LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 194 The fiery Olympic Stadium!

Riot Games officials arranged buses, and members of the four teams were sent to the venue one after another.

"So many people!"

As soon as he got out of the car, Da Chongming let out an exclamation.

Zuo Wu patted his back, "It's normal, this is the Rio Olympic Stadium!"

"It's only the semi-finals now. If it were the finals, I'm afraid it would be even more crowded."

This is a truly huge venue that was built to host the Olympic Games and World Cup.

It was originally able to accommodate 45,000 seats, but was later increased to 60,000 seats.

After seeing the semi-final teams enter the stadium, a huge sound rose and fell in the venue.

"Damn, this atmosphere is so hot!"

Flandre was also surprised, "It feels no worse than last year's trip to North America."

Li Hao smiled and said: "Actually, it's not surprising. Look over there."

Following the direction of Li Hao's finger, Chris said, "That's Red Canids."

"The Brazilian team from the previous qualifying rounds actually came to watch the game!"

“Brazil’s CBLOL is also very popular in the country. The promotion of Riot Games is quite successful. There are also a lot of e-sports fans here, and the age range is wider. In addition, they already love such competitive events, and their enthusiasm is natural. It’s indispensable.”

Li Hao sorted out his backpack and said: "Compared to the Brazilian CBLOL League, the level of the Mid-Season Championship is definitely several notches higher. For local Brazilian e-sports fans, MSI is a game worth celebrating. Great event.”

Gangzi shrugged, "Although this is true, I really didn't expect so many people to watch the game."

Cuihua also nodded: "I didn't expect that when I came here to rehearse at the venue the day before yesterday, there were very few people. Today it is a completely different scene."

"This is just the Rio Olympic Stadium. If we can reach the Bird's Nest this season, there will be more people! It will be a bigger scene!"

After hearing Li Hao's words, everyone in Snake walking into the venue felt a little excited.

The mentality of the European kings is still very good. In front of the Snake team, you can see G2's Ah P interacting with the audience, as if this is his own show venue.

Liu Qingsong took a deep breath and saw that Li Hao was also greeting the audience calmly. He asked in a low voice:

"Brother Hao, there are so many spectators, are you really not nervous at all?"

"Why are you nervous? Even I'm not nervous." Flandre answered quickly.

The flower pot man poked his spine mercilessly: "Haha, when you got off the car, your legs were shaking."

Looking at Liu Qingsong's eagerness for knowledge, Li Hao prompted:

"This is the stage that many people with e-sports dreams yearn for. The entire league world will see your performance, and they will cheer for you and applaud you. This is the place of dreams, fame and fortune, and the stage for the gods. .”

"When the e-sports culture around the world blends together, if you want to leave something in the entire history of e-sports, then this is a great stage."

"Try to be excited and enjoy it."

Looking at the calm smile on Li Hao's face, everyone felt their own feelings.

Although that is said, how many people can actually do it?

Maybe, this is Mr. Big Scene.

Zuo Wu and Chris were excited and couldn't hide the smiles on their faces.

I have General Wolfberry, so why worry about the Snake Team not being prosperous?

"ladies and gentlemen!"

The host at the scene shouted at the top of his voice: "Welcome to the Rio Olympic Stadium!!"


Accompanied by the host's rich voice, a huge white wave of air burst out from the stage! A flame pillar several meters high also burst into flames!

"The 2017 MSI semi-finals have officially begun!"

“First of all, let us welcome the top team in the MSI group—Snake~~!!!”

Everyone in Snake controlled their expressions and entered the center stage. Along with their steps, the host's voice kept coming:

"Snake from the LPL is known as the most venomous snake in this world championship! They are the champions of the S6 Global Finals. They have the most powerful top laner in the LPL, a jungler that perfectly matches the team, and a bottom lane that can take on various tactics. The duo also has the number one player in the current league rankings, The~King~!!!”

