LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 336 He is having fun!

A hearty victory filled LPL players with joy.

In the LMS competition area, many people feel like they have eaten gunpowder.

In the first game of the finals, Mabao's performance was disastrous. The collapse in the middle caused Galio to wander around at will. This was the biggest reason why the Flash Wolves lost the game.

But this is not Mommy’s fault alone.

Galio's new talent ideas caught him off guard and made it easy.

However, Moojin’s male gun made many mama’s baby fans angry!

In the LMS Alliance GG forum:

[Karsa is always one step ahead of Moojin, the male gun only helps vampires collect corpses]

Someone said angrily: [Get rid of it! Get rid of Moojin! What kind of player? This is just a jungler, right? 】

Some fans of Mabao also said: [Mabao brought the Death Scythe before going to Berlin. He was killing everyone in the group stage. Even KZ was no match. This time when he goes to Paris, Mabao is going to continue to fight with Theking with the scythe. Kill, but Moojin secretly placed Ma Bao's sickle in Berlin. This is Ma Bao's fate. He has a fake brother who lies on him to suck blood, and a yesterday's brother who left him and stabbed him. This MSI finals allowed me to see the cruel Shura field. 】

Some people also kindly reminded: [Mom, be careful of Moojin! 】

Don’t blame the Mabao fans outside for complaining. After the Lightning Wolves returned to the backstage, even the War Horse coach was stunned. Considering the mood of taking care of the team members, he pulled Moojin aside and said alone:

"Magic Mirror, you have to pay more attention to Mommy's baby."

"He is under a lot of pressure and is constantly being targeted by his opponents. Snake is different from other teams. We cannot leave the mid lane alone."

Seeing that Moojin wanted to speak, Zhanma said first: "I know what you are thinking. After getting a hero like Male Gun, you will definitely want to grow up and take the lead and take on more responsibilities for the team. I appreciate your idea, but from now on From the beginning of the next game, I must strictly implement the tactics I arranged.”

Moojin took a breath and nodded.

Coach War Horse sees everything.

After all, this is a world arena that is watched by league players all over the world, and it is the finals. This is a vanity fair, and many players will be tempted.

There is nothing wrong with Moojin wanting to develop the carry game.

Although Ma Bao’s fans were angry after watching this, it was not Moojin’s fault for losing the first game.

Ever since the first wave of vampires were knocked out and flashed, Flash Wolf had already fallen into a strange circle, and then it was completely realized by the ubiquitous Galio.

Coach Warhorse was secretly shocked. Just when the game was about to end, he was still discussing with the Flash Wolves uniform team. The King had already brought the characteristics of Galio to the extreme.

The head-to-head ratio was 16-2, and Galio scored 5/0/8.

War Horse and Moojin walked back to the middle of the team, and they used the remaining time to discuss tactics for the next game.

Backstage at Snake, after Chris briefly talked about a few wards problems, he asked Li Hao:

"Brother Hao, will you return Galio in the next game?"

Flandre immediately put down the water glass: "Chris, are you going to cause trouble?"

The smart man pretended to be angry: "Why don't you fight Galio!"

Everyone was amused.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Actually, you can continue to take it, but Mabao is on guard. Kasa and I's attack in the front will not be as smooth as the first game."

"Furthermore, I feel that Galio will be overthrown. This MSI of Flash Wolves is basically unreliable. When playing FNC, they all targeted ban heroes, so don't talk about us."

Liu Qingsong and the others were nodding.

Li Hao changed the topic: "However, we can continue to use similar tactics."

"The Flash Wolves have three axes. They tend to attack quickly and violently in the early stage. Once their rhythm is disrupted, the Flash Wolves will not be as strong as before."


Chris agreed very much: "There is indeed a problem with their adjustment ability, and they are better at playing advantageous games."

He smiled sinisterly and said: "Moojin will definitely be criticized at this meeting. General Haoxuan's performance is like nailing Moojin to the background wall."

Hearing this, Brother Wolf smiled happily.

"Then, you can imagine with your buttocks that the war horse coach will tell Moojin to ensure the safety of the big-legged baby in the middle. If it weren't for the vampire's huge disadvantage in front, we wouldn't dare to let the baby develop like this. After all, this guy's carry ability is still there. Pretty strong.”

Chris mentioned this, and Snake's general strategy for the second game came out.

Flandre immediately said:

"Halabi can definitely give a package. He was really not timid at all in the laning just now!"

Even during the break, the LPL studio was very lively.

The Haier brothers and Wang Duoduo are scrambling to analyze the reasons for their victory in the last game.

Highlights are still being played on the big screen.

The director in Paris is really making trouble.

He put together the actions of both midfielders and junglers. Every time Snake's midfielder and jungler teamed up to kill a vampire, the male gunner would be given a shot.

Brushing Demon Swamp Frogs, Brushing River Crabs, and filling in the middle routes, Moojin is just swiping!

It feels like Zhang Jiawen logged in from another place.

