LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 330 Suffocation! (3/3)

Chapter 330 Suffocation! (33)

At this time, even if the players from the two teams were wearing headphones, they could still hear the huge screams of tens of thousands of people in the Zenith Stadium!


Colonel Guan no longer cares about poisonous milk buffs, and the guy in the middle can't help buffing them anyway.

He shouted excitedly, and Rita beside him was shocked.


"The King just seized a wave of opportunities and killed the rock bird with full health! He also used Bdd double moves!"

"So strong! The King is so strong!"

Changmao also widened his eyes: "He hit the A at the ranged soldier, what a detail!"

"TheKing was already ready to kill Bdd when he ran to ward him!"

Rita: "In other words, Brother Hao has long regarded Bdd as a dead person?"

"Hahaha, that's understandable!"


"Nice, Brother Hao!"

Lin Weixiang, Liu Qingsong and Wolf Brother were all shouting, and Flando who was on the road even shouted:


"Brother Hao, you don't have to care about our feelings! Kill this Bdd!"

Li Hao smiled and gave direct instructions without talking to them:

"Bdd we'll kill later, take the dragon now!"


"This fire dragon is so beautiful!"

At 10 minutes and 4 seconds, Snake accepted the fire dragon.

After Li Hao got two kills in a row, the situation of the game was completely changed.

A very important point of KZ's system is Bdd. He must be able to suppress the sword girl and then roam to support, providing enough time and space for the development of the rat king.

After taking control of the line, Yanque can assist Peanut in doing things. Whether it is counterattack or arresting people, they are proactive because Olaf is not even qualified to invade.

However, after the explosive development of Dao Mei, KZ will not be able to stabilize the current situation.

Yanque in the middle did not flash, and Sword Girl flashed but failed to hand over. After Li Hao went home to replenish his equipment, killing him was as easy as eating and drinking.

Bdd loses the line right instantly, and Snake's strong period will be infinitely amplified.

The mid-term combat effectiveness of Olaf + Sword Girl has entered a new level.

Coupled with this fire dragon that could have been obtained, it can only be said that KZ's early efforts are now all in vain!

Backstage, Snake's uniform team was having a party. They are all sensible people and can naturally understand the situation.

Similarly, everyone on Coach Sin's side is feeling cold.


A great situation will be ruined in one day!

However, they still pin their hopes on the players of KZ.

Hope they can get back into the game next time.

In the middle, after clearing the next wave of artillery soldiers, Li Hao returned to the city with a large sum of money.

He glanced towards the upper road, Scorpion caught him, and Flandre was held back by Qinggangying's ultimate move.

But he used counterattack storm to delay time and followed the flash to escape, without giving Scorpion a chance to use his ultimate move.

At 10 minutes and 36 seconds, when Li Hao came out of the spring, he already had the power of the three phases in his hand!

Bdd still has a B number, so I directly updated it with armor shoes when I got home.

Just now, she was killed at full health. At that time, the sword girl only had one radiant light. If she doesn't replenish her defensive equipment now, she will be beaten into a background later.

Bdd now regrets banning the fan.

If she is an old woman with strong bones, she will not die if she goes to the wave.

At 10 minutes and 53 seconds, Tam, who returned to the city, entered the top half with Olaf.

The weapons master teleported to the line, and after Li Hao pushed his troops in the middle, he and the three of them headed to the Dalong Pit.

In this wave, all Snake players were at full strength and directly won the Rift Pioneer.

Then, he invaded the blue zone of KZ to seize the view.

The Qinggang Shadow who was on the road was forced away, and Khan lost a wave of minions.

Gloria wanted to cause trouble for EZ, but Lin Weixiang kept his E skill. He only used Q and didn't give Gloria a chance at all.

After a big rhythm in the middle, KZ obviously lost its morale and its pace was chaotic.

Peanut went to the bottom lane and ganked, grabbing EZ.

Tahm Kench gives R to Scorpion, swallows EZ directly, and retreats calmly.

Kasa seized the opportunity to come to the middle and release the Rift Herald.

Bdd had no choice. One of the towers in KZ was pushed, and Olaf and Dao Mei shared the economy.

The Pioneer hit the second tower of KZ again, forcing Khan on the top lane to come back and defend, causing the Weapon Master to flourish on the top lane.