The Rio Olympic Stadium was in an uproar. The spectators were very proud, their voices rose and fell, and cheers resounded in the sky. Even the passing seagulls were so shaken by the sound that they flapped their wings.

Snake is no longer an unknown person, it is already a team renowned throughout the league!

Next, the host invited SKT, G2 and FW to the stage one by one in order.

The opening ceremony didn't take too long, and the official competition started immediately.

At three o'clock in the afternoon on May 20th, and two o'clock in the morning BJ time, the first place in the MSI group played against the fourth place in the group.

Snake versus FW!

The players sat on the player seats, and exciting background sounds were already playing.

"Welcome everyone to watch the MSI semi-finals, our Snake team is already on stage!"

"Today against FW, I believe Snake will win."

Before Colonel Guan finished speaking, Wang Duoduo on the side rushed to speak:

"I will definitely not be careless and fight with all my strength."

The long-haired one on the other end laughed and said: "Colonel, please stop breastfeeding today. Look at the barrage. How many people are saying they want to kill you, haha."

"I was stunned when SKT and FW played in the last game. You and Joker were saying one word after another, and Flash Wolves defeated SKT with a backhand."

Colonel Guan looked innocent: "What a shame. I was just about to say that when facing FW, I believe Snake will be cautious. After all, Flash Wolves are a team with a strong edge. If they hit their upper limit, they can completely overthrow a top team." Team."

"The misunderstanding is resolved."

"It turns out that this is what Guan Gou wants to say. He draws his sword and looks around at a loss."

"FW: I thank you eight generations of ancestors."

"Come on Snake! Brother Wolfberry and Holy Spear Crystal are all here for me!"


Although it was early in the morning, there were really many true fans.

In the middle of the night, the barrages were also dense.

Soon, as the players finished debugging the equipment, BP's background music immediately started playing.

In the first game, Snake is on the blue side and FW is on the red side.

Snake defeated the Green God with his first hand, and Lightning Wolf defeated Lulu.

Snake then defeated Kenan and Zyra with both hands.

The last two moves of FW were to take down Victor and Galio.

"Snake grabbed Ice in the first hand on the blue side. This is the hero that Crystal Brother used the most in this MSI. Because of TheKing, FW's ban position on the red side is obviously not enough. They took it from them in the first hand. Lulu can tell that Flash Wolf really wants to overthrow the current stronger dual-shield system, but Fan Mom is still out there."

"If nothing unexpected happens in FW, Varus should be selected for Betty. In addition to being consistent with the version, Betty's three best AD heroes are Ice, Lucian and Varus."

"If we follow this system, both sides should choose a more conventional lineup."

Wang Duoduo smiled and said: "I think this is beneficial to Snake."

On the first floor of FW, I didn’t play any tricks and chose Varus directly.

On the second floor, take down the jungle spider.

Colonel Guan immediately analyzed: "In this game, the ADs on both sides were selected relatively early. Karsa selected Spider on the second floor. If FW has an offensive top laner in the back hand, I feel that it may be targeting Snake's top lane. .”

"Snake chose the Blind Sin on the second floor, and Malzahar on the third floor."

"Malzahar should be used by Liu Qingsong as a support. Snake still insists on suppressing the bottom lane, and his tactics are obviously close to the bottom half."

"Do you want to choose Fan Mom on the third floor of Flash Wolf?"

"After replacing it, we still locked Tahm Kench. Tahm Kench was selected to have a restraining effect on Malzahar. Snake's hard control is very strong."

"Next, it can be predicted that TheKing will use a roaming support mid laner to directly attack the FW bottom lane and see how the two sides ban people with their last two hands."

"FW took down Rambo, Snake just took down the fish-man!"

"The idea is very clear. In the third hand, I took the auxiliary grasshopper. The Murloc cannot be given to MMD because there are no heroes to fight now."

