LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 179 Cold machine, welcome to Sao Paulo!

"The six teams are ready, let's get to know them!"

“First of all, it’s the G2 team from the European Division!”

The lights of the scene swept to the stage, and the figures of G2 appeared in everyone's eyes. Ah P's face was filled with a confident smile.

The European Emperors' mentality was really good. The moment the lights came down, they started waving and interacting with the audience, causing many G2 fans to cheer.

Then, the name of every player on the G2 team was shouted out by the commentator.

Whenever an ID is spoken, the person's face appears on the big screen.

Msi is also a good opportunity for exposure. The audience watching the game will leave a certain impression on this player. If he performs well again, he will immediately become famous in the league world.

The next person mentioned by the commentator was the Flash Wolves team. This season's Flash Wolves, they achieved a feat of 14 consecutive victories in the LMS Spring Split, and can be said to dominate the entire LMS division.

This trip to MSI also brings the expectations of many Wanwan fans.

Following closely behind the LMS division is the GAM team. They come from the Southeast Asian GPL League and are a wild card champion. . .

"The fourth team to appear is TSM from the North American Division!!"

As the TSM players walked down the stairs, the CB LOL studio in Sao Paulo went crazy!




The familiar yet magical shouts instantly resounded throughout the entire venue!

Many fans at the scene raised their arms and shouted. Everyone was very excited. They didn't need anyone else to direct them, but their voices were high and the rhythm was consistent.

This is the terrifying influence of cults in North America.

If we break down North American cults, we can trace them all the way back to the closed beta period. At that time, Reginald, the founder of TSM, the orangutan captain, started playing in the closed beta, and teamed up with his brother to create a website for players to exchange their experiences.

After that, Reginald, TheOddOne, The Rain, Xpecial and ChaoX, these five great players in the eyes of players, established the original TSM. Many players and players in North America and Europe "grew up watching the videos of these great players."

TSM has reached the global finals every year and has continued to prosper, which is really evil.

On the stage, the Danish genius Bilson also felt the atmosphere of the scene. While excited, he also looked in the next direction covered by the stage lights.

After losing in S6, Bilson has been brooding and wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge on Snake.

Especially that guy, he became the background in S6!

As a talented Danish mid laner, Bjergsen certainly couldn't stand it.

Before the start of the group stage, Plzen, who had been training all spring for revenge, had already updated his status on Twitter.

Facing Theking this time, he will definitely take revenge!

The lights fell and the voice of the commentator rang out.

"Let us welcome the fifth team, they are the 2016 Global Finals Champions, Team Snake from the LPL!"

Following the explanation, he began to read Snake's player ID.

However, the on-site commentary did not follow the order from top lane to bottom lane and then to the substitutes.

After ‘Flandre’, ‘Zzr’, ‘kRYST4L’, ‘Crisp’, ‘Lwx’, ‘Zz1tai’, all the IDs were read.

The commentator shouted with a huge voice:

"Snake MID: The~King~~!!!"

At this moment, not only the scene erupted with a burst of excitement, but also the commentator with slicked-over hair in the European commentator's seat shouted "The King~"!

That's right, it's the famous European wolfberry coster on S6!

Because of the last bet, Coster successfully made Charles kiss the donkey's butt at the Staples Center. Both commentators became popular in the European and North American league circles.

This time, Bill, Coster, and Charles once again sat in the European commentary box.

When the camera was shown to Snake, Coster said excitedly:

"Hahaha, Charles, have you seen it? I said as early as the beginning of the spring split that The King will still appear on the court during this trip to Brazil."

Charles, who had a rounded head, smiled awkwardly: "It's really shocking. He is one year older. I didn't expect that after a cold winter, he could still maintain his feel and condition. If I hadn't seen Snake appear, In Sao Paulo, I would have thought it was a joke."

"However, I will still maintain the attitude I had at the beginning. A veteran will always be a veteran. Faker is also changing his style of play. The league belongs to fresh blood and young talents."

"This time, I think Bilson has a good chance. The content he sent on his Twitter feed is very determined!"

This time, Coster didn’t need to say anything. Bill with an afro on the side said:

"Charles, your old-fashioned views may really need to change."

"I have been paying attention to the information from Snake. They have encountered a lot of trouble this spring. For example, The King is in an injury crisis again."

