LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 304 Can the old god not talk about martial ethics? ! (7.625K)

On the big screen, the red crystal turned into fragments, and the big "Defeat" made everyone in RW's eyes turn red.

Player Jin was stunned in his seat, and it wasn't until Xiaofu poked him when he left the player's seat that Doinb came to his senses.

At this moment, Doinb recalled the fear of being dominated in the 2017 season.

Steak was pacing back and forth in the backstage lounge, now more agitated than his hair.

Two hours ago, they were talking and laughing here.

No matter what small goal you set, it is to kill IG.

So what about two S championships? People have to look at the present moment.

A fallen phoenix is ​​worse than a chicken. They really didn't take Snake seriously before.

But who can withstand the current situation?

Steak recalled his career and coaching career. After all these years of experience in the league, he has never encountered a more incredible situation than today!

I have heard various rumors about Li Hao saving Team Snake before, but I only heard about it. There is a small probability that such an event will happen to me. Most people will not believe it until it actually happens.

Even at this moment, Steak wanted to shout in the background: Why!

Even if you are a "god" and you are injured and don't play for three months, you should get off the mountain when you encounter this situation, right?

You descended halfway up the mountain, giving us mountain climbers great hope, but after seeing us mountain climbers, you ended up flying back to the top of the mountain again.

Can the old god not talk about martial ethics?

Steak's playbook was placed on the table, and he was grabbing his hair with both hands.

In the first game, it can be explained by RW being careless and losing Jingzhou.

But this time, he was completely crushed by the opponent's rhythm. The top captain tactic he used was a common play style in the version, and it was also familiar to RW.

The rhythm of the midfielder is brought up, and the captain's ultimate support is used. The female policeman and female force demolish the tower to form an advantage, and the tower demolition quickly snowballs, and the system is visible to the naked eye.

As a result, the captain became the opponent's cash machine, and used the rhythm of the top lane to push RW's midfielder, which made the policewoman useless. In the end, she was unable to participate in the battle in the mid-term, and the economy collapsed.

Snake was like a masterful butcher, dismantling the core of their system into pieces.

Looking at it this way, Snake really understands their RW ​​tactics.

How to play the next game?

It's 0:2 now and I'm going home to fish soon.

Steak was hesitant. Before the RW players returned, he asked the team's data analysts for their opinions.

RW’s analyst wears a pair of thick glasses:

"Snake's rhythm basically revolves around the middle. Once The King is allowed to roam to support, the pressure on the side will be great. This involves a resource exchange. Doind can also roam at the same time, but his success rate of roaming is obvious. It’s lower than The King. In this regard, The King is almost unique.”

"S7 has a classic grasshopper tactic, which can contain the mid lane very well, but now the winning rate of the mid laner grasshopper is less than 40%, and it is too risky to use it against Snake."

"We can temporarily give up the late-stage curve and try to get a strong lineup in the early stage. After the mid-term advantage rolls in, we can use the first Baron Buff to end the game."

"Of course, we can also put more tendencies on Smlz."

Steak was lost in thought, weighing the pros and cons.

However, they really didn't care much as they came to the edge of the cliff.

Everyone in RW returned to the backstage. Steak and other members of the uniform team no longer cared about chicken soup. After a few words of encouragement, Steak quickly arranged the tactics for the next game.

After the third game started, RW, which had the priority to choose the side, chose the blue side.

Tactics can be formulated in advance, but some BPs always have variables, and it is impossible to follow their ideas completely.

Steak finally adopted a lineup used in the spring game.

RW: Big Bug, Mantis, Lulu, Big Mouth, Tam.

The option of mid laner Lulu is very unpopular in the current version. Only Doinb has used it in the entire spring split.

There are 4 games in total, and the winning rate is 100%.

This game number and winning rate data all come from Doinb!

It can be said that this is a set of trump cards that conforms to the RW system, and Smlz is their absolute core. In addition, this version of Big Mouth's combat effectiveness can be formed early, and the strength of the lineup is completely sufficient.

After Snake picked Jace in the last move on the red side, the lineup was also locked:

Jess, Pig Girl, Rock Bird, Cannon, and Female Tank.

