LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 32 Unstoppable! (Thanks to the leader of [Stars for Brightness] for the reward!!!)

"Don't panic, hold on!"

"When I go home to replenish my equipment, I won't be in a good condition right now."

Funny swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at the enchantress pushing the line. He felt a sense of fear in his heart. F4 had eyes, and there were eyes on the other side of the river. The excavator shouldn't be able to get through.

However, Li Hao stared at the drug-taking Tsar and had no intention of relying on Zzr.

Normally, the solo lane takes about 4 minutes and 35 seconds. At this time, the experience is about 1758, and the solo lane hero can reach level 5.

However, Li Hao's enchantress was so advanced that she didn't lose experience even after a trip home. She ate two more heads and was fed a river crab by the excavator, which allowed him to reach level 5 in 4 minutes and 10 seconds.

Level 5 Enchantress, Level 3 Tsar.

There was no chance for the Wild King to support him. At 4 minutes and 15 seconds, the red soldier had just entered the tower, and Li Hao took action directly.

The last wave of consumption, because W was used for displacement, the damage was reduced.

Now that it's leveled up by another level, Funny can't accurately calculate the damage.

"The King's position is to jump directly over the tower!"

"The Tsar has a little more half health, but he's behind in level! Let's take action!"

Wang Duoduo and Guan Zeyuan were both shouting:

"The Q skill was given, and the Shadow Shadow immediately stepped on it!"

"Wow, this damage is so high!"

"The Czar's Q skill has just been used for last-ditch damage, and there are still a few seconds left to cool down. Funny only has W and E skills, which allow him to move laterally and give himself a shield."

"The defense tower was attacking the Enchantress. The King threw the chain and it hit!"

"The second defense tower attack, the Enchantress is walking out of the tower!"

"The two of them are facing each other, and the Tsar can't break away at all!"

"Second section E, locked!"

"One basic attack and it's gone!"


On the big screen, Enchantress' Mirror Flower, Water Moon was passively triggered, and then calmly left between the two defense towers in the middle of LGD.

Behind him, Funny became a corpse again.

"Killing Spree!"

The trickster enchantress is on a killing spree!

All three heads on the field came from Funny.

Since the start of the 2016 LPL Summer Split, this game can be said to be the biggest tragedy in the middle that the audience has ever seen.

And the person who caused the tragedy was none other than——

——The King!

When Funny was killed, the audience at the Hongqiao Tiandi Performing Arts Center couldn't help but say 'Oh! ’ sound.

I was really shocked by Theking.

Before watching the game, almost no one expected it to be opened in this way.

It seems that this ID needs to be re-examined.

Players on the field don't have that much time to reflect.

On the big screen, after seeing Ekko on the top lane suddenly pushing the lane, Ma Datou didn't care about the lane and directly drove back with W.

Without the excavator's field of vision, the Enchantress disappeared again. His own jungler had just come out of the spring. He, a Rambo, really didn't dare to stand under the tower.

It doesn't matter if the Enchantress is still alive. Anyone can carry the tower. As long as the Enchantress comes over and uses a set of skills, there will be no pressure at all when climbing over the tower.

From God's perspective, the Enchantress has actually taken B back to the city.

However, judging from Ma Run's reaction, everyone can feel the intimidating power of this enchantress!

The wild king arrived in the middle and his teammates were killed. He could only close the line in the middle with tears in his eyes.

Amy watched the opponent's rhythm take off, knowing that she couldn't be idle.

After reeling in the line, he wandered to the bottom lane. LGD guessed that the excavator was on the top lane. Hirano Aya saw the male gun coming and controlled Thresh to flash the hook. The target was of course Karma.

Jiezou used a skill and moved without avoiding it. The male gunner E stepped on Thresh's lantern and cooperated with Lucian to slide forward. The three of them were at the side of Fan Mom in an instant.

Brother Crystal was given treatment, but there was no way to save her.

The harm caused by the three LGD people forced Fan Zi to death.

The optimistic family regained a little face, and the head was taken by imp.

This gives LGD fans a little hope.

Because of the military line, LGD was unable to continue to expand its results.

Calculating the time, Enchantress Return to the City is almost online. EZ's health is healthy and they can't fight the dragon.