"That injury, I even thought his career was over. Many e-sports forums in Europe said so at the time."


Coster laughed: "But he appeared in Sao Paulo again. The King, who has returned from injury, has taken a big step forward with Snake. This is simply like a miracle."

"The facts have once again slapped everyone in the face."

Charles spread his hands and said nothing more.


Coster on the side shouted into the microphone: "Ice machine, welcome to Sao Paulo!"

"Let us welcome the last team, they are the 2013 and 2015 global finals champions! The 2016 MSI champions! Welcome the SKT team!"

As last year's MSI champion, this year's debut is also the most successful. This is the glory that belongs to the winner.

The largest beam of light shines down from the stage.

The faces of everyone in SKT were clearly displayed on the big screen.

"TOP: Smeb."

"JUG: Peanut."

"MID: Faker~~!!"


After the commentator shouted "Faker" happily, he also read "Bang", "Wolf", and "Blank".

When all the IDs were reported, on the big screen, the big devil Faker, standing in the C position, held the MSI trophy with one hand and the middle of the trophy with the other, returning the trophy to the center of the stage.

The surrounding light shone over, and the MSI trophy reflected golden light. Players from all major teams were all focused on it.

The competition for the 2017 Mid-Season Championship has officially begun! !

This time, the group stage will start a double round-robin BO1, and each two teams will have two duels on the red and blue sides.

In other words, each team will play ten games, and the two teams with the lowest points will be eliminated.

The remaining four teams will advance to Rio to play the semifinals!

After the half-hour opening ceremony, the teams that were not competing for the time being returned to the backstage first.

The MSI opener begins, G2 versus SKT!

This game unfolded beyond many people's expectations. The Big Demon King's Syndra was caught by five G2 players at level 1 and played a death flash.

This wave of G2 is quite detailed, and the Dharma Kings have also begun to play with delicate things.

They entered the lower half of the river from the blue square road and pressed against the wall on SKT's side, blocking the view of the grass.

Zyra walked at the front to control, while Ah P used the ball to explore the path.

Every aspect is very delicate.

Moreover, they calculated that Syndra, the Great Demon King, was crouching in that patch of grass.

The first blood was obtained by the blind monk on G2's side, and the commentators kept saying "blood collapse" and "blood collapse".

Over at the LPL commentary box, Wawa smiled and said: "It's quite embarrassing to be honest, but I think this should be a meeting gift from Faker to everyone. You can see that the audience at the scene is very happy."

"The first-blood winner from MSI in League of Legends in 2017 is Faker!"

"Hahaha." The Haier brothers were so excited that they started talking nonsense in the commentary box.

The two sides fought for 10 minutes, and the head-to-head ratio was still 1-0.

At the beginning of 11 minutes, the SKT duo came up with a wave of Verus's ultimate move and the auxiliary female gun, which directly disabled Han Bing.

But what I didn't expect was that the blind monk succeeded in counter-crouching in the bottom lane and kicked the enlarged Wolf back with a roundhouse kick. Hanbing took the head. If the little peanut hadn't arrived early, Bang would have died.

At 13 minutes and 35 seconds, G2 came out with a smart five-two attack, catching both Bnag and Wolf in the bottom lane.

Ah P's clockwork got a double kill, and the audience was instantly excited! .

The entire Sao Paulo venue was excited. G2 faced this extremely powerful SKT team and actually started 4-0. Who would have thought? !

"G2 also has a first-blood tower, and its economic lead has reached 2,600 yuan. SKT is now at a comprehensive disadvantage."

"The first 15 minutes of G2 were really good."

"Yes, this is a world-class linkage performance!"

"My dear, is this opening match going to be an upset?!"

"Is this the curse of the mid-season group stage for SKT again? It's really a bit slow for them to play in this kind of cup competition and mid-season tournament."

The Haier brothers were talking about it. Less than two minutes later, the G2 duo came forward and exchanged their next tower with the opponent's previous tower.

Then, he helped Crocodile take down the Canyon Pioneer.

But the terrible thing is that this wave of SKT directly gathered four people and destroyed the two defensive towers of G2 in the bottom lane.

Smeb's Galio cleared the troops in the middle and defended the line, not giving G2 a chance to break the first tower.

SKT moved to the top lane in the next wave. After Varus' big move, they killed G2's top laner Crocodile, and when Ap's clockwork hesitated, they broke the second tower of G2's top lane.

