LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 200 What do I need the R key for? Horror game!

In version 7.10, the duration of Nocturne's ultimate move is 4 seconds.

To the audience, it was only a short 4 seconds, but to SKT's experience, it seemed particularly long.

It was daylight for others, but Wolf's screen was still dark.

Nocturne's first wave of rhythm resulted in first blood, which was a bad start for SKT.


Wawa said excitedly: "The King returned to the city and was captured by teleportation. Snake had already planned this wave. Everyone else, including the prince, acted in advance and were fully prepared for Nocturne's arrival. SKT was unable to react in time!"

"The mid laner Nocturne is considered a weird option by everyone, but"

Wang Duoduo changed his voice: "This hero's explosive power is already high. The King's development in the middle of the game was not restricted much. Now he has received first blood. As long as he has a big move later, it will be a nightmare for SKT's back row. !”


The three commentators are thinking about the next team battle.

After Snake killed the female gunner, he did not retreat immediately.

The midfielder cooperated with the duo to directly push a large wave of troops under the tower.

Varus could not hold the tower alone.

As soon as Bang retreats, Snake seizes the position. SKT will definitely be pushed away when facing the attack of Snake's four players on the next tower.

Can SKT replace Snake's tower now?

Obviously not.

This tower, in addition to the economy, is also closely related to the survival of Varus and the female gun.

Once pushed, it will leave Nocturne with a very long pursuit distance, and it will really become a cash machine.

On SKT's side, Little Peanut is heading down the road. .

"Jinghao!" Faker shouted.

Smeb responded: "I'm coming!"

Shen took a step back.

The secret! Mercy saves the soul (R).

Smeb has teleportation, but he chooses to use his ultimate move.

Nocturne's ultimate move just now made Smeb feel it. Nocturne struck first, and most of the effect of his ultimate move was wasted.

When this wave comes to support the bottom lane, Rambo will definitely push the lane, and he can also TP to the lane later.

After all, you have to lose something, so I can only say that you should try to lose as little as possible.

Shen and Spider arrived one after another, SKT secured the bottom tower, and the three of them shared the bottom lane.

Brother Holy Gun started the arson feast and pushed the line decisively.

Snake stopped as soon as he was ready, the prince went to the river to eat crabs, and Li Hao returned to the middle.

The big devil pushed the line of troops over, and after Nocturne equipped it, the line clearing speed was really not slow.

Q first and then A, so that A can get the AD bonus of Q skill when using passive energy.

The big devil took advantage of Li Hao's last strike and stepped forward to QEQ.

Li Hao moved to avoid a Q skill.

Ryze raised his hand W, and Nocturne raised his shield to block Rune Imprisonment.

Under normal circumstances, the casting ranges of Ryze's W and E are the same, so it is difficult to block the Imprisonment during Ryze's combo.

However, Li Hao's reaction ability at this time was amazing.

Ryze's Spell Surge (E) shoots a ball of pure magical energy, which is obviously different from W's starting action.

And if Ryze releases E first, the damage of Q will become higher, and the imprisonment time of W will also change from 0.75 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

For someone as calculating as Guapi, he would probably put E first.

Unfortunately, the Rune Imprisonment was blocked, causing the next Q skill that went straight past to be avoided by moving away.

Faker chased A twice with basic attacks, but even Storm Rider's surge was not triggered.

In the SKT player box, looking at Nocturne who had taken the corruption potion, Guapi's eyelids twitched and he was filled with curses.

Axi, wolfberry is really difficult to deal with.

There is no harm without comparison.

For example, in the last round against Ah P, although Faker's statistics against him were a bit unsightly, he still taught Ah P online. The opponent Jace made a fierce attack, but was easily repelled by his snake girl.

Ah P was very reckless. After impulsively killing him, he relied on luck.

However, the wolfberry opposite is also an old silver coin who is calculating and calculating.

Guapi already knew this.

After all, Wolfberry didn’t pay for the soju that stupid chicken bought.

In Geneva, everyone is the same kind of person!

The word 'lifelong enemy' flashed through the mind of the great devil.

The next wave of soldiers in the middle lane came online. Smeb in the bottom lane immediately teleported online after returning to the city. The resurrected Wolf took advantage of the Snake duo to return to the city and inserted his eyes into Snake's blue zone.

It also eliminated Liu Qingsong's real eye inserted in the river.

At 7 minutes and 33 seconds, Cuihua circled the river in the upper half and made a hit.

When the Prince's EQ second company came over, the Big Devil directly opened the winding path jump (R) in the direction of his own jungle area.

Cuihua wanted to press R, but stopped.

Nocturne's ultimate move didn't turn well, Ryze's ultimate move was decisive, and he couldn't be killed in this wave.

