LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 189: Threading the needle to overthrow SKT!

In the Korean commentary box, both Smectas burst into exaggerated laughter.

Regarding SKT's opening performance, these two commentators directly blew it away.

Things like 'The Korean team is indeed the strongest', 'Snake is not worthy of his name', etc. The Korean commentators were really full of witty words. .

At 5 minutes and 11 seconds, Snake created a wave of danger in the middle.

The level 4 Blind Monk circled around and caught the target. The moment the Demon King saw the green flower, he immediately turned on Encourage (E). Although the Demon King is not the main E, this shield can also provide a 40% acceleration effect for 1.5 seconds. And a shield that can absorb 90+0.5AP for 2.5 seconds.

Faker just used Q to last the damage, and his position was not too forward.

The blind monk's first Q kicked Fan Ma, and Echo Strike immediately followed, hitting Thunder with a basic attack.

The big devil didn't even think about the skill of hiding from the blind man. All his attention was on the rock bird.

When the rock bird reached the rock protrusion, the big devil pulled back to the limit and avoided it with the help of the acceleration effect of the E skill.

Both the rock bird and the blind monk suffered subsequent damage, and the fan mother was severely disabled.

But this wave of rock spurs was avoided, and it was destined to be unable to kill Faker.

Even the opponent's flash was not shown.

Faker still has TP, so he won't lose much in this wave.

In the SKT player bench, perhaps because he had avoided Li Hao's skills, there was a faint smile on Faker's face, and he could feel that Snake was a little anxious.

If the blind monk squats for a while longer, his position will definitely be more dangerous.

However, Snake couldn't wait that long. Only at this point in time could Snake be sure that the spider was not there.

If it were 2v2 between midfielder and jungler at this moment, SKT would be totally worthy.

The blind monk was attacked by the defense tower, and Faker turned around and fired a Q skill.

On the road, Smeb fired a precise shot, knocking Kennen down to less than half health. However, due to the situation, Smeb was rather clumsy and used skills to last hits continuously. Although his health is healthier than Kennen now, his mana has been reduced. end.

Brother Holy Spear knew that Jace was not a threat, so he directly pushed the troops back to the city.

When Kenan came online for the next wave, the audience understood his intention in this game.

In Kennen's equipment inventory, there is a Dolan sword, a long sword, small cloth armor, reusable potions, and a real eye.

AD Kenan!

This also explains why Flandre's talent is war enthusiasm.

Snake knew clearly that this was their established strategy.

At 6 minutes and 01 seconds, Jace, who was on the road, pushed a whole wave of artillery soldiers to Snake's side. Kenan used A to cooperate with his skills, preventing the soldiers from entering the tower.

Li Hao controlled the rock bird and placed his vision in the opposite red buff jungle area.

Li Hao returned to the middle and cleared the 10th wave of minions at 6 minutes and 13 seconds.

Seeing the situation of the troops in the middle, the big devil turned back from the lower half.

Even though Lulu and EZ are being honest now, SKT is still obsessed with the bottom half, looking for an opportunity to directly destroy Snake's bottom lane.

At 6 minutes and 19 seconds, Little Peanut and Wolf Nosuke linked up and set their sights on Snake's side of the grass near F6.

They wanted to catch a wave in the middle, but Li Hao stayed close to the top half. They waited for several seconds but did not see any flaws in the Yanque.

Peanut returned to his red zone, and Cuihua's blind monk came to the top road and squatted in the grass.

However, Smeb was very cautious and did not rush forward at all and did not give him a chance.

After the blind monk returned to the city, the spider brushed the jungle and reached the stone monsters in the upper half of the area, and then came to the triangle grass on the top road. The little peanut wanted to catch Kennen to death.

Smeb was cunning and cunning. He showed his flaw and went forward to finish off Kennen's lightning darts and shurikens, but was knocked unconscious by the electric rat's W.

Brother Holy Spear immediately fired E and wanted to rush forward and hit the target.

However, Li Hao just cut the screen to the top and immediately stopped him!