The third game between RW and Snake officially begins.

What made the audience talk about it was that Snake's mid laner, Rock Bird, was directly locked on the first floor.

This is again the hero Doinb chose in the last game.

Combined with Ryze in the second game, many spectators laughed. Brother Wolfberry seemed to be revealing this message: I will play whatever you want.

Let me teach you how to play rock bird!

The momentum of instant selection on the first floor also puts invisible pressure on RW.

Aguang's previous captain became a breakthrough point. In this game, Steak wanted him to return to his old ways and take the big tree, but because Lulu was in the middle, he hesitated and wanted to make up for some AP damage, so he took out the big bug. .

However, after just watching the game for 3 minutes backstage, the steak couldn't hold it back!

When Jace came online, he first took advantage of his long hand to consume the big bug's health. At 3 minutes and 15 seconds, Flandre pursued forward and deceived the bug's Q skill. Jace moved back to avoid it, and followed up with a long-range bombardment. On the big bug.

With the help of the acceleration effect, Jess cut the hammer and jumped on the insect. A set of random cloak hammer techniques produced a terrifying burst, and A Guang's flash appeared directly in front of the defense tower!

The Snake fans at the scene also cheered, and Flandre became more and more confident as she played.

"Brother Holy Spear didn't dare to operate in the spring game. He was a little timid, but now everything has changed!"

"Haha, the situation is different. In the past, if you made a mistake, you might lose the game and take the blame, but now someone is taking the blame!"

"To be honest, if I had a mid laner like TheKing, I would be more promiscuous than Flandre."


A wave of successful suppression forced the insect to hand over his TP.

Steak regretted it on the spot, feeling that something was wrong with his BP again.

The big bug has been transferred online. If you play slowly, you still have a chance to stabilize. However, this is tantamount to giving Snake the opportunity to come to his door.

Lulu in Doinb's game is a tool. Li Hao knows exactly what RW wants to do.

The talent he brings is the unsealed secret book, which is exactly the same as Doinb's talent in the previous game.

Use the minion remover to match your own skills to push the line very quickly.

Steak wants Lulu to be a buff for Big Mouth, and also wants to put Li Hao in the middle, which is simply unrealistic.

The best of both worlds, I am afraid that I will wake up laughing even in my dreams.

As soon as the middle lane disappeared, Doinb hurriedly sent a signal.

Aguang felt extremely uncomfortable, but this cheered him up to the fullest, and he was very focused, staggering several waves of Snake's ganks in succession.

The steak in the background was frightening and made A Guang sweat.

At 6 minutes and 45 seconds, the steak, which had been on tenterhooks, finally screamed "good!"

Taking advantage of the time when the rock bird was wandering, Doinb pushed the lane and went home, using the ward position given by his own mantis to teleport to the bottom lane, and the four of them forced their way over the tower!

This wave of Xiaofu's mantis was charged under the tower. Lulu used a big move. The mantis with remaining health flashed out of the tower with an attack from the defense tower.

Knowing that he was going to die, Lin Weixiang flashed into the RW crowd and exchanged words with Mantis.

Big Mouth flashed into the tower to give chase, and took down the female tank's head.

Seeing that Big Mouth was about to be beaten to death by the defense tower, Killua flashed his savior, and Tam opened his big mouth and swallowed him, saving Smlz.

One for two, the Snake duo are all dead, and RW makes a lot of money!

Steak saw the upgraded special effects appearing on Big Mouth's body after pushing the line into the tower, and he was finally able to sit back on his seat safely.

Smlz's ability to make steaks is absolutely trustworthy.

Especially the hero Big Mouth, who had his name wiped out at the hands of Smlz.

In this spring split, every game that allowed the old thief Big Mouth to gain such an advantage in the early stage was won.

However, things are different now.

Just three minutes later, Steak panicked again.

Having gained the advantage, RW was more impatient than expected. Focusing on the first earth dragon, they started a team battle with Snake directly near the Xiaolong Pit.

9 minutes and 57 seconds.

I saw Yanque's ultimate move coming across from the entrance of the blue buff!

The timing is perfect and the angle is extremely tricky!

