LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 312 Score twice! (6.5K)

"RNG's key damage hit this big bull, and Snake couldn't be reduced in number in the first place."

"Whether it was The King or Karsa, they supported extremely quickly. In addition, Jhin flashed to avoid Varus's ultimate move, and the red side's minions also came online. The combination of several key factors resulted in RNG taking the initiative to launch the offensive. Big loss!"

"LetMe sent it down, but couldn't find the opportunity to enter the field."

Miller continued what the doll said:

"When Letme came down, it was a big Gnar, but Snake's troop line was very critical."

"RNG was also a bit too tough. They knew that their vision was exposed, but they still wanted to force themselves and used their cards to jump over the tower in front of Snake. As a result, Snake's actions were consistent and pushed back the duo in front of the RNG tower. This made RNG's The formation is completely divided. When the incense pot enters the tower, those in front of the tower can't keep up, and those behind the tower no longer dare to go up."

"Yes, now the head is on Kassadin's head. I think this is probably the last result RNG wants to see."

Xiaohu controlled Zoe to go to the middle lane, and Gnar returned to the city and headed to the top lane. Flandre on the top lane had a great development, and was already 11 CS ahead of Gnar.

Li Hao returned to the city and found the Catalytic Stone on the basis of Tears of the Goddess. This wave arrived at the right time, and Zoe was pushing the line of troops.

9 minutes and 44 seconds.

The Snake duo pushed their troops in front of the RNG tower. Kasa, who was not leading the attack, directly controlled the half-health prince and came over to join them.

"Push the line, push the line!"

"Don't let them eat this wave of soldiers. It doesn't matter if the wind dragon takes it or not."

"I'm not in a good condition, the puppy is in trouble." Liu Qingsong said.

Li Hao said calmly: "If the puppy dodges, Tam can still protect it, but the direct danger is greater. Xiangzi, you just suppress their bloodline and drive them away."

"no problem."

In the next tower of RNG, Uzi was in good condition. He saw that the Bull Head had only one-third of its health. Even if Snake had one more person, he could still operate the summoner skills, and he could completely defend the tower with Xiao Ming.

However, Snake didn't want to kill anyone. Lin Weixiang activated his ultimate move in front of the tower first, and all 4 bullets with a perfect ending were fired at Tahm who was in unhealthy condition!

Because of carrying the tower just now, Xiao Ming's condition was only slightly better than that of Niutou. After Lin Weixiang hit two shots, Uzi could only walk in front of Tam to block one shot for him.

After the fourth bullet with critical damage also hit, Uzi had no choice but to pin the retreat signal.

Without a healthy blood line, this wave of soldiers cannot be eaten.

This was exactly Snake's purpose, and Jhin's ultimate move paid off without any loss.

Teacher Guo's Zach was resurrected and walked out of the spring, Zoe went to the middle lane, Gnar's TP had just been handed over, and Snake was aboveboard and they had nothing to do. This was the situation.

But RNG was not bad either, so they took advantage of the situation and made a plan.

Uzi used the rain of evil spirit arrows to slow down Snake's advancement, and then shot a precise arrow at the bull's head.

At this time, Xiao Ming had already retreated to the rear and returned to the city first.

When the troop line entered the tower, the puppy gave up immediately, but he was in good condition and did not return to the city.

After Xiao Ming went home to replenish his status, he immediately rushed down the road. Teacher Guo, who went out first, was already squatting in the grass next to the stone monster.

At nearly 10 minutes, Varus only received two minions that entered the tower, and he was already lagging behind the Destiny Master in terms of last hits.

At 10 minutes and 8 seconds, the 18th wave of minions in the bottom lane came online.

The prince had already left, and Uzi took two steps forward, making a gesture of recruiting troops.

As expected, Niutou leaned towards him very forcefully, harassing him and preventing him from finishing the attack.

Uzi carefully controlled the distance and did not give Liu Qingsong a chance to WQ.

After they pushed their troops in, Lin Weixiang returned to the city to resupply equipment.

