LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 192 A few Washingtons can’t buy Franklin

At 7:30 in the morning on May 13th, inside the Snake base in the magical city.

Mr. Snake had a smile on his face and was leisurely watching the interview during the post-match broadcast.

Shuangquan, who had just returned from buying two drawers of steamed buns, placed the steamed buns and soy milk on the table. He also looked excited:

"Boss Snake, today's game was really fun to watch!"

"That's true. I was a little sleepy at first, but after watching the game, I became excited."

Boss Snake raised his phone and said:

"If you search the forums, a lot of news about our team has appeared. This match against TSM is definitely the biggest tragedy in the history of the Alliance World Championship!"

"The Linglong Tower with more than thirty heads! An unparalleled bald head!"

At this point, Da She always laughed. He ate a small steamed bun, but did not drink the soy milk that Shuangquan brought. Instead, he picked up the thermos cup and took a sip.

I feel happy on my lips and happy in my heart.

Suddenly, Shuangquan's phone rang.

He answered the call easily, thinking it was another call from an advertiser.

Unexpectedly, after a brief understanding, Shuangquan's eyes widened, and then he looked at Mr. She.

"What's wrong?"

"Mr. Snake, this is a call from Sao Paulo. It's for you."

"LPL official? Riot?"

"No, it's TSM's Captain Orangutan."

Boss Snake answered the phone:


On the other end of the phone: "Hello, Mr. She, I am TSM's translator. Our boss wants to have a chat with you."


This phone call lasted for about ten minutes, and what Mr. Snake said was probably not one-tenth of what he said. In the end, he hung up the phone.

Shuangquan also heard the general idea from the side. He was very surprised: "Mr. Snake, this..."


Mr. Snake snorted coldly and said in a strange tone:

"Captain Orangutan is such a big deal, 5 million US dollars!"

"Shuang Quan, tell me, can it fit in a snakeskin bag?"

Shuangquan smiled bitterly, "How could I know that? I don't have so much money... I should be able to fit it in a bigger pocket."

"Money is indeed exciting, but Captain Orangutan underestimates me!"

"Even if he continues to add money, I can't give up on Li Hao now."

Shuangquan said worriedly: "Mr. Snake, what if this person continues to increase money in the next contract year?"

“When the time comes, do we need to match the contract salary?”

"If it matches, it could be another big gamble."

"As time goes on, the risk increases."

"Of course it has to match!"

Mr. Snake said categorically:

"Shuang Quan, if you want to create a Snake team dynasty in the league world, Snake must not lose his fangs."

"I have to think about whether this is Snake's only chance."

"If this dream can come true, Li Hao will get more, I will get more, and everyone at Snake will benefit immensely."


Shuangquan didn't speak, but nodded.

They turned their attention to the screen, which showed the live interview in Sao Paulo.

In front of Li Hao, who was dressed in black, the heroine of Riot Games was wearing a blue knee-length skirt, and Sjokz was holding up the microphone with a smile on his face:

"TheKing, it's a pleasure to interview you again. You have been amazing all summer. I didn't expect that in this spring in Sao Paulo, you would perform such an amazing performance again."

"How did you achieve such dominance with the Dark Head?"

On the interview stage, the gold-plated logo on the front of Msi's jersey shimmered slightly. Li Hao's face was calm and he responded naturally:

"Actually, it's not as difficult as everyone thinks."

"I really didn't pay that much attention on the field. When controlling Syndra, I was just repeating one task, which was to kill the opponents in front of me."

"If the initial work is done well, it will snowball into a big one. Then it will just be a programmed operation, because if the snowball is big enough, it will become easier to devour the opponent."

"Most Syndra players can do it, and I'm just one of them."


It seemed like a very 'low-key' thing to say, but when I heard it, I felt like something was wrong.

"Translated for everyone, the real meaning of Brother Wolfberry's last sentence is: Most Syndra players can only stare, and I am the only one who succeeded."

"Hao Ge Factory: programmed pig killing, one pig per minute, clean and high-level work."

"I almost believed what Brother Wolfberry said. I just looked at my record again and I felt a lot more awake in an instant."

"It doesn't sound pretentious, but it sounds very pretentious."

"Let me tell you some news, the price of wolfberry has increased recently."

On the interview stage, Sjokz asked a few more questions one after another. After Li Hao answered them one by one, the wolfberry fans at the scene reluctantly watched the figure leave.

Backstage at TSM, the orangutan captain was touching his chin with a depressed look on his face.

After the TSM players returned, Captain Orangutan did not reveal his emotions. He and Maggiola left the backstage to discuss TSM's future alone.

"Boss, the road is difficult to navigate!"

Maggiola said with serious words: "There is no intention of letting up at all. What's terrible is that Snake made a lot of money after winning the S6 championship. It is estimated that the advertising endorsements have been piled up for a long time. They are not short of money now."

"This is normal."