Flandre suddenly woke up, moved forward for a short distance, and then quickly retreated.

It was actually a false shot.

In the SKT player table, Smeb's eyes lit up and he smiled evilly, and then he frowned and his face became dark.

In this wave, Smeb has really mastered expression management.


Don’t you get this?

You're such a coward, why are you playing Kenan!

The LPL audience and commentators were all frightened and almost had an accident.

When Kennan turned back, his vision of the river just caught the spider coming around.

"Damn, it's so dangerous!"

"Brother Hao, you saved my life again!"

Flandre shouted exaggeratedly, she was also very frightened.

If I rushed forward just now, I would be labeled a war criminal.

The blind monk returned to the city. He couldn't kill Jace in this wave. When the spider came over, the result was self-evident.

Once his AD equipment is caught and destroyed, it will be useless in team battles, and even the lane function will be gone, which will really hit the wall.

"Be careful. I just inserted a ward in the red zone. The spider passed over there. It must be a monster spawn. It's normal to catch you after spawning."

"Smeb has been taken care of by us in this round and he has been able to withstand pressure so well. You must not get into trouble first, otherwise it will be difficult to fight later."

Flandre certainly knew that this was not alarmist. He could also feel the state of extreme concentration and devotion from Li Hao's voice.

"Smeb, this old silver coin, no wonder he took advantage of my skills."

"Brother Hao, don't worry, even if he takes off his pants now, I won't be fooled!"

Backstage at Snake, Zuo Wu and Chris breathed a sigh of relief.

What does it mean to have an elder in the family, like having a treasure?

That’s it!

Zhi Zhi also said in surprise: "Brother Hao can actually see the whole situation and command accurately when facing Faker! It's so strong, it's like having an extra coach on the field!"

Da Congming sighed: "Brother Li is still your Brother Li!"

After Da Mingming finished speaking, he felt that the words were a bit vague, so he added another sentence: "Brother Hao is still your brother Hao!"

Zuo Wu and Chris couldn't help but smile, and then looked at the tense situation on the field.

A few minutes passed, but Snake stabilized the situation.

However, SKT is still the dominant side.

The terrible thing is

Little Peanut, here we go again!

The bottom lane advantage is not small, and most of the field of vision is under SKT's control.

At 8 minutes and 33 seconds, the Spider came to the triangular grass on the lower road again.

Little Peanut inserted an eye into the wall of the row of stone monsters.

At this time, the blue side's line of troops was advancing in the direction of SKT.

Han Bing and Nami also walked and kept moving closer to the SKT defense tower.

Logically speaking, now should be the time for the Snake duo to insert wards.

And Little Peanut is seizing this wave of opportunities!

At 8 minutes and 39 seconds, Liu Qingsong's Lulu leaned towards the grass, and a spider web suddenly flew over.

What follows is a set of skills from Spider!

The spider that had already made the echo of the Fu energy exploded in damage. This set was outputted to Lulu. Liu Qingsong, who was full of health, was instantly beaten to a serious disability!

The moment the spider's cocooning effect passed, Liu Qingsong pressed the flash button without any hesitation!

A magic crystal arrow was grazing where he was just now and shot straight over!

As long as Lulu has the slightest intention to hold back, she will definitely die in this wave!

The thrilling scene made the audience scream, and the LPL audience was also shocked.

Danger is really common!

If Lulu dies in this wave, not only will EZ lose its troops, but the next tower and dragon may all be lost.

In the SKT player booth, Xiaohuatou and Wolf were both lamenting the pity.

If the distance is a little further, it will take a while for the Ice Ultimate to fly, otherwise it will form a control chain and kill it directly.

At the early 9th minute, Cuihua went around to the middle for a gank. The Big Demon King reacted very quickly. He pressed Flash the moment the blind monk touched his eyes and the dragon swung its tail. This unique R flash caused Fan Ma to be kicked back to his own defense tower.

Li Hao was also slightly surprised. Faker's wave was extremely extreme.

Once kicked back, it will be a sure kill. It can only be said that the big devil is in action.