Although G2 still has an advantage in heads, this time their economy is lagging behind by 200 yuan.

In just two minutes, the gap between the two sides' understanding of lane switching, lane pushing, and tower pushing was immediately exposed.

In the following ten minutes or so, G2 adjusted their status and stabilized the situation.

In 28 minutes, the head-to-head ratio between the two sides was 5-4.

In the 32nd minute, Smeb's Galio teleported around the back and taunted Ah P who was running away. The clockwork was instantly knocked out by SKT.

Then, G2 lost two highland towers and crystals, and the rhythm collapsed.

The two sides fought until the 43rd minute, when SKT won the Baron + Ancient Dragon, and finally ended the game with a head ratio of 10-6.

Despite being at a huge disadvantage in the early stages, SKT still came back to win and get the first point of the 2017 MSI.

In the second game of the group stage, TSM played against GAM.

Although GAM is a wild card team, in this game, they used their own strength to prove that their declaration at the beginning of the group stage was true.

They wanted to take revenge on TSM, and in this game, the Vietnamese brothers did it.

At 35 minutes and 32 seconds, all three of TSM's high ground were destroyed, and then they were defeated by GAM.

Optimus's fox performance was incredible, and he charmed Brother Wild Turtle in several waves of the crowd, beating him until he had no temper at all as a mouse.

Li Hao was watching the game backstage. Bilson singled out Lulu. Her equipment was Lich, Holy Grail, shoes and a hat.

The auxiliary Nami is Kike's pioneer and redemption, and has no intention of buying an incense burner.

If Bilson had used the incense burner in this round and used it as a mouse pendant in the mid-term, the outcome of that wave of team battles might have been different.

However, the European emperors obviously cannot understand this step.

Backstage at Snake, Zuo Wu filled the thermos with water, placed it in front of Li Hao, and said in the lounge:

"Get ready, we're about to go on stage."

"This is MSI's first battle, everyone, come on!"

"Well, come on!"


"Qingsong, are you nervous?"

After hearing Li Hao's words, Liu Qingsong exhaled, "I must be a little nervous. After all, this is the World Championship."

"When I think about being watched by league players all over the world, and every move being magnified, there is definitely pressure."

"But I should be able to withstand it."

Li Hao smiled and said consolingly, "We will play Flash Wolves in the first game. The opponent's intensity is not too high, as long as they perform stably."

"that is."

Flandre hugged Liu Qingsong from behind, "Don't be nervous, I'll kill you later and you'll forget everything!"

"Watch my operation later, kill the Momodan on the opposite side!"

Gangzi chuckled and said truthfully: "Qingsong is already very good. When someone competes in the World Championship for the first time, isn't it true that he is worried about gains and losses, and his legs are shaking?"

Flandre: "Damn it, Flower Pot Man, you weren't much better then!"

Cuihua and Da Mingming were very happy beside them. Liu Qingsong also relaxed a lot after being messed with like this by them.

Chris looked at Liu Qingsong and then at Lin Weixiang over there.

Since there are already plans to train Lin Weixiang, if MSI goes well this time, he will definitely find an opportunity to let him appear.

No matter how talented you are, if you have not been baptized by a competition, you are still an amateur.

The World Championship is a very good training opportunity.

When the staff knocked on the backstage door, Snake was told to go to the contestants' box.

"Here we go, our first MSI game!"

"come on!"

"Snake, come on!"

"Snake, come on!"


Everyone put their hands together and shouted in unison before entering the contestant tunnel.

In the LPL commentary box, Wawa, Miller and Joker also saw what was going on.

"It's begun! It's begun!"

"Snake's players have arrived!"

"Dear viewers, the match between Snake and FW will begin soon. This is the first match in our LPL division. Come on, everyone!"


In the European commentary box, Coster shouted loudly:

"The King is here!"

"The venue was very loud. It seems that everyone is also looking forward to The King's appearance. After all, in addition to being powerful, this player is also the most entertaining player."

"I have watched many of The King's game highlights, and those operations are full of imagination!"

The European peak wolfberry blowing is really no joke. After exchanging a few words with Bill and Charles, Coster said:

“The thing I’m most looking forward to this MSI is”

"Can the icy machine still work in Sao Paulo in the same miraculous way as before?"

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