Standing on his own winding path, before being teleported away, the big devil also hit QEQ on Cuihua.

The big devil escaped successfully, but Cuihua did not give up. At 8 minutes and 03 seconds, the prince caught her again!

EQ2 connection is shattered!

After the prince's basic attack, Ryze in front of the defense tower was close to half health.

Faker stood on the edge of the prince's ultimate move, and a black shadow trail appeared under his feet. This is Nocturne's skill.

He once again threw his control skills to Nocturne. To Faker's shock, Nocturne's W accurately confiscated his W.

"——I feel your fear!"

Silent Fear (E).

Nocturne implanted the nightmare into Ryze's brain, and the purple power from his hands continued to cause damage.

The subsequent effect of the E skill is that if Ryze has not left the range of the skill after the duration ends, he will be feared.


With almost no hesitation, the Demon King handed over Flash.

At the Snake player table, Li Hao was slightly disappointed.

If Faker were slower, he would definitely die in this wave.

Nocturne's W blocks Ryze's skill and can gain a double passive attack speed bonus that lasts for 5 seconds.

In other words, the attack speed bonus can reach 70%.

Coupled with the acceleration and 1.5 seconds of fear provided by the E skill, this wave can completely kill Faker.

After the fear effect came out, it was too late for Faker to cross-dodge, because Li Hao also had a flash in his hand.

"The prince uses his ultimate move for Ryze's flash, big profit!"

"Haha, the prince's ultimate skill is good in 2 minutes. Ryze needs five minutes, which is enough for Cuihua to catch him twice. Faker feels uncomfortable now."


Faker cut the screen and glanced at Peanut. The spider ate the Demon Swamp Frog and was about to go to the top to cause trouble for Rambo.

After all, this Rambo doesn't flash.

But on the road, not only did Flandre have vision, but the prince also helped make eyes. Flandre discovered the spider as soon as it came.

However, Flandre is also very scheming.

He first pretended not to see Little Peanut, tricking Little Peanut into continuing to move forward and wasting his time.

When the spider seemed to be in a dangerous position, Rambo turned on the broken shield and sped away.

Peanut thought the triangle grass had eyes, but when he scanned it, nothing was found. Only then did he realize that Rambo had tricked him.

Wolf cautioned:

"Peanut, come to the lower half. This Nocturne ultimate will be ready again soon."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Little Peanut is also very aware of the current situation.

The next wave of rhythm is very critical. If the bottom lane is attacked again, Snake will gain momentum.

"This Rambo is very stubborn. Snake is just waiting for Nocturne's rhythm."

Smeb added: "My ultimate move still has more than 50 seconds to cool down. If you notice anything unusual later, tell me directly and I will activate it as soon as possible."

"Nocturne strikes first, and my ultimate move loses its effect."

Faker also nodded and said: "We are holding back. We can accept a little economic loss now. Just don't let them snowball quickly."

"The ward in the bottom lane has been eliminated by Zyra, and the cooldown of this Hanbing's E skill is still 8 seconds."

Wolf added: "Bang's development is pretty good and he is not lagging behind Han Bing."

"Nocturne only has one kill. If we maintain this rhythm for ten minutes, we will be much more stable."

At 10 seconds, Snake started to push the lane.

The SKT duo immediately retreated, and Smeb kept an eye on the bottom lane position.

"Nocturne is gone!"

The big devil hurriedly reminded.

The ice eagle shot into the sky towards the stone monster and accurately found the spider's location.

"The prince is also on the bottom lane, they want to fight Xiaolong."

"Nocturne R is ready, don't answer it!"

"An earth dragon, give in!"

SKT was very decisive. Taking advantage of Snake to defeat the dragon, they steadily developed again.

The big devil cleared the line of troops and immediately moved to the bottom lane.

This is an early action. If Snake captures the dragon after defeating it, he will be able to support him immediately.

Bang controlled Varus and tried to grab it with Q, but failed to grab it.

He wasn't worried about Nocturne coming right over, because he had both moves in hand, and the spider and the female gun were by his side.

The field of vision near the river in the bottom lane was cleared by Snake, and SKT failed to grasp their movements at the first time.

"Do you want to fight or not? I'm done with TP!" Flandre asked.

Gangzi immediately said:

"We can't fight. There are people on the other side, so we'll suffer a loss if we force this attack."

Li Hao responded: "No fight, wait for another wave."

"Cuihua, you go up first."

"Pass through our wild area, don't let them see you."


"It's okay to capture Shen. Smeb can still be killed even if he doesn't have flesh."


"A dry head is useless, this wave will disrupt their rhythm."