"Flash Wolf mid laner heroes can't be banned, because The King now has a lot of heroes to take. If you Ban Flash Wolf top laner, then we will ban together. Anyway, the hero pool of Holy Spear Brother is deeper than Mimi Egg."

"FW took down Kled with one last move, and Snake took down Sword Queen."

In the LPL commentary box, the three commentators spoke to each other.

Then, Flash Wolves selected top laner Shen on the fourth floor.

Snake responded by selecting a wine barrel.

The progress of BP to this point already means that the two sides no longer compete for points, but have to play more as a team.

"The King's last move, how do you get it?"



Wang Duoduo echoed: "Now the most offensive point is to use the Enchantress. When taking out other heroes, none is as fierce as the Enchantress. Moreover, this is also the hero who can give the greatest help to teammates now."

"The King can actually choose a C position like Clockwork, but he probably wants to take the lead in rhythm."

Colonel Guan made a more conservative analysis: "Yes, Snake must play the rhythm this time, because the current main C position of this lineup is Han Bing. Although Brother Crystal is good at the hero Han Bing, her carry ability is always not as good as the big one." The mouth and policewoman are more functional."

"Lightning Wolf is locked on the fifth floor. It is indeed a wandering mage!"

Changmao touched his beard and said with a deep expression, "In the entire Msi, Ryze is almost always chosen to fight the enchantress."

"Although Snake made the first choice, there is something that must be emphasized again."

"The enchantress Maple faces is controlled by The King!"

On top of the Flash Wolf players, Maple took a deep breath.

When the barbecued pork coach left, he patted Ma Bao on the shoulder.

Although the future belongs to Maple, he is facing The King now. After watching so many games in the group stage, it is almost impossible to say that Maple is not under any pressure.

Ma Bao nodded to the barbecued pork, and the latter left the contestants' box and shook hands with Chris on the stage.

Match loading interface added.

Snake lineup: Barrel, Blind Sin, Enchantress, Ice, Malzahar

FW lineup: Shen, Spider, Ryze, Varus, Tahm Kench

"Dear viewers, the first game of the MSI semi-finals has officially begun!"

At this time, whether it was Flash Wolf or Snake's team members, even through headphones, they could hear the huge cheers outside!

This is the passion from the Rio Olympic Stadium!

The hero entered Summoner's Canyon, and Li Hao went out to buy a corruption potion.

In this game, his summoner skills were still Teleport and Flash. Ryze was slightly nerfed in the last version, and his ability to push the lane in the early stage became worse. The level of the new version of Enchantress is slightly higher. Malicious Seal (Passive) + Shattering Orb (Q) will give Enchantress the right to push the lane in the early stage.

Flash Wolves chose this lineup just for the later stages.

Level 1, neither party is causing trouble.

FW revealed its intention at the beginning. The duo went to the blue zone to help Spider open the blue buff. If this was to help Karsa speed up the jungle rhythm, they would go out to do things in the early stage.

On Snake's side, Li Hao's Enchantress helps the blind monk drive F6.

Li Hao returned to the middle lane, took a look at the downward route, and immediately pinned a question mark near the blue buff on the opposite side.

"The opposite side should be Lan Kai."

"Xuanjun, please pay attention. Karsa must be faster than Zhanran. He can get the red buff in about 2 minutes and 20 seconds."


After reminding Flando, Li Hao himself also paid attention.

Kasra did this, more likely to catch himself.

If Flash Wolf wants to delay the game in the later stage, it must interrupt Snake's early rhythm. Enchantress's early wandering ability is stronger than Ryze's. Spider will come to cause trouble. Once it forms a chain control with Ryze, it will definitely be able to interrupt the first wave of Enchantress. Rhythm.

On the middle route, he and Mabao's Ryze were basically in peace.

Everyone's positioning is more cautious and does not give the opponent a chance.

At 2 minutes and 17 seconds, Li Hao calculated the time correctly, controlled the Enchantress to move closer to the river in the upper half of the area, and inserted his ward at the entrance of the opposite red area towards the river.