After crossing the red square soldier line, the blind monk moved closer to the upper road.

Smeb received Faker's reminder and immediately retreated to the tower.

Online, Kenan was selling him flaws, but Smeb pretended not to notice.

However, Smeb did not expect that Snake had already targeted him this time!

At 9 minutes and 57 seconds, on the big screen, the blind monk circled the jungle area and came to the back of SKT's last tower.

Snake doesn't need a line of soldiers at all. Yanque launches a big move in the wild area and goes under the tower. Snake and the other three jump directly over the tower!

Jace flashed through the wall curtain and avoided Kennen's ultimate move, but the rock bird surfing down from the wall made a rock burst and accurately knocked Jace back into Kennen's ultimate move.

This exquisite scene greatly excited the LPL commentary booth.

Smeb gave up the operation and the head was taken by the rock bird.

"Mom Fan Zi is going down the road, SKT is going to win two for four this time!"

"The mini map is full of signals. Snake realizes it and retreats immediately. If something happens in the bottom lane, there will be no profit in catching Jace to death in this wave."

"EZ and Lulu retreat to the second tower, and Brother Crystal releases his ultimate move!"

"The key! This ultimate move scrapes all the minions under the tower, and the remaining soldiers are directly scraped to death!"

"SKT's minions won't last long. Snake can get a health tower on the road!"

"The two sides are competing to destroy the opposite tower, and the progress is almost the same! Beautiful! SKT has no minions here!"


When the next wave of minions from the red side came over, Snake went on the road and the three of them carried the tower a little, taking away the last bit of HP!

"Your team has destroyed an inhibitor."

The first blood tower is here!

Then, in just two or three seconds, SKT also destroyed Snake's bottom tower.

On the big screen, before Snake got the first blood tower after killing Jace, the economies of both sides were 14.9K and 15.6k respectively.

After destroying the tower, there was still some CS and time jump money, and the economy on both sides became 16.4K, 16.6K.

The economy is poor, less than 200 yuan.

At this time, this difference is nothing.

After Kenan returned to the city, he replaced his armor shoes, vampire scepter and attack speed sword.

At 11 minutes and 37 seconds, Cuihua gave Li Hao the blue.

Kennen first wiped out the river crabs in the upper half of the area, then clicked the exploding fruit to climb over the wall and reach the top road.

Smeb's Jace, on the other hand, stayed in the second tower honestly. He had already felt Snake's malice.

Bang and Wolf invaded Snake's red zone and continued to lay out their vision.

The development of Han Bing in the bottom lane is obviously to lead EZ. Snake temporarily avoids the edge and does not fight with them in the bottom half.

Fortunately, Gangzi is an EZ, so you can still play with this thing if you want.

Han Bing inserted the real eye in the red area and eliminated the artificial eye in the grass next to the red buff. This was also clearly seen by Snake.

At 12 minutes and 9 seconds, Snake caught SKT's movement from the river's eye position, and they were likely to take the first earth dragon.

"Change the line!"

"They are fighting a dragon, Gangzi is coming, Qingsong, you go up the road."

"With this wave of involvement, let's push them off the second tower!"


Li Hao's voice kept ringing, and everyone in Snake immediately executed it.

The big devil was the first to react. He immediately gave up on Xiaolong and accelerated back to the middle to defend the line.

Hanbing hit Xiaolong A a few times, and after confirming that the spider could be taken away, he immediately moved to the lower route to clean up the minions, while Wolf controlled Nami to go to the middle.

Li Hao controlled Yanque to push the troops into the SKT defense tower. Lulu also rushed to the opposite red zone, and the blind monk who took away SKT's red buff went directly to the top lane.

Smeb was so frustrated that he had no choice but to give up going to the second tower.

At 13 minutes and 34 seconds, Lulu also arrived, and the three Snakes clicked on the second tower frantically.

The big devil frowned. Although he teleported, Smeb did not occupy the position. If he TPed to the tower, he was definitely seeking death.

The reason why he didn't have TP in the first place was that the rock bird was nearby and could be interrupted by rock protrusions.