And the Niutou, who was slowly returning to the city in the grass, suddenly suffered a severe blow!

Uzi, who moved under the tower, accurately timed Liu Qingsong's return to the city. He judged that the bull's head must be in the grass close to his side, because another piece of grass had the ornament eyes they had left earlier.

Varus, who was charging Q under the tower, suddenly flashed Q!

This arrow made the RNG fans at the scene cheer, and Niutou's return to the city was interrupted!

Liu Qingsong felt bad and immediately walked towards his defense tower.

When Tam was approaching the lower route, he drove Zach directly to the rear, and the deep-sea submersible appeared in a position that made Niutou despair.

Liu Qingsong struggled as hard as he could, but was still controlled by the two men, and was finally killed by Verus with an E skill.

When Jhin came online, the RNG duo pushed back the troops to the Snake tower.

They moved to the dragon pit. Teacher Guo was playing the wind dragon. Zoe in the middle also came over. RNG easily controlled the first dragon and regained the rhythm of the game.

Listening to the orderly communication coming from the team's voice, Coach Heart in the background nodded with satisfaction.

What he is most worried about is that the recent set of losses has affected the mentality of the RNG players. Now it seems that the previous ideological work was not in vain.

At 11 minutes and 48 seconds, there was also a smell of gunpowder on the road.

Crow and Gnar exchanged ultimate moves and flashes, and finally Emperor was repelled by Crow who opened R.

Originally, Rang Di was in poor condition and wanted to go home, but coincidentally, Xiaohu picked up a redemption after the soldier died. He moved two steps towards the jungle and gave Rang Di a mouthful of this redemption from a long distance away.

The game lasted 13 minutes and 44 seconds, and Mr. Guo made a successful attempt.

While Kassadin was looking towards the river, Zach sat on it with an E.

However, Kassadin was too flexible and walked through the wall in the void, heading towards the location of the blue buff without looking back.

Xiaohu chased him to the wall and released a super-far hypnotic bubble.

The ramp towards the blue Buff is very narrow, and the hypnotic bubble hits Kassadin directly.

Li Hao didn't panic at all and continued walking forward before falling asleep.

At this distance, Zoe has no follow-up.

Sure enough, Xiaohu didn't come after him.

At 13 minutes and 55 seconds, Li Hao took advantage of the situation and ate the second blue buff given by Casa.

"Rivers have eyes."

"Here, and this area."

"There are still 20 seconds left for the bush ward."

After Liu Qingsong reported the point, Casa said: "When I finish killing the Demon Marsh Frog, I will go around the Dragon Pit."

"Wait a few more seconds."

Li Hao looked at the time and analyzed: "Xiaohu's second blue is almost ready, and I can get there this time."

"Zoe is still relatively strong now. I'm coming to support this wave. Regardless of whether we can kill people or not, we must demolish the bottom tower of RNG. Xiaohu comes back after taking the blue. Our middle tower has little health left. Even if I TP back, he will not be there." You have to be able to hold it.”

When everyone heard this, they all agreed.

Li Hao had a clear view of the situation. Although he now had a human head, a time staff and tears of the goddess, he had not yet reached a strong stage.

They selected this lineup, and Jhin's big role is to help Li Hao through the period of development.

Brother Wolf has been in the middle many times, but RNG's vision in this game is really good. The prince can basically only do the work of lining up when he comes, and Mr. Guo keeps an eye on him the whole time. Xiaohu is worthy of being the Tiger Emperor of Spring, and he plays well online.

Li Hao and Kassadin can't do much for the time being.

If Xiaohu can't stare to death, then he will have to stare to death another one.

If Varus also develops smoothly, Snake will be even more uncomfortable.

The first-blood tower is now with residual health, and RNG can push it away if it seizes a wave of opportunities. The money of this first-health tower is always unstable.

After some weighing, Li Hao has made a decision.

At 14 minutes and 9 seconds, Xiaohu flew in with a flying star and killed the remaining two soldiers, then headed towards the upper half of the river.