The gorilla captain said: "Have you seen The King's condition?"

"Faker, this is the top phenomenal player!! Even more powerful than Faker back then! After his advantage and state, his dominance is definitely unique in the league!"

"Those who still question The King are the biggest fools!"

"If Snake is willing to give me The King, I can trade him with a whole TSM."

Hearing this, Maggiola couldn't help but smile: "Boss, if you use a few scattered Washingtons, you will definitely not be able to exchange them for a large-denomination Franklin. Even I will not exchange them with you."

"Of course I know that."

The orangutan captain said gloomily: "If nothing happens, all my grand plans will be fantasy."

"Either Snake goes bankrupt, or something happens to The King."

"If the two continue to maintain the current situation, we can only stare at it."

Maggiola asked again: "Boss, if something unexpected happened to Theking, would you still make this choice?"

The orangutan captain turned his head and said something else to Maggiola.

His words were blown away by the evening wind of St. Paul, but at that moment, one could see that in the corridor, Maggiola's expression was extremely uneasy.

——"São Paulo Players":

"I am reporter Wall. At eight o'clock in the evening, I witnessed MSI's most tragic game, and TSM became a powerful background. Now I only have one question, who can stop The King?"

——"LCS E-Sports Home":

"TSM suffered a tragic defeat. This is a sad moment for North American League e-sports. However, TSM has never been a team that is afraid of failure. I would rather see them reborn from the ashes."

——"Miami Brothers Esports":

"A dragon, a defensive tower, and a kill. For two consecutive games, Snake allowed their opponents to get nothing. You are witnessing a team with exaggerated dominance. They have locked in Rio de Janeiro. SKT is the team with deeper foundation, but Still can’t stop the light radiating from Snake at this time.”

A local reporter from Sao Paulo interviewed, and the person being interviewed was none other than Captain Orangutan, the boss of TSM.

"Reginald, what do you want to say about the TSM team's tragic defeat?"

Facing the microphone, the orangutan captain said bluntly:

"You can get the clues from the last battle between Snake and GAM. This is actually not that big of a news."

"The strongest player in the league is Snake. Such a player is enough to bring about some legendary games. Our players have endured a lot, and they are paying for their mistakes, but no matter what kind of disastrous defeat they are, they just Inadvertently caused in the desire to win.”

"Last night, my players were still practicing. They were not discouraged. Instead, they were waiting for the opportunity to play against Snake again."

"This is the will of the TSM team!"

At three o'clock in the afternoon on May 14, the second round of the group stage will continue.

The first game today is FW versus SKT.

The senior colonel was sitting in the commentary box. Before the game started, he heard the senior colonel come up with a series of data and well-founded analysis.

Finally he concluded:

"Facing this powerful SKT, FW cannot make any mistakes."

"However, it is difficult to ensure that there are no mistakes in all three directions."

"What's more, FW lost miserably to G2 in the last round, which exposed a lot of problems."

Colonel Guan said firmly to Joker and Remember: "SKT has a significantly greater chance of winning this game strongly."

After hearing what he said, Joker smiled and nodded: "Indeed, FW's state in this MSI is only average. The suspense of this game, I feel, is to see how long the Flash Wolves can last under SKT's offense."

After hearing what Colonel Guan and Joker said, Ruozi's heart skipped a beat in front of the camera in the Flame Rat live broadcast room for some unknown reason.

He also saw that the barrage was full of words like ‘poisonous milk’.

For this reason, Ruozi forced a smile and explained:

"Don't worry, brothers, just fill up the right side."

"The right path should be taken, and relying on superstition alone will not work."


At 35 minutes and 46 seconds, the Flame Rat lost its voice.

Moreover, many of his fellow buddies were watching the game with their balls in their hands.

Compared to the water friends who were watching the fun, some people were really nervous.

The head count on the field was 11-2, and the Flash Wolves held an economic lead of 6,000.

Karsa spread his hands and stopped acting. My blind monk is also very C!

In addition to the blind monk of 3/0/6, Mabao's Syndra also stood up.

Facing the big devil's clockwork, Ma Bao got a record of 4/0/4. The number 404 was reflected in Ruo Zi's eyes, which really made him very uncomfortable.

At 38 minutes and 03 seconds, Betty's ice arrow hit Varus. Bang had no mercury and was killed by the fishman who touched the egg in the face.

Ma Bao Syndra's ultimate move locked onto Little Peanut. Although the male gunner opened his position with an E, Syndra followed suit with her ultimate move.

The male gunner died in battle. Even though Faker pulled out a beautiful ultimate move, it could not prevent SKT from being defeated in the team battle.

Flash Wolves took advantage of the situation and ended the game.

For FW, this is a very critical point.

What does robbing the rich and giving to the poor mean?

What is anti-Korean Qixia?

Flash Wolf defeats the top, and the legend continues.

