LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 181 The cold machine is back! !

Maple arrived with a large jade rasengan and successfully stunned Victor who entered the tower.

However, the Dragon King's burst damage is simply not enough to kill the full-blooded Victor.

At this time, the person carrying the tower was still used by Lulu with her ultimate move Rambo.

Snake's prince is getting fierce, and Cuihua's next wave of EQ is about to turn around.

Maple took a look at the distance between himself and the prince, then spat out a mouthful of dragon spit directly in the direction of the prince and Victor.

Xingxuan Gaoluo shot out Starfire, knocking the prince and Victor back.

Following, Maple could only escape in despair.

At the FW contestant table, Ma Bao’s face looked a little ugly. . .

After this wave, Victor is holding 4 heads, and Damage may not be able to understand it later.

The situation that started well for Flash Wolves suddenly cast a huge haze.

The first tower in the bottom lane was directly pushed down by Snake, and a fire dragon was also given as a bonus.

Karsa's heart was also bleeding. According to the rhythm of the opening, they could have obtained this fire dragon in the early 7 minutes.

Unfortunately, Maple was caught in the middle lane at that time, and the Mimi Egg that was involved in the top lane was also flashed.

Now, they can only watch as the Fire Dragon is taken over by Snake, unable to stop it at all.

Snake changed the duo to the top lane, and Rambo came to the bottom lane to grab the line.

FW's response was not slow and he immediately replaced Shen.

In the middle, when Dragon King faced Victor again, Maple really didn't dare to act recklessly.

In just over ten minutes, Victor not only found the Perfect Hex Core, but also made the Murderous Ring, the Dolan Ring, and the Magic Shoes. The damage was simply terrifying.

Taking advantage of the Dragon King's last strike, Victor swept a death ray, and after taking away the minions, it also affected the Dragon King.

Mommy was startled, watching her blood bar drop visibly!

Victor is indeed not a strong hero at the T1 level, but once this thing develops ahead of schedule, it will really be a terror to the opponent.

Moreover, after Victor's equipment is formed, combined with the upgraded E skill, his wave clearing ability is completely unmatched by the early stage.

If Maple wants to push the lane and roam like in the beginning, it will be difficult to achieve.

Karsa realized that if Victor was allowed to develop any longer, FW would be unable to fight in a team battle in about 20 minutes.

At 11 minutes and 35 seconds, Fan Zi’s mother cooperated with the male gun to catch him.

Unfortunately, Maple's Q skill was dodged by Victor, and Victor's chance in the first wave of instantaneous attacks was immediately gone.

The crouching prince appeared from behind the wall and persuaded the Lightning Wolf Nosuke to retreat.

I thought this wave would end like this, but unexpectedly, just 15 seconds later, Varus, who was attacked by a stealth mouse on the top lane and then returned to the city, suddenly came to the middle lane.

Varus's ultimate move has a shorter CD. He was also the first to release his ultimate move in the last wave. At this moment, the chains of corruption have been reversed.

Li Hao saw Gangzi's movements and immediately cooperated to give Dragon King a comfortable last-ditch position.

Maple didn't notice it at first, focusing on the artillery soldiers in the middle.

Unexpectedly, from inside Snake's blue zone, Varus took advantage of Snake's vision and quietly reached the middle!


Varus roared and shot out his Corruption Chain (R)!

This time, the blind vision ultimate move came too suddenly. Maple's reaction was a beat too slow and he had no chance to press Flash.

Although he had the instinct to pull his body back, the judgment range of this corrupt chain still made a 'squeak' sound on the Dragon King!

Along with the exclamations from the audience in Sao Paulo, Li Hao also shouted, "You are so strong."

He controlled Victor, and QEA disabled the Dragon King.

Maple yelled and touched the egg.

MMD could only withstand Rambo's damage on the spot and use his ultimate move on Dragon King, for fear that rescue would be late.

However, Varus's ultimate move can imprison him for 2 seconds, and Li Hao's gravity field is also released at the right time.

Momodan's ultimate move came down to taunt Li Hao, and at the same time he released Secret! Soul Blessing (W), using a 1.75-second barrier to help Maple stay alive.

MMD has tried its best, and Cuihua, who was near the middle, also arrived immediately. Prince EQ hit Maple twice in a row and was forced to stand for a long time. Then he was beaten to death by a War Rhythm basic attack combined with thunder!

Assistant SwordArt arrived and applied the ultimate move and shield to Maple in time.

This allowed the Dragon King to survive Varus' long-range arrow.

"Maple flash!"

"The prince follows Shen!"

Joker shouted: "Death, you still have to die, Shan Zi's shield has been given, only the last basic attack is left."

The Dragon King's ultimate move still had about ten seconds to turn around. The prince flashed and hit Maple with A, emptying his health bar.

The Mimi Egg was output by Snake's double C. He, who was already disabled by Rambo, couldn't resist it. After seeing the prince turning around, Shen also reluctantly handed over the flash.

