LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 167 Let the emperor’s hands tremble and pay tribute to the trophy!

April 24th at 2pm.

The 2017 LPL spring semi-finals start on time!

The cheers of 60e and 59e rang out, and the game between OMG and WE officially started.

In the first game, both teams were on thin ice, and until the 14th minute, first blood had not yet broken out.

However, the audience was not sleepy at all and the situation on the field was quite tense.

At 15 minutes and 12 seconds, WE fans at the scene burst into cheers.

Xiye's Syndraka pushed Victor out of Leng Shao's vision through the wall. Kandi Mantis pounced on him and combined with Syndra's damage to kill Victor instantly.

This wave caused one tower in OMG to be pushed, and then the first water dragon was lost.

WE found the direction of attack. 2 minutes later, top laner Dashu cooperated with jungler Mantis to capture Victor at the second tower. . .

Xiye got a big move and Sindra killed Young Master Leng with 4 balls!

Although Victor's gravity field immobilized the mantis, it was the leg brother who carried the tower. The old thief Sima's super long-distance cacai hit the big tree, but it was a pity that the three phantom gods were thick-skinned.

The tree with remaining health still escaped from the tower, and WE played another wave of rhythm. When the OMG duo left the bottom lane, the brother-in-law pushed down the next tower, and WE's lead became bigger and bigger.

In the following 10 minutes, WE had already obtained the third dragon.

The speed of head exchange between the two sides was obviously faster than before. In small-scale team battles, WE took advantage of the burst damage of Mantis and Syndra, repeatedly allowing OMG to take the lead in attrition. If it weren't for the good condition of Sima Laothief, he had dodged key skills several times. , and hit his own output, I'm afraid OMG has already collapsed.

The game lasted 31 minutes and 56 seconds. WE took advantage of its vision and successfully crouched down to the male gunner in the jungle.

Another wave of Xiye's first move stuns, and cooperates with Kangdi to damage the instant world girl!

When OMG's jungler died, WE seized the opportunity and immediately opened the baron.

The vision in the dragon pit was too poor, OMG gave up rationally, and they bet their last hope on team battles.

Leng Shao’s Victor has also made three pieces of equipment, and the damage in team fights is pretty good. However, not all Victors are TheKings!

During WE's invasion with the Baron buff, Victor stood in the front due to clearing the lane, and was forced open by the leg brother's big tree flash W!

When the thorns struck hard, the Void Predator flew in, and Xiye flashed after him, pouring out the energy from his ultimate move!

The three people were injured and Young Master Leng was violently killed under the tower!

Seeing the sudden death of his own mid laner, Marco's already cold face became even more stiff now.

Mantis' E skill was refreshed and it attacked the fate master again. WE did not break the high ground tower but rushed to the high ground to start a team fight. The big tree carried the tower. They won the team battle with 2 for 4!

Five's fan mother survived until the end, but he couldn't stop the remaining three people of WE from demolishing the tower.

It is even more impossible for an auxiliary fan mother to clear the line of soldiers with the Baron Buff.

Xiao Wu forced himself up to defend the situation, and 957's old tree was tied up. The thorns hit the fan mother hard and flew away. The brother-in-law fired a headshot and easily killed her.

Smlz looked at Victor on 1/7/7 and felt tired. He didn't agree with Young Master Leng's suggestion to choose this hero just now.

Ever since I last watched The King's Victor perform, I've been feeling itchy and practiced many times in succession.

It does have some effect when playing Rank, but it becomes a breakthrough in the game.

The old thief Sima sneered secretly, The king is not so easy to imitate.

Leng Shao was poured cold water on him and he recognized the reality. He became much more stable in the second game and chose the vampire to fight Xiye.

This game was very stalemate. The two sides played for 36 minutes at one point, and neither the head count nor the economy was able to draw any distance.

WE's high ground on the top road was broken, and OMG's bottom road high ground was broken.

In the team battle in the middle at the beginning of the 37th minute, Sima Laothief used the policewoman to deal explosive damage.

OMG switched 1 for 2 and beat back the remaining three people.

Although Emperor Kang is alive, OMG does not believe or spread rumors.

They took advantage of this opportunity and directly opened the baron. As long as the Baron wins, OMG's chance of winning will be 80%.

However, the Son of the Dragon is still the Son of the Dragon!

Emperor Kang's mantis fell from the sky and punished the dragon in the chaos that OMG was about to capture.

The cooked duck flew away, and World Girl's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. What's even more terrible is that Mantis flashed across the dragon pit, used her ultimate move to become invisible and showed OMG again, and then left in style.

