LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 299 Halla speaks the truth at the foot of the mountain. The crime of laziness! (2/2)

Chapter 299 Halla speaks the truth at the foot of the mountain. The crime of laziness! (twenty two)

Although it was only a regular season match, the Snakes players on the field were obviously disappointed after losing this crucial matchup.

Flandre slapped the table in anger, and Lin Weixiang slapped his thigh in frustration.

They have every chance to win RNG, and in the end it will all be a matter of a wave of team battles.

As the camera passes over them, everyone can feel their loss.

"Uzi has returned, but it's a pity that Brother Hao's return date has not yet been determined."

"Snake's players have played very well, but they still lack that stable carry point at the last moment."

"Oh, another day of missing Brother Hao."


Snakes fans continue to discuss and are worried about the future of the team.

Backstage, Li Hao could also feel the emotions of Flandre and the others.

However, he doesn't think this is a bad thing.

After experiencing more baptisms, talents will grow faster.

At Snake's table, Uzi, Tiger God and others were very happy.

After all, it was really the first time in the past few seasons that he took the initiative to shake hands with the Snake players.

After the game, Uzi was pulled to the scene for an interview.

When the RNG players returned to the backstage, they met Li Hao standing at the door.

The others said hello and returned to the backstage, while the Great Tiger God walked over with a smile on his face.

"Brother Hao, when can you appear?"

"When you are here, I have a headache. When you are not here, I miss you a little bit."

As he spoke, the big tiger god smiled, revealing two neat rows of front teeth.

Li Hao glanced at him sideways.

"You brat, you're full of lies."

"Will you miss me?"

"It's absolutely true, Brother Hao!"

"It's still early for me to debut, at least until the playoffs, which is a month away."

"I can't tell you exactly what will happen."

As if feeling some frustration in Li Hao's words, Xiaohu took another step closer and said:

"Uzi's injuries are much less serious than yours, but he also suffered a lot this time."

"Brother Hao, it's really not easy for you."

In the eyes of the great tiger god, Li Hao probably won't be able to play this season.

Although Li Hao's knowledge of this version is terrifying, he even predicted the Three Eastern Heroes in advance and saw something very deep.

However, I haven’t played a game for such a long time.

It is said that I only do a little basic training, and then some unreliable "meditation".

Even if the injuries are all healed, he may not be able to adapt to the rhythm of the game by then.

It is completely impossible to return to the peak form of the 2017 season.

The Big Tiger God was wandering around when he suddenly saw Li Hao's expression in front of him suddenly turned serious.

After that, he came over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Xiaohu, the future is yours."

This was not the first time Xiaohu had heard this sentence. It could be said that it had been played on loop for several springs and summers, but this time, he really heard it and felt it in his heart.

With the departure of Li Hao, a powerful opponent, in the middle of the 2018 season, his giant tiger stomped his feet, making river crabs tremble.

After chatting with Li Hao for a few more words, the Tiger God returned to his backstage excited.

After interviewing Uzi, the official LPL reporters also interviewed Snake backstage, and they pointed the microphone at Zuo Wu.

Reporter: "Manager Zuo, two-thirds of the Spring Split schedule has been completed. What plans will Snake have next?"

Zuo Wu: "We will continue to implement this season's plan, and the amount of training will increase in the future. In the next round of the Western Conference competition, we will try our best to get more points, ensure a playoff spot, and strive to move up the rankings. .”

Reporter: "How do you evaluate the performance of the players on the court?"

Zuo Wu said firmly: "They are the best, and everyone performed very well. I also hope that the fans will have more understanding of the players who are adjusting. They work harder than last season!"

Then, the reporter asked another sharp topic:

"What preparations does Snake Club have now to achieve three consecutive championships in the 2018 season?"

If he had been asked this question two months ago, Zuo Wu would have patted his chest and said, our goal is to win three consecutive championships!

Now, he no longer has that confidence.

In the era of the three heroes of the LPL and the three Ks of the LCK, Snake's road to three consecutive championships this season is almost impossible to achieve.

It's even a bit ironic to bring this topic up now.

The enthusiasm for discussion on Snake's dynasty this season in major forums has long been extinguished.

Zuo Wu frowned slightly, and then responded with powerful words:

"Three consecutive championships is still our goal and will always be until the final results of the 2018 season are known!"


Zuo Wu continued to speak forcefully:

"Snake is still waiting for Brother Hao to come back. We haven't reached our peak yet."

"It sounds incredible, like a miracle."

"But Brother Hao has always been a miracle worker."

"We always believe in him!"

Thinking of Snake's current predicament, Ezuo Guriro seemed a little unwilling, and he recalled:

"I will never forget Brother Hao's performance in the last two seasons, which was like a god."

"We have faced many difficulties together. He is very strong and is not knocked down so easily!"

The reporters responsible for the interview were all shocked by Zuo Wu's momentum.

Saying this now will not only arouse some unfriendly public opinions, but will also most likely be slapped in the face in the future.

However, Zuo Wu still said it.

Li Hao also saw Zuo Wu being interviewed.

