LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 306 This person is unreasonable! (2/2)

Chapter 306 This person is unreasonable! (twenty two)

It’s around four o’clock in the afternoon, Hangzhou Cultural Center.

Many spectators are queuing up from the gate to enter. Fans of IG and Snake can receive support items provided by the team and officials. If they come early, they can also participate in the event lottery until all the gifts are given out.

If you are a spectator who comes in to watch the game at five o'clock, you will basically have nothing.

This season's home and away mode is on the rise. LGD's home games in the spring split are basically played in this venue. Unfortunately, fans of the Optimistic Family did not even get to see LDG play in the playoffs.

When it was almost five o'clock, viewers watching the live broadcast on their mobile phones and computers could already see the commentators constantly analyzing this semi-final round in front of the screen.

Wawa, Wang Duoduo and Rita.

IG is the eldest brother of the LPL Eastern Conference in the 2018 Spring Split. It is very powerful and pushed almost all the way in the regular season.

Snake is a team that has won two S-League championships and has a world-class background. Although they struggled a bit in the spring split, with Li Hao's return in the last round of playoffs, their voice is now very high.

This round of battle has attracted much attention because it may involve the change of era and the ascension of a new king. If IG can step on Snake's corpse and enter the finals, then they will become the big winner of this season!

The three commentators were doing pre-match analysis in the studio. Regarding the outcome of this round, IG had a higher support rate rationally, and Snake had an almost overwhelming advantage emotionally.

"We have just analyzed the current status of the two teams. In terms of overall strength, they are very close. It can be said that they are matched against each other."

"That's right."

Wang Duoduo responded, and Rita on the side joked: "We have to be ready to work overtime today, right?"

Wawa laughed and asked: "So, what do you think of Coach Jin's statement before the IG game?"

"Has The King really transformed?"

Rita is still thinking, but Wang Duoduo has already spoken:

"In terms of data, Coach Jin's analysis makes sense. However, I personally think it may be a bit one-sided."

"I think everyone will never forget that in the Bird's Nest Global Finals, Brother Hao used a total of 14 different heroes, turning the world championship into a personal stage."

"Since he is able to perform in his current amazing form after recovering from injury, the hero pool as deep as the sea must still be there. Changing the style of play is just a matter of a thought for a player of Brother Hao's level. .”

As a peak wolfberry blower, Wang Duoduo doesn't need to think too much about the rationality of those data, just blow it.

In the barrage and comment area, a bunch of people agreed.

"I like to hear this. Can the transformation be finalized in three games?"

Someone laughed and said: "Maybe there will be a slap in the face of Kim Jung-soo in the fourth game. It is a pity that RW did not persist until the fourth game. 4-0 is impossible."

"In fact, it doesn't matter, as long as you can win!"

Many people are also looking forward to the fact that Rookie is the MVP of this season and has reached the peak of his career. Now, facing the gods of the past, can he achieve MVP-level dominance?

For passerby players, they are really looking forward to this round of mid-lane battle!

Amid the discussion from the outside world, Snake and IG players entered the venue on time at five o'clock.

"Viewers, the exciting moment has arrived, the BP between IG and Snake has officially begun!"

"IG took the initiative to choose the red side, and Snake is on the blue side."

The music played in the background, and on the big screen, Chris and Kim Jingshu appeared on the split screen. Chris was holding a tactical book with no expression on his face, walking back and forth on the player bench.

On the other side, Jin Jingzhu had a confident smile on his face and looked high-spirited.

Snake successively removed the mouth, the captain and the clockwork.

TheShy's captain is different from Aguang. He used it in 7 games in the regular season and had a winning rate of 85.7%. The clockwork was in Rookie's hands, with an exaggerated winning rate of 90.9% in 11 games. Both of Snake's moves were aimed at banning players.

IG was on the red side and defeated the Desert Emperor, Crow and Qinggangying.

"Snake locked Xia instantly on the first floor. He came for Xialuo combination. In the spring game, Xialuo combination appeared 72 times in total, with a winning rate of 54.2%."

Wang Duoduo continued what Wawa said: "However, the IG team is not only good at Xialuo combination, but also not afraid of opponents. Baolan and Jackeylove's policewoman + Morgana are very skilled, so IG's BP in the spring game has always been very good. Easy to do.”

Sure enough, IG brought out the policewoman on the first floor.

"Pig sister pig sister."

On the players' bench, Kim Jing-soo gave instructions.

Ning snatched the pig girl directly.

Morgana doesn't need to grab it at all, because Snake's support can definitely be Luo.

On the second and third floors of Snake, Luo + Zach were selected without any suspense.

Zac can start fights from a long distance and can bring people together, which is a perfect match for Luo.

IG selected Morgana on the third floor.