Magic Mirror's last-hit count in the early stage has always suppressed Karsa, and it has been suppressed to death.

But when he got to the back, he was chased everywhere by a wolf-headed Galio. Once he was controlled, he was followed by a scissor kick to kill him. All kinds of things were real.

Regardless of the vampire, if the vampire collapses, the jungle will collapse as well.

This is the Flash Wolf version of Lip Death and Tooth Cold. Moojin is like a mirror, allowing many "real junglers" to see themselves.

LCS main studio room.

The voices of Coster, Charles and others spread throughout the venue:

"Caps, what do you think of The King's Galio?"

Hat King said:

"That was an unusual Galio. He kept running, and then he looked for his prey in the canyon. Whether it was a vampire or a captain, they were all a feast. I felt his hunger."

"This makes me excited. I want to try this kind of gameplay when I go back. Unfortunately, Pochet's Green Steel Shadow is too tricky, like my grandma is operating it."

"Hahahaha!" There was a cheerful voice in the studio, and many audience members also laughed.

FNC jungler Pochet, who was watching the game in Paris, was speechless.

Bibabu on the side smiled evilly and said, "Did you see that this guy is talking bad about you?"

"Your Qinggang image is operated by his grandmother."


"I'm not deaf, do you need to repeat it?!" Pochet tried to hit him, but Bibab dodged.

"Caps is too arrogant, just wait and see."

"Wait until we get back to the base and watch me blow his ass!"

Bochet grinned fiercely.

Of course, these people were joking, and Bochet didn't care at all, just like he usually complained about Caps' nonsense.

Hi, they turned their attention back to the screen, only to hear Coster echoing what the Hat King said.

"Caps is right, I can also feel The King's hunger."

"I believe that one game cannot satisfy The King, he will start a new round of preying!"

“Food is Maple, Moojin, Halabi”

As he boasted, the crowd erupted in cheers.

The chatting and laughing audience turned their attention back to the stage.

The second battle between Snake and FW begins again.

"Snake chose the red side this time!"

In the commentary box, Miller introduced loudly:

"The Flash Wolves are very cautious. They killed Galio on the first floor!"

"Brother Hao's understanding is still terrifying. The wolf head gameplay has given Galio new life."


Wang Duoduo said plausibly: "The strength of Galio shown by Brother Hao in the last game is enough to appear on the table of the coaching staff of all major teams. Everyone must pay attention to this hero again."

This time Wang Duoduo was right.

Not only the major teams are paying attention, but even the Riot headquarters has set its sights.

Snake defeated Karma on the first floor.

FW took down Ryze and Morgana again.

Snake took down Olaf, who was strong in the early stage. After a little hesitation on the third floor, they took down the rock bird.

After winning the last battle, Snake's thinking didn't change much this time.

"Snake didn't ban Kaisha in the end!"

"This is a challenge for Flash Wolf. Betty has never chosen Kai'Sa in previous games. There is doubt whether he can play?"

Wawa said: "If they don't choose, Snake will most likely be given to Lin Weixiang."

"Moreover, this will make it difficult to do BP in the future, because Snake will release all Kai'Sa later."

Miller nodded and praised: "Snake is still stable. They now have a victory in hand. Let's test the strength of Flash Wolf."

"Chosen, Daughter of the Void!"

Wang Duoduoshu asked: "I didn't know Betty's Kai'Sa was so effective."

"Snake grabs Luo!"

"The second floor is still Qinggangying!"

In the Lightning Wolf player's seat, Ma Bao's expression changed.

He stared at the profile picture of Qinggangying on the second floor of Snake, and his mind couldn't help but flash back to Casa's past voice and appearance, as well as the days when they were together.

They ran together in the sunset and watched the four o'clock sun on Baodao together.

Now, everything has changed!

In the previous round, Qinggang Ying hit the ground with every kick, suffocating Ma Bao.

Of course, he also had a strong desire in his heart to teach Casa a lesson and let everyone know

The Wolf King cannot be fucked!

War Horse also said: "Maybe he is still a jungler."

"Moojin, this time you choose a front row to support the space, and we will play the system."

Moojin hummed, indicating that it was okay.

Troll, a high-priority hero, is still out there, but FW did not choose it. Instead, they locked Pig Girl on the second floor.

If Snake doesn't take the meat, the troll will be at a loss if it can't suck people.

Meanwhile, Flash Wolf needs more control.

In the last game, they also suffered from the lack of control skills, otherwise they would have to kill Galio twice.

When he thought of Galio pretending to be cool and leaving, the war horse coach quickly urged the magic mirror to choose the pig girl.

On the third floor, Lightning Wolf chose Snake.

Snake once again captured the cannon on the third floor.

Then, Snake knocked off the bull head and Tam.

Lightning Wolf defeated Dragon King and Ornn.

Snake selected the blind monk on the fourth floor.

"That Qinggangying is the top laner."

Miller continued what Wawa said: "Qinggangying can play top lane, after all, Halabi's hero has not been selected yet."