Lulu and Mouse, who were on the road, came to support them. In this wave, mahjong was played directly in the middle road. Except for Rambo and the male gun, everyone was basically there.

Snake pretended to push the middle, forcing the male gunner who was in the jungle in the lower half to come and guard the tower. At this time, the Flash Wolf did not dare to lose the middle tower.

After knowing the position of the opponent, Snake bought time for Brother Holy Spear to lead the line. He directly brought the blue soldier into the second tower of FW's bottom lane, and hit the defensive tower one after another.

After the resurrection, the Dragon King immediately went to the bottom lane to guard the tower. At this time, the second tower had been pushed away nearly half of its health.

After Rambo withdrew, Snake also gave up the attack in the middle.

The Lightning Wolves breathed a sigh of relief. They had been swept by the death ray under the tower just now and were in frequent dangers.

Varus and Lulu ate the upper river crab when they returned to the upper road, and Cuihua ate the lower river crab.

This caused even greater trouble for the Flash Wolf, which already had a huge disadvantage in vision.

Backstage at FW, the barbecued pork coach shook his head helplessly.

Ma Bao's Dragon King died twice during this time. Except for a little functionality, the damage really couldn't keep up.

It can be seen from the efficiency of clearing troops in the bottom defense tower that the Dragon King's level and equipment are not as average as they should be.

Now, don't count on Maple to pick up the pace again.

Being able to defend the middle lane and allow the middle tower to exist for a longer period of time is a victory.

However, this hope of the barbecued pork coach is destined to be dashed.

At 15 minutes and 34 seconds, an amazing scene occurred in the middle!

When Victor pushed the line of troops under the FW tower, he took advantage of the moment when the Dragon King used his Q skill to hit the last hit, and took a step deeper into the tower, QEAW!

Maple, who was crippled and slowed down, was startled. When Victor was thrown out of the gravity field, he sprayed dragon breath straight towards Victor without thinking!

At the same time, the male gunner from F6 also hurried over.


The golden light missed the sparks sprayed out by the Dragon King!

Victor dodged the ultimate move and threw his Chaos Storm to Maple!

Lightning flashed all over the place, and the Dragon King, who had been beaten to a pulp, suddenly saw two singularity lightning flashes, and the screen in front of Maple suddenly went black.

Backstage, the barbecued pork coach’s eyes widened.


Ma Bao was killed by TheKing alone!

This time it's over, the middle lane explodes!

The Dragon King's record came to 0/3/1. Coach Char Siu knew that Maple, a treasure island genius, had the ambition to prove that he could even become a god in a battle.

He wants to use Theking as his stepping stone.

However, even if you are given a chance, you can’t take it!

In the background, a data analyst said:

"Barbecued pork, Victor should be in the trigger position!"

"It's too forced to let Maple make the decision and even bet on Theking's status."

"We started banning Ximen's Murloc last season. At that time, everyone knew that it was not a certain version of the hero, but in order to win the game, we still did it. When I saw you doing BP this time, I really had questions. .”

"You don't think The King's Victor is inferior to Ximen's fish-man, right?"

"Let's make a horizontal comparison with Victor. I used to study Crown's Victor, who is also an excellent Victor player. But The King's skill hit rate and coverage rate steadily exceed Crown's by 15% every 7 rounds! This means that, Absolutely stable output!”

"Don't talk about statistics. Just look at the damage and distance control of his E skill. You will know that this is definitely the top three-handed player!"

"This hero, which is relatively stable in the first place, is still a big core in the later stage, coupled with a stable output machine. We are not a team like SKT where everyone is a top player. We must not let this hero go in the game against Snake Victor! "


The team's data analyst was not an afterthought. When the barbecued pork came back, this person had already mentioned it.

Now, after seeing that FW is on the verge of collapse, of course I can’t help but criticize it.

Char Siu rubbed his head helplessly: "Stop talking, I regret it very much now."

"I am not only worried about the outcome of this game. After all, this is only the first game of the group stage. I am even more afraid that this game will affect the mentality of the players. That is even more unworthy!"

Coach Barbecued Pork turned to stare at the big screen. He could feel that the Flash Wolf on the court was already out of breath.

Take a look at the views on both sides. From the FW’s perspective, it’s really pitch black!

At 16 minutes and 23 seconds, the prince blocked the pot twice with EQ from F6, and combined with Victor's damage, he killed the Dragon King again.

The male gunner who was ganking on the top lane forced out Varus' ultimate move and flash, and killed Lulu. It seemed that he had hit something, but after Rambo switched from the bottom lane to the middle lane, Snake broke through two FWs in a row. Middle tower.

At 19 minutes and 23 seconds, Victor and the prince came to the top lane. Cuihua opened without any thought, forcing the mouse to flash out.

However, Victor appeared from behind the tower in a sprinting car. This master was so arrogant that he even ignored the attack of the defense tower and QEAR under the tower!