Something touched him inside.

"Lao Zuo, there's no need to force it."

When Zuo Wu came back, Li Hao comforted him.

Jiangzuo Wulang sighed deeply by the door, "Brother Hao, I'm just a little unconvinced."

"Especially at a time like this, it's really frustrating to see some people gloating about others' misfortune."

"Did they dare to be arrogant when they faced us last season?"

"Taking advantage of this moment to attack our players has caused public pressure. They have suffered a lot. They have really suffered a lot during this period."

Li Hao patted him on the shoulder:

"Lao Zuo, you can't control someone else's mouth."


Li Hao squinted his eyes slightly:

"This 2018 season has only just begun."

Look at his expression and listen to his tone.

Jiangzuo Wulang felt a little excited all over, feeling that Li Hao looked a little familiar.

For a moment.

He even felt.

Brother Hao, who was at his peak in 2017, seems to be back again.

Somehow, Zuo Wu felt that his throat was dry and his heart was beating rapidly.

In the evening, Snake and everyone returned to the base.

Although there is no competition tomorrow, Flandre and others did not rest.

As soon as they came back, they went straight into the training room without being reminded.

Zuo Wu and Chris sat together at the round table in the lobby on the second floor.

He told Chris some details of what happened today.

Chris frowned and said:

"I know Brother Hao very well. Although he looks gentle on the surface, he is actually a very strong person who pursues perfection."

"Three consecutive championship dynasties is definitely his dream."

"This can be seen from how easily he agreed to Boss Snake's condition to stay in the team."

"Being injured at such a critical moment was a big blow to us, but it must have been a bigger blow to him. During this time, I often saw him touching the keyboard and could feel that desire."

"I believe that he himself must not have given up."

Zuo Wu nodded, "I know everything you said, but I really have a strange feeling today."

"Brother Hao is a cautious person. He won't make empty promises at will. After being together for such a long time, I can feel different things from some of his emotions."

"He seems to have confidence in himself for this 2018 season."

Zuo Wu was surprised and said: "He is looking forward to it, even a little excited!"

"Chris, do you think this is possible?"

"Or, this is just my delusion."


Chris didn't know how to answer.

When they fell into silence, the ice cream that was originally lying on the sofa suddenly jumped on the round table.

And made a cry of "Miao Miao Miao~".

If this was a little fox, maybe Chris and Zuo Wu could think of strange associations like "Da Chu Xing, King Chen Sheng".

On March 19, the eighth week of competition officially began. This was already the second round of competition in the same group.

The current version has reached 8.4.

The 140th hero of the alliance, Kai'Sa, Daughter of the Void, has officially landed and joined the Edici Alliance.

The powerful swift footwork has been chopped off, and other equipment and heroes have been slightly repaired. For example, the passive health threshold of the now popular Zealot has been raised to 3,000 points.

Tonight, the only game in the Western Conference is WE versus FPX.

Snake's next round of competition with EDG will be on March 21st.

Li Hao took some time off and made a phone call with Li Guapi of LCK.

SKT and Snake had similar fates, and everyone fell into a trough.

Li Hao also watched the recent SKT game.

Guapi is quite miserable, a bunch of fairy teammates.

Even Bang seems to be in trouble, let alone the new friends who joined SKT.

It is certain that the spirit of the SKT team is definitely not as good as the current Snake.

Flandre, Brother Nongmei and the others fought harder than Bang and the others.

"Guapi, SKT has been having a hard time lately."

"Hmph, so should you Snake."

Guapi, who was originally very depressed about the SKT club, felt much better for no reason when he said these words.

He is not alone in this season's misfortune. Li Hao is even more miserable, unable to play any games.

Having sympathy for each other gave Guapi a huge sense of psychological comfort.

Li Hao smiled and said:

"The competition in the LCK is very fierce now. If this continues, I feel that you will miss Msi this year."

"It's possible. We won't know until the playoffs are over."

"Maybe I still have a chance."

"But, Wolfberry, it seems you can't go to Msi."

"If I can play Msi and you are not here, when I am interviewed by Sjokz, I will definitely say that I miss Theking very much."

"I hope you can turn on the TV by then."


"Then I will watch the live broadcast at home this year to see if you can win the trophy in Paris."

Li Hao agreed, thinking that Guapi was now in a bad mood again. His performance was weak, but his speech was not timid. The changes this year were really quite big.

SKT Club, after finishing the phone call with Li Hao, Faker's short-term happiness passed.

He glanced towards the deepest part of the training room.

Bang was just like the previous few days, sitting in front of the screen in a daze.

Junzhi is "meditating" again.

Faker frowned. He had seen situations like this many times.

He had said it before, but Bang didn't change it.

Bang was not like this last season!

This guy is all to blame at Wolfberry.

After five kills of Vayne in that World Championship, Bang, who had a chance to take off on the incense burner, fell off the altar and became the background. In an instant, he was burdened with a lot of infamy in the LCK. The title of the world's number one AD actually fell to a On top of the mid laner.

Bang was defeated head-on, subjected to all kinds of random tricks, and suffered a huge blow.