From God's perspective, everyone can see it.

The enchantress came out of the spring and walked straight up the road.

The excavator brushed away the stone monster, and came one step ahead of the enchantress.

At 5 minutes and 44 seconds, the excavator hidden in the triangular grass came towards the road clearly, and MaRin could see it clearly.

He secretly thought it was bad because there was no Enchantress in the middle.

The enchantress made a circle from the river and appeared from behind the tower.

Three people can overcome one person's tower, and if they cooperate well, there is no need for a line of troops at all.

Holy Spear didn't do anything. He threw a W next to the tower, and then carried the tower one step ahead of the excavator.

Zzr dug the tunnel directly and moved forward. MaRin wanted to retreat, but Enchantress blocked the way back.

Under the defense tower, Ma Datou dodges to avoid being hit by the excavator. He outputs Zzr with his backhand and wants to operate, but the chain of the Enchantress accurately links him. Zzr keeps up with Q and continuously attacks with basic attacks to accumulate anger, and then kills Ma Run with a bite. More than one-third of the blood volume.

The devil's mark was given to the Enchantress, and the second stage of E exploded to trigger the thunder and trigger the second stage of Q. Ike threw a Q towards the restrained Rambo to get an assist. Li Hao saw the Holy Spear brother coming out of the tower, and the shadow of the demon disappeared. He stepped on Ma Run's face and directly took the head, and the defense tower dinged, transferring the hatred to the enchantress.

Li Hao's second-stage W came out of the tower, bringing out the lightning from the defense tower, and also allowed the excavator with Ma Run's skill to leave the tower safely.

The Holy Spear brother pushed the line of troops under the Rambot Tower. After Marin was resurrected, he was afraid that the opponent would squat again, so he didn't dare to press the teleport.

He accepted the loss and went out with his real eyes.

Funny doesn't even have the courage to look directly at this enchantress with 4 heads.

After the Enchantress was upgraded to level 6, the Emperor of Shurima was only level 4, which is quite shameful.

The excavator wandered around in the middle lane, clearing the field of vision of the King of France and the Wild King through scanning and real eyes, and the space for the male gun was subsequently compressed.

The disadvantage in the middle lane is too great, making this jungle king uncomfortable even when farming.

Whenever he sees Miss in the middle, he will pull the wild monster aside.

At 7 minutes and 4 seconds, the Czar, who was full of health, took advantage of Enchantress's skills under the tower and instantly became disabled, scaring Funny into losing another wave of troops.

Seeing Funny return to the city, Li Hao accepted the blue buff, and then invaded the LGD wild area with the excavator.

He knew that Amy was good at controlling wild monsters, not to mention that he was holding a male gun.

On the big screen, after brushing the F4 male gun, I went to brush the red buff.

Zzr relied on the art of earth hearing and discovered it as soon as he arrived.

Turn on the scan and invade.

Li Hao spotted Zzr's mark and struck directly.

W raised his hand to the male gunman's side, and used E at close range, without giving Amy time to react. Then he put up his Q skill, and then interspersed with basic attacks.

This is the most commonly used technique to keep people in the jungle. When the second stage E triggers the second stage Q damage, you can arbitrarily intersperse the flat A.

Zzr also dug a tunnel and directly raised the man's gun.

Li Hao controlled the enchantress to stand behind the male gunman. In this way, he couldn't escape even if he flashed with R.

As the damage from the Enchantress exploded, Amy died suddenly on the spot!


Humanity is unstoppable!

Zzr took over the red buff and turned to the bottom lane together with the Enchantress. They had originally planned to capture the wild king, but it was really just a way to capture the wild king.

Hirano Aya and Imp can't help it. Rambo does have TP on the road, but Ike also has it.

The bottom lane had no choice but to let go of the troops stuck in the middle. Lucian and Thresh retreated all the way to their second tower.

Snake immediately moved to the small dragon area and captured the earth dragon.

The rhythm of the game has been controlled by the Snakes.

('-'*ゞThank you to the leader of [Stars for Brightness] for the reward!! It’s a big expense! Thank you for your love!

Thanks to [Mimiya] and [Twilight Hell] for their 10,000-point reward! ! Thanks to [Several Wanderings in the Dark] for the reward!

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