"Gangzi, look at my signal, you go down the road and give R."


On the big screen, the prince was rushing towards the road.

Flandre inserted her real eye into the triangle grass to ensure that there was no SKT vision there.

After the prince was in place, Li Hao was very strong in the middle and cleared another wave of lanes.

Because the big devil didn't flash, he didn't dare to stand too far forward.

The prince cooperates with Nocturne, and now killing him is as easy as eating and drinking.

As long as Nocturne doesn't use his ultimate, he will always have his ultimate and will always be a huge threat.

At 9 minutes and 39 seconds, Nocturne moved to the bottom lane.


"Go away!"

"Nocturne, Nocturne!"

SKT kept pinging signals in the lower river, and the team's voice was also Nocturne, which made them very nervous.

Varus and the female gunman moved back, while Hanbing and Zyra moved forward to suppress them. Snake was bound to be captured no matter what.

"Brother Crystal, give it R!"

"Magic crystal arrows shoot at Varus!"

"This trajectory is very positive!"

On the road, Rambo suddenly moved forward to attack Shen.

Smeb cuts the screen to the bottom lane, and everyone in SKT, including him, can imagine what will happen next.

Nocturne is turning off the lights!

Ice shot Varus, Nocturne killed, Prince EQ 2 connected with R, and the bottom lane exploded.

This is Snake's script.

Of course, Smeb would never allow it!

Bang, let me save you!


The secret! Mercy saves the soul!

Smeb was too determined to care about Rambo's output.

This time, he succeeded and pressed the R key!

"Smeb's ultimate support!"

"The magic crystal arrow is here, flash!"

"Bang dodge and dodge!"


"Snake this."

Wang Duoduo laughed out loud and said: "The King has no intention of joining at all!"

"The moment he used his ultimate move cautiously, Nocturne was already heading towards the middle."

"Haha." The doll said with a big smile, "Snake's shot was completely false. The prince secretly infiltrated Chen Cang and is already on his way."

"Smeb was probably afraid that he wouldn't be able to hand it over later, so he gave it R in advance."

"Thunder, little rain."

"Suffering a big blow, SKT has been fooled!"

The LPL commentators are a happy bunch, and the stick commentators over there are squeaking and squeaking.

On the court, the SKT players also felt something bad.

They want to push forward on the bottom lane with their backhand.

However, because the army line has been pushed over by the Snake duo, by the time the next wave of soldiers comes over, Rambo may have already finished pushing the tower and teleported to the bottom lane.

"The first-blood tower was taken by Snake!"

"This rhythm is beautiful!"

"The prince gives in to the economy. This money is very important to Rambo. Brother Holy Spear didn't use the rocket belt this time. He went straight to the big mask. It seems that he intends to maximize the damage."


Audiences from all major competition areas were watching this round of finals. They thought that after this wave, the pace would slow down slightly.

However, Snake did not want to give SKT a chance to breathe. After gaining the advantage, they directly launched the next wave of powerful offensive.

11 minutes and 34 seconds.

Han Bing's E skill shoots along the triangle grass towards the wild area.

The prince and Nocturne arrived first, and after returning to the city, Flandre directly TPed to the bottom lane.

All of a sudden, Snake's five people gathered together!

SKT noticed a little bit, and the bottom duo immediately retreated. The Big Devil made a winding path and jumped, leading the spider towards the bottom lane.

Although SKT reacted quickly, Snake acted faster.

After a sound similar to muffled thunder, the screens of everyone in SKT went black and their field of vision plummeted.

Nocturne turns off the lights!

"——The light has disappeared!!"

There were many demonic shadows, and as the Prince's EQ Second Company advanced into the tower, Rambo let out a strange laugh of "hiahia~" and launched his ultimate move into the defense tower.

When the monster flew towards him, Bang shot out the Corruption Chain with his backhand.

However, the demonic shadow flying in the air opened the dark shelter and confiscated the chain.

RQA, without any extra moves, the Shadow Blade tore Varus to pieces on the spot!

The female gun felt speechless fear, Nocturne activated Youmeng with a 'ding' sound, and double accelerated to face Wolf.

The female gunman, who had been crippled by the prince and Rambo, was steadily sending her own heads away.

When the lights were turned on again, SKT had two more corpses in the bottom lane.

Little Peanut came to the bottom lane. Apart from releasing a self-destructing spider from a distance, he did not dare to approach the crowd on Snake's side.

Snake easily destroyed the bottom tower.

Because everyone was in good condition, they headed directly towards the second tower of SKT's bottom lane.

The remaining three players of SKT wanted to defend, but the little peanut was tied up by Liu Qingsong's flash and E.