Maple also caught Enchantress's movement and immediately marked the signal near the river.

"There should be an eye inserted here."

"Karsa, Snake should know your movements."


Karsa responded, but after knocking out the red buff at 2 minutes and 34 seconds, he still tried to move towards the middle.

The main reason is that The King is very cunning. When Flash Wolf studies Snake's games, he often finds that The King likes to make fake eye insertion movements to confuse you and make you confused about the specific time of his eye insertion.

Karsa was wondering if this was another fake move.

However, after he got closer, the enchantress's body was obviously pulling back.

Karsa gave up and took another look at the top road. The barrel was in good condition and the position was not easy to grasp. He could only slow down his pace and go to F6.

The director showed the camera to the two-man lane, and the Flash Wolf grabbed level 2 and moved forward fiercely.

However, both Snakes have long hands after all.

After getting out of the way of the Flash Wolf's first wave of attacks, he hit a beautiful backhand.

Grasshopper threw Evil Star Illusion (E) on Tahm's head, and the ice arrows were slowed down. The two followed up with basic attacks, but knocked down Snake with half of his health.

Then, Snake both reached 2 in the bottom lane, and began to suppress the Flash Wolf.

The game lasted 4 minutes and 19 seconds, and the head ratio between the two sides was still 0-0.

At this time, the mid laner was both level 4, and Li Hao controlled the line of troops.

There is a wave of artillery soldiers on the middle line, and Ma Bao's position is a bit uncomfortable. The Enchantress stood in the center of the army line, close to the lower half of the area, pushing Ryze behind her own ranged soldiers.

At this time, Ryze was at least 1,500 yards away from the blue side's gun truck.

As long as Maple dares to attack, he will be consumed unless he has the confidence to avoid the phantom chain of the Enchantress.

At 4 minutes and 26 seconds, Enchantress took the initiative.

After all, Maple has full health and doesn't want to be squeezed out of the experience zone.

Therefore, on the big screen, you can see Enchantress and Ryze pulling each other through their movements.

Ryze's overload range is 1,000 yards, which is longer than Enchantress's chain.

In the Lightning Wolf player's box, Ma Bao held her breath and stared at the Enchantress's movements.

He knew very well in his heart that this was a solo contest with The King!

Seemingly sensing that the Enchantress was trying to pull her back, Maple pressed the Q skill.

A ball of pure energy charge was pushed out by the Wandering Mage. The Enchantress did not look back, but moved sideways to avoid it.

At this time, he closed the distance from the flank and threw his phantom chain towards Ryze.


The 925-yard chain was accurately locked on Ryze. Maple first pulled back, making a move to break the chain, and then suddenly turned back, wanting to close the distance and imprison the 615-yard rune!

It's a pity that LeBlanc didn't give Ryze a chance at all.

When Maple advances, she retreats.

The dog leash struck again with a 'bang', causing a second wave of damage.

Additional passive damage was also triggered, and with an additional 1.5 seconds of imprisonment time, the Enchantress threw out the Q skill, followed by thunder and basic attacks, and followed the Shadow Shadow to step on Ryze. While W moved over, she right-clicked. The opponent then immediately returns to the original position with the second W. At this time, he can still play the flat A.

Ryze's health bar dropped to less than half health in an instant!

"Maple suffered a big loss!"

"This wave of The King pinched Mommy's baby until it died, and Ryze was pulled numb!"

"Maple is too reluctant. He should have waited for Karsa to come over."

"With this amount of blood, I can't take any more troops!"

Backstage at the Flash Wolves, Coach Barbecued Pork couldn't help it anymore.

Did Maple drink fake wine?

You are a Ryze, what details do you need to fight with The King's Enchantress in the early stage!

Barbecue Pork can swear to God, he has never arranged such a tactic!


Good night, book friends, I'm currently coding the next chapter. The coding is too slow, so don't wait.

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