"Now if you ask Qinggang Shadow to pick someone like Gnar in the jungle, Halabi would dare to pick a swordsman. This person has a big temper."

The audience's attention was focused on the Flash Wolves' final two selections.

The war horse coach confirmed again and again next to Halabi, and he could see Halabi nodding his head.

Coach Warhorse wants him to take Sion.

But I have concerns.

At this Msi, Harabi's winning rate when playing tanks was significantly lower.

Players like Qinggangying, Captain, and Yasuo have a high winning rate.

Shen, who seems to be very stable, has a 0% winning rate in the hands of Halabi.

Therefore, in the face of Halabi's affirmative words, relying on that kind of record data, the War Horse coach chose to trust.

Of course, there is another very important point.

Snake has a four-one point push system, and Qinggangying needs someone to guard it.

Thus, the semi-final showdown between Flandre and Khan took place again.

Flash Wolf fourth floor, locked weapon master!

The War Horse coach looked at the lineup and saw that defense was clearly needed in the early stages.

For the auxiliary position, Braum, who is second only to Tahm in MSI, was also chosen!

Bron's defense and backhand ability allow the Flash Wolves to stabilize their defense.

According to their lineup, if they hit a little later, they have a chance to take down Snake.

The war horse coach stood between Ma Bao and the magic mirror, putting his hands on their shoulders.

In this game, these two are still the key.

Snake's fastest pace is still in the middle and jungle.

"What will they choose?"

"Knife sister? Or the captain?"

Betty smiled and said: "The snake girl you took, he can't be easily trusted, right?"

"You can choose Ryze's strength, but he is defeated by the snake girl Counter."

“It’s possible Zoe.”

At the mention of Zoe, Ma Bao squinted her eyes slightly, planning to change the teleportation to purification.

Snake Girl cannot produce shoes in the early stage, and her movement speed is slow and she is afraid of sleeping bubbles.

On the opposite side, there is Qinggang Ying on the top lane, and it is very possible to pair up with Zoe in the middle lane.


When she saw Snake's profile picture on the fifth floor, Mommy was stunned for a moment.

Isn't it?

However, the avatar of this fierce little loli stayed on for several seconds.




The audience in Paris went crazy. Many people clasped their hands to their mouths and shouted loudly!

At this moment, even if they are wearing headphones, the players on the court can hear it.

The camera showed Snake's player seat.

Chris was standing next to Li Hao, tilting his head and talking.

Everyone knows that Snake is making the decision.

As a result, the audience in Paris who wanted to watch the fun became even more excited. Snake looked like he was going to cause trouble!

They exerted their strength again, cheering and shouting!

"The King, We want Annie!"


"Do it! The King!"


People saw that the man sitting in Snake's mid lane position showed a smile under the camera.

Coach Chris behind him made an action similar to closing a door. He looked relaxed and then closed his tactical book.

"——Flame is my favorite toy!"

Li Hao looked at the little loli's head.

In the finals, even if you are playing with fire, you have to be realistic.


In LPL studio, Miller said in surprise:

"I'm not just showing it off for fun, Snake has really locked it!"

"Mid laner Annie, what a renaissance!"

"It feels like I haven't seen this hero appear in hundreds of years! Let alone the mid laner!"

He asked the doll on the side: "When was the last time Annie was in the professional arena?"

"2017, but it was the All-Star game!"

Wang Duoduo interjected: "If you push it further back, the 2017 LCS European Summer League was just one game in the whole summer, and this person also participated in this MSI."


"It can't be Caps that is"

The Haier brothers shouted at the same time: "It's time to give it away!"

Wang Duoduo hummed: "The two teachers guessed it right."

"At that time, UOL played against H2K. At that time, the auxiliary fire girl was still eye stone, justice and glory, and five-speed shoes. UOL was beaten 22:6, and they were so happy that they delivered 2/6/2 data. Their own AD Player Samux also exploded, and Nuclear on the opposite side used a small cannon to chop off eight heads. No one used it after that, and it has not appeared since the 2018 season."


Wang Duoduo smiled again: "After all, it's Brother Hao, right?"

Wawa laughed: "Haha, I feel like Brother Hao is having fun!"

The sinister little loli is a strange choice, but for the audience, it is really full of expectations.

The audience at the Zenith Stadium cheered, and some people shouted: "Only The King really loves us, he knows what we like!"

"This is The King! I will always support him!"

A strong old black man shouted: "Come on Snake! Come on The King, we will be your backing!"

In the LCS main studio, Koster immediately boasted after seeing the lineup after Snake changed it:

"Another predator talent!!"

"Guys, our hunting team has grown again!"

"A blind monk, a little cutie, and..."

"A fiery bear from Runeterra!"

Coster raised his arms in the studio and shouted: "Let's go, Tibbers!"

PS: Friends, continue tomorrow!

Going to sleep now, good night! ( ̄▽ ̄)ゞ

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