LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 161 Brother Wolfberry is still your Brother Wolfberry!

Seeing the movement on Snake's side and feeling the commotion at the scene, QG was also startled.

Coach BanBazi couldn't help but rub his eyes. He was sure that he saw it correctly.

The King is on the scene!

This guy was pushed onto the player bench!

He was shocked inside, but BanBazi still shook his head slightly.

No matter how loud the noise at the scene is, no matter how full the stunts are, it's all useless.

On the field, strength speaks for itself!

QG seems to have sensed the change in the players' mentality. BanBazi comforted:

"Don't panic. The King's reputation is indeed great, but his appearance in this game can only be regarded as personal heroism. He even needs to be pushed forward. Plus, he has not played a game for a month, so there is really no need to worry too much."

"In my opinion, he's not even as threatening as he was in the last game."

I have to say that BanBazi hit the nail on the head, and the QG players couldn't help but nodded.

I also heard BanBazi say:

"We just need to play according to the established tactics. If everyone performs normally, it may be easier than the last game..."

"This might be a better opportunity for us."

"However, from LSPL to now, everyone knows how difficult this road is. Therefore, in this crucial battle, no matter how bad the opponent's state is, we should not take it lightly and fight with our best condition."

"Got it, coach."

Coach BanBazi is not the only one who can see this, many people can think of it.

The King's return despite injury is amazing.

However, for Snake, it is not necessarily a good thing!

Inside the VG base.

Benji, who was watching the playoffs, called Faker.

"Xianghe, did you see it?"

"That guy, he's back again!"

"I saw it."

"What did he think? He dared to play in this state!"

Stupid chicken asked in a rather suspicious tone: "Xianghe, he doesn't think he can carry the game in this state, does he?"

"No, no, no, that's impossible!"

Faker also said: "Xingxiong, as you said, this is not a good decision."


At the EDG base, the factory director smiled bitterly.

"Abu, Li Hao is still struggling."

Abramovich nodded: "He will leave an unforgettable scene for the LPL audience, but it will most likely be a regret."

"The entire Snake club also made a wrong decision. If Li Hao is allowed to recover from his injury until the summer split, he may still be able to maintain his semi-successful ability and be able to be a part of the championship puzzle. But now, once the injury worsens, his career will be in doubt."

The factory director said: "Based on my understanding of Li Hao, this should be his own decision."

"If he is determined to play, I don't think Zuo Wu and Chris can stop him."

"What's more, Snake's situation is very urgent now and he needs someone to save him, or..."

"Someone needs to take the blame."


At the RNG base, Uzi, Xiangguo Xiaohu and others also looked amazed.

"Xiaohu, The King may have told the truth this time."

"What truth?"

"The future is yours."

Brother Feng also echoed: "The King did this without thinking about the future."

The outside world is having heated discussions, the major teams are also discussing, and the barrage is filled with all kinds of voices.

In the Snake player's seat, Li Hao stood up and sat on the gaming chair.

In fact, he didn't plan to let Zuo Wu push him up, or even bring the wheelchair to Supermarket Square, but the club firmly disagreed.

As the saying goes, ‘It’s hard to refuse a warm welcome’.

Since he wanted to play, he had to make some concessions accordingly.

When the background music played, the three commentators in the studio were also full of passion.

"Viewers, what you are watching now is the final round of six to four in the 2017 LPL spring playoffs! The team that loses the game means that the team's spring schedule is over and they lose the qualification to compete for MSI."

"In this game, The King returned early, but his current status is doubtful. We hope he can perform well, and we hope he stays healthy."

"As a dark horse team, QG is still fighting to see if it can break through to a higher level!"

"Okay, the fourth game has officially started. QG on the blue side and Snake on the red side. Both sides enter BP!"


QG defeated Syndra, Poodle and Victor with the first three hands.

Snake defeated Qinggangying, Lulu and Tam.

"QG's ban was very specific. Snake still released the fortune teller and fan mother. QG felt that they still wanted to take them."

"Well, I've already taken it. Lock Karma in seconds on the first floor!"

"It should be Doinb who got it. He assisted Deceit in using the fan very rarely."