The policewoman can also fight with the bull head, but Snake is focused on the bio-demon, and IG's Morgana is almost a must-choice.

"Oh? IG took down Ike again!"

"It's possible that Jack banned him. For the ADC, this Ekko is quite annoying and will cause unnecessary trouble. Moreover, TheKing's mid laner Ekko has played before, and it's very strong, with that bloody romantic skin. , everyone hasn’t forgotten it yet.”

"Snake takes down Karma. If Rookie is cruel and picks out Karma, the storm will gather a little, and the team will start playing with the lineup. Snake will easily suffer a loss."

IG defeated the vampire on the fifth floor.

Snake takes the last step to kill Kassadin.

"IG picked the big bug on the fourth floor. TheShy has played two games recently, and the winning rate is also 100%."

"The last counter position is reserved for Rookie."

"Snake chooses Kled on the fourth floor!"

"What is the fifth floor?"


Rita smiled and said: "Liu Qingsong just scratched his head. This is impossible. If you are on the red side, you can still believe it."

On the IG side, Coach Jin hopes Snake can be locked in.

They are not afraid of art.

However, this fifth floor turned into a very kawaii avatar in the end.

Twilight Star Spirit - Zoe.

A cutie who talks a lot, similar to Kled.

"Snake's lineup is locked, and the last one is Zoe."

Wang Duoduo's eyes lit up, "When we played Solo in AllStar last year, Brother Hao used Zoe to solo kill Uzi in the finals. Zoe was still a new hero at the time."

"Now, half a year has passed, and this is the first time we have seen Brother Hao use Zoe in an official game."

At the same time, this seems to be a response to Jin Jingzhu.

After playing the spring season, everyone knows that Zoe is a hero that is very difficult to operate, with a low lower limit and a high upper limit.

In the early stage, Zoe has both laning suppression and support capabilities, making her very strong. In the mid-to-late stage, it has a very high consumption power, and its burst is so high that even the tank cannot hold it, making it easy for the opponent to lose troops.

Both versions are targeted with fists and slashed for damage. In 8.5, Riot discovered that it seemed like he had been killed by a knife, so he dialed back the damage of his Q skill, which brought Zoe back to life and allowed her to occupy a position in the middle.

Taking out Zoe means that Snake's playing style in the middle of the game is obviously contrary to the transformation mentioned by Jin Jingzhu.

IG's last move was to help Rookie pick the Snake Girl.

In the regular season, Rookie used Snake second only to Clockwork.

Moreover, Snake Girl has currently played 41 games in total, winning 29 games, with a total winning rate of 70%.

After the heroes switch positions, the lineups of both sides are locked.

Snake: Kled, Zach, Zoe, Xayah, Luo

IG: Bug, Pig Girl, Snake Girl, Policewoman, Morgana

In the center of the stage, coach Trident and coach 2.5 smiled and shook hands, very friendly.

The sound of cheering sounded at the scene.

In addition to cheering for IG and Snake, there were also sporadic cheers for LGD.

After all, it is at Optimistic’s home court. It doesn’t matter whether the team reaches the semifinals or not, as long as they have a sense of participation.

The two sides entered the Summoner's Rift. Li Hao's talent was still the unsealed secret book, Ignite + Flash, and he went out wearing Dolan and two reds, which were all very routine.

There was no fight between the two sides in Level 1. Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong helped Casa gain success and went online a little late.

Ning Wang opened the top half with the help of Shy Man, which allowed the IG duo to go online faster.

Although the policewoman and Morgana both have long hands, Xia Luo is capable of fighting in the early stage.

However, Snake chose a safer approach and did not compete with IG to push the line.

The camera goes to the middle, and Li Hao learns Q at level 1.

Release the flying stars diagonally to the rear, then use the second stage of Q to bypass the melee soldiers and directly hit the long-range soldiers. Two Qs can clear all the long-range soldiers.

Rookie stared at Zoe who was walking back and forth in front of him, and he touched the soldiers as much as possible.

When Li Hao released the second Q skill, he caught the gap between Snake Girl's AE to replenish troops, and gave Rookie a basic attack.

Because Fireworks is passive, the basic attack when releasing the skill will cause additional magic damage.

Rookie took a step forward, because the basic attack range of both heroes was 550 yards. Zoe's basic movement speed is 12 points higher than that of Snake. Rookie's basic attack cannot be hooked. After 0.75 seconds, the twin fangs will be transformed and fly towards Zoe.

However, Rookie still suffered from this wave of friction.

Snake has more minions, and because of the change in the hatred mechanism, he focuses his fire directly on Snake.

Then, the military line was pushed past by Li Hao.

He wanted to find an opportunity to continue to consume the snake girl. Rookie hid his head and tail and stood cautiously.

At 2 minutes and 23 seconds, the director moved the camera to the bottom lane.