Wolf couldn't stand it anymore, so he ignored the EZ in the middle and immediately marked the rock bird.

Bang led the lane in the bottom lane, and from a place where Snake had no vision, he shot an arrow toward the middle lane.

The spider accepted the little dragon and followed it towards the middle.

However, Snake didn't give him a chance.

The rock bird entered the upper half of the river, which was Snake's territory. SKT lost its vision, and EZ was also cautious. It retreated to the middle tower and then used its big move toward SKT's middle.

Han Bing shot the arrow empty.

At 13 minutes and 44 seconds, Snake destroyed SKT's second tower on the road!

On the big screen, Snake’s economy is 20.6K and SKT’s economy is 19.8K.

Although it has the attributes of a dragon, its economy is overtaken by Snake!

Little Peanut can only go to Snake to collect the red buff and stop the loss. They can no longer relax as before.

The first earth dragon is exchanged for the second tower. Everyone knows that this transaction is a loss.

Although the head-to-head ratio on the field was still 1-2, the audience watching the game was not sleepy at all.

Everyone knows that the situation is tense now.

At 15 minutes and 43 seconds, SKT invaded Snake's red zone again, and this wave knocked out all of Lulu's ultimate flash.

However, Snake responded immediately.

Kennan, who was on the road, came over and cooperated with the blind monk to rush to the middle road. The blue side's soldiers had also entered the tower.

SKT had a chance to return to the middle, but Yanjak's big move blocked the river wall from the bottom half to the position of the three wolves.

“The wall curtain of The King is so detailed!”

"Although the exploding fruit behind the three wolves is on SKT's side, they don't have the angle to point it over the wall!"

"Snake has to win even the first tower. It's impossible for SKT to dodge and defend."

Miller was surprised: "The rhythm control of these two waves is just like threading the needle. It's so beautiful!"

"EZ and Lulu withstood the pressure. Snake didn't have a team fight, but they made the economy bigger and bigger!"

"Ashe's ultimate move, I want to keep people!"

"Almost, this arrow was seen by Snake in the river's field of vision. Both Kennen and Blind Sin made an early dodge action."

In the next few minutes, the two sides encountered several waves in the jungle, but the team battle still did not break out.

At the beginning of the 17th minute, Kenan encountered a spider near the river in the first half of the area. Kenan enlarged his moves to force the flash of Little Peanut.

At 19 minutes and 01 seconds, SKT got the second wind dragon.

At 21 minutes and 32 seconds, Flando went to the bottom lane to lead the line, and Smeb's Jess also went to the bottom lane to defend.

Kennen's current equipment is Ruined, Dual Dolan Swords, Recurve Bow, Armored Shoes, and Fist of the Purple Rainforest.

On the other hand, Smeb only has Youmu, Mercury Shoes, Doran Sword and Red Crystal on his body.

Now, even if you stand up, you can't beat him.

Kennen has broken recovery, and Jace can only rely on those two layers of reusable potions.

In this game, Snake's tactics have been completed.

They maximized Kennen's advantage and used a single-band system to torment SKT. Through several waves of beautiful transition lines, the disadvantaged bottom lane also benefited from the team's economy. EZ's equipment is also gradually mixed in.

SKT wanted to catch Kennen in the bottom lane, but Snake's people kept hanging around the Dalong Pit.

When Li Hao saw Jace showing up, he immediately circled his jungle area to the middle, and then entered the river in the lower half.

"Zhanran, keep an eye on Faker!"

"no problem."

Brother Holy Spear brought the line into the tower and immediately said: "Brother Hao, give it to R, I will take the first move!"

Kennen rushed into the defense tower, holding a lightning dart in his hand. Kennen, who had an attack speed of close to 1.5, quickly attacked the defense tower, giving Smeb a headache.

He blasted Kennan with a cannon, and relying on himself under the tower, he jumped in the face and beat Kennan to half health.

When the Holy Spear Brother handed over his ultimate move, Jace knocked Kennen away with a hammer.

At this time, a wall appeared behind Smeb, and the little sparrow surfed over.