The prince's EQ second combo combined with Zyra's ultimate move, and the spider ate a whole set of combos.

Nocturne and Rambo were damaged, and Ice's basic attack took the kill.

Because Zyra's ultimate attack divided the battlefield, Shen and Ryze were both forced back.

By the time the SKT duo was resurrected, the second tower in the bottom lane was already in danger.

The prince pushed against the defense tower, but was mocked by Shen.

Varus and Ryze dealt with the damage, and Gangzi healed him, saving the prince, and then beat the female gun to a pulp with his backhand.

There were no kills in this wave, but SKT's second tower in the bottom lane was pushed down.

Everyone in SKT felt a little heavy, and the situation was obviously not right.

From God's perspective, Snake's economic lead at this time has reached more than 3,000 yuan.

The vision disadvantage caused by the loss of the defensive tower made SKT feel suffocated.

Especially for Wolf and Bang, it would be a scary game for such a fat Nocturne to disappear from sight!

At 15 minutes and 34 seconds, Peanut and Smeb finally destroyed Snake's upper tower.

However, everyone's screen went dark!

It's dark again!

"Who was shot!?"

"Who was shot!?"

"It's Brother Xianghe!" Little Peanut looked at the screen and screamed.

The prince flashed through F6, and EQ's second company forced Ryze to flash.

The moment the prince covered the pot, Nocturne turned off the lights and flew over almost at the same time.

The big devil hurriedly launched his ultimate move. It only took 2 seconds, but it was such a long time for the big devil.

After all, Ryze failed to teleport out. With Nocturne's W blocking Ryze's W skill, the Big Demon King failed to draw out his own shield, and the idea of ​​controlling Nocturne and escaping was in vain.

The exaggerated attack speed combined with the high amount of AD hit Ryze with a knife to the flesh.


Nocturne has gone berserk!

The Snake duo arrived, and the first tower, which was already low on health, was pushed down!

Shen went R from the top lane to Varus, and SKT wanted to defend the second tower.

However, Hanbing shot the female spear with an arrow.

Snake took the lead and killed Wolf instantly at the second tower. Rambo TP went to the middle to protect the minions, although Bang killed the prince carrying the tower with one arrow at his limit.

However, SKT's second tower is gone again.

18 minutes and 34 seconds.

Li Hao's equipment is Minglang, Youmeng, Curtain Blade, and Last Whisper (increased attack power by 10, 35% additional armor penetration).

At this time, including CD reduction, it takes more than 90 seconds for a big move.

At the beginning of 19 minutes, Nocturne turned off the lights again.

Lots of ghosts!

The female gun illuminated by Nocturne's vision transformation in the middle almost instantly turned into gold coins.

The burst of Nocturne itself, coupled with the real damage provided by the current version of the Curtain Blade 'Night Raider', Wolf is like meat on the chopping board, whatever the devil can taste.

"I can't understand the harm at all!"

"SKT is very difficult to beat right now. With Nocturne catching a single, except for Smeb, everyone else will die within 3,000 yards!"

"The King's single player Nocturne really caught SKT off guard!"

21 minutes and 04 seconds.

Wolf is preparing to ward in the Dragon Pit.


At this time, a blue vision transformation appeared next to him.

Suddenly, Wolf's scalp exploded!


Wolf could swear that this was much faster than he could jerk off, it was an instant kill!

Gray screen, a corpse.

Nocturne only wished he didn't have a killing sword.

Smeb glanced at his R.

What do I need the R key for? So what if I have this R key?

At 23 minutes and 45 seconds, a famous scene occurred on the court.

Varus, who was passing by his red zone, was out of sight by Ice's E skill. Bang on the player bench shouted Nocturne!

Smeb ignored the defense of the tower and directly used his ultimate move on Varus.

Backstage, Kkoma covered his face.

No more eyes.

SKT has been completely disrupted.


People are still buying equipment at home!

"Horror game!"

"SKT is playing a horror game!"

"Smeb is really decisive. He is afraid that Demon Teng will fly over and kill Varus. Once Varus dies, the big dragon will be gone."

In the 26th minute, Snake took advantage of his vision and still won the baron.

The gap between the two sides was too big. In a highland team battle at 28 minutes, Nocturne rushed into the crowd, dropped Varus in seconds, and was knocked out of the Resurrection Armor.

SKT successfully guarded the body and finally killed this heinous guy.

However, in conjunction with the damage from the ice, Rambo hit the harvest and scored three kills!

A wave of 2 for 5, SKT was wiped out on the high ground.

Han Bing, Rambo and Prince advanced and bulldozed SKT Crystal.

Snake won the first game!


Good night, book friends, I'm currently reading the next chapter, so don't wait.

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