"Snake, on the first and second floor, selected the blind monk and the Titan."

"Clid's blind monk performed well in the last game, and Snake's side was like grabbing instead of banning."

"On the second and third floors of QG, the fortune teller and the big tree were selected."

"Snake took out AD Ice on the third floor."

In the last two hands, QG took down Zyra and Nami.

Snake's last two hands gave him the ban position to Male Spear and Cuishen.

On the fourth floor, Snake followed and chose the bull head.

QG hesitated a little, and they discussed it. They chose Bard on the fourth floor, and Fan Mom still gave it to Doinb. This hero is difficult to counter.

In the jungle position, QG was caught in a decision.

"The male gun has been banned, and the blind monk has been robbed. It is a bit difficult for QG to choose players. If you choose the excavator, the damage is a bit insufficient. Clid can take the spider, but the AP damage is overflowing."


"Locked, I'll make up for it with the Demacia prince."

"Snake is on the counter, what hero does The King want?"

"Could it be a plane?"

"You can also take the rock bird. This is TheKing's specialty. To compete with QG on the rhythm, Snake is worthy."


They are discussing, Snake's final move has been determined!

"——Death is like the wind, always with me!"


"Oh my god, it's confirmed! The King really wants to choose Yasuo!"

For a moment, there was an exclamation in Supermarket Square, and the barrage followed the bombardment:

"This is my Brother Wolfberry! Sitting in a wheelchair, I am still sexy when I should, and I am still sexy when I should be!"

"You are really brave. You dare to choose Yasuo in this state."

"I understand. Brother Wolfberry is teaching us that no matter what difficulties we encounter, we must move forward."

"It's not very easy to play. If it was The King in its heyday, it should be no problem to rely on operation to defeat him, but after all, he hasn't played a game in a month."

Some people also analyzed: "Look at Snake's lineup. This Yasuo has been planned for a long time. Except for the ice, which one has not been knocked up? QG's explosive power is insufficient, the hard control ability is average, and the ultimate move of the Destiny Master is Both RQ and Fanzima will be blocked by the wind wall. Yasuo has a lot of room to play. The main thing is to see the performance of TheKing. He can gather energy into a blade and have seven successes."

The heroes switch positions and the lineup is locked.

QG: Dashu, Prince, Fan Mom, Fortune Teller, Bud

Snake: Titan, Blind Sin, Yasuo, Ice, Tauren

Chris patted Li Hao on the shoulder and then went to the stage to shake hands with BanBazi.

The game enters the loading interface.

[Time pause starts: The host will get 1 hour of heyday. ]

Under the camera, the man with some bandages on his hands picked up the thermos cup with one hand.

Tons tons tons.

The hero entered Summoner's Canyon, Li Hao lit and flashed, and Dolan's sword went out in red.

As for talent, the choice is still the ferocious war lord's blood-devouring ability to increase one's endurance.

This game is a life and death game, and both sides are very cautious. Level 1 stands along the river, and when he sees the eye position on the opposite river, he immediately marks it.

After the soldiers came online, Li Hao controlled Yasuo and came online.

At this time, he did not gain Doinb's fan mother's vision.

Li Hao didn't learn skills for the time being. After the melee mutiny in the front row was disabled, Fan Mom showed up from behind the wall of the river in the upper half of the area. It was obvious that she was going to have her eyesight done.

Doinb is very careful, he just inserted the ward, and beware of the blind monk coming to catch him at level 2 and 3.

The prince's jungler speed in the early stage is not as fast as that of the blind man. When The King comes on stage, no matter what his condition is, this jungler is likely to kill the gang.

When Doinb arrived near the soldier line, he stood close to the river in the upper half of the area. With a Q, he first took away the two melee soldiers on the left, and then moved forward to collect another melee soldier with residual health.

Li Hao saw his movements and learned the E skill in seconds.

When Karma sent out his A soldier, Li Hao E killed a remaining health soldier and hit Fan Ma with a basic attack.

Doinb pulled back and let his long-range soldiers focus on Yasuo. Li Hao made a turning movement. In fact, he was waiting for the short interval of E. Fan Mom turned back. Before the A came out in the basic attack, Yasuo stepped forward and slashed through. Fan mother body.