When KZ opened a hole and failed to stop the loss in time, their situation became worse and worse.

At the beginning of 15 minutes, KZ lost all three outer towers.

The headcount is still 1:2, but KZ has fallen behind by more than 5,000 in economy!

At 16 minutes and 47 seconds, the second earth dragon was obtained by Snake.

At this time, Dao Mei's last hit count has reached 190 knives, while Yanque only has 150 knives.

Although Rat King is difficult to fight in the bottom lane, Kai'Sa's number of last hits is not much different from EZ's, less than 10.

But the terrible thing is that EZ's equipment takes shape faster.

Pray has just added attack speed boots and sheep knives, and EZ already has Mo Zong, small wooden hammer, Yao Guang, and a lot of money on him.

At 18 minutes, EZ's equipment changed to Magic Cut plus Three Phases.

In the next 10 minutes or so, EZ also entered an absolutely strong period.

Li Hao added mercury sash, mercury shoes, and purple rain forest fist.

This makes KZ even more desperate than full output.

The sword girl has the highest level in the game, and the damage has been overflowed. Now that the mercury is released, it means that she will not be able to use the scorpion ultimate move and then be charged with one set and be killed in seconds.

Olaf has R and Tahm can protect.

Liu Qingsong is already on his way out of Mercury.

When his mercury is also made, the little peanut who started very happily can almost hang up.

You can't drag a weapons master over, right?

Isn't Flandre ecstatic? As soon as the counterattack storm started, the sword girl rushed up to R, send~!

Coach Sin was already restless at this time and drank several glasses of water.

On the big screen, Snake is operating the upper half of the field of view.

From the KZ side, it is almost pitch black near the river.

Obviously, Snake is going to take action against the dragon!

19 minutes and 04 seconds.

Gloria carefully went to the river to get a view.


A burst of exclamations erupted from the Zenith Stadium!

The sword girl hides her E in the grass, Luo flashes out in a thrilling way, and is almost stunned!

Gloria's reaction to this wave was very quick, which made Li Hao secretly say it was a pity.

At 20 minutes and 3 seconds, Snake's layout unfolded. After they arranged their vision, the weapon master began to lead the lane in the bottom lane.

The blood volume of KZ's second tower in the bottom lane is not satisfied.

Khan's skills are not bad, but he was harassed by Snake too many times, and his development was obviously not up to par.

Without a defensive tower, a single weapon would never be able to defeat it.

When Flandre brought the army line over, the people in the upper two lines of Snake immediately gathered at the big dragon pit.

At this time, KZ faced the dual pressure of the army line and the Baron being rushed.

But the dragon obviously cannot be released.

Pray used his vision transformation to illuminate the big dragon pit. In an instant, he saw the four Snakes squatting in the big dragon pit, but did not fight.

However, the blue jewelry was quickly dropped by A.

Now, the dragon pit is completely dark.

From a God's perspective, Snake directly opened the baron, because their vision was well arranged and they clearly understood the positions of everyone in KZ.

Obviously, KZ is hesitant.

By the time the little peanut lit up the divination flower, the hearts of everyone in KZ were already half cold.

"Snake the dragon fights too fast!"

"This wave of Rush is gone!"

Changmao: "Sure, Snake has at least an 80% chance of winning if this wave of dragons is won!"

On the lower route, Flandre immediately retreated.

He was already sure that he could take the baron, and he saw the rock bird heading up the road, so he didn't give KZ a chance to double-team at all.

Baron Nash's scream seemed to sing KZ's tragic song.

Snake returns to the city to replenish his supplies and execute 311 tactics.

Knife Girl and Weapon each lead their own way, while Tam, EZ and Olaf are together.

In the second tower on the bottom lane, Khan can barely hold on to the Weapon Master, but the defense tower is also losing health.

EZ's damage was exaggerated, and EAQ in the middle knocked out most of Kai'Sa's blood!

The damage caused by this explosion directly caused Pray to hand over treatment.

When the director showed the camera, Lin Weixiang let out an excited roar! The expression is strong, obviously showing passion!

The worst thing is Bdd, he can't hold the second tower anymore.

The minion Rock Bird boosted by the Baron Buff could not be cleared with a wave of skills. Dao Mei followed the line of soldiers directly to the tower, and Bdd could only retreat.

Now, the only way for KZ to break the game is to take advantage of the characteristics of the lineup to actively start a team!