"I saw!"

"He should be going to get the blue one. Be careful, they have three guarantees."

Li Hao warned. When he cut the screen to the upper half, he saw that Triangle Grass had Flandre's accessory eye. There were still ten seconds left for this eye, which was enough for him to clear the line.

Void walking combined with QAW, followed by two more basic attacks, Li Hao also collected the troops.

It is now 14 minutes and 13 seconds, and his number of last hits is 143. Although not as many as Zoe, for a Kassadin, this is absolutely qualified.

On the other side, Xiaohu has a game-high 154 last hits.

Take a look at the Varus of Uzi, there are only 132 of them till now.

At 14 minutes and 26 seconds, on the big screen, RNG fans' hearts were in their throats.

Snake cooperated with the middle and jungle, and had unknowingly arrived above Xiaolong Pit. The bottom lane line remained in the middle. Uzi and Xiaoming did not stand too far forward, but they were not in a safe position.

At 14 minutes and 31 seconds, the real eyes in the triangle grass saw the figures of the prince and Kassadin, and the RNG duo hurriedly retreated.

at this time!

"Flash WQ 2nd Company! Niutou's beautiful first move!"

"Jin Huacai immobilizes Varus, Tamu eats Uzi!"

"The five-level trampling of the bull's head triggered the stun, and Tam was knocked unconscious on the spot!"

"Two for four, Snake is going to jump over the tower!"


When Prince EQ's second company came over, Kassadin also walked forward in the void. Xiao Ming, who had relieved the 1-second stun effect, flashed into the tower and narrowly avoided it.

Kassadin's Q skill followed him out. The prince did not hesitate to build a tower under the tower, and Jhin followed up to deal damage.

Xiao Ming vomited Uzi out of the sky, Varus released the chains of corruption, and the prince in R, but the big bull head was the one who came in first to carry the tower. Uzi's damage alone could not cause attrition to Snake. threaten.

Li Hao's next R turned well, and Tahm's shield was gone. He walked in the void and hit his face, and AW stabbed Tahm's head hard.

He kept his E skill and wanted to kill Uzi again, but Varus had already left without looking back.

Niutou escaped from the hatred and returned to the tower. The four Snakes worked together to demolish the RNG bottom tower.

"Hurry up!"

"Quick release!"

The four people worked hard and destroyed the RNG bottom tower at 14 minutes and 55 seconds.

Just 3 seconds later, news spread that one of Snake's towers had been demolished.

This wave is very thrilling.

It would definitely not be a good thing if a tower of money was kept exclusively by Zoe.

Li Hao TPed to the second tower and defended a large number of troops.

Now, he has two heads in his hands and is perfectly developed.

In this game, RNG showed its resilience. At 16 minutes and 4 seconds, Varus seduced on the lower route. Xiao Ming successfully drove again, leading Zach to the back of Jhin without a trace.

Taking advantage of the glacier's amplification effect, Tahm Kench left Jhin in the jungle, and Uzi's Q from a distance provided output. When Lin Weixiang was about to move to the edge of the wall, Mala Xiang Guo got the kill with a basic attack.

The head ratio between the two sides returned to 2:2, and the game seemed to continue to be a stalemate.

Uzi pushed the line. He now has 160 knives, and his last hit count has caught up with the fortune teller.

At 16 minutes and 34 seconds, Tam cooperated with Varus to demolish Snake's bottom tower.

It was at this time that Kasa, who had finished playing F6, moved toward the middle.

There was a real eye inserted by Li Hao into the grass in the upper half of the river. The prince walked into it, but Zoe didn't notice it.

Li Hao is now level 12. He is not in a hurry to push the line, and allows the lines of soldiers to clash near the river wall in the middle of the red square.

The Great Tiger God was careful enough and stood far back, but there was no reason why Zoe, who had flashes on her body, should not gain experience.

Xiaohu took note of the blood volume of the red soldier, and Zoe reversed Q1, then started to move forward, preparing for the second Q to push the soldier line.