The 60e people at the scene were so excited that they cheered louder and louder.

At this point in time, everyone's equipment is about the same, and the buff's influence begins to increase.

Using the Baron buff to gain advantage in dispatching troops, and destroying OMG's crystals all the way, WE took the opportunity to accept the newly refreshed Ancient Dragon, and defeated OMG in a 40-minute team battle!

59e is a little desperate, while 60e is in a state of carnival.

In the third game, Leng Shao, who had been a war criminal for two games, made everyone understand what a nerve knife is!

The sharp enchantress achieved a superb record of 10/1/5!

Under the leadership of Sister Ichijo, OMG regained a victory.

The exciting fourth game begins.

Perhaps the fierce battle lasted too long. As the pressure on the players increased, both teams continued to make mistakes.

After one side got the advantage, they quickly gave it away, and the rhythm was alternately controlled by both sides. The game lasted until 43 minutes, and the number of heads came to 28-21, the highest score in this series.

OMG is currently the dominant side and has a good chance of regaining the match point.

However, the brother-in-law who had been silent in this series suddenly stood up!

Mystic's Big Mouth has the strongest pendant Lulu, in the team battle for the ancient dragon.

When Xiye's Yanque was instantly killed by many of OMG's ultimate moves, WE fans panicked, thinking that OMG was going to regain the match point.

Unexpectedly, the brother-in-law's big mouth output wildly in the crowd, and under the effect of Luana's hurricane, it dealt explosive damage!

With early attrition, WE won the team battle in 4-on-5, and Dazui got three kills. Then he accepted the Ancient Dragon and pushed down OMG's second high ground.

In the next team battle, OMG wanted to kill Big Mouth in seconds, but Ben's Lulu saved Big Mouth. WE won the team battle again and took the game away in one wave.

3-1! WE won!

The old 60Es burst into tears as they woke up from their 'slumber' one by one.

They see hope from this WE.

The double Cs are conserved and each shines!

There is a leg brother above, and there is Emperor Kang in the wild!

After a year of baptism and dormancy in S6, this WE seems to have reached its peak state!

On April 29th, they will face Purple Mountain at the Nanjing Olympic Sports Center to compete for the championship honor of the LPL Spring Split, and compete for the only opportunity in the Spring LPL to go to Brazil to participate in the MSI World Championship!

In the post-match interview, Xiye, Leg Brother and others also had very tough words:

"This spring, we have only one goal, and that is to win the Spring Split!"

"The atmosphere of the team is very good. With continuous training, I can feel that everyone is making progress."

“Compared to last season, we are more familiar with each other, and now it’s time to compete for that glory!”

"There is a little desire to study Msi's opponents."

“It is our duty to rebuild WE’s glory!”

After defeating OMG 3-1, many people were discussing this WE on the forum.

But more people believe that it is too early for 60e to imagine winning in the spring.

Although WE has confirmed to enter the spring finals, in the championship prediction ranking list initiated by netizens, Snake still occupies the first position!

Originally, Snake's ranking had come below OMG, but since Theking returned and played two series and staged the return of the king, Snake's ranking has soared, crushing many LPL teams and becoming the most popular!

Even though the game between Snake and RNG has not started yet, it did not affect more netizens to cast their votes.

Players are also looking forward to it. The SKT team in the LCK is going smoothly this season and has a high probability of entering MSI. If Snake can also successfully break out of the LPL.


Brother Li and Brother Li will fight against Brazil!

At six o'clock in the evening, players from Snake and RNG took the stage one after another.

All viewers can see that in this round of semi-finals, TheKing will make his debut!

In the first game between the two sides, RNG took the initiative to choose the red side, Snake was on the blue side, and TheKing selected mid laner Ike.

In Brother Feng's BP, he helped Xiaohu take down Fan Mom on Counter.

On the bottom lane is Lulu with a big mouth, and the top laner is Titan, a standard four-guarantee-one tactic.

On Snake's side, the auxiliary selected Braum, who not only can cooperate with Lucian, but also matches well with Ekko in the middle.

To fight the wild mantis, the top laner Holy Spear took out the Qinggang Shadow.

RNG wanted to protect Uzi, and Snake's lineup was called a "face-off system" by the commentators. Looking at the rushing posture of all members, it was obvious that RNG was going to destroy one of RNG's four guarantees.

In the first ten minutes, there was no blowout from either side.

Xiaohu was very stable when he took out Fan Ma in the middle, but he did not suppress Ike at all. The two sides could only develop evenly.

Mlxg's blind man caught several waves, but Gangzi and Liu Qingsong did not give them a chance.

