suddenly, stupid chicken thought that the big devil should be watching his game at this time, and couldn't help but feel desolate in his heart.

Sang Hyuk would probably be very sad seeing this situation.

Seoul, South Korea, SKT Club.

"What are you doing, Sex Male? Chasing a Carter with an E back and forth."

"Was walked, was walked! Still chasing!"


Kkoma, as well as Wolf and Bang next to him, were all throwing their heads back and laughing.

Li Guapi couldn't help it and smiled like a fool.

Especially when the director showed the camera to Benji on the VG player bench, seeing the speechless look on his face, these young guys really couldn't hold it back.

Even Smeb was laughing and patting the little peanut on the back, looking happy.

After this wave, Carter has already got 4 kills, and VG's situation is quite bad.

After Carter pushed the line and went home, he made a Hextech revolver and bought a killing ring.

At 5 minutes and 36 seconds, Li Hao beat Syndra to a pulp on the line.

If Syndra QE hadn't pushed Carter out, and this wave was combined with the Bilgewater Scimitar, the Marquis would have died again.

Li Hao's blood was knocked down. With the effect of the small scimitar, Soldier A was able to absorb it.

However, Syndra does not have this ability to rely on lanes.

At 5 minutes and 51 seconds, Carter reached 6, and the grasshopper and stupid chicken in the bottom lane came to the middle lane to support.

Liu Qingsong and Cuihua also arrived.

Although it was 3v3 in the middle, Snake was very decisive.

On the road, Brother Holy Spear watched Loong's big tree and didn't give him a chance to teleport.

After Grasshopper activated his Q skill, Liu Qingsong controlled Zyra to flash and release Entangling Root (E).

Marquis, who did not flash, did not dodge by moving. Although he launched EQ and backhand stunned Zyra, he was also immobilized.

Mantis swooped forward and instantly beat Syndra to a pulp.

Catalina leaps for 725 yards, E receives WR!

——Death Lotus!

Katarina transforms into a hurricane of blades and quickly throws daggers at the three nearest enemy heroes. Each dagger causes 25 (+22% additional attack power) (+19% magic power) magic damage.

The highest damage of level 1 R is 375+3.30*extra attack power+2.85*magic power magic damage!

Syndra was killed instantly, and Kappa's auxiliary grasshopper was also severely disabled!

The stupid chicken retreated to one side and threw the axe, and the grasshopper escaped directly.

When Li Hao saw Kappa escaping from the range of his ultimate move, he stopped Death Lotus and QEA towards Grasshopper, then moved to pick up Q's dagger, followed up with a basic attack to receive the scimitar and then collected the head.

Mantis came out of the tower and the defense tower began to attack Carter.

Cuihua and Liu Qingsong teamed up to output the stupid chicken. Li Hao's skill CD was refreshed due to killing. E then W then A, then received W's dagger, lit it and connected to Q to kill the stupid chicken.

After Liu Qingsong saw Li Hao's state, he quickly left the tower. Li Hao moved to Zyra with a burst of lightning from the defense tower.


After this attack fell, Carter only had 17 points of health left.

The audience exclaimed, but Carter's health was locked after all!

"An enemy is God like!!"

Katarina, close to God!

Looking at the game time, the audience was shocked.

It’s getting better! This is just over six minutes!

('-'*ゞI will start with 6,303 words, and I’m still typing them. Don’t wait for me, it’s a lot of pressure.

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