At 16 minutes and 45 seconds, Casa, squatting in the grass, finally seized the opportunity.

The German military flag and the giant dragon collide!

The prince of Demacia suddenly released a cold arrow from the grass and struck it across!

Xiaohu didn't dare to neglect at all. Zoe, who had no time to move, pressed Flash the moment the flag was planted.

With a flash of golden light, Zoe came to the tower!

The prince chased after him, and the red punishment was hit on Zoe's head, and he rushed under the first tower of RNG following the collapse of the sky.

The red electrocution beam fell, and Zoe, who was originally close to full health, only had half health left after the prince's first passive basic attack fell.

Zoe's level is three levels ahead of the prince, otherwise the damage would be even higher.

Xiaohu remained calm in the face of danger and took advantage of the defense tower to attack the prince. He turned around and basic-attacked A to create a passive fireworks effect. The hypnotic bubble came out again and hit the prince at close range within the range of the prince's ultimate move.

Zach, who reached level 10 after playing F6, immediately moved to the middle to support, and RNG prepared to counterattack.

"If you can't bear it, move quickly!"

Li Hao hurriedly said to Kasa in the startup room.

Zoe already has Archangel + Annihilation Orb on her body, so the damage will be doubled after being slept on.

The next Q turn will be better to cooperate with the defense tower damage, and the jungler who is three levels lower than himself will have a small life.

Brother Wolf had great trust in Li Hao. The moment he spoke, he pressed the flash button on the F position without any hesitation.

The hypnotic bubble has a 1.5 second delay, which allows the prince to flash out of the tower.

At this time, a huge Zac flew from a long way away and hit the spot where the prince flashed, knocking him away, attaching blue punishment and hammering him hard.

After this first move, the prince, who originally had 1696 blood points, only had 356 points left!

Li Hao didn't care about the prince behind him.

This wave is a little rushed, but now we can only force it!

The distance is not enough, so you have to pay for the flash!

Kassadin walked in the void + flashed, a wave of R flashes, and under the interweaving of golden and purple light, the space shook twice, and the void walker sat down under the defense tower!

RNG fans at the scene shouted in surprise.

The little tiger reacted like a god and used an R to burrow into the ground to avoid Kassadin's blow to the face.

Xiaohu has rich experience, and he knows the distance of Kassadin's R skill very well, so when Li Hao started his attack, he was sure that Li Hao would definitely catch the dodge!

"The king's R flash!"

"Get away! Little Tiger is showing off!"

"Pull back a Q, the defense tower is attacking Kassadin! Flying stars come in and pull back, the second Q also hits Kassadin!"

"The King has time, he is very meaty now, and he is still outputting!"

"Returning to jump, Zoe returned to the original place, disabled!"


The three commentators followed the pictures on the screen, talking about each other, and the studio was noisy!

Fans of both teams also stared at this tense scene.

Li Hao didn't panic when R was dodged. He stared with bated breath and calmed down EAWQ the moment Zoe turned around.

In an instant, Zoe was seriously disabled.

Xiaohu ran away into the tower, and Li Hao turned around with his next void walk, hitting Zoe's face with R.

Xiaohu's reaction was fast enough, and he turned back and ran the moment Kassadin activated, but he was still a little short and was affected by the range damage of Kassadin's R skill.

Zoe, with only a small bar of blood left, launched her final struggle.

Xiangguo didn't care to pursue the prince anymore. After seeing the danger under the tower, he hurriedly flashed back to defend!

At 16 minutes and 52 seconds, Li Hao moved forward and struck Zoe with a simple basic attack.

The words +330 gold coins bounced in the air.

The defense tower is still attacking Kassadin, Zac draws A and then W, and then follows up with Extended Strike (Q).

Li Hao's level 2 R improved again, and he escaped again by walking in the void.

At this time, he still had 123 drops of blood.

Let the emperor hit the signal wildly on the road, but at this time, Mr. Guo could no longer see or hear.