Doinb's basic attack was judged to be A, but it only broke through the white shield of sword intention.

Because Li Hao attacked the opponent's hero, the two nearby melee soldiers with residual health were pulled by hatred and chased him to attack.

When the forward slash passed through Karma's body, the hatred of one of the melee soldiers was pulled away.

Doinb could only retreat. His skills had not improved and he did not dare to stand against the ignited Yasuo.

Li Hao's next basic attack hit Fan Ma. Without stopping, he stepped forward and slashed through the chasing melee soldier, and then pressed against the remaining health melee soldier close to his long-range soldier.

The time was just right. After a wave of consumption, no soldiers were missed. Yasuo also returned to his long-range soldiers, so he was quite safe.

The health bar on Doinb's head was originally 5 and a half bars, but now there are only 4 bars left.

Li Hao's health bar was basically the same length as Fan Mom's, but because his Sword Intention White Shield blocked a basic attack and his own talent, he didn't even lose half a bar of blood.

Both sides stood behind the long-range soldiers and looked for opportunities for each other.

The second wave of minions has just arrived in the lane.

The E skill mark that lasted for 10 seconds on Fan Mama disappeared. Seeing that the poison coin was not drugged, Li Hao was ready to attack again.

Suddenly, he keenly noticed that a bright light effect suddenly appeared behind the fan mother. This was only possible with the Brahma Mantra (R). The moment the opponent raised his hand, he immediately made a turning and pulling action.

"——fa and fuck you~~!"

Karma recited the mantra, and a huge ball of spiritual flames bombarded out.

Doinb was shocked. This RQ shot was empty!

He spotted Yasuo's tendency to use long-range soldiers with E remaining health, but he didn't expect the opponent to react so quickly. The King could make evasive moves the moment he took action!

"——Glory exists in the heart, not in the body."

Yasuo heard a soft moan in his ears, Li Hao turned around and E-killed a ranged soldier with remaining health, and then E-passed the second wave of melee soldiers that had just come online. At this time, the E skill was superimposed twice, and the damage was increased by 50%.

The next basic attack, with the blood-devouring effect of War Lord, sucked a small mouthful of blood, and then passed through Doinb's body across 475 yards. The two sides exchanged a basic attack. Karma's health bar had dropped by half, and Li Hao had two E , and distanced themselves.

At the same time, he launched a basic attack and took down the last remaining health soldier without missing a single last hit.

There are still 4 bars of blood left on his head, and Doinb has already started taking drugs.

The audience and commentators felt something was wrong, and Chris in the backstage of Snake and Zuo Wu in the wheelchair couldn't help but look at each other.

"Brother Hao is so beautiful!"

Lin Weixiang praised.

His posture was also very shocking: "The move to dodge the skill just now required a very strong reaction! Oh dear, Brother Hao can still operate like this!"

"Keep watching, keep watching!"

Everyone is looking forward to it

"Brother Hao, let me catch you?"

"No need, he has eyes, he can't be caught now."

"You farm, then go to 3 to harass the prince, don't let Clid interrupt my rhythm. Then grab the river crab, Doinb suffers a loss, he can't get lane rights in this state."

At the Snake player table, Cuihua responded simply.

He kept cutting the screen to look at the center, and he was very surprised.

Judging from the current laning alone, I can't feel that Brother Hao's condition has declined at all.

Moreover, with command, his direction is clearer.

Special code! The feeling is back!

"Xuanjun, what are you doing? Throw two knives in a row."


Holy Spear was shocked: "Brother Hao, do you still have time to cut the screen when you are playing Yasuo and fanning?"

"Hmph, what do you think?"


"Brother Hao is awesome!"

The duo in the bottom lane also started to talk nonsense, and the depressive atmosphere in the team seemed to be gone all of a sudden.

Li Hao stopped talking and got to 2 before Fan Mom.

E, E, Steel Flash!

The armor-piercing weapon hit Doinb again at the extreme distance, but did not attract any hatred. The little blood that Fan Mom had just sucked up was beaten down again, and Doinb attacked Yasop and connected with Q.