The wall curtain spreads out, cleverly passing through the river grass on the left side of Xiaolongkeng, forming a seamless angle with the wall where RW enters the river entrance from the red zone!

In Killua's surprised eyes, his Tam was pushed away by the wall curtain, and the connection with Big Mouth was instantly severed.

The little sparrow made a light sound and was already moving along the wall curtain at high speed.

The rock formation and rock formation were released towards the big mouth. Although Li Hao was knocked away by the big insect's subsequent Q skill, the old thief Sima was also carried to the stone formation by the rock formation!

Casa's pig girl Q flashes to control, and at the same time throws her ultimate move in the direction of Lulu.

Xiaopao jumped up and knocked off Big Mouth instantly. Xiaofu's mantis flew up and attacked the rock bird, beating Li Hao to a pulp.

Then, Li Hao flashed out first. He saw A Guang moving in his direction, obviously reaching the killing line of the big insect.

The two sides fought at the mouth of the river.

Li Hao lost his combat effectiveness due to his condition.

However, RW's main damage dealer, Big Mouth, died in battle.

Smlz only blew himself up in the last move.

Jess, who was perfectly developed in the early stage, completely tipped the balance in Snake's favor. The pig girl and the female tank's continuous control prevented Doinb from moving. Tam ate Lulu and saved Doinb's life, but Snake was chasing after him. Cannon and Jace all cut through the crowd.

Mantis and Aguang, who was covering the retreat of his teammates, were both left behind. Snake played 0 for 3 in one wave!

They did not choose to fight Xiaolong, but teamed up to push RW's middle tower, and then took down the Rift Herald.

A wave of rhythm, playing heartily!

The Snake fans at the scene were really excited!

"AD's development has overtaken it. Snake came back with a wave of attacks and now has a full advantage!"

Sika slapped her mouth: "If this continues, RW will be swept away!"

"Urgent, RW is too impatient!"

Sun Yalong kept commenting: "If they continue to operate, get Snake's next tower and then fight Xiaolong, the chance of winning this wave will be much higher, and they may not even need to fight in a team battle. Snake may be let go."

"RW has an advantage in the bottom lane, but Jess's development is obviously better than that of Big Bug."

"No matter how anxious you are, you should at least wait for Big Mouth's flash to improve. They believed too much in Tahm's protection. As a result, The King closed the door with a big move and cleverly separated the duo. RW was dumbfounded!"

"To be fair, there is a big problem with RW's mentality. If they had been as patient as in the regular season, the situation would not have become as bad as it is now."

"Being behind 0:2, it is understandable that the players are eager to win."

After all, they are the top three heroes in the Eastern Conference, so it would be too embarrassing for RW. Miller took care of the fans' emotions and continued to talk on the side:

"It's hard to predict this game. If RW adjusts in time, there is a chance."

The "ten-year-old fans" who have accompanied RW all the way from the Spring Split may be like Miller said, they are still waiting and watching.

If RW can make a comeback, these people will certainly be excited and moved.

If the crotch is lowered, it will not prevent a considerable number of people from instantly becoming ten-year-old Snake fans and ten-year-old IG fans.

After all, not everyone is so patient.

There are also true fans who never give up and hold up support cards to cheer for the home team. Unfortunately, this is destined to be a night of regret and frustration for RW true fans.

After the first tower was lost, Snake quickly used Rift Herald to destroy RW's second tower.

In RW's established tactics for this game, this situation was almost not considered.

Yanque, who was already fast at pushing the line, was completely liberated, and Smlz was crazily targeted by Li Hao.

As soon as the rock bird reached the bottom lane, the cannon jumped like a mad dog, and followed up with a cannon to blast away Tahm.

In five minutes, Smlz died three times in a row!

Although RW replaced Snake's mid lane and top defense towers, their lineup structure has been damaged.

Doinb's development can be said to be very good.

But, unfortunately, he is just Lulu.

No matter how sharp the sickle is, it is still a sickle. If it is not in the hands of Death, it cannot become the Doomsday Blade.

At 35 minutes and 12 seconds, Snake used the Baron Buff to break through RW's middle high ground.