Backstage at RNG, Brother Feng frowned when he saw the road.

Letme's Titan may be a little less popular than AJ this season. After being beaten by EWEAQAAQ of Qinggang Shadow in the early stage, Titan's bloodline was in danger, and then it was caught by Mantis and flashed.

Let the Emperor B key return to the city and teleport online.

He inserted his real eye into the triangle grass, but unexpectedly, he was crouched by the mantis. Cooperating with Qinggangying, Snake and the two crippled the Titan again.

Qinggang Shadow controlled the lane, and with MLXG taking control of the bottom lane, Emperor began to go to jail.

In just over ten minutes, 45 online CS were suppressed.

Although the head count was still 0-0, Brother Feng in the background felt very uneasy after seeing the development of Qing Gangying and Ike.

Soon, Brother Feng discovered that his worries were correct.

At 14 minutes and 23 seconds, Snake launched a wave of encirclement and suppression of 5 people in the bottom lane.

RNG's support was timely, and the five people were basically in place.

However, Qinggangying teleported down, and the hook lock was close to the big mouth. Hexultimatum (R) was the first move to trap Uzi.

Although Xiao Ming was bounced away, he turned around and turned Qinggang Shadow into a sheep, and used the big move on Big Mouth in time.

However, after Mantis and Ike rushed up together, they only saw Mantis' claws tug, and Ike EAQA. Uzi's crazy output suddenly stopped and became passive.

RNG lost its main output, and Qinggangying and Lulu swapped in the subsequent team battle.

Braun controlled Fan Mama, and Ike played Braum's passive on Fan Mama. Mlxg kicked Ike away and hit Braum, saving Xiaohu.

However, the flower pot man caught up and swept away with the holy spear. The Titan stood in front and turned back to Qi Lucian.

Brother Crystal E flashed forward and slid forward, dodging the Titan's hook, and the holy light penetrated his body and finally collected the little tiger's head.

The blind monk crippled Lucian, but Gangzi treated him to save his life. Snake and others came forward again, and RNG's upper jungler had no skills for the time being and could only retreat.

The head ratio instantly became 3-1, and the first blood tower in the bottom lane was also taken away by Snake.

RNG's only rhythm in the early stage was that MLXG took away the earth dragon.

Under the care of MLXG, Uzi's development in this game has completely reached normal levels.

However, no matter it is Uzi or anyone else, this team battle is really difficult to operate.

Snake's lineup is so brainless!

What's even worse is that this brainless lineup has already developed.

After Qinggangying aimed at Uzi, Big Mouth couldn't even flash.

At 18 minutes and 34 seconds, a team battle broke out between the two sides in the Xiaolong Pit. Uzi was once again knocked unconscious by Holy Spear Brother Ka's vision hook lock over the wall, followed by Hex's Ultimatum.

MLXG reacted quickly enough and kicked the mantis away.

However, after Ike got close.

Lich's Bane plus Rocket Belt, the damage of the two-piece set is incomprehensible, and the big mouth that lost half of its health after being knocked out by the Qinggang Shadow instantly lost its health bar!

Backstage at RNG, Brother Feng rubbed his forehead and sighed helplessly.

Big Mouth died again. At this point in time, Snake's lineup was working hard, and it was too difficult to find space to carry. If the Snake team doesn't make too many mistakes in the future, this one will basically be sent.

In the subsequent team battle, RNG killed Ike and destroyed Li Hao's kill ring stacks.

However, except for the top laner Rang Di, who escaped with a Q hook to the wall, the others all stayed in Xiaolong Pit.

In this wave of 4 for 2, the Fire Dragon was lost again, and RNG lost blood!

Snake took down the Fire Dragon and broke through two defensive towers in the middle of RNG. The economic gap widened to more than 5,000 yuan.

In addition to the opponent's sudden appearance and killing Uzi, RNG now has no way to deal with Qinggangying's single belt, which makes the emperor grow and stretch his hips, making it impossible for one person to defend.

Mxlg's jungle area was also defeated because of the lack of vision. Xiao Ming ventured out to do wards, but something went wrong in two consecutive waves of wards in the lower half, and he was caught and killed by Ekko.

TheKing's classic killing assistant.

At 27 minutes and 01 seconds, the RNG fans at the scene were numb when they saw the Holy Gun single-handedly killing the Titans on the top lane with most of their health remaining.

Flandre, who made the operation, shouted "Who else" in the team voiceover.

Li Hao smiled in his heart and looked at the equipment panel again.

He looked at Lulu's equipment with a critical look. After Xiao Ming finished making the Eye Stone, the next equipment was the Box of the Iron Sun, but the incense burner in his impression did not appear.