The basic attack hit, but the Q skill was dodged by Yasuo's horizontal E soldier.

In the QG player seat, Doinb is about to vomit. So far, he has not hit a single skill.

Yasuo stepped forward with his E skill, and Fan Zi Ma was forced to retreat.

Li Hao saw his own soldiers die in battle. Doinb did not gain this experience. Karma did not reach 2 as expected. Li Hao had one more skill and used the bloodthirsty talent of War Lord to forcefully exchange blood with Fan Mom.

Doinb was given the second bottle of medicine, and his blood volume dropped to one-third.

Li Hao was attacked by the soldiers and was close to half health.

When retreating, Fan Ma reached 2, and Doinb immediately handed W to Yasuo's head. When the 2-second lock was about to reach, Li Hao had no soldiers to E.

But the Q skill improved, and he turned around with a steel-cutting flash, sending the wind flying towards Fan Ma.

Yasuo was imprisoned and his fan was blown away.

This time, Doinb still didn’t take advantage of it at all.

Li Hao is also taking drugs, but Fan Zi's condition is dangerous no matter how he looks at it.

He has dual recovery of Dolan Sword and Bloodthirsty Talent, and Doinb's early matchup has failed.

In the team voice, Doinb began to call Clid, and at the same time moved his position closer to the upper half, and the third wave of artillery soldiers also came online.

Before Clid rushed to the middle road, he met the blind monk directly in the river.

Cuihua didn't say anything, Tian Yinbo kicked up, and the second stage Q followed up with the flat A to hit the thunder.

Yasuo, who was in better condition, immediately came to support. Clid turned around and Qed, then fired the Golden Holy Shield. However, he didn't dare to fight again. At this time, he couldn't even beat him in a duel, let alone there was another Yasuo.

QG took the lane because of the hero. Seeing Bader disappear, Liu Qingsong immediately sent a signal, and Snake took advantage of the midfielder and left.

Back on the line, Doinb moved accidentally and was blown by the strong wind again, and his health was low.

All the melee soldiers in the third wave are dead, and Yasuo is upgraded to 3.

He controlled Yasuo to move E forward, and sure enough he got the W skill from Fan Mom.

When W was about to lock, Yasuo made a stroke with his long sword, and a wall of wind appeared that lasted for 4 seconds.

Doinb's R had just been pressed out, and now it was isolated by the wind. He could only bombard the minions with the flames of his mind.

After Yasuo released the control, he basic attacked the cannon. Doinb stepped forward to take advantage. A broke Yasuo's white shield. The cannon soldier made the last move. Li Hao looked at the position of his own minions and immediately understood the situation of QG's troops.

He EQ passed through the artillery cart, whipping up a gust of wind, and then E passed the third wave of remaining health back-row soldiers, continuing to close the distance between him and Fan Mom.

Doinb immediately put an inspiration shield on himself, gaining a 40% acceleration effect for 1.5 seconds.

At the same time, he was also sending crazy signals to Clid. Yasuo was so pretentious!

After finishing the double stone, Clid also came towards the middle.

Yasuo is pretending like this, but he really doesn't regard Clid as a human being!

Just then, the next wave of minions arrived online.

Yasuo followed the army line and pursued Karma's position. When Doinb saw the prince's movements, he did not flash at the first time. He knew that the blind monk was not there because when Bard came over just now, he lost a man in the river in the lower half of the area. eyes.

However, this wave of movement was not avoided!

The moment the shield disappeared, the strong wind swept the sword energy and predicted a backward position, blowing the fan mother!

Yasuo took a step forward, and the next E shot passed through the body of Fan Zi, ignited and handed it over directly, followed by a basic attack, and Fan Zi was severely disabled!

In the QG player's seat, Doinb's expression changed. After landing, he immediately put Yasuo's weakness on him.

Yasuo A made the next basic attack, and Doinb flashed out!

"Mom Fan was hit with two moves. This amount of blood is going to kill her!"

Because of the forward slash, Yasuo's position is closer to the blue side's defense tower.

Li Hao did not flash to chase A at the first time, because he was now suffering from the weakening effect, and one basic attack could not kill Karma.