When they moved to the road, Li Hao released his ultimate move to divide the battlefield. Lin Weixiang's small cannon gained a comfortable output space and relied on its own mechanism to quickly demolish the high ground tower on the road.

RW had no choice but to retreat, giving up the top crystal.

Snake didn't pay any price and captured two highlands almost without a fight.

When the game was about to reach the 38th minute, many big infantrymen had gathered on the RW high ground.

The big bug relied on its own openness to stand in front of Snake.

Aguang tried to predict Yanque's movement. Not only was Li Hao's Q skill's ground stab avoided by Li Hao's movement, but he himself was also lifted back by Yanque's rock protrusion.

Snake focused his fire directly, and the equipment gap was huge. The big bug's tankiness could not withstand it, and he was instantly disabled!

Doinb had no choice but to save Aguang for R, and the big insect flashed back to save his life.

Aguang hurried back to the spring to replenish supplies, but without his tank to support him in front, Snake rushed up and pulled out RW's incisor tower.

RW has no way out and can only give up and fight.

Smlz's eyes revealed anxiety. He pressed the mouse and keyboard frantically, and his big mouth was manipulated to the extreme, killing two Snakes in a row!

However, the Snake Team's eyes are only on the Crystal Hub.

At this time, it was useless for Smlz to get the head, and there was no way to prevent the Crystal Nexus from being shattered.

The second among the three heroes in the Eastern Conference, the second brother in the LPL, and the first-generation Rogue Five in the Spring Split.

RW, which surprised many people in the 2018 season, officially announced its farewell to the spring split.

Moreover, he was defeated by Snake in a sweeping manner!

Ba Hua looked very tired, and he couldn't help but sigh.

The floor of the World Championship seems like it will never be touched.

Doinb stared at his screen, resting his elbows on the table and holding his head in his hands.

In the 2017 Summer Split, he suffered so much pain during JDG's losing streak that he couldn't help crying after winning a victory.

However, my mood at this moment is even more broken than that time.

I had a sweet dream of spring, but it was shattered beautifully.

Failure on the verge of success is naturally unacceptable to a more "ambitious" player.

3:0, sweep.

This kind of vocabulary has been thought of by everyone in RW before the game.

What they intended to do to Snake ended up happening to them.

The Snake audience at the scene burst into loud cheers.

Compared with the silent RW fans, for Snakes fans today, it is a good rain after a long drought.

This round of playoffs is such a surprise!

During the spring regular season, they never had such extravagant hopes.

"Congratulations Snake!"

"Let's congratulate Snake!"

In the studio, Miller was shouting: "Snake's legend is not over! The King's legend is not over either. This is an incredible round of playoffs! We are witnessing another miracle!"

Sika said: "Snake's next game is in a week. They will compete with IG in the semi-finals in Hangzhou!"

"This is going to be a big collision!"

As an old IG member, Cube Dragon said solemnly:

"I have watched IG take off all the way this season. Their 18-game winning streak is very scary."

"However, it's hard for me to predict the outcome now. The King's return has given Snake a soul of its own. They still have a week to repair. If they can return to their peak state in 2017, even IG, which has won 18 consecutive games, will We face a tough battle!”

"Brother Hao, it's great to have you!"

"Brother Hao, I really can't live without you~~!"


Gunzi and Wolf Brother go one behind the other, just like singing a double act.

Li Hao smiled: "Don't be poor, everyone played well, and I didn't win the game alone."


Da Chongming said cheerfully: "The revenge of the regular season is finally avenged!"

"Indeed, if you think about the situation when the different groups were fighting against each other and now, it's like one day at a time." Master Tie also sighed with emotion.

"Calm down."

Li Hao's left and right hands hugged the shoulders of Holy Spear and Brother Wolf respectively, facing Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong: "Our playoffs have just begun."

The director's camera has been focusing on Snake's side, and of course the audience has also seen the situation here.

Seeing this harmonious celebration scene, the ten-year-old snake fans were very happy.

Familiar feeling.

Everyone, are back~!

When they lined up to RW to shake hands, the original Rogue Five were silent.

Aguang's smile of light also disappeared, Xiaofu and Doinb kept their heads down the whole time.