Wearing clear shoes, Zach chased after Kassadin, and his E immediately improved.

Aiming at Kassadin's position, Zach used a short charged E to predict the position in front of Li Hao.

Li Hao took a step forward and saw a shadow on the ground that he couldn't avoid. His ultimate move was still 1 second away from turning, so he could only turn around and hit the void ball.

Zac knocks Kassadin into the air, dealing magic damage.

It's a pity that the Hollow can't hold up the magic shield, and the damage done by Mr. Gua is still a little bit worse.


Imperial Vision!

Flandre, who was still in the river, released her W skill toward the middle, and the devil's eyes exploded, causing slowdown and magic damage.

Teacher Guo is not afraid of these injuries.

However, when he just landed, before he made any other moves, the Prince's EQ Second Company passed through him!

At almost the extreme distance, Zach was knocked away!

At Snake's table, Brother Wolf gritted his teeth and operated extremely nervously.

Whether it was Flando, Li Hao or the Snake uniform team backstage, they all shouted "Nice!"

The tip of Kassadin's knife danced, stabbing the biochemical demon who was knocked away with AW continuously, and followed a void walker to escape from the battlefield.

Teacher Nabe's expression was very stiff.

"The King killed Zoe and ran away! RNG is now at a loss!!"

"Brother Holy Spear joins the battlefield!"

"I have mastered all the spicy pot displacement skills, but I have to explain it away!"

"Zach's ultimate move to escape!"

"Never Again, Zach is imprisoned and imprisoned!"


On the big screen, at 17 minutes and 12 seconds, the biochemical demon was beaten into four piles of tissue cells.

The crow Qed, the prince Aed, and Kassadin returned with an R.

Then, an E swept over!


In the picture, four groups of cells were instantly submerged by void energy.

The prostitute teacher shouted again:

"TheKing has one E and four spicy hot pots!!"

"Ya'er, score twice!"

"Ahahahahaha, this is too crazy~~!"

As he spoke, Saozhu burst into laughter.

The Haier brothers couldn't stand it anymore, especially since these words came from the mouth of a slut. During the 2013 All-Star Game, Liu's Zach was divided into four groups and was killed by Shy's Jayce with one shot, which is known in history. 4 PDDs in one shot.

Miller smacked his lips and said: "This is definitely a big rhythm. Kassadin now has 4 kills and has completely taken off!"


"Kassadin is a very scary hero. It's less than twenty minutes and I'm afraid even the Archangels coming home can take out him!"

"Be careful, Brother Hao's body will be full of murder rings soon!" Wawa said loudly.

PDD analyzed with a serious look: "Both Varus and Zoe have no displacement. If we look at the lineup in this situation, RNG will be infinitely passive. Later, Tahm Kench can only protect one, and the survival environment of the other C position is worrying. "

After Li Hao returned to the city, he took out the Archangel. He originally prepared mercury shoes for a little stability, but now he wears the shoes directly with the expansion method.

Snake started to pick up the pace and accepted Tulong at 18 minutes and 15 seconds.

After Jhin cleared the lower route, Snake gathered in the upper half and teamed up to take the Rift Herald.

At 18 minutes and 57 seconds, Kassadin's actions not only shocked the RNG fans, but also made Uzi in the RNG players stand excited, feeling like he was suddenly jumped by a poodle.

Varus ate up a few minions in the middle, and immediately moved from his first tower toward the ramp up the river, preparing to cooperate with his teammates to find opportunities near the river.

Kassadin stepped over the wall and hit Varus with a REAWQ!

"The balance of power must be maintained!"

In the studio, the three commentators exclaimed "Wow"!

"do not understand!"

"What's the harm?"

"The puppy was hit with two moves instantly!"

"Oh my god, I almost got killed in seconds!"


The nearly full health bar on Varus' head suddenly evaporated and plummeted!

Uzi healed and flashed all the enemies, and turned back to R to hit Kassadin.

Tam licked it with his tongue from a distance, and Xiao Ming didn't dare to get close.