Doinb's W is almost ready. If A is not dead, he may be counter-showed by the tower.

Li Hao was not that stupid. He took two steps. Due to the deceleration effect, even if he flashed, he would not be able to reach Fan Mom.


On the big screen, golden light flashed past!


Q flash!

That flash of sword light, which was more than 400 yards away, pierced Karma's body in an instant. Maybe if he just took one more step forward, Karma would be alive.

However, just this step is the separation between yin and yang.

"——The road to destruction is shorter than you think!"

"First Blood!"

"Solo kill! This is an undisputed solo kill!"

Miller shouted passionately: "It's incredible, The King has done it again!"

Wang Duoduo was excited: "It's unbelievable, unbelievable! This is a miracle! I haven't played a game for a month, and I was still pushed into the game with injuries!"


Wang Duoduo's words were very urgent: "However, even with TheKing like this, he can still be immersed in the game, play strong and gorgeous lanes, and hit single kills online!!"

"You can never underestimate The King, even if he is still wearing a bandage!!"

Colonel Guan was originally planning to blow the whistle, but a danger appeared on the big screen.

The prince came from the lower river, cutting off Yasuo's retreat.

The colonel said: "It's over, Clid has red and blue buffs on him, and it's too late for the blind monk."

"Yasuo was hit by a defensive tower, his health was very unhealthy, and his flash was lost."

"The prince has EQ and flash. Clid came from the river, but he didn't give Yasuo's E soldiers a chance to escape."


Many people actually have the same thoughts as Zeyuan.

"However, Yasuo got first blood and Doinb didn't teleport. It's not a loss if he dies in this wave."

Accompanied by the voice of Colonel Guan, Yasuo on the big screen immediately ran towards the wall at blue square F6 after seeing the prince.

Next, another burst of boiling exclamations broke out in the Main Square.

Yasuo came to the wall of F6 and threw a jewelry eye into it.

At this time, Prince Clid's EQ Second Company came to Yasuo. His Rhythm of War passive had not yet been activated. Yasuo leaned against the wall, stepped forward to lock the bird, passed through the left wall of F6, and entered the wild monster camp.

In the QG team's voiceover, Clid shouted "Sinai"!

He didn't do any tricks at all, and flashed to catch up to F6.

However, what made Clid's jaw drop was.

After Yasuo entered the camp through the first bird, he came directly to the tail of the middle bird, facing the largest bird.

Step forward and chop!

The Prince of Demacia had just entered F6, and the Gale Swordsman passed through the F6 bird and entered the first tower in the middle of QG.

Clid was down there, not even touching Yasuo's exhaust.

"——Want to kill me? You can try."


Yasuo took some damage from the defense tower and showed his dog tag.

But this dog tag is not the logo of ‘Snake’, but ‘SKT’.

When the big devil in Korea saw this scene, he almost choked to death while drinking water.

"Oh my God! This is so beautiful!"

"Escaped!! How did he get there!"

"Can you believe it? The King escaped like that?!"

"The prince's EQ and flash didn't even catch up!"

"How could Yasuo get past such a thick wall!"

"This should require very high skills. This is the first time I have seen someone use Yasuo to go through the wall like this in a game. He is worthy of Theking! This is simply art, hahaha!"

The three LPL commentators were excited in the studio.

LOL official TV station barrage:

"Tricky Yasuo, right?"

"It's so beautiful, it has to be Brother Wolfberry!"

"They are both wheelchairs, Otto, watch carefully! What is the wheelchair god of war!"

"Oh my god, Clid is going to call the police. He was fooled by Brother Wolfberry! Hahaha!"

"Brothers, next time Brother Wolfberry is carried out on a stretcher, don't panic, everyone should kill or kill, and show off or show off. I suggest Riot Games make a skin for Yasuo riding a wheelchair. I will buy it!"

"My second uncle has disabled legs and has been slumped in a wheelchair all year round. After watching Brother Wolfberry's Yasuo, my second uncle suddenly walked like flying. His current whereabouts are unknown."

"I also showed off the SKT brand. Li Sao is still Li Sao."

On the big screen, Yasuo's E soldier has returned home, and the angry Clid is massacring F6!