Smlz still had the indifferent face of an emperor, as if he didn't care about anything, but when Li Hao shook hands with him, he still looked at Li Hao's arm in a very real way.

Maybe it's not to see if the scars still exist, but the shock in my heart needs to find a place to resolve.

The only RW team member who raised his head and looked at Li Hao was Killua.

In 2017, Killua had just entered the league, and in January he joined Saozhu’s Whampoa Military Academy.

At that time, Snake won the championship in S6. It can be said that he entered the league listening to the legend of the ID "The King".

When we were at the YM team base, because Saozhu had a good relationship with Li Hao, we kept hearing about Li Hao's various deeds from his mouth.

The team coach usually uses the ID "TheKing" to encourage them as spiritual food.

For example, "One Thousand and One Nights at the Water Cooler", "Self-cultivation on the Bench", "From Kicking Over the Water Cooler to Opening Your Eyes to Seeing the World" and other inspirational stories.

Killua has been listening to the legend of Li Hao, and naturally regards him as his idol and goal.

Killua could have sworn it.

At this moment, he now has a new and profound understanding of "The King", a vague ID that originally existed in his mind.

This slap is unforgettable!

He has been immersed in RW's record and the praise of fans.

The three heroes of the Eastern Conference and the second brother of the LPL are the aura surrounding them all spring.

This is like a brand new era, like it belongs to them.

However, when this man returns, everything seems to be "dust to dust, dust to dust."

Maybe Killua only now understands why the man in front of him is called a "god"-like existence.

Li Hao noticed that Killua was staring at him, and then he was stunned.

He smiled.

It seems that this is another young man chasing his dreams.

For such a young man, the old god is never stingy.

And what about Killua?

He was awakened by Li Hao's smile.

Then, he felt his shoulder being tapped.

I heard that this man's left arm was injured, and the one who slapped his shoulder at this time happened to be his left hand.

Tsk tsk, I was slapped by the "Left Hand of God"

Killua thought a little bit.

For him, this was indeed a ritual.

However, before the man in front of him left, Killua heard incredible words again.

It’s not like: “Rookie, welcome to the alliance.”

Rather, it is a sincere and sincere message:

"The future is yours."

It was the first time he heard these words. Looking at Li Hao's back, Killua was inexplicably excited.

At the same time, he also had new senses about Li Hao.

For a newcomer like himself, the league's top strongman, he didn't hesitate to say such things!

This is something even his teammates have never said.

Killua took a closer look and became more and more shocked.

Perhaps, this is the magnanimity of the first person in the league.

On the stage of the Grand Plaza, everyone in Snake bowed to the audience and thanked them.

Many old snake fans applauded, and some socially awkward fans shouted "awesome" and other words.

When Li Hao was being interviewed, Aunt Yu Shuang's bright smile made the college students who were watching the live broadcast a little bit amused.

"Brother Hao, welcome back!"

Yu Shuang paused when he said this, and the audience applauded again.


Considering that the time was relatively late, Yu Shuang asked succinctly:

"How does Brother Hao feel after returning to the competition after more than three months?"

Li Hao smiled sincerely: "To be honest, I really miss everyone. Especially the fans who have been caring about me when I was off the game. I am really happy to be cared about by so many people."

Yu Shuang smiled again and asked: "Before the game, there are so many expectations for you. Are you worried that you will be too nervous and your performance will be affected?"

Li Hao thought for a while and then responded: "I am definitely worried. I don't want to disappoint the fans. After today's three games, I don't know how I performed. If the full score is 100 points, can everyone give me a score?" I'm quite satisfied with a score of 60, after all, this is my first show in 2018, and I'm just a new S8 player."

Yu Shuang laughed and interacted with the audience, asking everyone to rate it in the comments and comments.