During this period, when Faker was having a heart-to-heart talk with Bang, he successfully used Halla Mountain, which was sent by Li Hao through the hands of a stupid chicken, to trick out Bang's inner thoughts.

Bang said drunkenly: "I am under too much pressure. The audience pays so much attention to us. They all expect us to defeat Snake, but Snake is not so easy to defeat. You see, in the second half of 2017, We train so hard.”

"But what about the result? Didn't you lose to Snake? And in that way. Sang Hyuk, why do people like Wolfberry exist?"

"If I continue to live like a machine like this, I might die. How long can I live like this?"

"tons tons tons"

Bang took another mouthful of Halla Mountain and said, "Wolfberry has been talking about his meditation training, maybe it really works."

Li Guapi was thinking when he recalled the scene at that time.

Hallasan Mountain may relieve worries, or it may make people go to the other extreme.

Wolfberry’s training method is not something ordinary people can learn.

Li Guapi also tried it and felt that it was nonsense.

He was certain that Bang was not a "meditation" training at all.

Instead, he committed the sin of laziness.


In the SKT club, the big devil took another long breath.

Wolfberry was badly injured.

But my situation is also quite painful.

The Alliance's No. 1 machine went into the factory for repairs, but at least the people were still normal.

Machine No. 2 was more serious, and his brain seemed to be burned out.

At five o'clock in the afternoon on March 21, IG double-killed JDG and secured the top spot in the league.

There were very loud voices shouting for IG to cheer on.

This time, IG fans did not see any news about Principal Wang’s participation.

After all, JDG's current state is very good, and it is not comparable to VG's crane tail.

After playing VG, the ADC with a 100% win rate seemed to have retired honorably.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, EDG played against Snake.

Although EDG lost face in the great battle between the East and West, it is still the mainstay of the West.

We are quite expert in the Western Civil War.

In the first two games, Snake took the lead at the beginning. However, in the 46th minute of the second game, EDG overturned.

In the third game, Snake had a big problem in the first-level team. At the beginning, he gave his junior Ryze two kills.

This version of Baldhead, with Tears of the Goddess, can push lanes as fast as Rock Bird, and Angel can't play in the middle.

In the 31st minute, the youngster became EDG's real asset. Relying on his superb record, he directly led Guodian to score a valuable point.

Snake immediately made changes after losing to EDG.

Since the last time he participated in the commentary, Li Hao came to the stage for the second time.

This time, it’s as an assistant coach for the Snakes.

In the game against VG on the last match day of the eighth week, Li Hao made his "starting" appearance!

In the Snake player's seat, two BP coaches appeared.

This is completely in compliance with league regulations.

For example, the RNG team has already done this.

After Li Hao participated in BP, it did help to a certain extent.

However, it was Flandre and the others who really decided the outcome.

On March 25, Snake defeated VG 2:0.

Hou Ye, who was in very poor condition, was directly banned by VG and sent to the bench.

On March 27, Snake faced BLG.

This time, they defeated BLG 2:1. Through constant tactics targeting the bottom lane, they put a mask of pain on the Golden Horn and completed the first round of revenge.

More importantly, Snake now has 7 points and tied with WE.

In the next round, WE lost to EDG, and Snake defeated FPX, completing the longest three-game winning streak this season.

At the same time, after surpassing WE, their ranking reached third in the Western Conference.

Snake can already accept this position, and he won't suffer too much in the playoffs.

There was originally a chance to win second place in the Western Conference.

However, EDG lost to BLG and gave BLG one point.

The two teams scored one point over WE and OMG, which caused Snake to be stuck in third place in the Western Conference.

At the end of the season, Snake won five games in a row, and the team's spirit changed a lot. Although being complained about the Western Conference Civil War has no gold content, it is enough to make some Snakes fans feel happy.

Of course, the biggest focus of the LPL Spring Split is no longer on Snake.

The spring regular season is coming to an end.

On April 7, IG’s performance excited IG fans in Super Brand Mall.

"LGD lost!"

"2:0, that's great! Rookie and TheShy played so well!"

"18 consecutive wins!"

"If it hadn't been for losing to RNG in the first game of the Spring Split, IG would have won the entire season!"

IG used a big victory to put an exclamation mark on the end of this spring split.

After the game on April 8, the 2018 LPL spring regular season ended.

IG has 18 points, RW has 15 points, and RNG has 13 points.

This is a top-three finish in the Eastern Conference.

EDG, the top team in the Western Conference, only has 13 points, barely tied with RNG.

If this were placed in the Eastern Conference, we would definitely not be able to achieve such results.

So, this is the era of the three heroes in the East!

At Snake Base, everyone is training hard while planning for the playoffs.

It seemed like a normal day.

Li Hao was in the dormitory, staring at the bright spring scenery outside the window.

The sun shone in, making his face bathe in gold, as if he was reenacting the scene at the 2017 annual ceremony.

When he pushed open the window, Li Hao discovered it.

got windy.

PS: I’m a little older and too sleepy, so I’ll take a nap first and update in the evening.

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