Morgana and the policewoman pushed their troops under Snake's next tower. Jack took advantage and directly touched the defense tower.

Baolan predicted that Liu Qingsong would move backward, and succeeded in drawing a prize with his Q skill. He followed up with a W and a puddle of mud, which made Luo feel a little uncomfortable.

The audience stared at the bottom lane, thinking that a fight was about to happen.

The director suddenly turned the camera towards the middle of the road!

Zoe's flying star, which was already level 2, rushed in, and the blue square artillery soldiers almost came over. While the snake girl was still clearing the second wave of minions, she pulled the flying star diagonally to the right, and then approached the snake girl. Use A to attack.

Rookie turned back to Q. Just as the twin fangs were sent out, Zoe's flying star flew past the red side's cannon truck and hit Rookie snake girl directly.

Before Li Hao's next basic attack is A, he lights it up and hands it over!

Because the damage of Zoe's E skill was cut off, this wave of snake-killing girls, Li Hao learned the W skill at level 2.

When releasing the summoner skill, Zoe instantly gains 30% movement speed, opens her hands and runs quickly.

"——I like this cute little world of yours!"

Passive missiles were fired at Rookie continuously.

In an instant, Snake Girl's blood volume plummeted and she reached the danger line.

On the big screen, Rookie pressed the purify button while giving the twin fangs, removing the negative effects caused by ignition, and taking drugs at the same time.

However, Li Hao used the characteristics of his W skill to once again pick up the ignited fragments dropped by the minions on the ground!


Another ignition sound!

Zoe drew A, ran towards the snake girl, and picked up the purification that Rookie had just handed over along the way.

A golden light flashed on the big screen!

"Being hit and flashed!"

"Rookie is so hurt. This wave of phase rush is useless. If you don't dodge, you will most likely die!"

"Hey, The King is so strong! After nerfing his E skill, I'll learn W. He's so fierce!"

"Rookie is really in danger. If he gets hit twice more in this wave, I feel like TheKing is going to kill him in a flash!"


Wang Duoduo's tone increased seven degrees: "Light both of them and roast the snake directly!"


"The blue buff is no longer fighting, and Casa's Zach is rushing to the middle."

"Rookie knocked down the second bottle of medicine. If Zack catches him this time, the middle will explode."

Backstage at IG, Jin Jingzhu’s pupils shrank.

He shouted Rookie in his mind.

Fortunately for him, it was Rookie.

Seeing Li Hao kill the artillery soldier with a soldier remover, the broiler was in the blood room, and he consciously inserted the jewelry eye on his body into F6.

On the big screen, Li Hao triggered the W skill, used up the purification on his body, and used the W passively to push the lane quickly.

In 2 minutes and 45 seconds, Brother Wolf, who had finished the red buff, F6, and the three wolves and reached level 3, had already arrived at the F6 camp.

Of course, Snake didn't know there was a view inside.

Clicking on the last soldier with a balloon hanging on his body, Li Hao picked up a treasure, the rocket belt.

The damage of the Rocket Belt in the early stage is very high, and it is AOE.

At 2 minutes and 50 seconds, the soldiers in the middle entered the defense tower.

Rookie felt so uncomfortable that she didn't dare to eat.

Not to mention the half-health Zoe, there is also Zach who is as motionless as squatting on the toilet in F6.

"Casa, just hit F6, you must have an eye."


Kasa responded: "Pig Girl should be in the lower half."

The snake girl's blood has returned partially. If it were just Zoe, there would be no reason for Rookie to not even dare to eat the artillery soldiers.

At 3 minutes and 03 seconds, King Ning came along the ramp on the right side of the defense tower.

There was a flash on Li Hao, and King Ning saw another push stick. He was afraid of being shown off and didn't dare to mess with it.

Instead, Zoe took a step forward and threw hypnotic bubbles at Pig Girl in front of the tower.

King Ning responded quickly.

He didn't try to move at all. When he saw Zoe pushing forward with both hands, he jumped far away with a Q.

Zoe's E was empty, but left a trap in front of the tower, which prevented Rookie from standing to the side and missed the last hit.

Now, Li Hao's Zoe has 21 last hits, the red side also has three long-range minions, and the blue side also has three long-range minions.

If all were made up, that would be 24, and only one knife would be missed in the whole process.

Rookie, on the other hand, only had 15 knives, which was equivalent to losing a whole wave of soldiers.

For Rookie, this is a bit hard to accept.

After Snake Girl reached level 3, she regained a certain amount of blood, and both junglers retreated.

At 3 minutes and 27 seconds, Casa did not go to the jungle, but took his red buff and went directly to the top triangle grass.

Flandre's Kled has a stronger lane, and Shy Man's Big Insect is ready to hit the bottom of the tower.