Brother Wolfberry was in a good mood and was still acting cute. The audience responded enthusiastically:

[I give it a score of 93, and there are still 7 points left for Qi Jiang’s ID. Brother Wolfberry should go find Qi Jiang! 】

[I give it 100 points and send it in the form of 20 5s]

[Brother Hao, I am more strict. I will only give you 60 points now, and I will give you 40 points when you become a dynasty (tsundere)]

[Thermos cup: Give me a score too! Without me, his Wolfberry brother would have been finished long ago! 】

[Snake water dispenser: I have at least 100 points. I made a great contribution back then and withstood Brother Hao’s kick]

[Tank (sullen face): I hope you won’t forget me! 】

In the comment area, fans are very good at making pranks, and it has become the "Brother Hao Universe".

For example, a fan with the avatar of "Twisted Tree Spirit" has an ID called: Brother Hao is in EDG's Maokai

He spoke:

"Hey, I don't want to break up. Brother Hao can just come and see me when he has time."

Yu Shuang asked several more questions, such as the condition of the injury and the specific situation in the hospital.

Li Hao answered them all.

"Brother Hao, after you suffered such a serious injury and what you went through at that time, what were you thinking in your heart? Are you desperate?"


Li Hao looked sincere: "There must be a certain degree of despair in my heart. From last summer to the World Championships, I had a vague premonition that the injury would relapse. After accumulating for so long, I felt that I was going to be finished."

"However, when I think about the unfinished business, I am very unwilling to stop."

"In the past three months, my thoughts have undergone many changes, but I can be sure that I have never given up."

"I will fight until the end, keep my will, and then judge whether I have the ability to continue after my true return. I want to thank myself for working hard. The strong muscle memory keeps me from being rusty, and the team helps me. It was also big and I successfully recovered.”

Many viewers were sighing, admiring Brother Wolfberry's will and admiring this miracle.

They all have a strong desire to express themselves now, and they keep sharing things about Li Hao, as if they feel something from Li Hao.

Even such a different kind of stubbornness has affected them.

Some people in difficult situations also received a little inspiration.

Because when Yu Shuang asked about this topic, Brother Wolfberry on the screen returned to his tough posture. He told all this clearly and shocked others with his spirit.

In the entire e-sports field, this tough guy image and will are definitely unique.

Concentrated will can really break through stubborn rocks.

"What are your goals for this season?"

In the 2018 season, Li Hao was no longer as cautious as before. When he heard this question, he said seriously to the camera with confidence and a smile:

"Our goal is a dynasty, three consecutive championships, a unique achievement for a league esports player."

“We are on this path and ready to do it ourselves.”

There was no passionate tone or excited expression.

But stating such a thing in a relaxed tone gave the audience an inexplicable shock.

[Brother Hao: I won’t act anymore. I’m showing off my cards. I just want to win three consecutive championships! 】

[Brother Hao: I’m already studying S8, and I decided to give it a try this time]

[Brother Wolfberry, you will always be a god~! 】

This is not only Li Hao's voice, but also Snake's voice!

Flandre and Lin Weixiang also shouted this voice one by one during the interview.

The spring game has been suppressed for so long, and now through the body of the second brother from the East, Snake has released it all!

In the LCK club, the big devil and the dunk coach looked at each other.

"Xianghe, that guy's condition has really come back."

"Although they may not be able to reach their previous peak, based on the current level of Snake, they do have the strength to compete for the championship."

Kuama analyzed it rationally.

Li Guapi responded, then glanced in the direction of the training room.

He has a headache now.

The big devil is not afraid of Li Hao. On the contrary, his desire to fight is very strong.

However, the current situation is reversed from that of the past.

The fighting spirit of the other members of Snake is obviously stronger than that of SKT.

Bang next to me is still committing the "crime of laziness", but Lin Weixiang next to Wolfberry is more mature this year.

Snake, seems to be a better team.

The big devil stopped thinking about it. Maybe Bang could cheer up after meeting Snake, his enemy?

The first thing to consider is how to enter the World Championship.

The LPL has the three heroes from the Eastern Conference, and the LCK also has the KKK era, and they are not good at all.

The SKT team is in trouble.

The same goes for the LPL IG team. Snake swept the second brother in the East, which is really scary.

The night after the game, Coach Jin studied the video until early in the morning.

That night, he didn't know how much hair he lost.

On April 16, the four teams participating in the semi-finals are preparing to leave for Hangzhou.

After a few days of training, the semi-finals started directly.

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