RNG couldn't backhand now. Varus was out of shape. Snake and the others had already finished fighting the vanguard and came over. Xiaohu used Zoe Poke, and the prince was knocked down to nearly half health.

However, this does not affect Snake's rhythm.

Varus wants to go home, and Casa puts the Canyon Herald in the middle.

The bull head and the crow pushed forward, and Letme also came to support, but he was in Little Gnar state.

After Snake seized the position, he easily destroyed one of RNG's towers.

In front of the second tower, after the crow used his skills to force him to move away, the prince seized the opportunity and started a group fight without risking his own life!

Snake took advantage of Uzi's temporary absence and rushed under the second tower of RNG.

Zoe and Tam were imprisoned in the Heavenly Shattering, and Crow drove in with Demonic Ascension. After Zoe was swallowed by Tam, RNG's output was seriously insufficient.

The terrible thing is that Zoe still failed to save this wave, and was killed by Kassadin in the face!

Snake hits one for two!

Tam and Zoe were killed.

Gnar was also flashed by Jhin!

The wolf brother was slept by Zoe, and the flash did not improve. The prince carrying the tower was shot dead with an arrow by Varus, who had just arrived on the high ground.

However, this wave of prince sacrifices is very profitable.

After destroying RNG's second tower, Jhin activated his ultimate move, and Snake used the Rift Herald to smash RNG's middle high ground!

This results in the situation being beyond the control of RNG.

At 23 minutes and 45 seconds, Snake took advantage of his vision and military line to win the baron.

Gnar replaced Snake's two defense towers with a single belt, but for RNG, the losses could not be stopped at all.

Once this big dragon is lost, it means that Zoe's strongest time is gone.

Facing the line of troops with the blessing of the Baron Buff, RNG was difficult to deal with. If Xiaohu hadn't been in good condition and placed several waves of skills accurately, affecting Snake's rhythm, the game would have been over.

However, at the 29th minute, RNG fans were still quite desperate because they couldn't find a comeback point.

Kassadin is already level 16, Time, Lich's Bane, Magic Shoes, Big Hat, Seraph, and Book of Murder.

This is already a six-god outfit!

Take a look at Zoe's equipment, Seraph, Book of Ghosts, Banshee's Veil, Magic Shoes, Explosive Wand, the gap is quite big.

The economic gap between the two parties reached 10,500.

At 30 minutes and 2 seconds, Snake reached the RNG high ground and easily broke through the top high ground.

Then smash the middle crystal again.

Just when RNG was preparing for a counterattack, Crow Never Returns pulled Tahm back, and Jin Huacai kept up with the control.

Then, only a purple light and shadow was seen on the big screen, accompanied by golden light, continuously passing through the void!

Kassadin followed the prince and flashed into the RNG formation with R!

The active effect of Seraph's Embrace makes Kassadin even more unsolvable.

The energy pulse creates explosive AOE and large deceleration effects in the crowd!

Moreover, when Uzi's blood volume was depleted and he reacted to flash, he was caught up by the void ball and killed in front of the front tooth tower!

Gay-skinned Varus fell to the ground unwillingly

At that moment, a huge exclamation broke out from the Chengdu Rubik's Cube Performing Arts Center.

The more than 12,000 spectators at the scene were really shocked!

In such a scene, they felt the atmosphere, which could completely ignite them!

"——You are insignificant and worthless!"

While Void Walker was still chanting arrogant lines, RNG was beaten to Ace in front of the Front Tooth Tower!

At the contestants' table, Big Tiger God, like Mr. Guo, felt annoyed and hammered the mouse pad in front of him angrily.

RNG had no problem at the beginning, and there was no big problem until the 16-minute wave.

As a result, after some twists and turns, this guy's growth exploded.

As a result, he directly lost the first game where he had a good chance!

Under the lens, Teacher Guo's hair, which was already very oily, now looks even oilier, as if the earphones could slip off at any time.

PS: Good night, good night.

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