This litter of F6 stabbed him in the back, making his Clid the backdrop.

The director gave a replay, from the single kill of Karma to the arrival of the prince.

From the second consecutive EQ to stepping forward and slashing, from flashing to stepping forward and slashing.

The precision and ruthlessness when killing the enemy, the wisdom and elegance of escaping, every detail must be grasped in place, and there cannot be any mistakes. The average person may have to do it many times to succeed once, or it may not succeed even once.

However, in the tense playoff life-and-death battle, TheKing did it perfectly!

For the audience to enjoy this moment, it is truly beautiful.

After re-aligning, Doinb was much more careful than before.

Injuries, doubtful status, and the last straw for The King, this is all bullshit! !

Although it was the first time for Doinb to face TheKing, he knew very well that throughout the spring split, the pressure on him from all the mid laners in the LPL was not as great as this time!

If you still dare to despise it, you are simply stupid!

It's a little late to realize this now. As Yasuo levels up and the hero curve is there, the chances of suppressing Yasuo are getting smaller and smaller.

At the beginning of 5 minutes, Clid went to the middle to catch a wave.

Doinb was cautious enough to stop Clid's actions. Without the blind monk's vision, they absolutely couldn't get in.

It is definitely unbeatable in 2v2 now. If it is counter-crouched and then killed, the middle will be at a greater disadvantage, or even penetrated.

Facts have proved that Doinb is right. Clid walked into the river, and a German military flag was planted on the opposite side of the river wall. The blind monk kicked him with his Tianyin Wave, and followed up with Echo Attack.

Cuihua hit hard, and Clid was beaten to nearly half health by the Blind Sin's follow-up set.

Doinb is given to E, the prince speeds up his escape, and the blind monk is persuaded to retreat by the flame of the soul.

Li Hao's E soldier stepped forward to block the position, EQ went to Fan Zi's body, and leveled A with a knife.

Doinb pulled out the W skill, and Li Hao turned around and pulled off the leash with two E soldiers in a row.

If Doinb moves forward in time, he can actually hold the chain together.

However, his Q skill was on CD and the follow-up damage was insufficient, and with the blind monk nearby, he did not dare to take risks.

Brother Shengqiang tried to gank in the middle, but Doinb retreated quickly. It was obvious that he had a vision of the river in the upper half.

At 6 minutes and 35 seconds, Li Hao discovered through his real eyes that the F6 on the blue side had turned well again.

"Cuihua, come to the middle."

"I'll strike first, you make up for the damage and kill him!"


"Kabe has TP."

"Give him a field of vision and just keep Q in mind."

"Don't go too far, Clib should be in the upper half of the jungle."

Liu Qingsong also said: "I can't leave here."

"This Bud is a little annoying."

"It's okay, just give me a view of Gangzi's blue zone."



After a quick communication, the audience saw on the big screen that the blind monk drove the river crab with residual blood, Yasuo went to the bottom lane, Doinb continued to pin signals, and the duo in the bottom lane were much more careful about their positions. .

Then, the blind monk came to the middle.

Yasuo slashed the crab with one Q, and with the second Q, he took away the crab, and accumulated two layers of Gale Slash effect on him.

It can accumulate wind for 10 seconds, allowing Yasuo to easily reach the F6 camp.

The blind monk in the middle was messing around with Fan Mom, and suddenly, a similar scene appeared.

Yasuo, carrying a strong wind, came to the middle of the F6 camp. He stepped forward and slashed at the tail of the bird!

This time, Yasuo passed through the thick wall and came directly to Doinb!

Karma, who didn't flash, was knocked into the air by Yasuo's EQ, and then leveled A and followed up with Breathless Slash.

Although Blind Monk doesn't have a big move, Tianyinbo easily hits Fan Mom with his Q, and cooperates with Thunder to deal a full set of damage.

Yasuo landed a basic attack, and Doinb, who was not at full health, instantly blacked out the screen!

Blind Sin put a W on Yasuo, and Li Hao safely exited the tower. Watching the two push a large wave of troops into the tower, Doinb's heart beat wildly.

The middle road has exploded!

('-'*ゞGood morning and good night, book friends!

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