Li Hao calculated the time. Over in South Korea, Faker has not reported Monster A yet. Maybe Monster A is already playing with the incense burner, but no one is adding fuel to the fire. His fame is not enough to create much influence.

Just like when the male gun was revamped, everyone thought that this hero was useless. However, a guy named Lan Shubao hit the king with a shotgun, with a winning rate of more than 80%. Then he reached 500 points in the Korean server, and people just I also found that this hero is very fragrant.

However, some people have learned the bad habit of killing both the enemy and ourselves with a wave of ganks from the male gun.

At the moment, the Incense Burner Alliance has not yet emerged.

Li Hao recalled that the time should be after the S7 Intercontinental Championship.

On the field, after Qinggangying single-handedly killed the Titan, others from RNG were involved to defend the high ground. Snake seized the opportunity and took over the Baron without any suspense.

At the beginning of 30 minutes, RNG's three high ground was broken one after another.

Under the huge pressure of troops, RNG struggled to defend.

Snake won the team battle on the high ground and destroyed the RNG Crystal Hub in one wave.

In the second game between the two sides, Snake had the priority to choose the side and chose the blue side again.

RNG directly banned Qinggangying, who won the MVP title in the last round, and made major adjustments to the lineup.

Xiaohu took out Syndra and formed a strong midfielder with Mlxg's Spider.

On Snake's side, they chose Rock Bird and Digger, and Holy Spear used Kennen to deal with the Emperor's trolls.

RNG's duo is Wheel Mom and Fan Mom, while Snake's duo is Ice and Zyra.

According to the tactics prepared by Brother Feng, in the early game of Mala Xiangguo, Syndra, who was strong in Xiaohu, took control of the middle and took the lead to target TheKing!

Within 6 minutes, Spider launched two active ganks in addition to shopping in the middle!

Every wave is very dangerous!

At 3 minutes and 26 seconds, the audience at Supermarket Square was also stunned.

TheKing's Yanque first moved predictably to avoid Xiaohu's EQ push and fainted.

Following a body pull towards the limit, with unimaginable reflexes, he avoided the spider's cocoon at the last moment!

The little sparrow showed off its dance moves, causing the audience to scream in surprise!

Under Mala Xiang Guo's oily hair, his brows were deeply furrowed.

This rock bird is so confident that it doesn't even show up!

At 5 minutes and 37 seconds, Mlxg's cocoon finally hit, but he himself was bounced away because he was the first to eat the rock protrusion of the rock bird. Xiaohu's EQ followed up and was stunned, and W trended the spirit to hit the thunder!

But because of the lack of spider damage, this wave still didn't kill the rock bird.

RNG fans secretly said it was a pity, but at the same time they were also horrified, because Snake's counterattack also started instantly.

The excavator came to the top, went around and knocked away the troll, and the Holy Spear used Kennen's passive to stun Emperor Rang.

After Rang Di was freed from the dizziness, he turned around and jacked up the excavator with the pillar of ice to slow down, and escaped in a flash, but Kenan flashed in pursuit and continued to chase A.

Let Di Jijin twist his butt, but the troll was still bigger. The electric mouse said "Hey" and accurately threw his shuriken at the troll, and the holy gun brother got the first blood!

Snake's attack was not over. After reaching level 6, Li Hao cleared the minions on the line.

After glancing towards the bottom lane, he immediately disappeared from RNG's sight. He moved along the jungle area towards the top lane. When the troll and Kennen re-aligned, the rock bird opened the wall curtain (R) 3000 yards away.

Taliyah creates a very long stone wall and then surfs up the stone wall.

This stone wall blocked the troll's escape route. Emperor Rang and Ben could not pass through without flashing. Yanque's level 1 ultimate move can last for 6 seconds. This is Rang Emperor's moment of despair!

Use Stone Formation (E) and Rock Protrusion (W) to push the troll in front of Kennen and deal damage. Stone Penetration (Q) cooperates with Kennen's damage to kill Emperor Rang again.

This was originally just an ordinary catch and kill, but after a wave of operations by Emperor Rang, it created a famous scene that made the audience burst into laughter!

Letme may have been under too much pressure and was a little nervous when launching his skills. When he released the Ice Pillar (E) towards the rock bird, he placed it ridiculously crookedly.

What's even more terrible is that Jean Di uses the skin of 'Lille Batsman Trundle', and the E skill is a trophy special effect.

The scene on the field looked like the emperor was paying tribute with a trophy.

This made the three LPL commentators at the scene couldn't help laughing.