Under the defense tower on the bottom lane, a TP special effect appeared, which was the teleportation of the Big Devil.

"——Ah it hurts!!"

The Blind Monk was already prepared to touch his eyes to the middle. Tianyin Wave Q was on Fan Ma, and followed up with a kick to interrupt Faker's teleportation.

Wolf and Bang came from F6, and the blind monk flashed directly and escaped unscathed.

Smeb dodged Li Hao's rock protrusion, and then turned around to avoid a few stone piercing shots.

The crippled Jace transformed into his hammer form and escaped in a flash.

Li Hao followed up in a flash and was penetrated by the stone again. Semb moved diagonally and seemed to have a chance to miss the skill, but after the Rock Spreading Stone Formation was given to him, Jace was killed on the spot.

The next tower must be lost. SKT will replace its resources and destroy Snake's first tower on the road.

However, SKT's second tower in the bottom lane also lost most of its health.

This time Bojes died again, and SKT was at a loss no matter what.

Moreover, Kenan's single belt can no longer be dealt with.

What made Smeb almost break the defense was that at 24 minutes and 45 seconds, Yanjai, who had just approached SKT's blue zone, used a big move to block the bottom lane, 3,000 yards away, and Smeb's arrangement was clear.

Without flash, Jace couldn't climb over this wall at all.

Flandre sneered, and gave Smeb a wave of thunder showers and various basic attacks with various skills. Jace struggled hard and knocked down the electric mouse to nearly half its health, but he still died.

Following that, SKT's second tower in the bottom lane was pushed.

Kennen led the troops and continued to push SKT to the high ground.

The other four people were dragged to the Dalong Pit.

Faker's teleportation was about to improve, so he could only let his Karma guard the tower.

Snake didn't hesitate. After the big devil showed up, he directly opened the dragon!

As for Kennen, who is on the road, he TPs directly to the vicinity of Dalongkeng.

Faker walked up to Kennen and wanted to keep someone for W. However, by the time he was walking and restraining W, Kennen's person had already left.

When the W skill collapsed, Faker felt a chill in his heart.

"The art of becoming cute!"

Liu Qingsong flashed to release magic to the spider. Little Peanut, who was about to flash to grab the dragon, was extremely frustrated. Smeb, who was teleported, shot towards the dragon pit.

However, this shot did not redeem Jace.

SKT watched eagerly as Blind Monk punished Baron!

Backstage at Snake, Zuo Wu, Chris, Da Zhiming, and Hang Ren were all roaring with excitement.

Listening to Brother Hao's commanding voice constantly coming from the team's voice, they felt even more deeply from a God's perspective.

Brother Holy Spear performed well, but SKT was more hampered by Brother Hao's use of the lineup characteristics!

After getting the Baron Buff in this wave, Snake destroyed the second tower in the middle, and then destroyed the high ground and crystal in the bottom lane.

At 34 minutes and 23 seconds, SKT's top lane was also knocked down by Kenan.

Snake didn't rush, waiting for the super soldiers to reach the high ground, and then they opened the second dragon.

SKT wants to use the ice ultimate move to cooperate with Spider to grab it.

However, Snake's vision was very clear. Liu Qingsong once again turned the spider into a sheep, and Xiaohua was so anxious that he gasped.

After taking down this big dragon, Snake went home to update his equipment, and after running the army line well, he once again attacked the high ground of SKT.

There was a team battle on the high ground in the middle. The two sides played 2 for 2, and the big devil got a double kill with a precise Q.

On one side, Jace and Nami were killed.

On one side, Lulu and the blind monk were killed.

The remaining three members of SKT also paid the price. With their remaining health, they could only return to the city to replenish supplies. This wave was still operational, otherwise it would be impossible to kill two people.

The high ground in the middle was broken and the crystal was pushed.

In front of the incisor tower, a bunch of soldiers blessed by the dragon buff gathered!

The army was defeated like a mountain.

The final team battle didn't start, and Faker had no choice but to watch the Crystal Hub being destroyed by the three Snakes.


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