At the moment when SKT's crystal hub exploded, in the Flame Rat live broadcast room, Young Master Painchi seemed to be unable to sit firmly in his chair and sat down on the ground.

If it wasn't live broadcast, I'm afraid Ruozi would have yelled, 'Fake match, this is a fake match'!

The next game will be TSM versus GAM.

As if confirming the words of Captain Orangutan, TSM did not lose confidence because of the disastrous defeat in the last round.

The audience at the scene also shouted "TSM" again!

If you can't beat it, then join.

In this game, Bilson also took out Syndra.

The Vietnamese Enchantress was single-handedly defeated by Bilson in the lane. The Dane used his fists to tell everyone that he was also a tough opponent.

0/6/2, the enchantress whose online level is lagging behind has little effect.

Just over thirty minutes later, TSM won the game.

At five o'clock in the evening, G2 played against Snake.

In this game, Ah P chose Wandering Mage, which is called caution.

In the early stage, they really withstood the pressure given by Snake.

However, during a team battle at 13 minutes and 48 seconds, Ah P drove his jungler and support around to the back of Snake, preparing for a front and rear flank attack.

His idea was indeed good, but he didn't expect that Snake had already arranged the vision, everyone gathered, and turned around to kill these three people first.

This wave of hearses can be said to be the biggest turning point in this game.

After Snake gained enough advantage, he suppressed the whole game and made G2 very uncomfortable.

Li Hao's Enchantress got the data of 7/2/5.

After watching the last game between GAM and TSM, everyone felt that the hero Enchantress was useless.

But after watching this game, everyone felt...

It's not that the enchantress is useless, but that the human being is useless.

At the end of the game in 32 minutes, Snake had won seven consecutive group stage matches and was firmly in Rio.

Li Hao returned to the backstage with his teammates. He took a thermos cup and drank some water from the water dispenser, then sat directly next to the water dispenser.

Following that, Gangzi also took water from a thermos cup and sat next to Li Hao.

Chris closed the door and arranged with a smile:

“There are three more games to come, so I’ll play with Lin Weixiang.”

Great intelligence and gestures indicate readiness.

In the next game, TSM plays against SKT.

SKT, who lost a game against Flash Wolves, obviously took TSM as the target to vent their anger.

At 33 minutes and 57 seconds, SKT destroyed TSM's last incisor tower. Peanut's 8/0/7 male gun was extremely violent.

Smeb brought out Galio in the top lane, and the effect was surprisingly good.

On Wolf's side in the bottom lane, he has selected the piano girl support that is rare in recent times. However, after Wolf's piano girl after level 6, it is obviously not comparable to the likes of Yalong.

After SKT defeated TSM, the Vietnamese taught G2 how to behave at seven o'clock in the evening.

G2 had the opportunity to push GAM away in one wave, but they were held back by GAM's Zed and Mantis.

After the others in GAM were resurrected, the Vietnamese completed a counter-wave.

The two sides played for 40 minutes, and the head-to-head ratio was 18-19, which was very anxious.

In the end, the victory was won by GAM.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Flash Wolves played against Snake.

The audience also discovered that the Snakes made substitution adjustments.

Obviously, after confirming his place in the semi-finals, Snake left the opportunity to perform to more people.

What surprised many Bayan viewers was that FW didn't even fight against Snake's second lineup!

In this game, Snake focused on the bottom lane.

In other words, they regard a rookie AD who has never played in the World Championship as their core.

LWX has been training hard at Snake for a long time, because he often stayed up late with Li Hao to rank, and he learned a lot and felt a lot.

Although he felt a little uncomfortable when he first entered the World Championship, after dedicating all his energy to the competition for about ten minutes, Lin Weixiang began to show off all the accumulation he had accumulated during this period.

In addition to his excellent strength, his cooperation with Liu Qingsong is also extremely tacit.

The duo of Betty, Snake, and Flash Wolves have never even played in a laning match.

At 28 minutes and 45 seconds, congratulations came from the LPL commentators again.

"Eight consecutive wins!"

"Snake won eight consecutive group matches!"

"The posture sword is still young, and this newcomer to AD is also very strong!"

"Indeed, I watched Lwx play in the spring regular season. At that time, he had good operations and dared to output, but he was a bit rough and would impulsively send out. In today's game, in addition to the operation being fine, he felt that he was also more mature. A lot, the progress is pretty obvious.”

Miller smiled and said: "Have you noticed that the two newcomers Snake recruited in the spring game are actually very good!"

"I have to say that Snake is really good at poaching people!"


On May 15th, Snake's second lineup easily defeated GAM, completing a double kill against the Vietnamese.

After this game, Snake's group stage record reached 9 consecutive victories!

Locked in the first place in the group.

However, the second team did not win 10 consecutive games. They lost to SKT in the final game of the group stage.

At this point, the 2017 MSI group stage has been completed.


Good night, book friends, I'm currently coding the next chapter. The coding is too slow, so don't wait.

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