His health was not at a disadvantage, he dropped two bars of health, while Skaar lost more than half of his health.

There is still one layer of Shy Man's corruption potion, Flandre only has a Dolan sword, and the potion has been knocked off.

If Casa doesn't come this time, Flandre will have no way to take TheShy.

The big bug's passivity will make the shy man's state more comfortable.

Once you level up, it will be much easier to hit the road.

However, at 3 minutes and 29 seconds, Kassa came behind the wall of the first tower on the red side and activated his E skill.

The rubber band slingshot flew towards the big insect, leaving the shy man very little time to react, but he still pressed Flash at the critical moment! From the back of the defense tower to the front of the defense tower, he avoided the control of Zach's E skill.

The unstable substance on Zach's body splashed onto the big bug, and the defense tower began to attack.

The shy man faced Kled's damage and turned around to predict Zach's position. He leaned in the direction of Kled and moved to avoid Zach's Q skill.

Kasa saw a black circle on the ground. At level 3, he couldn't continue to carry the tower, so he dodged in a flash.

When he escaped from the tower, Zach still had 104 health points.

Kled dismounted and turned on W to blast towards TheShy.

Flandre was hit by the defense tower and was ready for the exchange.

He fired his last shot, and the burst of damage killed the shameful man. With the help of a small step back, he flashed toward the edge of the defense tower.

The distance was a little short, but the defense tower still chased a bolt of lightning.

Judging from Kled's health bar, he is almost certain to die!

At this moment, because the big bug died, Kled's Triumph was triggered, restoring 12% of the lost health.

The three commentators were shouting, and Flandre in the player box laughed.

"4 points of blood!"

"not dead!"

"It was so dangerous, I almost got exposed by TheShe!"


The battle between IG and Snake was indeed full of gunpowder.

Before the audience had time to reflect on the wave on the road, the director switched to the mid lane duel again.

On the middle route, the moment the Snake Girl sprayed out W poisonous mist, the purple animation special effects had just taken effect, and she pressed her push stick in seconds.

The poisonous mist did not fall and the ground-binding effect could not be produced, so it could not prevent Zoe from moving forward.

Snake was injured by the push stick, but the poisonous mist killed the minion, and Rookie also reached level 4.

At this time, the blood volume of both sides is almost the same, and Rookie can definitely put up a fight!

Of course Song Yijin is not a coward!

Moreover, Prince Ning also sent signals wildly, indicating that he was on his way!

Li Hao used the W acceleration effect and moved to avoid Snake Girl's key Q skill.

The basic attack follows A on Snake Girl.

Snake Girl was twisting her slender waist while giving E. His peripheral vision glanced at the upper half of the river, and Pig Girl had already come over.

However, Zoe moved her little hand without any shock. The hypnotic bubble fell on Rookie and launched another basic attack.

Rookie fell asleep after giving the last AE shot.

Zoe Feixing comes in randomly, QAQA, fully maxing out the damage!

Rookie has changed color and he only has 43 drops of blood left.


Zoe received her next basic attack and completed a single kill!

However, the health bar on Li Hao's head was only 114 points.

The angry King Ning rushed over from the river.

At 3 minutes and 49 seconds, he flashed Q directly at Zoe!

Li Hao didn't panic at all.

Turn around and dodge to where Pig Girl came from, instead of escaping towards the lower half of the area.

Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong scrambled for signals, and Morgana also came over.

After releasing the summoner skill, the passive acceleration effect appears again.

In Prince Ning's surprised eyes, Zoe, who had avoided his flash, turned around and quickly picked up the flash he had just dropped on the ground.

"——My name is Zoe, what's your name?"

King Ning pursued angrily!

Baolan had not yet appeared in the middle lane. After seeing the situation in the middle lane, he sighed helplessly and immediately controlled Morgana to return to the bottom lane.

There was no support in this wave, but Jack was bullied in the bottom lane.

After Zoe picked up King Ning's flash, she fled directly to the upper half of the area and flashed across the river wall.

Prince Ning could only stare from behind, unable to do anything.

This flash was given to his opponent.

After killing everyone, Zoe escaped.

The Snake fans at the scene cheered loudly and were full of joy!

For a time, IG was almost at a three-way disadvantage!

This kind of start is unimaginable to many people.

Backstage at IG, Coach Jin had a look of disbelief in his eyes.

The words he said in the team before were definitely not words like oral pleasure or chicken soup.

After some research, he really thought that Li Hao was dying.

Isn't it normal for a veteran to transform after recovering from injury?


Why can he still operate Rookie?


This person is unreasonable!


I have been thinking about Tu today and it is extremely uncomfortable.

It's still early, and I can actually write another chapter to update this paragraph, but I think I'd better just lie down and write it tomorrow.

The lights have been turned off, good night.

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