Upon seeing this, Xiaohu, who had returned to the city, immediately gathered with Malaxiangguo on the lower road, but the excavator had already been crouching near the lower tower. Brother Crystal's Ice Eagle Strike in the Sky (E) revealed the position of RNG's midfielder.

Coupled with the fact that the Snake duo was in good condition and Yanjai was also returning to the middle, RNG had no choice but to give up.

After they pushed off the route, the four of them started to hit Xiaolong to stop their losses.

However, Cuihua, who had the vision of Xiaolongkeng, saw the right opportunity, dug a tunnel into the dragon's pit, punished the water dragon, and then dodged the spider to form a cocoon and escaped.

Follow the tunnel dug above the dragon pit and slip away directly.

This scene made Zuo Wu laugh excitedly in the background, and he felt that Cuihua was also activated.

RNG is already at a disadvantage, and in this situation, its momentum will inevitably be damaged.

Rang Di on the road is really difficult to beat now, Kennen has already suppressed him by two levels.

The one with long hands is so disgusting!

In addition, the equipment is much ahead. The holy gun brother has a set of skills to stop him, and combined with the basic attack, he can knock out half of the emperor's health.

If the troll hadn't recovered a bit, the situation might have been more deadly.

At the early 11th minute, the important rhythm of this game appeared.

Snake had already planned it. When Yanjai opened his big move to support the bottom lane, the excavator arrived with his big move and shield.

Top laner Kennen teleports directly, and the troll cannot use his E skill to interrupt him because of the distance.

Xiangguo's awareness was in place, and Spider's support was very timely.

However, Snake was captured unreasonably by 5 people this time!

Under the tower, Kennen used his ultimate move Thunderbolt, and combined with the damage dealt by others, the three units without meat were simply too much to bear.

Yanque scored a double kill, and Han Bing also used the W skill to kill Xiao Ming.

The five people took turns to carry the tower, constantly transferring the hatred of the defensive tower. Except for Kenan who was almost killed but was saved by a bite of ice, Snake and others were at half health.

One tower in the bottom lane was pushed, and RNG's rhythm was even more chaotic.

Snake didn't give them a chance and kept snowballing in the next fifteen minutes. The whole game was suppressing RNG.

At 27 minutes and 15 seconds, RNG's old crystal was shattered, and the score between the two sides reached 2-0.

At this time, many people had already written the words '3-0' and 'sweep' in the barrage on the official LPL TV station.

In the commentary box, Wawa lamented: "Snake's rhythm is so suffocating. Wherever the rock bird goes, people will die."

Rita said: "Mainly in the early stage, TheKing withstood the pressure from RNG! Facing two consecutive waves of sharp ganks from MLXG, his handling was calm and beautiful, just like a textbook!"

Changmao laughed: "Indeed, The King showed off his moves and his skills shocked everyone!"

"Even dodging Xiaohu and Xiangguo's control, flashing and buckling is useless. I'm really confident."

"Anyone whose summoner skills are knocked out will not be so easy with this Rock Bird."

"However, RNG needs to reflect on it. Letme did not do a good job of guarding against ganks in the top lane. Although Snake is a team that likes to catch, recently Snake likes to use this to catch other teams by surprise."

"It was very inappropriate to be jacked up by an excavator that did not cross-flight at that time. He needs to be more cautious to avoid continuing to become a breakthrough point."

After the game, RNG was having a meeting backstage.

Brother Feng asked somewhat depressedly: "Junze, what's the matter with you?"

"Rek'Sai has no vision, how could you be in that position?"

"Also, at such a close distance, the troll's E skill can also be deflected?"

Faced with Brother Feng's continuous questioning, Rang Di had no choice but to lean on the gaming chair. He raised his hand dejectedly and said:

"Coach, I don't want to waste my skills either."

"There was no flash at that time. The rock bird couldn't get through the wall. The equipment was so inferior. It was basically certain to die."

"The skill can't be so empty, right?"

Rang Di sighed and said nonchalantly:

"The fight was too messy, and I was also messed up. You didn't even listen to what I said. Kenan had Tp in that wave, and you didn't give me any feedback on what I said. I didn't even know what to do. ? My hands will keep shaking. After beating for a long time, they will shake inexplicably, and then I will feel numb."

Brother Feng was stunned, his hands were shaking?

He cursed in his heart, but after seeing Letme's state, he was afraid that there would be a big problem with his mentality, so he said no more.

After Brother Feng finished telling everyone's questions one by one, he immediately started pouring chicken soup.

After discussing the tactics for the third game, everyone returned to the stage.

('-'*ゞGood morning! Good night, book friends.

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