The mouse opened up and was about to explode, but suddenly the screen went black!

In the contestant box, Betty was shocked.


At the scene in Sao Paulo, many foreigners held their heads and showed exaggerated expressions.

MMD is a little speechless, the ultimate move is completely insufficient.

I just saved a wave of male guns in the jungle, and now I still have more than half of the CD left, so I can't save the rats at all.

However, Victor's damage has overflowed. Even if there is R in this wave, the rat will still die.

In the live broadcast room of Shark Fighting, Dharma King Funny has a look on his face that sees everything:

"I told you before the game started, the Flash Wolves are gone this time, they are indeed going to be gone."

"A team that is not strong enough or stable enough cannot let The King's Victor go."

"What does that mean? Stable output!"

"According to the theory of canyon relativity, if one's own output is unstable, and then the stable output is given to the opponent, the gap will become wider and wider. Haha, isn't this nonsense?"

"You know, The King's Victor, even in my state of beating the Furong King, I don't dare to face him easily. Where does Mommy get the courage to dare to operate with The King with a cheap snake?"

In front of the screen, His Holiness took a leisurely puff of cigarette and boasted:

"Don't talk about Theking, even in my current state, I can kill Mommy!"

"If he is not convinced, he can come to the live broadcast room to find me."

A very knowledgeable water friend left a message below:

"Maple came to this live broadcast room and didn't dare to say anything else. When he left, he would definitely be crying, stuffing a pocket full of IOUs, and returning to the treasure island in embarrassment."

"Hahaha, I understand everything."

In Flash Wolf's original idea, he always wanted to create a cool trick where the mouse becomes invisible and uses the Eye of Twilight ultimate move.

When the game lasted 24 minutes and 34 seconds, FW finally got a good opportunity.

Seeing Victor's real eyes in the grass on the river in the basic attack row, Betty's mouse immediately activated!

In the red buff area of ​​my home, I heard a sound: "Ding ding~ ding ding ding~~"

Ambush (Q).

The mouse is invisible, quickly approaches Victor, carefully looks at the distance, and uses his ultimate move!

This wave was so silent that it was impossible to detect it.

"Betty is here. This wave is so sinister. Once Shen is taunted, this wave has a chance to kill The King!"

"Victor's output is very high, but The King has an ultimate output outfit and is very fragile."

"The Murder Book is now at level 20. It's a bit of a loss if it's destroyed."


When Joker saw the mouse's position, he exclaimed: "It's over, The King didn't notice, this wave of Flash Wolf's tricks are about to succeed!"

Just as Joke finished speaking, the Haier brothers burst out with a huge scream almost at the same time!

On the big screen, after MMD's Shen got off the invisible mouse, he suddenly taunted E in the direction of Victor!

This time, it is not unpleasant!

What no one expected was that in such a short period of time, the man with a solemn face actually reacted! !



"The King actually pressed Flash!!"

"The King dodged the taunt in a flash! Oh my god, what kind of exaggerated reflexes is this!"

"Victor didn't leave, we're going to fight back!"

"Backhand output of rats, chaotic storm!"

"It's gone! Betty has evaporated!!"

The St. Paul venue was in a boil, and the entire venue erupted with exclamations that almost lifted the roof!

On the big screen, the mouse with full firepower seemed to only fire a single basic attack. When Victor suddenly flashed the QEAR close to his face, the full health bar was emptied in an instant! !

"It fell in seconds!"

"The damage is completely incomprehensible, The King dropped Twitch instantly with his backhand!"


The scene was boiling, and the Flash Wolves' barbecued pork coach backstage was also shocked.

This is too exaggerated!

That guy actually reacted!

How focused is he during the game?

The mouse was killed, and Snake and others arrived and killed MMD who was slowed down by Victor's gravity field.

Flash Wolf prepared to play a wave of rhythm, but unexpectedly the death knell was sounded.

Snake took advantage of the situation and opened the dragon, but the male gun's ultimate move failed to seize the dragon, and the prince's punishment was firmly accepted.

At this time, the economic gap between the two sides has reached more than 9,000.

In the next wave of team battles, FW couldn't stop Snake's team battle system.

After Varus took control of the Dragon King who wanted to move forward, Prince EQ covered the pot twice, and Rambo burned the Dragon King alive to R.

When Victor took down the rat head again, FW avalanched.

Except for the male gunman who desperately replaced the prince, all members of Snake went to the high ground of Flash Wolf intact.

At 27 minutes and 13 seconds, Snake flattened the Flash Wolves from the middle and won a hearty victory! Many LPL players who stayed up late were excited.

On the big screen, the hero's damage data was finally given.

In the ten-column damage statistics column, Victor's damage is like "a sudden spike in the south"!

Mechanical Pioneer, horrific damage!

Under the camera, the man's face was serious and a little cold.

For a time, many people's memories were brought back.

That's right, it's the cold machine S6 is racing across North America!

He is back again!

('-'*ゞGood morning!

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