But Little Peanut can no longer initiate it.

Another terrible thing is that Kai'Sa's equipment is not up. She only has a few attack speed swords and not even splitting arrows.

The personnel were spread out, and KZ's damage was obviously not enough.

However, Snake is clear-headed and will play this with you.

When he saw Dao Mei easily break the upper tower, then force Bdd into the high ground, and then switch to the middle lane to break the second tower of KZ, Coach Sin had no choice but to shake his head.

The weapon master smashed the second tower. In less than three minutes, all the outer towers of KZ were lost.

What made them even more suffocated was that Snake didn't give them a chance at all. After pushing the tower, they left the army line to KZ to deal with, then cleared all the jungle areas, and then took down the third dragon.

This kind of rhythm means no chance at all.

The headcount is 1:2, but it has been managed to create an economic gap of 11,000 yuan, and it is no longer possible to play.

Snake went home to update his equipment, bring his buffs, and attack the KZ highland in full swing.

At 25 minutes and 4 seconds, Bdd used his ultimate move to split Snake's formation.

It's a pity that blocking an EZ in a corner is of no use. People are not afraid of it at all.

At 25 minutes and 34 seconds, after EZ reached Kai'Sa with Q, a big move hit the Rat King again, forcing Kai'Sa to return to the city.

"Go to the high ground!"

"Go to the high ground!"

There was a fierce shout in the voice of Snake's team, and the weapons master immediately stood forward.

When the KZ lineup was scattered, Liu Qingsong activated his ultimate move and came directly behind the tower.

Dao Mei also got into the car.

Scorpion's position was cut off from his teammates, and Little Peanut was forced to hand over Flash.

Li Hao could use e to catch Scorpion, but he couldn't get up at all. Snake's lineup is strong in frontal combat, but has poor pursuit capabilities. He doesn't need to swell up to do this.

At that moment, KZ's highland tower and crystal on the top road were directly destroyed.

When they gathered in the middle, KZ finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Ka'Sa regained her form, and Luo Kaida took the initiative in the middle!

Flash made his grand debut and raised Dao Mei and Olaf, and Scorpion and Qinggangying also rushed up.

On Snake's side, Flandre jumped directly in Chekasha's face.

After Li Hao landed, he flashed straight towards Pray, who was flashed by the weapon!

Scorpion wanted to stop him, but Li Hao's ultimate move was instantly solved by Mercury.

First release one section of E, follow R to Q and use the second section of E during the Q process, get close to A and connect to Q to trigger the mark of E, and finally finish with A and connect to Q to complete the kill!

The quickest combo with low error tolerance was unleashed by him freely, like mercury dripping down the ground!

Kill the daughter of the void under the front tooth tower!

The Zenith Stadium is in a state of excitement!

Everyone is watching KZ's final moments.

"Pray is dead!"

"Flandre became murderous, her weapon Q entered the spring water, and the rock bird was killed! The weapon was killed by the spring water!"

"Hey, Brother Holy Spear is here to kill you!"

“There’s a huge difference in ability between the two sides in cutting back rows!”

"EZ killed Grella with a backhand. Scorpion has no ultimate move, so it's useless!"

"Qinggangying to R!"

"Liu Qingsong appeared and swallowed Lin Weixiang! There is no solution to this!"

On the screen, Olaf slashed randomly, killing the scorpion in his solo.

When Qinggangying was also killed by EZ, Lin Weixiang on the Snake player bench excitedly slapped the mouse pad!

He almost shouted who else!

The LPL audience watched happily, but the two Korean commentators lost their energy.

Snake wiped out KZ in one wave, and the head-to-head ratio was fixed at 2:7.

Then, they marched straight in along the top lane and flattened KZ in one wave!

"Congratulations Snake!"

"What a beautiful victory!"

"They found an opportunity when they were at a disadvantage and once played a rhythm that suppressed KZ!"

Changmao shouted: "The sword girl only had 3 kills in this battle, but that wave of single kills in the middle was worth thousands of gold!"

"It can be said that that crucial single kill was the turning point of this game!"

"Everyone on Snake's side also performed well, and performed a tough and superb performance that belongs to the world's top teams!"

"Congratulations Snake~!"


"Congratulations Snake!"

PS: It’s a little late because of a small outbreak.

Good night.

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